{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Text.Pandoc.Readers.MediaWiki ( readMediaWiki ) where
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Except (throwError)
import Data.Char (isDigit, isSpace)
import qualified Data.Foldable as F
import Data.List (intersperse)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, maybeToList)
import Data.Sequence (ViewL (..), viewl, (<|))
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Text.HTML.TagSoup
import Text.Pandoc.Builder (Blocks, Inlines, trimInlines)
import qualified Text.Pandoc.Builder as B
import Text.Pandoc.Class.PandocMonad (PandocMonad (..))
import Text.Pandoc.Definition
import Text.Pandoc.Logging
import Text.Pandoc.Options
import Text.Pandoc.Parsing hiding (nested)
import Text.Pandoc.Readers.HTML (htmlTag, isBlockTag, isCommentTag)
import Text.Pandoc.Shared (crFilter, safeRead, stringify, stripTrailingNewlines,
trim, splitTextBy, tshow)
import Text.Pandoc.Walk (walk)
import Text.Pandoc.XML (fromEntities)
readMediaWiki :: PandocMonad m
=> ReaderOptions
-> Text
-> m Pandoc
readMediaWiki opts s = do
parsed <- readWithM parseMediaWiki MWState{ mwOptions = opts
, mwMaxNestingLevel = 4
, mwNextLinkNumber = 1
, mwCategoryLinks = []
, mwIdentifierList = Set.empty
, mwLogMessages = []
, mwInTT = False
(crFilter s <> "\n")
case parsed of
Right result -> return result
Left e -> throwError e
data MWState = MWState { mwOptions :: ReaderOptions
, mwMaxNestingLevel :: Int
, mwNextLinkNumber :: Int
, mwCategoryLinks :: [Inlines]
, mwIdentifierList :: Set.Set Text
, mwLogMessages :: [LogMessage]
, mwInTT :: Bool
type MWParser m = ParserT Text MWState m
instance HasReaderOptions MWState where
extractReaderOptions = mwOptions
instance HasIdentifierList MWState where
extractIdentifierList = mwIdentifierList
updateIdentifierList f st = st{ mwIdentifierList = f $ mwIdentifierList st }
instance HasLogMessages MWState where
addLogMessage m s = s{ mwLogMessages = m : mwLogMessages s }
getLogMessages = reverse . mwLogMessages
nested :: PandocMonad m => MWParser m a -> MWParser m a
nested p = do
nestlevel <- mwMaxNestingLevel `fmap` getState
guard $ nestlevel > 0
updateState $ \st -> st{ mwMaxNestingLevel = mwMaxNestingLevel st - 1 }
res <- p
updateState $ \st -> st{ mwMaxNestingLevel = nestlevel }
return res
specialChars :: [Char]
specialChars = "'[]<=&*{}|\":\\"
spaceChars :: [Char]
spaceChars = " \n\t"
sym :: PandocMonad m => Text -> MWParser m ()
sym s = () <$ try (string $ T.unpack s)
newBlockTags :: [Text]
newBlockTags = ["haskell","syntaxhighlight","source","gallery","references"]
isBlockTag' :: Tag Text -> Bool
isBlockTag' tag@(TagOpen t _) = (isBlockTag tag || t `elem` newBlockTags) &&
t `notElem` eitherBlockOrInline
isBlockTag' tag@(TagClose t) = (isBlockTag tag || t `elem` newBlockTags) &&
t `notElem` eitherBlockOrInline
isBlockTag' tag = isBlockTag tag
isInlineTag' :: Tag Text -> Bool
isInlineTag' (TagComment _) = True
isInlineTag' t = not (isBlockTag' t)
eitherBlockOrInline :: [Text]
eitherBlockOrInline = ["applet", "button", "del", "iframe", "ins",
"map", "area", "object"]
htmlComment :: PandocMonad m => MWParser m ()
htmlComment = () <$ htmlTag isCommentTag
inlinesInTags :: PandocMonad m => Text -> MWParser m Inlines
inlinesInTags tag = try $ do
(_,raw) <- htmlTag (~== TagOpen tag [])
if T.any (== '/') raw
then return mempty
else trimInlines . mconcat <$>
manyTill inline (htmlTag (~== TagClose tag))
blocksInTags :: PandocMonad m => Text -> MWParser m Blocks
blocksInTags tag = try $ do
(_,raw) <- htmlTag (~== TagOpen tag [])
let closer = if tag == "li"
