module Pandora.Pattern.Functor.Distributive (Distributive (..)) where

import Pandora.Core.Functor (type (:.:))
import Pandora.Core.Morphism (identity, (.))
import Pandora.Pattern.Functor.Covariant (Covariant)

{- |
> Let f :: Distributive g => (a -> g b)

> When providing a new instance, you should ensure it satisfies the two laws:
> * Identity morphism: distribute . distribute ≡ identity
> * Interchange collection: collect f ≡ distribute . comap f

infixl 5 >>-, >>>-, >>>>-, >>>>>-

class Covariant u => Distributive u where
        {-# MINIMAL (>>-) #-}
        -- | Infix version of 'collect'
        (>>-) :: Covariant t => t a -> (a -> u b) -> (u :.: t) b

        -- | Prefix version of '>>-'
        collect :: Covariant t => (a -> u b) -> t a -> (u :.: t) b
        collect f t = t >>- f
        -- | The dual of 'sequence'
        distribute :: Covariant t => (t :.: u) a -> (u :.: t) a
        distribute t = t >>- identity

        -- | Infix versions of `collect` with various nesting levels
        (>>>-) :: (Covariant t, Covariant v)
                => (t :.: v) a -> (a -> u b) -> (u :.: t :.: v) b
        x >>>- f = (collect . collect) f x
        (>>>>-) :: (Covariant t, Covariant v, Covariant w)
                => (t :.: v :.: w) a -> (a -> u b) -> (u :.: t :.: v :.: w) b
        x >>>>- f = (collect . collect . collect) f x
        (>>>>>-) :: (Covariant t, Covariant v, Covariant w, Covariant j)
                => (t :.: v :.: w :.: j) a -> (a -> u b) -> (u :.: t :.: v :.: w :.: j) b
        x >>>>>- f = (collect . collect . collect . collect) f x