{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances, MultiParamTypeClasses #-}

module Opaleye.Internal.Values where

import           Opaleye.Internal.Column (Column(Column))
import qualified Opaleye.Internal.Unpackspec as U
import qualified Opaleye.Internal.Tag as T
import qualified Opaleye.Internal.PrimQuery as PQ
import qualified Opaleye.Internal.PackMap as PM
import qualified Opaleye.Internal.HaskellDB.PrimQuery as HPQ
import qualified Opaleye.Internal.PGTypes
import qualified Opaleye.SqlTypes

import           Data.Functor.Identity (runIdentity)
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NEL
import           Data.Profunctor (Profunctor, dimap, rmap, lmap)
import           Data.Profunctor.Product (ProductProfunctor)
import qualified Data.Profunctor.Product as PP
import           Data.Profunctor.Product.Default (Default, def)

import           Control.Applicative (Applicative, pure, (<*>))

-- FIXME: We don't currently handle the case of zero columns.  Need to
-- emit a dummy column and data.
valuesU :: U.Unpackspec columns columns'
        -> Valuesspec columns columns'
        -> [columns]
        -> ((), T.Tag) -> (columns', PQ.PrimQuery, T.Tag)
valuesU unpack valuesspec rows ((), t) = (newColumns, primQ', T.next t)
  where runRow row = valuesRow
           where (_, valuesRow) =
                   PM.run (U.runUnpackspec unpack extractValuesEntry row)

        (newColumns, valuesPEs_nulls) =
          PM.run (runValuesspec valuesspec (extractValuesField t))

        valuesPEs = map fst valuesPEs_nulls

        values :: [[HPQ.PrimExpr]]
        values = map runRow rows

        primQ' = case NEL.nonEmpty values of
          Nothing      -> PQ.Empty ()
          Just values' -> PQ.Values valuesPEs values'

-- We don't actually use the return value of this.  It might be better
-- to come up with another Applicative instance for specifically doing
-- what we need.
extractValuesEntry :: HPQ.PrimExpr -> PM.PM [HPQ.PrimExpr] HPQ.PrimExpr
extractValuesEntry pe = do
  PM.write pe
  return pe

extractValuesField :: T.Tag -> primExpr
                   -> PM.PM [(HPQ.Symbol, primExpr)] HPQ.PrimExpr
extractValuesField = PM.extractAttr "values"

newtype Valuesspec columns columns' =
  Valuesspec (PM.PackMap () HPQ.PrimExpr () columns')

type ValuesspecUnsafe = Valuesspec

runValuesspec :: Applicative f => Valuesspec columns columns'
              -> (() -> f HPQ.PrimExpr) -> f columns'
runValuesspec (Valuesspec v) f = PM.traversePM v f ()

-- For 0.7 put an `IsSqlType a` constraint on here, so that we can
-- later use it without breaking the API
instance Default Valuesspec (Column a) (Column a) where
  def = Valuesspec (PM.iso id Column)

valuesUSafe :: ValuesspecSafe columns columns'
            -> [columns]
            -> ((), T.Tag) -> (columns', PQ.PrimQuery, T.Tag)
valuesUSafe valuesspec@(ValuesspecSafe _ unpack) rows ((), t) =
  (newColumns, primQ', T.next t)
  where runRow row =
          case PM.run (U.runUnpackspec unpack extractValuesEntry row) of
            (_, []) -> [zero]
            (_, xs) -> xs

        (newColumns, valuesPEs_nulls) =
          PM.run (runValuesspecSafe valuesspec (extractValuesField t))

        valuesPEs = map fst valuesPEs_nulls
        nulls = case map snd valuesPEs_nulls of
          []     -> [nullInt]
          nulls' -> nulls'

        yieldNoRows :: PQ.PrimQuery -> PQ.PrimQuery
        yieldNoRows = PQ.restrict (HPQ.ConstExpr (HPQ.BoolLit False))

        zero = HPQ.ConstExpr (HPQ.IntegerLit 0)
        nullInt = HPQ.CastExpr (Opaleye.Internal.PGTypes.showSqlType
                                  (Nothing :: Maybe Opaleye.SqlTypes.SqlInt4))
                               (HPQ.ConstExpr HPQ.NullLit)