then htmlTag (~== TagClose ("li" :: Text))
<|> lookAhead (
htmlTag (~== TagOpen ("li" :: Text) [])
<|> htmlTag (~== TagClose ("ol" :: Text))
<|> htmlTag (~== TagClose ("ul" :: Text)))
else htmlTag (~== TagClose tag)
if T.any (== '/') raw
then return mempty
else mconcat <$> manyTill block closer
textInTags :: PandocMonad m => Text -> MWParser m Text
textInTags tag = try $ do
(_,raw) <- htmlTag (~== TagOpen tag [])
if T.any (== '/') raw
then return ""
else T.pack <$> manyTill anyChar (htmlTag (~== TagClose tag))
parseMediaWiki :: PandocMonad m => MWParser m Pandoc
parseMediaWiki = do
bs <- mconcat <$> many block
categoryLinks <- reverse . mwCategoryLinks <$> getState
let categories = if null categoryLinks
then mempty
else B.para $ mconcat $ intersperse B.space categoryLinks
return $ B.doc $ bs <> categories
block :: PandocMonad m => MWParser m Blocks
block = do
res <- mempty <$ skipMany1 blankline
<|> table
<|> header
<|> hrule
<|> orderedList
<|> bulletList
<|> definitionList
<|> mempty <$ try (spaces *> htmlComment)
<|> preformatted
<|> blockTag
<|> (B.rawBlock "mediawiki" <$> template)
<|> para
trace (T.take 60 $ tshow $ B.toList res)
return res
para :: PandocMonad m => MWParser m Blocks
para = do
contents <- trimInlines . mconcat <$> many1 inline
if F.all (==Space) contents
then return mempty
else return $ B.para contents
table :: PandocMonad m => MWParser m Blocks
table = do
styles <- option [] $
parseAttrs <* skipMany spaceChar <* optional (char '|')
skipMany spaceChar
optional $ template >> skipMany spaceChar
optional blanklines
let tableWidth = case lookup "width" styles of
Just w -> fromMaybe 1.0 $ parseWidth w
Nothing -> 1.0
caption <- option mempty tableCaption
optional rowsep
hasheader <- option False $ True <$ lookAhead (skipSpaces *> char '!')
(cellspecs',hdr) <- unzip <$> tableRow
let widths = map ((tableWidth *) . snd) cellspecs'
let restwidth = tableWidth - sum widths
let zerocols = length $ filter (==0.0) widths
let defaultwidth = if zerocols == 0 || zerocols == length widths
then ColWidthDefault
else ColWidth $ restwidth / fromIntegral zerocols
let widths' = map (\w -> if w > 0 then ColWidth w else defaultwidth) widths
let cellspecs = zip (map fst cellspecs') widths'
rows' <- many $ try $ rowsep *> (map snd <$> tableRow)
optional blanklines
let cols = length hdr
let (headers,rows) = if hasheader
then (hdr, rows')
else (replicate cols mempty, hdr:rows')
let toRow = Row nullAttr . map B.simpleCell
toHeaderRow l = [toRow l | not (null l)]
return $ B.table (B.simpleCaption $ B.plain caption)
(TableHead nullAttr $ toHeaderRow headers)
[TableBody nullAttr 0 [] $ map toRow rows]
(TableFoot nullAttr [])
parseAttrs :: PandocMonad m => MWParser m [(Text,Text)]
parseAttrs = many1 parseAttr
parseAttr :: PandocMonad m => MWParser m (Text, Text)
parseAttr = try $ do
skipMany spaceChar
k <- many1Char letter
char '='
v <- (char '"' >> many1TillChar (satisfy (/='\n')) (char '"'))
<|> many1Char (satisfy $ \c -> not (isSpace c) && c /= '|')
return (k,v)
tableStart :: PandocMonad m => MWParser m ()
tableStart = try $ guardColumnOne *> skipSpaces *> sym "{|"
tableEnd :: PandocMonad m => MWParser m ()
tableEnd = try $ guardColumnOne *> skipSpaces *> sym "|}"
rowsep :: PandocMonad m => MWParser m ()
rowsep = try $ guardColumnOne *> skipSpaces *> sym "|-" <*
many (char '-') <* optional parseAttrs <* blanklines
cellsep :: PandocMonad m => MWParser m ()
cellsep = try $ do
col <- sourceColumn <$> getPosition
let pipeSep = do
char '|'
notFollowedBy (oneOf "-}+")
if col == 1
then optional (char '|')
else void (char '|')
let exclSep = do
char '!'
