Safe Haskell | Safe-Inferred |
Language | Haskell2010 |
- catchF :: forall x e e' f m a. Monad m => CatchF x e e' => (f x -> ExceptT (VariantF f e') m a) -> ExceptT (VariantF f e) m a -> ExceptT (VariantF f e') m a
- catch :: forall x e e' m a. Monad m => Catch x e e' => (x -> ExceptT (Variant e') m a) -> ExceptT (Variant e) m a -> ExceptT (Variant e') m a
- throwF :: forall x e f m a. MonadError (VariantF f e) m => e `CouldBe` x => f x -> m a
- throw :: forall x e m a. MonadError (Variant e) m => e `CouldBe` x => x -> m a
- snatchF :: forall x e f m a. Monad m => e `CouldBe` x => (f x -> ExceptT (VariantF f e) m a) -> ExceptT (VariantF f e) m a -> ExceptT (VariantF f e) m a
- snatch :: forall x e m a. Monad m => e `CouldBe` x => (x -> ExceptT (Variant e) m a) -> ExceptT (Variant e) m a -> ExceptT (Variant e) m a
- class CouldBeF (xs :: [k]) (x :: k)
- class CouldBeF xs x => CouldBe (xs :: [Type]) (x :: Type)
- type CouldBeAnyOfF e xs = All (Map (CouldBeF e) xs)
- type CouldBeAnyOf e xs = All (Map (CouldBe e) xs)
- type Variant (xs :: [Type]) = VariantF Identity xs
- data VariantF (f :: k -> Type) (xs :: [k])
- runOops :: Monad m => ExceptT (Variant '[]) m a -> m a
- runOopsInExceptT :: forall x m a. Monad m => ExceptT (Variant '[x]) m a -> ExceptT x m a
- runOopsInEither :: forall x m a. Monad m => ExceptT (Variant '[x]) m a -> m (Either x a)
- suspend :: forall x m a n b. (m (Either x a) -> n (Either x b)) -> ExceptT x m a -> ExceptT x n b
- catchOrMap :: forall x a e' m b. Monad m => (b -> a) -> (x -> ExceptT (Variant e') m a) -> ExceptT (Variant (x ': e')) m b -> ExceptT (Variant e') m a
- catchAsLeft :: forall x e m a. Monad m => ExceptT (Variant (x ': e)) m a -> ExceptT (Variant e) m (Either x a)
- catchAsNothing :: forall x e m a. Monad m => ExceptT (Variant (x ': e)) m a -> ExceptT (Variant e) m (Maybe a)
- catchAndExitFailure :: forall x e m a. MonadIO m => ExceptT (Variant (x ': e)) m a -> ExceptT (Variant e) m a
- recover :: forall x e m a. Monad m => (x -> a) -> ExceptT (Variant (x ': e)) m a -> ExceptT (Variant e) m a
- recoverOrVoid :: forall x e m. Monad m => ExceptT (Variant (x ': e)) m Void -> ExceptT (Variant e) m x
- onLeft :: forall x m a. Monad m => (x -> m a) -> m (Either x a) -> m a
- onNothing :: forall m a. Monad m => m a -> m (Maybe a) -> m a
- onLeftThrow :: forall x e m a. MonadError (Variant e) m => e `CouldBe` x => m (Either x a) -> m a
- onNothingThrow :: forall e es m a. MonadError (Variant es) m => CouldBe es e => e -> m (Maybe a) -> m a
- hoistEither :: forall x e m a. MonadError (Variant e) m => e `CouldBe` x => Monad m => Either x a -> m a
- hoistMaybe :: forall e es m a. MonadError (Variant es) m => CouldBe es e => e -> Maybe a -> m a
- onExceptionThrow :: forall x e m a. MonadCatch m => Exception x => MonadError (Variant e) m => e `CouldBe` x => m a -> m a
- onException :: forall x m a. MonadCatch m => Exception x => (x -> m a) -> m a -> m a
Catching and throwing exceptions
catchF :: forall x e e' f m a. Monad m => CatchF x e e' => (f x -> ExceptT (VariantF f e') m a) -> ExceptT (VariantF f e) m a -> ExceptT (VariantF f e') m a Source #
When working in some monadic context, using catch
becomes trickier. The
intuitive behaviour is that each catch
shrinks the variant in the left
side of my MonadError
, but this is therefore type-changing: as we can only
and catchError
with a MonadError
type, this is impossible!
