{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards   #-}
Module      : $header$
Copyright   : (c) Laurent P René de Cotret, 2020
License     : GNU GPL, version 2 or above
Maintainer  : laurent.decotret@outlook.com
Stability   : internal
Portability : portable

Reading configuration from file

module Text.Pandoc.Filter.Plot.Configuration (
    , configurationPathMeta
    , defaultConfiguration
) where

import           Data.Maybe             (fromMaybe)
import           Data.Text              (Text, pack, unpack)
import qualified Data.Text.IO           as TIO
import           Data.Yaml              ((.!=), (.:?), FromJSON(parseJSON), Value(Object, Null))
import           Data.Yaml.Config       (ignoreEnv, loadYamlSettings)

import           System.FilePath        (normalise)

import           Text.Pandoc.Definition (Format(..), Pandoc(..), MetaValue(..), Inline(..), lookupMeta)

import Text.Pandoc.Filter.Plot.Monad

-- | Read configuration from a YAML file. The
-- keys are exactly the same as for code blocks.
-- If a key is not present, its value will be set
-- to the default value. Parsing errors result in thrown exceptions.
configuration :: FilePath -> IO Configuration
configuration fp = (loadYamlSettings [normalise fp] [] ignoreEnv) >>= renderConfig

-- | Default configuration values.
-- @since
defaultConfiguration :: Configuration
defaultConfiguration =
        { defaultDirectory    = "plots/"
        , defaultWithSource   = False
        , defaultDPI          = 80
        , defaultSaveFormat   = PNG
        , defaultDependencies = mempty
        , captionFormat       = Format "markdown+tex_math_dollars"

        , logVerbosity        = Warning
        , logSink             = StdErr

        , matplotlibPreamble  = mempty
        , plotlyPythonPreamble= mempty
        , plotlyRPreamble     = mempty
        , matlabPreamble      = mempty
        , mathematicaPreamble = mempty
        , octavePreamble      = mempty
        , ggplot2Preamble     = mempty
        , gnuplotPreamble     = mempty
        , graphvizPreamble    = mempty
        , bokehPreamble       = mempty
        , plotsjlPreamble     = mempty

        , matplotlibExe       = python
        , matlabExe           = "matlab"
        , plotlyPythonExe     = python
        , plotlyRExe          = "Rscript"
        , mathematicaExe      = "math"
        , octaveExe           = "octave"
        , ggplot2Exe          = "Rscript"
        , gnuplotExe          = "gnuplot"
        , graphvizExe         = "dot"
        , bokehExe            = python
        , plotsjlExe          = "julia"

        , matplotlibTightBBox   = False
        , matplotlibTransparent = False
            python = if isWindows then "python" else "python3"

-- | Extact path to configuration from the metadata in a Pandoc document.
-- The path to the configuration file should be under the @plot-configuration@ key.
-- In case there is no such metadata, return the default configuration.
-- For example, at the top of a markdown file:
-- @
--     ---
--     title: My document
--     author: John Doe
--     plot-configuration: /path/to/file.yml
--     ---     
-- @
-- The same can be specified via the command line using Pandoc's @-M@ flag:
-- > pandoc --filter pandoc-plot -M plot-configuration="path/to/file.yml" ...
-- @since
configurationPathMeta :: Pandoc -> Maybe FilePath
configurationPathMeta (Pandoc meta _) =
        lookupMeta "plot-configuration" meta >>= getPath
        getPath (MetaString t)        = Just (unpack t)
        getPath (MetaInlines [Str s]) = Just (unpack s)
        getPath _                     = Nothing

-- We define a precursor type because preambles are best specified as file paths,
-- but we want to read those files before building a full
-- @Configuration@ value.
data ConfigPrecursor = ConfigPrecursor
    { _defaultDirectory    :: !FilePath
    , _defaultWithSource   :: !Bool
    , _defaultDPI          :: !Int
    , _defaultSaveFormat   :: !SaveFormat
    , _defaultDependencies :: ![FilePath]
    , _captionFormat       :: !Format

