{-# LANGUAGE CPP, ScopedTypeVariables, NoImplicitPrelude #-}
-- | Compatibility module to work around differences in the
-- types of functions between pandoc < 2.0 and pandoc >= 2.0.
module Text.CSL.Compat.Pandoc (
  pipeProcess ) where

import Prelude
import qualified Control.Exception as E
import System.Exit (ExitCode)
import Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
import Data.ByteString as B
import Text.Pandoc (Pandoc, ReaderOptions(..), def, WrapOption(..),
#if MIN_VERSION_pandoc(1,19,0)
import Text.Pandoc (Extension(..), pandocExtensions)
import qualified Text.Pandoc as Pandoc
import qualified Text.Pandoc.Process
#if MIN_VERSION_pandoc(2,0,0)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Text.Pandoc.MIME (MimeType)
import Text.Pandoc.Error (PandocError)
import Text.Pandoc.Class (runPure, runIO)
import qualified Text.Pandoc.Class (fetchItem)
import Control.Monad.Except (runExceptT, lift)
import Text.Pandoc.Extensions (extensionsFromList, disableExtension)
import Data.Set as Set
import System.IO (stderr)
import qualified Text.Pandoc.Shared (fetchItem)

type MimeType = String

readHtml, readLaTeX, readMarkdown, readNative :: String -> Pandoc
writeMarkdown, writePlain, writeNative, writeHtmlString :: Pandoc -> String

#if MIN_VERSION_pandoc(2,0,0)
readHtml = either mempty id . runPure . Pandoc.readHtml
   def{ readerExtensions = extensionsFromList [Ext_native_divs,
                           Ext_native_spans, Ext_raw_html, Ext_smart] } .

readMarkdown = either mempty id . runPure . Pandoc.readMarkdown
   def{ readerExtensions = pandocExtensions, readerStandalone = True } .

readLaTeX = either mempty id . runPure . Pandoc.readLaTeX
   def{ readerExtensions = extensionsFromList [Ext_raw_tex, Ext_smart] } .

readNative = either mempty id . runPure . Pandoc.readNative def . T.pack

writeMarkdown = either mempty T.unpack . runPure . Pandoc.writeMarkdown
   def{ writerExtensions = disableExtension Ext_smart $
                           disableExtension Ext_bracketed_spans $
        writerWrapText = WrapNone }

writePlain = either mempty T.unpack . runPure . Pandoc.writePlain def

writeNative = either mempty T.unpack . runPure . Pandoc.writeNative def{ writerTemplate = Just "" }

writeHtmlString = either mempty T.unpack . runPure . Pandoc.writeHtml4String
   def{ writerExtensions = extensionsFromList
       [Ext_native_divs, Ext_native_spans, Ext_raw_html],
       writerWrapText = WrapPreserve }

readHtml = either mempty id . Pandoc.readHtml
   def{ readerSmart = True, readerParseRaw = True }

readMarkdown = either mempty id . Pandoc.readMarkdown
   def{ readerSmart = True, readerStandalone = True}

readLaTeX = either mempty id . Pandoc.readLaTeX
   def{ readerSmart = True, readerParseRaw = True }

readNative = either mempty id . Pandoc.readNative

writeMarkdown = Pandoc.writeMarkdown def{
    writerWrapText = WrapNone
  , writerColumns = 72
#if MIN_VERSION_pandoc(1,19,0)
  , writerExtensions = Set.delete Ext_bracketed_spans pandocExtensions

writePlain = Pandoc.writePlain def

writeNative = Pandoc.writeNative def{ writerTemplate = Just "" }

writeHtmlString = Pandoc.writeHtmlString def

pipeProcess :: Maybe [(String, String)] -> FilePath -> [String]
            -> BL.ByteString -> IO (ExitCode,BL.ByteString)
#if MIN_VERSION_pandoc(2,0,0)
pipeProcess = Text.Pandoc.Process.pipeProcess
pipeProcess e f a b = do
  (ec, out, err) <- Text.Pandoc.Process.pipeProcess e f a b
  BL.hPutStr stderr err
  return (ec, out)

fetchItem :: String
          -> IO (Either E.SomeException (B.ByteString, Maybe MimeType))
#if MIN_VERSION_pandoc(2,0,0)
fetchItem s = do
  res <- runIO $ runExceptT $ lift $ Text.Pandoc.Class.fetchItem s
  return $ case res of
       Left e          -> Left (E.toException e)
       Right (Left (e :: PandocError))  -> Left (E.toException e)
       Right (Right r) -> Right r
fetchItem = Text.Pandoc.Shared.fetchItem Nothing