        (values, wrap) = case NEL.nonEmpty rows of
          Nothing    -> (pure nulls, yieldNoRows)
          Just rows' -> (fmap runRow rows', id)

        primQ' = wrap (PQ.Values valuesPEs values)

data ValuesspecSafe columns columns' =
  ValuesspecSafe (PM.PackMap HPQ.PrimExpr HPQ.PrimExpr () columns')
                 (U.Unpackspec columns columns')

runValuesspecSafe :: Applicative f
                  => ValuesspecSafe columns columns'
                  -> (HPQ.PrimExpr -> f HPQ.PrimExpr)
                  -> f columns'
runValuesspecSafe (ValuesspecSafe v _) f = PM.traversePM v f ()

valuesspecField :: Opaleye.SqlTypes.IsSqlType a
                => ValuesspecSafe (Column a) (Column a)
valuesspecField = def

instance Opaleye.Internal.PGTypes.IsSqlType a
  => Default ValuesspecSafe (Column a) (Column a) where
  def = def_
    where def_ = ValuesspecSafe (PM.PackMap (\f () -> fmap Column (f null_)))
          null_ = nullPE sqlType

          sqlType = columnProxy def_
          columnProxy :: f (Column sqlType) -> Maybe sqlType
          columnProxy _ = Nothing

nullPE :: Opaleye.SqlTypes.IsSqlType a => proxy a -> HPQ.PrimExpr
nullPE sqlType = HPQ.CastExpr (Opaleye.Internal.PGTypes.showSqlType sqlType)
                              (HPQ.ConstExpr HPQ.NullLit)

-- Implementing this in terms of Valuesspec for convenience
newtype Nullspec fields fields' = Nullspec (ValuesspecSafe fields fields')

nullspecField :: Opaleye.SqlTypes.IsSqlType b
              => Nullspec a (Column b)
nullspecField = Nullspec (lmap e valuesspecField)
  where e = error (concat [ "We looked at the argument of a Nullspec when we "
                          , "expected that we never would!  This is a bug in "
                          , "Opaleye.  Please report it, if you can reproduce "
                          , "it."

nullspecList :: Nullspec a [b]
nullspecList = pure []

nullspecEitherLeft :: Nullspec a b
                   -> Nullspec a (Either b b')
nullspecEitherLeft = fmap Left

nullspecEitherRight :: Nullspec a b'
                    -> Nullspec a (Either b b')
nullspecEitherRight = fmap Right

instance Opaleye.SqlTypes.IsSqlType b
  => Default Nullspec a (Column b) where
  def = nullspecField

-- | All fields @NULL@, even though technically the type may forbid
-- that!  Used to create such fields when we know we will never look
-- at them expecting to find something non-NULL.
nullFields :: Nullspec a fields -> fields
nullFields (Nullspec v) = runIdentity (runValuesspecSafe v pure)

-- {

-- Boilerplate instance definitions.  Theoretically, these are derivable.

instance Functor (Valuesspec a) where
  fmap f (Valuesspec g) = Valuesspec (fmap f g)

instance Applicative (Valuesspec a) where
  pure = Valuesspec . pure
  Valuesspec f <*> Valuesspec x = Valuesspec (f <*> x)

instance Profunctor Valuesspec where
  dimap _ g (Valuesspec q) = Valuesspec (rmap g q)

instance ProductProfunctor Valuesspec where
  purePP = pure
  (****) = (<*>)

instance Functor (ValuesspecSafe a) where
  fmap f (ValuesspecSafe g h) = ValuesspecSafe (fmap f g) (fmap f h)

instance Applicative (ValuesspecSafe a) where
  pure a = ValuesspecSafe (pure a) (pure a)
  ValuesspecSafe f f' <*> ValuesspecSafe x x' =
    ValuesspecSafe (f <*> x) (f' <*> x')

instance Profunctor ValuesspecSafe where
  dimap f g (ValuesspecSafe q q') = ValuesspecSafe (rmap g q) (dimap f g q')

instance ProductProfunctor ValuesspecSafe where
  purePP = pure
  (****) = (<*>)

instance Functor (Nullspec a) where
  fmap f (Nullspec g) = Nullspec (fmap f g)

instance Applicative (Nullspec a) where
  pure = Nullspec . pure
  Nullspec f <*> Nullspec x = Nullspec (f <*> x)

instance Profunctor Nullspec where
  dimap f g (Nullspec q) = Nullspec (dimap f g q)

instance ProductProfunctor Nullspec where
  purePP = pure
  (****) = (<*>)

-- }