    , _logPrec             :: !LoggingPrecursor

    , _matplotlibPrec      :: !MatplotlibPrecursor
    , _matlabPrec          :: !MatlabPrecursor
    , _plotlyPythonPrec    :: !PlotlyPythonPrecursor
    , _plotlyRPrec         :: !PlotlyRPrecursor
    , _mathematicaPrec     :: !MathematicaPrecursor
    , _octavePrec          :: !OctavePrecursor
    , _ggplot2Prec         :: !GGPlot2Precursor
    , _gnuplotPrec         :: !GNUPlotPrecursor
    , _graphvizPrec        :: !GraphvizPrecursor
    , _bokehPrec           :: !BokehPrecursor
    , _plotsjlPrec         :: !PlotsjlPrecursor

defaultConfigPrecursor :: ConfigPrecursor
defaultConfigPrecursor =
        { _defaultDirectory    = defaultDirectory defaultConfiguration
        , _defaultWithSource   = defaultWithSource defaultConfiguration
        , _defaultDPI          = defaultDPI defaultConfiguration
        , _defaultSaveFormat   = defaultSaveFormat defaultConfiguration
        , _defaultDependencies = defaultDependencies defaultConfiguration
        , _captionFormat       = captionFormat defaultConfiguration

        , _logPrec             = LoggingPrecursor (logVerbosity defaultConfiguration) Nothing -- _logFilePath=Nothing implies log to stderr

        , _matplotlibPrec      = MatplotlibPrecursor   Nothing (matplotlibTightBBox defaultConfiguration) (matplotlibTransparent defaultConfiguration) (matplotlibExe defaultConfiguration)
        , _matlabPrec          = MatlabPrecursor       Nothing (matlabExe defaultConfiguration)
        , _plotlyPythonPrec    = PlotlyPythonPrecursor Nothing (plotlyPythonExe defaultConfiguration)
        , _plotlyRPrec         = PlotlyRPrecursor      Nothing (plotlyRExe defaultConfiguration)
        , _mathematicaPrec     = MathematicaPrecursor  Nothing (mathematicaExe defaultConfiguration)
        , _octavePrec          = OctavePrecursor       Nothing (octaveExe defaultConfiguration)
        , _ggplot2Prec         = GGPlot2Precursor      Nothing (ggplot2Exe defaultConfiguration)
        , _gnuplotPrec         = GNUPlotPrecursor      Nothing (gnuplotExe defaultConfiguration)
        , _graphvizPrec        = GraphvizPrecursor     Nothing (graphvizExe defaultConfiguration)
        , _bokehPrec           = BokehPrecursor        Nothing (bokehExe defaultConfiguration)
        , _plotsjlPrec         = PlotsjlPrecursor      Nothing (plotsjlExe defaultConfiguration)

data LoggingPrecursor = LoggingPrecursor { _logVerbosity :: !Verbosity
                                         , _logFilePath  :: !(Maybe FilePath)

-- Separate YAML clauses have their own types.
data MatplotlibPrecursor = MatplotlibPrecursor
        { _matplotlibPreamble    :: !(Maybe FilePath)
        , _matplotlibTightBBox   :: !Bool
        , _matplotlibTransparent :: !Bool
        , _matplotlibExe         :: !FilePath
data MatlabPrecursor        = MatlabPrecursor       {_matlabPreamble       :: !(Maybe FilePath), _matlabExe       :: !FilePath}
data PlotlyPythonPrecursor  = PlotlyPythonPrecursor {_plotlyPythonPreamble :: !(Maybe FilePath), _plotlyPythonExe :: !FilePath}
data PlotlyRPrecursor       = PlotlyRPrecursor      {_plotlyRPreamble      :: !(Maybe FilePath), _plotlyRExe      :: !FilePath}
data MathematicaPrecursor   = MathematicaPrecursor  {_mathematicaPreamble  :: !(Maybe FilePath), _mathematicaExe  :: !FilePath}
data OctavePrecursor        = OctavePrecursor       {_octavePreamble       :: !(Maybe FilePath), _octaveExe       :: !FilePath}
data GGPlot2Precursor       = GGPlot2Precursor      {_ggplot2Preamble      :: !(Maybe FilePath), _ggplot2Exe      :: !FilePath}
data GNUPlotPrecursor       = GNUPlotPrecursor      {_gnuplotPreamble      :: !(Maybe FilePath), _gnuplotExe      :: !FilePath}
data GraphvizPrecursor      = GraphvizPrecursor     {_graphvizPreamble     :: !(Maybe FilePath), _graphvizExe     :: !FilePath}
data BokehPrecursor         = BokehPrecursor        {_bokehPreamble        :: !(Maybe FilePath), _bokehExe        :: !FilePath}
data PlotsjlPrecursor       = PlotsjlPrecursor      {_plotsjlPreamble      :: !(Maybe FilePath), _plotsjlExe      :: !FilePath}

instance FromJSON LoggingPrecursor where
    parseJSON (Object v) =
        LoggingPrecursor <$> v .:? "verbosity" .!= (logVerbosity defaultConfiguration)
                         <*> v .:? "filepath"
    parseJSON _ = fail $ mconcat ["Could not parse logging configuration. "]

instance FromJSON MatplotlibPrecursor where
    parseJSON (Object v) =
            <$> v .:? (tshow PreambleK)
            <*> v .:? (tshow MatplotlibTightBBoxK)   .!= (matplotlibTightBBox defaultConfiguration)
            <*> v .:? (tshow MatplotlibTransparentK) .!= (matplotlibTransparent defaultConfiguration)
            <*> v .:? (tshow ExecutableK)  .!= (matplotlibExe defaultConfiguration)
    parseJSON _ = fail $ mconcat ["Could not parse ", show Matplotlib, " configuration."]

