parsley- A fast parser combinator library backed by Typed Template Haskell
MaintainerJamie Willis
Safe HaskellNone



This module exposes combinators designed to work with registers. These are small pieces of state that are carried through the parsing process. They can be used, for example, to perform indentation sensitive parsing. In fact, they are a flexible replacement for the monadic combinators, in conjunction with the Parsley.Selective combinators. In particular, the bind combinator implements a limited form of the (>>=) operation, where the structure of the resulting parser will still be statically determinable. Registers paired with Parsley.Selective combinators are Turing-Compete.




data Reg r a #

This is an opaque representation of a parsing register. It cannot be manipulated as a user, and the type parameter r is used to ensure that it cannot leak out of the scope it has been created in. It is the abstracted representation of a runtime storage location.

Since: parsley-core-

newRegister #


:: Parser a

Parser with which to initialise the register

-> (forall r. Reg r a -> Parser b)

Used to generate the second parser to execute

-> Parser b 

Creates a new register initialised with the value obtained from parsing the first argument. This register is provided to the second argument, a function that generates a parser depending on operations derived from the register. This parser is then performed.

Note: The rank-2 type here serves a similar purpose to that in the ST monad. It prevents the register from leaking outside of the scope of the function, safely encapsulating the stateful effect of the register.

Since: parsley-core-

get :: Reg r a -> Parser a #

Fetches a value from a register and returns it as its result.

Since: parsley-core-

put :: Reg r a -> Parser a -> Parser () #

Puts the result of the given parser into the given register. The old value in the register will be lost.

Since: parsley-core-

newRegister_ :: ParserOps rep => rep a -> (forall r. Reg r a -> Parser b) -> Parser b Source #

Like newRegister, except the initial value of the register is seeded from a pure value as opposed to the result of a parser.


put_ :: ParserOps rep => Reg r a -> rep a -> Parser () Source #

Like put, except the new value of the register is a pure value as opposed to the result of a parser.


gets :: Reg r a -> Parser (a -> b) -> Parser b Source #

gets reg p first parses p to get as a result, function f. Then, taking into account any changes made during p, the value is fetched from reg and applied to f.


gets_ :: ParserOps rep => Reg r a -> rep (a -> b) -> Parser b Source #

Like gets, except the adapter function is a pure argument as opposed to the result of a parser.


modify :: Reg r a -> Parser (a -> a) -> Parser () Source #

modify reg p first parses p to collect the function f, then taking into account any changes made during f, the value in reg is modified using the function f and put back into it.


modify_ :: ParserOps rep => Reg r a -> rep (a -> a) -> Parser () Source #

Like modify, except the modification function is a pure argument as opposed to the result of a parser.


move :: Reg r1 a -> Reg r2 a -> Parser () Source #

move dst src takes the value stored in src and additionally stores it into dst.


swap :: Reg r1 a -> Reg r2 a -> Parser () Source #

This combinator will swap the values contained in two registers.


bind :: Parser a -> (Parser a -> Parser b) -> Parser b Source #

This combinator uses registers to emulate a restricted form of (>>=): in a traditional monadic setting, this would be considered to be the implementation:

bind p f = p >>= f . pure

Essentially, the result of p is available to be summoned purely as many times as needed. However, it cannot be used to dynamically create structure: the selective combinators can be used to provide that functionality partially.


local :: Reg r a -> Parser a -> Parser b -> Parser b Source #

local reg p q first parses p and stores its value in reg for the duration of parsing q. If q succeeds, reg will be restored to its original state before p was parsed.


rollback :: Reg r a -> Parser b -> Parser b Source #

rollback reg p will perform p and if it fails without consuming input, reg will be restored to its original state from before p was parsed, and the combinator will fail. If p succeeds the state in reg will not be restored to an old version.


for :: Parser a -> Parser (a -> Bool) -> Parser (a -> a) -> Parser () -> Parser () Source #

This combinator is like a traditional imperative-style for-loop. Given for init cond step body, init is first parsed to initialise a register called i; the parser cond is then performed to check that the value in i adheres to the predicate it returns; if so, then the body is parsed, step modifies the state in i, and then the process repeats from cond again. When cond returns False for the predicate applied to i's state, the loop terminates gracefully. If any component of this parser fails the loop will fail.
