{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

module Ormolu.Printer.Meat.Declaration.Rule
  ( p_ruleDecls,

import BasicTypes
import Control.Monad (unless)
import GHC
import Ormolu.Printer.Combinators
import Ormolu.Printer.Meat.Common
import Ormolu.Printer.Meat.Declaration.Signature
import Ormolu.Printer.Meat.Declaration.Value
import Ormolu.Printer.Meat.Type
import Ormolu.Utils

p_ruleDecls :: RuleDecls GhcPs -> R ()
p_ruleDecls = \case
  HsRules NoExt _ xs ->
    pragma "RULES" . sitcc $
      sep breakpoint (sitcc . located' p_ruleDecl) xs
  XRuleDecls NoExt -> notImplemented "XRuleDecls"

p_ruleDecl :: RuleDecl GhcPs -> R ()
p_ruleDecl = \case
  HsRule NoExt ruleName activation tyvars ruleBndrs lhs rhs -> do
    located ruleName p_ruleName
    p_activation activation
    case tyvars of
      Nothing -> return ()
      Just xs -> do
        p_forallBndrs p_hsTyVarBndr xs
    -- NOTE It appears that there is no way to tell if there was an empty
    -- forall in the input or no forall at all. We do not want to add
    -- redundant foralls, so let's just skip the empty ones.
    unless (null ruleBndrs) $
      p_forallBndrs p_ruleBndr ruleBndrs
    inci $ do
      located lhs p_hsExpr
      txt "="
      inci $ do
        located rhs p_hsExpr
  XRuleDecl NoExt -> notImplemented "XRuleDecl"

p_ruleName :: (SourceText, RuleName) -> R ()
p_ruleName (_, name) = atom $ HsString NoSourceText name

p_ruleBndr :: RuleBndr GhcPs -> R ()
p_ruleBndr = \case
  RuleBndr NoExt x -> p_rdrName x
  RuleBndrSig NoExt x hswc -> parens N $ do
    p_rdrName x
    p_typeAscription hswc
  XRuleBndr NoExt -> notImplemented "XRuleBndr"