optparse-applicative-0.11.0: Utilities and combinators for parsing command line options

Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred




mappendWith :: Monoid a => a -> a -> a -> a Source

newtype Chunk a Source

The free monoid on a semigroup a.




unChunk :: Maybe a

chunked :: (a -> a -> a) -> Chunk a -> Chunk a -> Chunk a Source

Given a semigroup structure on a, return a monoid structure on 'Chunk a'.

Note that this is not the same as liftA2.

listToChunk :: Monoid a => [a] -> Chunk a Source

Concatenate a list into a Chunk. listToChunk satisfies:

isEmpty . listToChunk = null
listToChunk = mconcat . fmap pure

(<<+>>) :: Chunk Doc -> Chunk Doc -> Chunk Doc Source

Concatenate two Chunks with a space in between. If one is empty, this just returns the other one.

Unlike <+> for Doc, this operation has a unit element, namely the empty Chunk.

(<</>>) :: Chunk Doc -> Chunk Doc -> Chunk Doc Source

Concatenate two Chunks with a softline in between. This is exactly like <<+>>, but uses a softline instead of a space.

vcatChunks :: [Chunk Doc] -> Chunk Doc Source

Concatenate Chunks vertically.

vsepChunks :: [Chunk Doc] -> Chunk Doc Source

Concatenate Chunks vertically separated by empty lines.

isEmpty :: Chunk a -> Bool Source

Whether a Chunk is empty. Note that something like 'pure mempty' is not considered an empty chunk, even though the underlying Doc is empty.

stringChunk :: String -> Chunk Doc Source

Convert a String into a Chunk. This satisfies:

isEmpty . stringChunk = null
extractChunk . stringChunk = string

paragraph :: String -> Chunk Doc Source

Convert a paragraph into a Chunk. The resulting chunk is composed by the words of the original paragraph separated by softlines, so it will be automatically word-wrapped when rendering the underlying document.

This satisfies:

isEmpty . paragraph = null . words

extractChunk :: Monoid a => Chunk a -> a Source

Part of a constrained comonad instance.

This is the counit of the adjunction between Chunk and the forgetful functor from monoids to semigroups. It satisfies:

extractChunk . pure = id
extractChunk . fmap pure = id

tabulate :: [(Doc, Doc)] -> Chunk Doc Source

Display pairs of strings in a table.