{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards       #-}
Module      : $header$
Copyright   : (c) Laurent P René de Cotret, 2020
License     : GNU GPL, version 2 or above
Maintainer  : laurent.decotret@outlook.com
Stability   : internal
Portability : portable


module Text.Pandoc.Filter.Plot.Scripting
    ( ScriptResult(..)
    , runTempScript
    , runScriptIfNecessary
    , toImage
    ) where

import           Control.Monad.Reader

import           Data.Hashable                     (hash)
import           Data.Maybe                        (fromMaybe)
import           Data.Monoid                       ((<>))
import qualified Data.Text                         as T
import qualified Data.Text.IO                      as T

import           System.Directory                  (createDirectoryIfMissing,
import           System.Exit                       (ExitCode (..))
import           System.FilePath                   (FilePath, addExtension,
                                                    normalise, replaceExtension,
                                                    takeDirectory, (</>))
import           System.IO.Temp                    (getCanonicalTemporaryDirectory)
import           System.Process.Typed              (runProcess, shell, setStdout, nullStream)

import           Text.Pandoc.Builder               (fromList, imageWith, link,
                                                    para, toList)
import           Text.Pandoc.Definition            (Block (..), Format)

import           Text.Pandoc.Filter.Plot.Parse     (captionReader)
import           Text.Pandoc.Filter.Plot.Renderers
import           Text.Pandoc.Filter.Plot.Types

-- | Possible result of running a script
data ScriptResult
    = ScriptSuccess
    | ScriptChecksFailed String -- Message
    | ScriptFailure String Int  -- Command and exit code

-- Run script as described by the spec, only if necessary
runScriptIfNecessary :: FigureSpec -> PlotM ScriptResult
runScriptIfNecessary spec = do
    liftIO $ createDirectoryIfMissing True . takeDirectory $ figurePath spec

    fileAlreadyExists <- liftIO . doesFileExist $ figurePath spec
    result <- if fileAlreadyExists
                then return ScriptSuccess
                else runTempScript spec

    case result of
        ScriptSuccess      -> liftIO $ T.writeFile (sourceCodePath spec) (script spec) >> return ScriptSuccess
        ScriptFailure cmd code -> return $ ScriptFailure cmd code
        ScriptChecksFailed msg -> return $ ScriptChecksFailed msg

-- Run script as described by the spec
-- Checks are performed, according to the renderer
-- Note that stdout from the script is suppressed, but not
-- stderr.
runTempScript :: FigureSpec -> PlotM ScriptResult
runTempScript spec@FigureSpec{..} = do
    tk <- asks toolkit
    conf <- asks config
    let checks = scriptChecks tk
        checkResult = mconcat $ checks <*> [script]
    case checkResult of
        CheckFailed msg -> return $ ScriptChecksFailed msg
        CheckPassed -> do
            -- We involve the script hash as a temporary filename
            -- so that there is never any collision
            scriptPath <- tempScriptPath spec
            let captureFragment = (capture tk) spec (figurePath spec)
                -- Note: for gnuplot, the capture string must be placed
                --       BEFORE plotting happens. Since this is only really an
                --       issue for gnuplot, we have a special case.
                scriptWithCapture = if (tk == GNUPlot)
                                        then mconcat [captureFragment, "\n", script]
                                        else mconcat [script, "\n", captureFragment]
            liftIO $ T.writeFile scriptPath scriptWithCapture
            let command_ = T.unpack $ command tk conf spec scriptPath

            ec <- liftIO
                    $ runProcess
                    $ setStdout nullStream
                    $ shell command_
            case ec of
                ExitSuccess      -> return   ScriptSuccess
                ExitFailure code -> return $ ScriptFailure command_ code

-- | Convert a @FigureSpec@ to a Pandoc block component.
-- Note that the script to generate figure files must still
-- be run in another function.
toImage :: Format       -- ^ text format of the caption
        -> FigureSpec
        -> Block
toImage fmt spec = head . toList $ para $ imageWith attrs' (T.pack target') "fig:" caption'
    -- To render images as figures with captions, the target title
    -- must be "fig:"
    -- Janky? yes
        attrs'       = blockAttrs spec
        target'      = figurePath spec
        withSource'  = withSource spec
        srcLink      = link (T.pack $ replaceExtension target' ".txt") mempty "Source code"
        captionText  = fromList $ fromMaybe mempty (captionReader fmt $ caption spec)
        captionLinks = mconcat [" (", srcLink, ")"]
        caption'     = if withSource' then captionText <> captionLinks else captionText

-- | Determine the temp script path from Figure specifications
-- Note that for certain renderers, the appropriate file extension
-- is important.
tempScriptPath :: FigureSpec -> PlotM FilePath
tempScriptPath FigureSpec{..} = do
    tk <- asks toolkit
    -- Note that matlab will refuse to process files that don't start with
    -- a letter... so we append the renderer name
    let ext = scriptExtension tk
        hashedPath = "pandocplot" <> (show . abs . hash $ script) <> ext
    liftIO $ (</> hashedPath) <$> getCanonicalTemporaryDirectory

-- | Determine the path to the source code that generated the figure.
sourceCodePath :: FigureSpec -> FilePath
sourceCodePath = normalise . flip replaceExtension ".txt" . figurePath

-- | Determine the path a figure should have.
figurePath :: FigureSpec -> FilePath
figurePath spec = normalise $ directory spec </> stem spec
    stem = flip addExtension ext . show . hash
    ext  = extension . saveFormat $ spec