module Pandora.Pattern.Functor.Representable (Representable (..)) where

import Pandora.Core.Functor (type (<-|))
import Pandora.Core.Morphism ((%))
import Pandora.Pattern.Category (identity)
import Pandora.Pattern.Functor.Pointable (Pointable)

{- |
> When providing a new instance, you should ensure it satisfies the three laws:
> * Isomorphism (to): tabulate . index ≡ identity
> * Isomorphism (from): index . tabulate ≡ identity
> * Right adjoint: tabulate . point ≡ point
> * Interchange tabulation: comap f . tabulate ≡ tabulate . comap f

class Pointable t => Representable t where
        {-# MINIMAL (<#>), tabulate #-}
        type Representation t :: *
        -- | Infix and flipped version of 'index'
        (<#>) :: Representation t -> a <-| t
        -- Build with a function which describes value
        tabulate :: (Representation t -> a) -> t a
        -- | Prefix and flipped version of '<#>'
        index :: t a -> Representation t -> a
        index x f = f <#> x

instance Representable ((->) e) where
        type Representation ((->) e) = e
        (<#>) = (identity %)
        tabulate = identity