{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
-- |
-- Module      :  Palette.RandomColor
-- Copyright   :  (c) 2018 Jeffrey Rosenbluth
-- License     :  BSD-style (see LICENSE)
-- Maintainer  :  jeffrey.rosenbluth@gmail.com
-- Functions to create random colors.
-- Includes a port of [David Merfield's](https://github.com/davidmerfield/randomColor)
-- randomColor.

module Data.Colour.Palette.RandomColor
  ( -- * A Library for generating random colors.

    -- ** Choose a random color from CIELAB colorspace.
  , randomCIELabPalette

    -- ** Choose a random color using David Merfield's algorithm
  , randomColor
  , randomPalette
  , randomHarmony

  -- ** Choose a random HSV component

  , randomHue
  , randomSaturation
  , randomBrightness

  ) where

import           Control.Monad.Random
import           Data.Colour
import           Data.Colour.CIE
import           Data.Colour.CIE.Illuminant
import           Data.Colour.Palette.Harmony
import           Data.Colour.Palette.Types
import           Data.Colour.RGBSpace.HSV
import           Data.Colour.SRGB            (RGB (..), sRGB)
import           Data.List                   (find)
import           Data.Maybe                  (fromMaybe)

getColorDefinition :: Hue -> ColorDefinition
getColorDefinition = \case
  HueMonochrome -> ColorDefinition Nothing [(0,0),(100, 0)]
  HueRed        -> ColorDefinition (Just (-26,18))
                     [ (20,100), (30,92), (40,89), (50,85), (60,78), (70,70)
                     , (80,60), (90,55), (100,50)
  HueOrange     -> ColorDefinition (Just (19,46))
                     [ (20,100), (30,93), (40,88), (50,86), (60,85), (70,70)
                     , (100,70)
  HueYellow     -> ColorDefinition (Just (47,62))
                     [ (25,100), (40,94), (50,89), (60,86), (70,84), (80,82)
                     , (90,80), (100,75)
  HueGreen      -> ColorDefinition (Just (63,178))
                     [ (30,100), (40,90), (50,85), (60,81), (70,74), (80,64)
                     , (90,50), (100,40)
  HueBlue       -> ColorDefinition (Just (179,257))
                     [ (20,100), (30,86), (40,80), (50,74), (60,60), (70,52)
                     , (80,44), (90,39), (100,35)
  HuePurple     -> ColorDefinition (Just (258,282))
                     [ (20,100), (30,87), (40,79), (50,70), (60,65), (70,59)
                     , (80,52), (90,45), (100,42)
  HuePink       -> ColorDefinition (Just (283,334))
                     [ (20,100), (30,90), (40,86), (60,84), (80,80), (90,75)
                     , (100,73)
  HueRandom     -> ColorDefinition (Just (0, 359)) []

getHue :: Int -> Hue
getHue n
  | n' == 0   = HueMonochrome
  | n' >= 283 = HuePink
  | n' >= 258 = HuePurple
  | n' >= 179 = HueBlue
  | n' >= 63  = HueGreen
  | n' >= 47  = HueYellow
  | n' >= 19  = HueOrange
  | n' >= -26 = HueRed
    n' = if n >= 334 && n <= 360 then n - 360 else n

-- | return a random hue in the range [lo, hi] as a 'Double'.
--   lo should be >= 0 and hi < 360.
--   Instead of storing red as two seperate ranges we create a single
--   contiguous range using negative numbers.
randomHue :: MonadRandom m => Hue -> m Int
randomHue h = do
  hue <- getRandomR (lo, hi)
  return $ if hue < 0 then hue + 360 else hue
    hr = hueRange . getColorDefinition $ h
    (lo, hi) = fromMaybe (0, 0) hr

saturationRange :: Hue -> (Int, Int)
saturationRange hue = result
    lbs = lowerBounds $ getColorDefinition hue
    result = case lbs of
      [] -> error "Can\'t obtain saturationRange from an empty lowerBounds"
      xs -> (fst . head $ lbs, fst . last $ lbs)

randomSaturation :: MonadRandom m => Hue -> Luminosity -> m Int
randomSaturation HueMonochrome _         = return 0
randomSaturation _             LumRandom = getRandomR (0, 100)
randomSaturation hue           lum       = case lum of
  LumBright -> getRandomR (55, hi)
  LumDark   -> getRandomR (hi - 10, hi)
  LumLight  -> getRandomR (lo, 55)
    (lo, hi) = saturationRange hue

minBrightness :: Hue -> Int -> Int
minBrightness hue saturationValue = round $ fromMaybe 0 result
    lbs = lowerBounds $ getColorDefinition hue
    tup a  = zip (0:a) a
    inRange j (k, n) = j >= k && j <= n
    result = do
      (s1, s2) <- find (inRange saturationValue) (tup $ fst <$> lbs)
      v1       <- lookup s1 lbs
      v2       <- lookup s2 lbs
      let m = fromIntegral (v2 - v1) / fromIntegral (s2 -s1)
          b = fromIntegral v1 - m * fromIntegral s1
      return $ m * fromIntegral saturationValue + b