To get round this problem, we have to specialise to ExceptT
, which allows
us to map over the error type and change it as we go. If the error we catch
is the one in the variant that we want to handle, we pluck it out and deal
with it. Otherwise, we "re-throw" the variant minus the one we've handled.
catch :: forall x e e' m a. Monad m => Catch x e e' => (x -> ExceptT (Variant e') m a) -> ExceptT (Variant e) m a -> ExceptT (Variant e') m a Source #
throwF :: forall x e f m a. MonadError (VariantF f e) m => e `CouldBe` x => f x -> m a Source #
Throw an error into a variant MonadError
context. Note that this isn't
type-changing, so this can work for any MonadError
, rather than just
throw :: forall x e m a. MonadError (Variant e) m => e `CouldBe` x => x -> m a Source #
Same as throwF
, but without the f
context. Given a value of some type
within a Variant
within a MonadError
context, "throw" the error.
snatchF :: forall x e f m a. Monad m => e `CouldBe` x => (f x -> ExceptT (VariantF f e) m a) -> ExceptT (VariantF f e) m a -> ExceptT (VariantF f e) m a Source #
Same as catchF
except the error is not removed from the type.
This is useful for writing recursive computations or computations that
rethrow the same error type.
snatch :: forall x e m a. Monad m => e `CouldBe` x => (x -> ExceptT (Variant e) m a) -> ExceptT (Variant e) m a -> ExceptT (Variant e) m a Source #
Same as catch
except the error is not removed from the type.
This is useful for writing recursive computations or computations that
rethrow the same error type.
Typeclasses to describe oops-style errors
class CouldBeF (xs :: [k]) (x :: k) Source #
When dealing with larger (or polymorphic) variants, it becomes difficult
(or impossible) to construct VariantF
values explicitly. In that case, the
function gives us a polymorphic way to lift values into variants.
throwF (pure "Hello") :: VariantF Maybe '[Bool, Int, Double, String]
There (There (There (Here (Just "Hello"))))
throwF (pure True) :: VariantF Maybe '[Bool, Int, Double, String]
Here (Just True)
throwF (pure True) :: VariantF IO '[Int, Double, String]
... ... • Uh oh! I couldn't find Bool inside the variant! ... If you're pretty sure I'm wrong, perhaps the variant type is ambiguous; ... could you add some annotations? ...
class CouldBeF xs x => CouldBe (xs :: [Type]) (x :: Type) Source #
type CouldBeAnyOfF e xs = All (Map (CouldBeF e) xs) Source #
As with CouldBeAnyOf
, we can also constrain a variant to represent
several possible types, as we might with several CouldBeF
using one type-level list.
type CouldBeAnyOf e xs = All (Map (CouldBe e) xs) Source #
Listing larger variants' constraints might amplify the noise of
functions' signatures. The CouldBeAnyOfF
constraint lets us specify
several types a variant may contain in a single type-level list, as opposed
to several independent constraints. So, we could replace,
f :: (e CouldBe
Int, e CouldBe
Bool, e CouldBe
Char) => VariantF IO e
with the equivalent constraint,
f :: e CouldBeAnyOf
'[Int, Bool, Char] => VariantF IO e
As CouldBeAnyOf
is just short-hand, we can use throw
just like when we
have CouldBe
:set -XTypeOperators
f :: e `CouldBeAnyOf` '[Int, Bool, Char] => Variant e f = throw 'c' :}
... and eliminate constraints in just the same way:
g :: e `CouldBeAnyOf` '[Int, Bool] => Either (Variant e) Char g = catch @Char f :}
Variant type to carry oops-style errors
data VariantF (f :: k -> Type) (xs :: [k]) Source #
The type VariantF f '[x, y, z]
is either f x
, f y
, or f z
. The
We construct these with Here
, There . Here
, and There . There . Here
respectively, and we can think o fthe number of There
-nestings as being
the index of our chosen type in the type-level list of options.
Often, however, we'll want to avoid being too explicit about our list of types, preferring instead to describe it with constraints. See the methods below for more information!