instance FromJSON MatlabPrecursor where
    parseJSON (Object v) = MatlabPrecursor <$> v .:? (tshow PreambleK) <*> v .:? (tshow ExecutableK) .!= (matlabExe defaultConfiguration)
    parseJSON _ = fail $ mconcat ["Could not parse ", show Matlab, " configuration."]

instance FromJSON PlotlyPythonPrecursor where
    parseJSON (Object v) = PlotlyPythonPrecursor <$> v .:? (tshow PreambleK) <*> v .:? (tshow ExecutableK) .!= (plotlyPythonExe defaultConfiguration)
    parseJSON _ = fail $ mconcat ["Could not parse ", show PlotlyPython, " configuration."]

instance FromJSON PlotlyRPrecursor where
    parseJSON (Object v) = PlotlyRPrecursor <$> v .:? (tshow PreambleK) <*> v .:? (tshow ExecutableK) .!= (plotlyRExe defaultConfiguration)
    parseJSON _ = fail $ mconcat ["Could not parse ", show PlotlyR, " configuration."]

instance FromJSON MathematicaPrecursor where
    parseJSON (Object v) = MathematicaPrecursor <$> v .:? (tshow PreambleK) <*> v .:? (tshow ExecutableK) .!= (mathematicaExe defaultConfiguration)
    parseJSON _ = fail $ mconcat ["Could not parse ", show Mathematica, " configuration."]

instance FromJSON OctavePrecursor where
    parseJSON (Object v) = OctavePrecursor <$> v .:? (tshow PreambleK) <*> v .:? (tshow ExecutableK) .!= (octaveExe defaultConfiguration)
    parseJSON _ = fail $ mconcat ["Could not parse ", show Octave, " configuration."]

instance FromJSON GGPlot2Precursor where
    parseJSON (Object v) = GGPlot2Precursor <$> v .:? (tshow PreambleK) <*> v .:? (tshow ExecutableK) .!= (ggplot2Exe defaultConfiguration)
    parseJSON _ = fail $ mconcat ["Could not parse ", show GGPlot2, " configuration."]

instance FromJSON GNUPlotPrecursor where
    parseJSON (Object v) = GNUPlotPrecursor <$> v .:? (tshow PreambleK) <*> v .:? (tshow ExecutableK) .!= (gnuplotExe defaultConfiguration)
    parseJSON _ = fail $ mconcat ["Could not parse ", show GNUPlot, " configuration."]

instance FromJSON GraphvizPrecursor where
    parseJSON (Object v) = GraphvizPrecursor <$> v .:? (tshow PreambleK) <*> v .:? (tshow ExecutableK) .!= (graphvizExe defaultConfiguration)
    parseJSON _ = fail $ mconcat ["Could not parse ", show Graphviz, " configuration."]

instance FromJSON BokehPrecursor where
    parseJSON (Object v) = BokehPrecursor <$> v .:? (tshow PreambleK) <*> v .:? (tshow ExecutableK) .!= (bokehExe defaultConfiguration)
    parseJSON _ = fail $ mconcat ["Could not parse ", show Bokeh, " configuration."]

instance FromJSON PlotsjlPrecursor where
    parseJSON (Object v) = PlotsjlPrecursor <$> v .:? (tshow PreambleK) <*> v .:? (tshow ExecutableK) .!= (plotsjlExe defaultConfiguration)
    parseJSON _ = fail $ mconcat ["Could not parse ", show Plotsjl, " configuration."]

instance FromJSON ConfigPrecursor where
    parseJSON (Null) = return defaultConfigPrecursor -- In case of empty file
    parseJSON (Object v) = do

        _defaultDirectory    <- v .:? (tshow DirectoryK)     .!= (_defaultDirectory defaultConfigPrecursor)
        _defaultWithSource   <- v .:? (tshow WithSourceK)    .!= (_defaultWithSource defaultConfigPrecursor)
        _defaultDPI          <- v .:? (tshow DpiK)           .!= (_defaultDPI defaultConfigPrecursor)
        _defaultSaveFormat   <- v .:? (tshow SaveFormatK)    .!= (_defaultSaveFormat defaultConfigPrecursor)
        _defaultDependencies <- v .:? (tshow DependenciesK)  .!= (_defaultDependencies defaultConfigPrecursor)
        _captionFormat       <- v .:? (tshow CaptionFormatK) .!= (_captionFormat defaultConfigPrecursor)