-- | Pick a random brightness value given a 'Hue', 'Luminosity' and saturation.
randomBrightness :: MonadRandom m => Hue -> Luminosity -> Int -> m Int
randomBrightness hue lum saturationValue = getRandomR (bMin, bMax)
    b            = minBrightness hue saturationValue
    (bMin, bMax) = case lum of
      LumBright -> (b, 100)
      LumDark   -> (b, b + 20)
      LumLight  -> ((b + 100) `div` 2, 100)
      LumRandom -> (0, 100)

-- | Generate a random opaque color.
-- <<diagrams/src_Data_Colour_Palette_RandomColor_red.svg>>
-- > randomColor HueRed LumBright
-- <<diagrams/src_Data_Colour_Palette_RandomColor_orange.svg>>
-- > randomColor HueOrange LumBright
-- <<diagrams/src_Data_Colour_Palette_RandomColor_yellow.svg>>
-- > randomColor HueYellow LumBright
-- <<diagrams/src_Data_Colour_Palette_RandomColor_green.svg>>
-- > randomColor HueGreen LumBright
-- <<diagrams/src_Data_Colour_Palette_RandomColor_blue.svg>>
-- > randomColor HueBlue LumBright
-- <<diagrams/src_Data_Colour_Palette_RandomColor_purple.svg>>
-- > randomColor HuePurple LumBright
-- <<diagrams/src_Data_Colour_Palette_RandomColor_pink.svg>>
-- > randomColor HuePink LumBright
-- <<diagrams/src_Data_Colour_Palette_RandomColor_monochrome.svg>>
-- > randomColor HueMonochrome LumRandom
-- <<diagrams/src_Data_Colour_Palette_RandomColor_light.svg>>
-- > randomColor HueRandom LumLight
-- <<diagrams/src_Data_Colour_Palette_RandomColor_dark.svg>>
-- > randomColor HueRandom LumDark
-- <<diagrams/src_Data_Colour_Palette_RandomColor_random.svg>>
-- > randomColor HueRandom LumRandom
-- /Better to use 'randomCIELab' for truly random colors/.
randomColor :: MonadRandom m => Hue -> Luminosity -> m Kolor
randomColor hue lum = do
  hueValue <- randomHue hue
  let hue'  = getHue hueValue
  satValue <- randomSaturation hue' lum
  briValue <- randomBrightness hue' lum satValue
  let (RGB r g b) = hsv (fromIntegral hueValue)
                        (fromIntegral satValue / 100)
                        (fromIntegral briValue / 100)
  return $ sRGB r g b

-- | Return a random harmony based on a seed color.
randomHarmony :: MonadRandom m => Kolor -> m [Kolor]
randomHarmony c = do
  harmony <- uniform
             [ monochrome
             , complement
             , triad
             , tetrad
             , analogic
             , accentAnalogic
  return $ harmony c

-- | Generate a random color palette. First choose a random color then choose a
--   random harmony and apply it.
-- <<diagrams/src_Data_Colour_Palette_RandomColor_palette.svg>>
-- > randomPalette
randomPalette :: MonadRandom m => Hue -> Luminosity ->m [Kolor]
randomPalette hue lum = randomColor hue lum >>= randomHarmony

-- | Generate a random color from CIELAB (a perceptually uniform color space)
--   with a White point of 'd65'. Probably the best choice if you want a totally
--   random color.
-- <<diagrams/src_Data_Colour_Palette_RandomColor_cielab.svg>>
-- > randomCIELab
randomCIELab :: MonadRandom m => m Kolor
randomCIELab = do
  l <- getRandomR (0, 100)
  a <- getRandomR (-100, 100)
  b <- getRandomR (-100, 100)
  return $ cieLAB d65 l a b

-- | Generate a random color palette using 'randomCIELab'. First choose a
--   random color then choose a random harmony and apply it.
-- <<diagrams/src_Data_Colour_Palette_RandomColor_labpalette.svg>>
-- > randomCIELabPalette
randomCIELabPalette :: MonadRandom m => m [Kolor]
randomCIELabPalette = randomCIELab >>= randomHarmony