module Pandora.Pattern.Functor.Adjoint (Adjoint (..), type (-|)) where

import Pandora.Core.Functor (type (:.), type (:=))
import Pandora.Pattern.Category (identity)
import Pandora.Pattern.Functor.Covariant (Covariant)

type (-|) = Adjoint

infixl 4 -|, |-

{- |
> When providing a new instance, you should ensure it satisfies the four laws:
> * Left adjunction identity: phi cozero ≡ identity
> * Right adjunction identity: psi zero ≡ identity
> * Left adjunction interchange: phi f ≡ comap f . eta
> * Right adjunction interchange: psi f ≡ epsilon . comap f

class (Covariant t, Covariant u) => Adjoint t u where
        {-# MINIMAL (-|), (|-) #-}
        -- | Left adjunction
        (-|) :: a -> (t a -> b) -> u b
        -- | Right adjunction
        (|-) :: t a -> (a -> u b) -> b

        -- | Prefix and flipped version of '-|'
        phi :: (t a -> b) -> a -> u b
        phi f x = x -| f
        -- | Prefix and flipped version of '|-'
        psi :: (a -> u b) -> t a -> b
        psi g x = x |- g
        -- | Also known as 'unit'
        eta :: a -> u :. t := a
        eta = phi identity
        -- | Also known as 'counit'
        epsilon :: t :. u := a -> a
        epsilon = psi identity