{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}

module Opaleye.Field where

import qualified Opaleye.Column   as C
import qualified Opaleye.PGTypes  as T

type family Field_ (a :: Nullability) b

data Nullability = NonNullable | Nullable

type instance Field_ 'NonNullable a = C.Column a
type instance Field_ 'Nullable a = C.Column (C.Nullable a)
type FieldNullable  a = Field_ 'Nullable a
type Field a = Field_ 'NonNullable a

-- | A NULL of any type
null :: FieldNullable a
null = C.null

-- | @TRUE@ if the value of the column is @NULL@, @FALSE@ otherwise.
isNull :: FieldNullable a -> Field T.PGBool
isNull = C.isNull

-- | If the @Field 'Nullable a@ is NULL then return the @Field
-- 'NonNullable b@ otherwise map the underlying @Field 'Nullable a@
-- using the provided function.
-- The Opaleye equivalent of 'Data.Maybe.maybe'.
-- Will be generalized to @Field_ n b@ in a later version.
matchNullable :: Field_ 'NonNullable b
              -- ^
              -> (Field_ 'NonNullable a -> Field_ 'NonNullable b)
              -- ^
              -> Field_ 'Nullable a
              -- ^
              -> Field_ 'NonNullable b
matchNullable = C.matchNullable

-- | If the @Field 'Nullable a@ is NULL then return the provided
-- @Field 'NonNullable a@ otherwise return the underlying @Field
-- 'NonNullable a@.
-- The Opaleye equivalent of 'Data.Maybe.fromMaybe' and very similar
-- to PostgreSQL's @COALESCE@.
-- Will be generalized to @Field_ n a@ in a later version.
fromNullable :: Field_ 'NonNullable a
             -- ^
             -> Field_ 'Nullable a
             -- ^
             -> Field_ 'NonNullable a
fromNullable = C.fromNullable

-- | Treat a field as though it were nullable.  This is always safe.
-- The Opaleye equivalent of 'Data.Maybe.Just'.
-- Will be generalized to @Field_ n a@ in a later version.
toNullable :: Field_ 'NonNullable a -> Field_ 'Nullable a
toNullable = C.unsafeCoerceColumn

-- | If the argument is 'Data.Maybe.Nothing' return NULL otherwise return the
-- provided value coerced to a nullable type.
-- Will be generalized to @Maybe (Field_ n a)@ in a later version.
maybeToNullable :: Maybe (Field_ 'NonNullable a)
                -> Field_ 'Nullable a
maybeToNullable = C.maybeToNullable