-- |
-- Module: Optics.IxGetter
-- Description: An indexed version of a 'Optics.Getter.Getter'.
-- An 'IxGetter' is an indexed version of a 'Optics.Getter.Getter'. See the
-- "Indexed optics" section of the overview documentation in the @Optics@ module
-- of the main @optics@ package for more details on indexed optics.
module Optics.IxGetter
  -- * Formation

  -- * Introduction
  , ito
  , selfIndex

  -- * Elimination
  , iview
  , iviews

  -- * Subtyping
  , A_Getter
  ) where

import Data.Profunctor.Indexed

import Optics.Internal.Bi
import Optics.Internal.Indexed
import Optics.Internal.Optic
import Optics.Internal.Utils

-- | Type synonym for an indexed getter.
type IxGetter i s a = Optic' A_Getter (WithIx i) s a

-- | Build an indexed getter from a function.
-- >>> iview (ito id) ('i', 'x')
-- ('i','x')
ito :: (s -> (i, a)) -> IxGetter i s a
ito f = Optic (lmap f . ilinear uncurry' . rphantom)
{-# INLINE ito #-}

-- | Use a value itself as its own index. This is essentially an indexed version
-- of 'Optics.Iso.equality'.
selfIndex :: IxGetter a a a
selfIndex = ito (\a -> (a, a))
{-# INLINE selfIndex #-}

-- | View the value pointed to by an indexed getter.
  :: (Is k A_Getter, is `HasSingleIndex` i)
  => Optic' k is s a -> s -> (i, a)
iview o = iviews o (,)
{-# INLINE iview #-}

-- | View the function of the value pointed to by an indexed getter.
  :: (Is k A_Getter,  is `HasSingleIndex` i)
  => Optic' k is s a -> (i -> a -> r) -> s -> r
iviews o = \f ->
  runIxForget (getOptic (castOptic @A_Getter o) (IxForget f)) id
{-# INLINE iviews #-}