if col == 1
then optional (char '!')
else void (char '!')
pipeSep <|> exclSep
tableCaption :: PandocMonad m => MWParser m Inlines
tableCaption = try $ do
sym "|+"
optional (try $ parseAttrs *> skipSpaces *> char '|' *> blanklines)
trimInlines . mconcat <$>
many (notFollowedBy (cellsep <|> rowsep) *> inline)
tableRow :: PandocMonad m => MWParser m [((Alignment, Double), Blocks)]
tableRow = try $ skipMany htmlComment *> many tableCell
tableCell :: PandocMonad m => MWParser m ((Alignment, Double), Blocks)
tableCell = try $ do
skipMany spaceChar
attrs <- option [] $ try $ parseAttrs <* skipSpaces <* char '|' <*
notFollowedBy (char '|')
skipMany spaceChar
pos' <- getPosition
ls <- T.concat <$> many (notFollowedBy (cellsep <|> rowsep <|> tableEnd) *>
((snd <$> withRaw table) <|> countChar 1 anyChar))
bs <- parseFromString (do setPosition pos'
mconcat <$> many block) ls
let align = case lookup "align" attrs of
Just "left" -> AlignLeft
Just "right" -> AlignRight
Just "center" -> AlignCenter
_ -> AlignDefault
let width = case lookup "width" attrs of
Just xs -> fromMaybe 0.0 $ parseWidth xs
Nothing -> 0.0
return ((align, width), bs)
parseWidth :: Text -> Maybe Double
parseWidth s =
case T.unsnoc s of
Just (ds, '%') | T.all isDigit ds -> safeRead $ "0." <> ds
_ -> Nothing
template :: PandocMonad m => MWParser m Text
template = try $ do
string "{{"
notFollowedBy (char '{')
lookAhead $ letter <|> digit <|> char ':'
let chunk = template <|> variable <|> many1Char (noneOf "{}") <|> countChar 1 anyChar
contents <- manyTill chunk (try $ string "}}")
return $ "{{" <> T.concat contents <> "}}"
blockTag :: PandocMonad m => MWParser m Blocks
blockTag = do
(tag, _) <- lookAhead $ htmlTag isBlockTag'
case tag of
TagOpen "blockquote" _ -> B.blockQuote <$> blocksInTags "blockquote"
TagOpen "pre" _ -> B.codeBlock . trimCode <$> textInTags "pre"
TagOpen "syntaxhighlight" attrs -> syntaxhighlight "syntaxhighlight" attrs
TagOpen "source" attrs -> syntaxhighlight "source" attrs
TagOpen "haskell" _ -> B.codeBlockWith ("",["haskell"],[]) . trimCode <$>
textInTags "haskell"
TagOpen "gallery" _ -> blocksInTags "gallery"
TagOpen "p" _ -> mempty <$ htmlTag (~== tag)
TagClose "p" -> mempty <$ htmlTag (~== tag)
_ -> B.rawBlock "html" . snd <$> htmlTag (~== tag)
trimCode :: Text -> Text
trimCode t = case T.uncons t of
Just ('\n', xs) -> stripTrailingNewlines xs
_ -> stripTrailingNewlines t
syntaxhighlight :: PandocMonad m => Text -> [Attribute Text] -> MWParser m Blocks
syntaxhighlight tag attrs = try $ do
let mblang = lookup "lang" attrs
let mbstart = lookup "start" attrs
let mbline = lookup "line" attrs
let classes = maybeToList mblang ++ maybe [] (const ["numberLines"]) mbline
let kvs = maybe [] (\x -> [("startFrom",x)]) mbstart
contents <- textInTags tag
return $ B.codeBlockWith ("",classes,kvs) $ trimCode contents
hrule :: PandocMonad m => MWParser m Blocks
hrule = B.horizontalRule <$ try (string "----" *> many (char '-') *> newline)
guardColumnOne :: PandocMonad m => MWParser m ()
guardColumnOne = getPosition >>= \pos -> guard (sourceColumn pos == 1)
preformatted :: PandocMonad m => MWParser m Blocks
preformatted = try $ do
char ' '
let endline' = B.linebreak <$ try (newline <* char ' ')
let whitespace' = B.str <$> many1Char ('\160' <$ spaceChar)
let spToNbsp ' ' = '\160'
spToNbsp x = x
let nowiki' = mconcat . intersperse B.linebreak . map B.str .
