{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}

-- | Type class, type family, and data family instance declarations.
module Ormolu.Printer.Meat.Declaration.Instance
  ( p_clsInstDecl,

import BasicTypes
import Control.Arrow
import Control.Monad
import Data.Foldable
import Data.List (sortOn)
import GHC
import Ormolu.Printer.Combinators
import Ormolu.Printer.Meat.Common
import {-# SOURCE #-} Ormolu.Printer.Meat.Declaration
import Ormolu.Printer.Meat.Declaration.Data
import Ormolu.Printer.Meat.Declaration.TypeFamily
import Ormolu.Printer.Meat.Type
import Ormolu.Utils

p_standaloneDerivDecl :: DerivDecl GhcPs -> R ()
p_standaloneDerivDecl DerivDecl {..} = do
  let typesAfterInstance = located (hsib_body (hswc_body deriv_type)) p_hsType
      instTypes toIndent = inci $ do
        txt "instance"
        match_overlap_mode deriv_overlap_mode breakpoint
        if toIndent
          then inci typesAfterInstance
          else typesAfterInstance
  txt "deriving"
  case deriv_strategy of
    Nothing ->
      instTypes False
    Just (L _ a) -> case a of
      StockStrategy -> do
        txt "stock "
        instTypes False
      AnyclassStrategy -> do
        txt "anyclass "
        instTypes False
      NewtypeStrategy -> do
        txt "newtype "
        instTypes False
      ViaStrategy HsIB {..} -> do
        txt "via"
        inci (located hsib_body p_hsType)
        instTypes True
      ViaStrategy (XHsImplicitBndrs NoExt) ->
        notImplemented "XHsImplicitBndrs"
p_standaloneDerivDecl (XDerivDecl _) = notImplemented "XDerivDecl"

p_clsInstDecl :: ClsInstDecl GhcPs -> R ()
p_clsInstDecl = \case
  ClsInstDecl {..} -> do
    txt "instance"
    case cid_poly_ty of
      HsIB {..} -> do
        -- GHC's AST does not necessarily store each kind of element in source
        -- location order. This happens because different declarations are stored in
        -- different lists. Consequently, to get all the declarations in proper
        -- order, they need to be manually sorted.
        let sigs = (getLoc &&& fmap (SigD NoExt)) <$> cid_sigs
            vals = (getLoc &&& fmap (ValD NoExt)) <$> toList cid_binds
            tyFamInsts =
              ( getLoc &&& fmap (InstD NoExt . TyFamInstD NoExt)
                <$> cid_tyfam_insts
            dataFamInsts =
              ( getLoc &&& fmap (InstD NoExt . DataFamInstD NoExt)
                <$> cid_datafam_insts
            allDecls =
              snd <$> sortOn fst (sigs <> vals <> tyFamInsts <> dataFamInsts)
        located hsib_body $ \x -> do
          inci $ do
            match_overlap_mode cid_overlap_mode breakpoint
            p_hsType x
            unless (null allDecls) $ do
              txt "where"
        unless (null allDecls)
          $ inci
          $ do
            -- Ensure whitespace is added after where clause.
            -- Add newline before first declaration if the body contains separate
            -- declarations
            when (hasSeparatedDecls allDecls) breakpoint'
            dontUseBraces $ p_hsDecls Associated allDecls
      XHsImplicitBndrs NoExt -> notImplemented "XHsImplicitBndrs"
  XClsInstDecl NoExt -> notImplemented "XClsInstDecl"

p_tyFamInstDecl :: FamilyStyle -> TyFamInstDecl GhcPs -> R ()
p_tyFamInstDecl style = \case
  TyFamInstDecl {..} -> do
    txt $ case style of
      Associated -> "type"
      Free -> "type instance"
    inci (p_tyFamInstEqn tfid_eqn)

p_dataFamInstDecl :: FamilyStyle -> DataFamInstDecl GhcPs -> R ()
p_dataFamInstDecl style = \case
  DataFamInstDecl {dfid_eqn = HsIB {hsib_body = FamEqn {..}}} ->
    p_dataDecl style feqn_tycon (map typeArgToType feqn_pats) feqn_fixity feqn_rhs
  DataFamInstDecl {dfid_eqn = HsIB {hsib_body = XFamEqn {}}} ->
    notImplemented "XFamEqn"
  DataFamInstDecl {dfid_eqn = XHsImplicitBndrs {}} ->
    notImplemented "XHsImplicitBndrs"

match_overlap_mode :: Maybe (Located OverlapMode) -> R () -> R ()
match_overlap_mode overlap_mode layoutStrategy =
  case unLoc <$> overlap_mode of
    Just Overlappable {} -> do
      txt "{-# OVERLAPPABLE #-}"
    Just Overlapping {} -> do
      txt "{-# OVERLAPPING #-}"
    Just Overlaps {} -> do
      txt "{-# OVERLAPS #-}"
    Just Incoherent {} -> do
      txt "{-# INCOHERENT #-}"
    _ -> pure ()