operational-alacarte-0.1.1: A version of Operational suitable for extensible EDSLs

Safe HaskellNone





This module gives an alternative to the Operational package [1], in which instructions are higher-order functors, parameterized on the program monad that they are part of. This makes it possible to define instruction sets compositionally using :+:. In the normal Operational, this can be done for simple instructions, but here it can be done even for "control instructions" -- instructions that take program as arguments.

For general information about the ideas behind this module, see the Operational package: http://hackage.haskell.org/package/operational


(Full code found in https://github.com/emilaxelsson/operational-alacarte/blob/master/examples/Simple.hs.)

An "if" instruction can be defined as follows:

data If p a where
  If :: Exp Bool -> p a -> p a -> If p a

Note the use of the type parameter p to refer to sub-programs. (Exp is some type representing pure expressions.)

We can now make program types that combine several instructions; e.g.:

type MyProgram a = Program (If :+: Loop :+: ...) a

Here the sub-programs of If (and Loop, etc.) will have the type MyProgram. With the original Operational package, we would have to hard-code a specific type for the sub-programs of If (or make MyProgram a recursive newtype, as noted by the author of Operational).

Interpretation of Program can be done using

interpret :: (Interp i m, HFunctor i, Monad m) => Program i a -> m a

In order to use this function, If needs to be an instance of Interp and HFunctor. The HFunctor instance is straightforward:

instance HFunctor If where
  hfmap f (If c thn els) = If c (f thn) (f els)

The Interp type class is parameterized both on the instruction and the destination monad. For example, interpretation of If in the IO monad might look as follows:

instance Interp If IO where
  interp (If c thn els) = if eval c then thn else els

(Here eval is the evaluator for the expression languauge Exp.)

The Interp class distributes over :+: which means that it is possible to interpret any expression type (I1 :+: I2 :+: I3 :+: ...) to IO, as long as the individual instructions (I1, I2, etc.) have Interp instances for IO.



Program monad

data ProgramT instr m a Source

Representation of programs parameterized by the primitive instructions


MonadTrans (ProgramT instr) Source 
Monad m => Monad (ProgramT instr m) Source 
Monad m => Functor (ProgramT instr m) Source 
Monad m => Applicative (ProgramT instr m) Source 

type Program instr = ProgramT instr Identity Source

Representation of programs parameterized by its primitive instructions

singleton :: instr (ProgramT instr m) a -> ProgramT instr m a Source

Make a program from a single primitive instruction

singleInj :: i :<: instr => i (ProgramT instr m) a -> ProgramT instr m a Source

Make a program from a single primitive instruction


liftProgram :: forall instr m a. (HFunctor instr, Monad m) => Program instr a -> ProgramT instr m a Source

Lift a simple program to a program over a monad m

interpretWithMonadT :: forall instr m n a. (HFunctor instr, Monad m) => (forall b. instr m b -> m b) -> (forall b. n b -> m b) -> ProgramT instr n a -> m a Source

Interpret a program in a monad

interpretWithMonad :: (HFunctor instr, Monad m) => (forall b. instr m b -> m b) -> Program instr a -> m a Source

Interpret a program in a monad

class Interp i m where Source

Interp i m represents the fact that i can be interpreted in the monad m


interp :: i m a -> m a Source

Interpret an instruction in a monad


(Interp i1 m, Interp i2 m) => Interp ((:+:) (* -> *) * i1 i2) m Source 

interpretT :: (Interp i m, HFunctor i, Monad m) => (forall b. n b -> m b) -> ProgramT i n a -> m a Source

Interpret a program in a monad. The interpretation of primitive instructions is provided by the Interp class.

interpret :: (Interp i m, HFunctor i, Monad m) => Program i a -> m a Source

Interpret a program in a monad. The interpretation of primitive instructions is provided by the Interp class.

data ProgramViewT instr m a where Source

View type for inspecting the first instruction


Return :: a -> ProgramViewT instr m a 
(:>>=) :: instr (ProgramT instr m) b -> (b -> ProgramT instr m a) -> ProgramViewT instr m a 

type ProgramView instr = ProgramViewT instr Identity Source

View type for inspecting the first instruction

viewT :: Monad m => ProgramT instr m a -> m (ProgramViewT instr m a) Source

View function for inspecting the first instruction

view :: HFunctor instr => Program instr a -> ProgramView instr a Source

View function for inspecting the first instruction

unview :: Monad m => ProgramViewT instr m a -> ProgramT instr m a Source

Turn a ProgramViewT back to a Program

Instructions parameterized on expression language

type family IExp i :: * -> * Source

Extract the expression type from an instruction set

IExp is needed to avoid types like (SomeInstr exp :<: i) => Program i (). Here it is not possible to constrain exp by constraining i, so the instance search will always fail. Functions like injE solve this by using IExp to determine exp from i. For this to work, one must use an instruction set i that has an instance of IExp.

It is common for all instructions in a sum (using :+:) to use the same expression type. For this common case, it is enough to get the expression type from the first summand. This can be achieved by giving two IExp instances for each instruction:

type instance IExp (SomeInstr exp)       = exp
type instance IExp (SomeInstr exp :+: i) = exp

injE :: i (IExp instr) :<: instr => i (IExp instr) m a -> instr m a Source

Inject an instruction that is parameterized by an expression type

prjE :: i (IExp instr) :<: instr => instr m a -> Maybe (i (IExp instr) m a) Source

Project an instruction that is parameterized by an expression type

singleE :: i (IExp instr) :<: instr => i (IExp instr) (ProgramT instr m) a -> ProgramT instr m a Source

Create a program from an instruction that is parameterized by an expression type