T.lines . fromEntities . T.map spToNbsp <$> try
(htmlTag (~== TagOpen ("nowiki" :: Text) []) *>
manyTillChar anyChar (htmlTag (~== TagClose ("nowiki" :: Text))))
let inline' = whitespace' <|> endline' <|> nowiki'
<|> try (notFollowedBy newline *> inline)
contents <- mconcat <$> many1 inline'
let spacesStr (Str xs) = T.all isSpace xs
spacesStr _ = False
if F.all spacesStr contents
then return mempty
else return $ B.para $ encode contents
encode :: Inlines -> Inlines
encode = B.fromList . normalizeCode . B.toList . walk strToCode
where strToCode (Str s) = Code ("",[],[]) s
strToCode Space = Code ("",[],[]) " "
strToCode x = x
normalizeCode [] = []
normalizeCode (Code a1 x : Code a2 y : zs) | a1 == a2 =
normalizeCode $ Code a1 (x <> y) : zs
normalizeCode (x:xs) = x : normalizeCode xs
header :: PandocMonad m => MWParser m Blocks
header = try $ do
lev <- length <$> many1 (char '=')
guard $ lev <= 6
contents <- trimInlines . mconcat <$> manyTill inline (count lev $ char '=')
opts <- mwOptions <$> getState
attr <- (if isEnabled Ext_gfm_auto_identifiers opts
then id
else modifyIdentifier) <$> registerHeader nullAttr contents
return $ B.headerWith attr lev contents
modifyIdentifier :: Attr -> Attr
modifyIdentifier (ident,cl,kv) = (ident',cl,kv)
where ident' = T.map (\c -> if c == '-' then '_' else c) ident
bulletList :: PandocMonad m => MWParser m Blocks
bulletList = B.bulletList <$>
( many1 (listItem '*')
<|> (htmlTag (~== TagOpen ("ul" :: Text) []) *> spaces *> many (listItem '*' <|> li) <*
optional (htmlTag (~== TagClose ("ul" :: Text)))) )
orderedList :: PandocMonad m => MWParser m Blocks
orderedList =
(B.orderedList <$> many1 (listItem '#'))
<|> try
(do (tag,_) <- htmlTag (~== TagOpen ("ol" :: Text) [])
items <- many (listItem '#' <|> li)
optional (htmlTag (~== TagClose ("ol" :: Text)))
let start = fromMaybe 1 $ safeRead $ fromAttrib "start" tag
return $ B.orderedListWith (start, DefaultStyle, DefaultDelim) items)
definitionList :: PandocMonad m => MWParser m Blocks
definitionList = B.definitionList <$> many1 defListItem
defListItem :: PandocMonad m => MWParser m (Inlines, [Blocks])
defListItem = try $ do
terms <- mconcat . intersperse B.linebreak <$> many defListTerm
defs <- if null terms
then notFollowedBy
(try $ skipMany1 (char ':') >> string "<math>") *>
many1 (listItem ':')
else many (listItem ':')
return (terms, defs)
defListTerm :: PandocMonad m => MWParser m Inlines
defListTerm = do
char ';'
skipMany spaceChar
pos' <- getPosition
anyLine >>= parseFromString (do setPosition pos'
trimInlines . mconcat <$> many inline)
listStart :: PandocMonad m => Char -> MWParser m ()
listStart c = char c *> notFollowedBy listStartChar
listStartChar :: PandocMonad m => MWParser m Char
listStartChar = oneOf "*#;:"
anyListStart :: PandocMonad m => MWParser m Char
anyListStart = guardColumnOne >> oneOf "*#:;"
li :: PandocMonad m => MWParser m Blocks
li = lookAhead (htmlTag (~== TagOpen ("li" :: Text) [])) *>
(firstParaToPlain <$> blocksInTags "li") <* spaces
listItem :: PandocMonad m => Char -> MWParser m Blocks
listItem c = try $ do
extras <- many (try $ char c <* lookAhead listStartChar)
if null extras
then listItem' c
else do
skipMany spaceChar
pos' <- getPosition
first <- T.concat <$> manyTill listChunk newline
rest <- many
(try $ string extras *> lookAhead listStartChar *>
(T.concat <$> manyTill listChunk newline))
contents <- parseFromString (do setPosition pos'