        _logPrec             <- v .:? "logging"              .!= _logPrec defaultConfigPrecursor

        _matplotlibPrec      <- v .:? (cls Matplotlib)       .!= _matplotlibPrec defaultConfigPrecursor
        _matlabPrec          <- v .:? (cls Matlab)           .!= _matlabPrec defaultConfigPrecursor
        _plotlyPythonPrec    <- v .:? (cls PlotlyPython)     .!= _plotlyPythonPrec defaultConfigPrecursor
        _plotlyRPrec         <- v .:? (cls PlotlyR)          .!= _plotlyRPrec defaultConfigPrecursor
        _mathematicaPrec     <- v .:? (cls Mathematica)      .!= _mathematicaPrec defaultConfigPrecursor
        _octavePrec          <- v .:? (cls Octave)           .!= _octavePrec defaultConfigPrecursor
        _ggplot2Prec         <- v .:? (cls GGPlot2)          .!= _ggplot2Prec defaultConfigPrecursor
        _gnuplotPrec         <- v .:? (cls GNUPlot)          .!= _gnuplotPrec defaultConfigPrecursor
        _graphvizPrec        <- v .:? (cls Graphviz)         .!= _graphvizPrec defaultConfigPrecursor
        _bokehPrec           <- v .:? (cls Bokeh)            .!= _bokehPrec defaultConfigPrecursor
        _plotsjlPrec         <- v .:? (cls Plotsjl)          .!= _plotsjlPrec defaultConfigPrecursor

        return $ ConfigPrecursor{..}
    parseJSON _          = fail "Could not parse configuration."

renderConfig :: ConfigPrecursor -> IO Configuration
renderConfig ConfigPrecursor{..} = do
    let defaultDirectory    = _defaultDirectory
        defaultWithSource   = _defaultWithSource
        defaultDPI          = _defaultDPI
        defaultSaveFormat   = _defaultSaveFormat
        defaultDependencies = _defaultDependencies
        captionFormat       = _captionFormat

        logVerbosity        = _logVerbosity _logPrec
        logSink             = maybe StdErr LogFile (_logFilePath _logPrec)

        matplotlibTightBBox   = _matplotlibTightBBox _matplotlibPrec
        matplotlibTransparent = _matplotlibTransparent _matplotlibPrec

        matplotlibExe   = _matplotlibExe _matplotlibPrec
        matlabExe       = _matlabExe _matlabPrec
        plotlyPythonExe = _plotlyPythonExe _plotlyPythonPrec
        plotlyRExe      = _plotlyRExe _plotlyRPrec
        mathematicaExe  = _mathematicaExe _mathematicaPrec
        octaveExe       = _octaveExe _octavePrec
        ggplot2Exe      = _ggplot2Exe _ggplot2Prec
        gnuplotExe      = _gnuplotExe _gnuplotPrec
        graphvizExe     = _graphvizExe _graphvizPrec
        bokehExe        = _bokehExe _bokehPrec
        plotsjlExe      = _plotsjlExe _plotsjlPrec

    matplotlibPreamble   <- readPreamble (_matplotlibPreamble _matplotlibPrec)
    matlabPreamble       <- readPreamble (_matlabPreamble _matlabPrec)
    plotlyPythonPreamble <- readPreamble (_plotlyPythonPreamble _plotlyPythonPrec)
    plotlyRPreamble      <- readPreamble (_plotlyRPreamble _plotlyRPrec)
    mathematicaPreamble  <- readPreamble (_mathematicaPreamble _mathematicaPrec)
    octavePreamble       <- readPreamble (_octavePreamble _octavePrec)
    ggplot2Preamble      <- readPreamble (_ggplot2Preamble _ggplot2Prec)
    gnuplotPreamble      <- readPreamble (_gnuplotPreamble _gnuplotPrec)
    graphvizPreamble     <- readPreamble (_graphvizPreamble _graphvizPrec)
    bokehPreamble        <- readPreamble (_bokehPreamble _bokehPrec)
    plotsjlPreamble      <- readPreamble (_plotsjlPreamble _plotsjlPrec)

    return Configuration{..}
        readPreamble fp = fromMaybe mempty $ TIO.readFile <$> fp

tshow :: Show a => a -> Text
tshow = pack . show