{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeInType #-}

-- Updater -- easier -- this one's probably not needed
-- NullMaker -- easier
-- Constant -- harder
-- QueryRunner -- harder

module Opaleye.Internal.TypeFamilies where

import           Opaleye.Column (Column, Nullable)
import qualified Opaleye.Field as F

type family IMap f a

data HT
data OT
data NullsT
data WT

-- | Used in 'RecordField' and 'TableRecordField' for a non-nullable
-- field
type NN = 'F.NonNullable
-- | Used in 'RecordField' and 'TableRecordField' for a nullable field
type N  = 'F.Nullable

data Optionality = OReq | OOpt

-- | 'TableRecordField' for a required field
type Req = 'OReq
-- | 'TableRecordField' for an optional field
type Opt = 'OOpt

type family A (a :: Arr h k1 k2) (b :: k1) :: k2

data Arr h k1 k2 where
  K     :: k1 -> Arr h k2 k1
  S     :: Arr h k1 (k2 -> k3)
        -> Arr h k1 k2
        -> Arr h k1 k3
  I     :: Arr h k1 k1
  H     :: h -> Arr h k2 k3

type (:<*>) = 'S
type Pure = 'K
type (:<$>) f = (:<*>) (Pure f)
type Id = 'I
type (:<|) f x = A f x

type instance A 'I a = a
type instance A ('K k1) _ = k1
type instance A ('S f x) a = (A f a) (A x a)

data C a = C (a, a, F.Nullability)
data TC a = TC ((a, a, F.Nullability), Optionality)

type instance A ('H HT) ('C '(h, o, NN)) = h
type instance A ('H HT) ('C '(h, o, N))  = Maybe h
type instance A ('H OT) ('C '(h, o, NN)) = Column o
type instance A ('H OT) ('C '(h, o, N))  = Column (Nullable o)
type instance A ('H NullsT) ('C '(h, o, n)) = Column (Nullable o)

type instance A ('H HT) ('TC '(t, b)) = A ('H HT) ('C t)
type instance A ('H OT) ('TC '(t, b)) = A ('H OT) ('C t)
type instance A ('H WT) ('TC '(t, Req)) = A ('H OT) ('C t)
type instance A ('H WT) ('TC '(t, Opt)) = Maybe (A ('H OT) ('C t))
type instance A ('H NullsT) ('TC '(t, b)) = A ('H NullsT) ('C t)

type RecordField f a b c = A f ('C '(a, b, c))
type TableRecordField f a b c d = A f ('TC '( '(a, b, c), d))

{-# DEPRECATED TableField "Use 'TableRecordField' instead.  Will be remoed in version 0.8." #-}
type TableField f a b c d = TableRecordField f a b c d

-- | Type families parameter for Haskell types ('String', 'Int', etc.)
type H = 'H HT
-- | Type families parameter for Opaleye types ('Opaleye.Field.Field'
-- 'Opaleye.SqlString', 'Opaleye.Field.Field' 'Opaleye.SqlInt4', etc.)
type O = 'H OT
-- | Type families parameter for nulled Opaleye types
-- ('Opaleye.Field.FieldNullable' 'Opaleye.SqlString',
-- 'Opaleye.Field.FieldNullable' 'Opaleye.SqlInt4', etc.)
type Nulls = 'H NullsT
-- | Type families parameter for Opaleye write types (i.e. wrapped in
-- 'Maybe' for optional types)
type W = 'H WT
type F = 'H