many1 $ listItem' c)
(T.unlines (first : rest))
case c of
'*' -> return $ B.bulletList contents
'#' -> return $ B.orderedList contents
':' -> return $ B.definitionList [(mempty, contents)]
_ -> mzero
listChunk :: PandocMonad m => MWParser m Text
listChunk = template <|> countChar 1 anyChar
listItem' :: PandocMonad m => Char -> MWParser m Blocks
listItem' c = try $ do
listStart c
skipMany spaceChar
pos' <- getPosition
first <- T.concat <$> manyTill listChunk newline
rest <- many (try $ char c *> lookAhead listStartChar *>
(T.concat <$> manyTill listChunk newline))
parseFromString (do setPosition pos'
firstParaToPlain . mconcat <$> many1 block)
$ T.unlines $ first : rest
firstParaToPlain :: Blocks -> Blocks
firstParaToPlain contents =
case viewl (B.unMany contents) of
Para xs :< ys -> B.Many $ Plain xs <| ys
_ -> contents
inline :: PandocMonad m => MWParser m Inlines
inline = whitespace
<|> url
<|> str
<|> doubleQuotes
<|> strong
<|> emph
<|> image
<|> internalLink
<|> externalLink
<|> math
<|> inlineTag
<|> B.singleton <$> charRef
<|> inlineHtml
<|> (B.rawInline "mediawiki" <$> variable)
<|> (B.rawInline "mediawiki" <$> template)
<|> special
str :: PandocMonad m => MWParser m Inlines
str = B.str <$> many1Char (noneOf $ specialChars ++ spaceChars)
math :: PandocMonad m => MWParser m Inlines
math = (B.displayMath . trim <$> try (many1 (char ':') >> textInTags "math"))
<|> (B.math . trim <$> textInTags "math")
<|> (B.displayMath . trim <$> try (dmStart *> manyTillChar anyChar dmEnd))
<|> (B.math . trim <$> try (mStart *> manyTillChar (satisfy (/='\n')) mEnd))
where dmStart = string "\\["
dmEnd = try (string "\\]")
mStart = string "\\("
mEnd = try (string "\\)")
variable :: PandocMonad m => MWParser m Text
variable = try $ do
string "{{{"
contents <- manyTillChar anyChar (try $ string "}}}")
return $ "{{{" <> contents <> "}}}"
inlineTag :: PandocMonad m => MWParser m Inlines
inlineTag = do
(tag, _) <- lookAhead $ htmlTag isInlineTag'
case tag of
TagOpen "ref" _ -> B.note . B.plain <$> inlinesInTags "ref"
TagOpen "nowiki" _ -> try $ do
(_,raw) <- htmlTag (~== tag)
if T.any (== '/') raw
then return mempty
else B.text . fromEntities <$>
manyTillChar anyChar (htmlTag (~== TagClose ("nowiki" :: Text)))
TagOpen "br" _ -> B.linebreak <$ (htmlTag (~== TagOpen ("br" :: Text) [])
*> optional blankline)
TagOpen "strike" _ -> B.strikeout <$> inlinesInTags "strike"
TagOpen "del" _ -> B.strikeout <$> inlinesInTags "del"
TagOpen "sub" _ -> B.subscript <$> inlinesInTags "sub"
TagOpen "sup" _ -> B.superscript <$> inlinesInTags "sup"
TagOpen "code" _ -> encode <$> inlinesInTags "code"
TagOpen "tt" _ -> do
inTT <- mwInTT <$> getState
updateState $ \st -> st{ mwInTT = True }
result <- encode <$> inlinesInTags "tt"
updateState $ \st -> st{ mwInTT = inTT }
return result
TagOpen "hask" _ -> B.codeWith ("",["haskell"],[]) <$> textInTags "hask"
_ -> B.rawInline "html" . snd <$> htmlTag (~== tag)
special :: PandocMonad m => MWParser m Inlines
special = B.str <$> countChar 1 (notFollowedBy' (htmlTag isBlockTag') *>
oneOf specialChars)
inlineHtml :: PandocMonad m => MWParser m Inlines
inlineHtml = B.rawInline "html" . snd <$> htmlTag isInlineTag'
whitespace :: PandocMonad m => MWParser m Inlines
whitespace = B.space <$ (skipMany1 spaceChar <|> htmlComment)
<|> B.softbreak <$ endline
endline :: PandocMonad m => MWParser m ()
endline = () <$ try (newline <*
notFollowedBy spaceChar <*
notFollowedBy newline <*