> > :t [ Here (pure "Hello"), There (Here (pure True)) ]
- Here (pure Hello), There (Here (pure True))
- :: Applicative f => [VariantF f ([Char] : Bool : xs)]
(EithersF f xs nested, Arbitrary nested) => Arbitrary (VariantF f xs) Source # | |
(Monoid (f x), Semigroup (VariantF f (x ': xs))) => Monoid (VariantF f (x ': xs)) Source # | |
AllF Semigroup f xs => Semigroup (VariantF f xs) Source # | |
AllF Show f xs => Show (VariantF f xs) Source # | |
AllF Eq f xs => Eq (VariantF f xs) Source # | |
(AllF Eq f xs, AllF Ord f xs) => Ord (VariantF f xs) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Variant Methods compare :: VariantF f xs -> VariantF f xs -> Ordering # (<) :: VariantF f xs -> VariantF f xs -> Bool # (<=) :: VariantF f xs -> VariantF f xs -> Bool # (>) :: VariantF f xs -> VariantF f xs -> Bool # (>=) :: VariantF f xs -> VariantF f xs -> Bool # |
Embedding code with oops-style error handling into other code
runOops :: Monad m => ExceptT (Variant '[]) m a -> m a Source #
Add 'ExceptT (Variant '[])' to the monad transformer stack.
runOopsInExceptT :: forall x m a. Monad m => ExceptT (Variant '[x]) m a -> ExceptT x m a Source #
Run an oops expression that throws one error in an ExceptT.
runOopsInEither :: forall x m a. Monad m => ExceptT (Variant '[x]) m a -> m (Either x a) Source #
Run an oops expression that throws one error in an Either.
This function can also be implemented this way (which could be instructive for implementing your own combinators)
suspend :: forall x m a n b. (m (Either x a) -> n (Either x b)) -> ExceptT x m a -> ExceptT x n b Source #
Error handling
catchOrMap :: forall x a e' m b. Monad m => (b -> a) -> (x -> ExceptT (Variant e') m a) -> ExceptT (Variant (x ': e')) m b -> ExceptT (Variant e') m a Source #
catchAsLeft :: forall x e m a. Monad m => ExceptT (Variant (x ': e)) m a -> ExceptT (Variant e) m (Either x a) Source #
catchAsNothing :: forall x e m a. Monad m => ExceptT (Variant (x ': e)) m a -> ExceptT (Variant e) m (Maybe a) Source #
catchAndExitFailure :: forall x e m a. MonadIO m => ExceptT (Variant (x ': e)) m a -> ExceptT (Variant e) m a Source #
Catch the specified exception. If that exception is caught, exit the program.
recover :: forall x e m a. Monad m => (x -> a) -> ExceptT (Variant (x ': e)) m a -> ExceptT (Variant e) m a Source #
Catch the specified exception and return it instead. The evaluated computation must return the same type that is being caught.
recoverOrVoid :: forall x e m. Monad m => ExceptT (Variant (x ': e)) m Void -> ExceptT (Variant e) m x Source #
Catch the specified exception and return it instead. The evaluated computation
must return Void
(ie. it never returns)
Converting error values to oops-style error handling
onLeftThrow :: forall x e m a. MonadError (Variant e) m => e `CouldBe` x => m (Either x a) -> m a Source #
When the expression of type 'm (Either x a)' evaluates to 'pure (Left x)', throw the x
otherwise return a
onNothingThrow :: forall e es m a. MonadError (Variant es) m => CouldBe es e => e -> m (Maybe a) -> m a Source #
When the expression of type 'Maybe a' evaluates to Nothing
, throw the specified value,
otherwise return a
hoistEither :: forall x e m a. MonadError (Variant e) m => e `CouldBe` x => Monad m => Either x a -> m a Source #
When the expression of type 'Either x a' evaluates to 'Left x', throw the x
otherwise return a
hoistMaybe :: forall e es m a. MonadError (Variant es) m => CouldBe es e => e -> Maybe a -> m a Source #
When the expression of type 'Maybe a' evaluates to Nothing
, throw the specified value,
otherwise return a
Converting exceptions to oops-style error handling
onExceptionThrow :: forall x e m a. MonadCatch m => Exception x => MonadError (Variant e) m => e `CouldBe` x => m a -> m a Source #
Catch an exception of the specified type x
and throw it as an error
onException :: forall x m a. MonadCatch m => Exception x => (x -> m a) -> m a -> m a Source #
Catch an exception of the specified type x
and call the the handler h