notFollowedBy' hrule <*
notFollowedBy tableStart <*
notFollowedBy' header <*
notFollowedBy anyListStart)
imageIdentifiers :: PandocMonad m => [MWParser m ()]
imageIdentifiers = [sym (identifier <> ":") | identifier <- identifiers]
where identifiers = ["File", "Image", "Archivo", "Datei", "Fichier",
image :: PandocMonad m => MWParser m Inlines
image = try $ do
sym "[["
choice imageIdentifiers
fname <- addUnderscores <$> many1Char (noneOf "|]")
_ <- many imageOption
dims <- try (char '|' *> sepBy (manyChar digit) (char 'x') <* string "px")
<|> return []
_ <- many imageOption
let kvs = case dims of
[w] -> [("width", w)]
[w, h] -> [("width", w), ("height", h)]
_ -> []
let attr = ("", [], kvs)
caption <- (B.str fname <$ sym "]]")
<|> try (char '|' *> (mconcat <$> manyTill inline (sym "]]")))
return $ B.imageWith attr fname ("fig:" <> stringify caption) caption
imageOption :: PandocMonad m => MWParser m Text
imageOption = try $ char '|' *> opt
opt = try (oneOfStrings [ "border", "thumbnail", "frameless"
, "thumb", "upright", "left", "right"
, "center", "none", "baseline", "sub"
, "super", "top", "text-top", "middle"
, "bottom", "text-bottom" ])
<|> try (textStr "frame")
<|> try (oneOfStrings ["link=","alt=","page=","class="] <* many (noneOf "|]"))
addUnderscores :: Text -> Text
addUnderscores = T.intercalate "_" . splitTextBy sep
sep c = isSpace c || c == '_'
internalLink :: PandocMonad m => MWParser m Inlines
internalLink = try $ do
sym "[["
pagename <- T.unwords . T.words <$> manyChar (noneOf "|]")
label <- option (B.text pagename) $ char '|' *>
( (mconcat <$> many1 (notFollowedBy (char ']') *> inline))
<|> return (B.text $ T.drop 1 $ T.dropWhile (/=':') pagename) )
sym "]]"
linktrail <- B.text <$> manyChar letter
let link = B.link (addUnderscores pagename) "wikilink" (label <> linktrail)
if "Category:" `T.isPrefixOf` pagename
then do
updateState $ \st -> st{ mwCategoryLinks = link : mwCategoryLinks st }
return mempty
else return link
externalLink :: PandocMonad m => MWParser m Inlines
externalLink = try $ do
char '['
(_, src) <- uri
lab <- try (trimInlines . mconcat <$>
(skipMany1 spaceChar *> manyTill inline (char ']')))
<|> do char ']'
num <- mwNextLinkNumber <$> getState
updateState $ \st -> st{ mwNextLinkNumber = num + 1 }
return $ B.str $ tshow num
return $ B.link src "" lab
url :: PandocMonad m => MWParser m Inlines
url = do
(orig, src) <- uri
return $ B.link src "" (B.str orig)
inlinesBetween :: (PandocMonad m, Show b) => MWParser m a -> MWParser m b -> MWParser m Inlines
inlinesBetween start end =
trimInlines . mconcat <$> try (start >> many1Till inner end)
where inner = innerSpace <|> (notFollowedBy' (() <$ whitespace) >> inline)
innerSpace = try $ whitespace <* notFollowedBy' end
emph :: PandocMonad m => MWParser m Inlines
emph = B.emph <$> nested (inlinesBetween start end)
where start = sym "''" >> lookAhead nonspaceChar
end = try $ notFollowedBy' (() <$ strong) >> sym "''"
strong :: PandocMonad m => MWParser m Inlines
strong = B.strong <$> nested (inlinesBetween start end)
where start = sym "'''" >> lookAhead nonspaceChar
end = try $ sym "'''"
doubleQuotes :: PandocMonad m => MWParser m Inlines
doubleQuotes = do
guardEnabled Ext_smart
inTT <- mwInTT <$> getState
guard (not inTT)
B.doubleQuoted <$> nested (inlinesBetween openDoubleQuote closeDoubleQuote)
where openDoubleQuote = sym "\"" >> lookAhead nonspaceChar
closeDoubleQuote = try $ sym "\""