{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts  #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators     #-}

{- | If a type derives 'Generic' and all of its fields have 'PartialSemigroup'
instances, you can get a 'PartialSemigroup' for free using

== Example

For this demonstration we'll define a contrived example type @T@ with two
constructors, @A@ and @B@.

>>> data T = A String (Either String String) | B String deriving (Generic, Show)

And then define its 'PartialSemigroup' instance using

>>> instance PartialSemigroup T where (<>?) = genericPartialSemigroupOp

This gives us an implementation of '<>?' which combines values only if they have
the same structure.

>>> A "s" (Left "x") <>? A "t" (Left "y")
Just (A "st" (Left "xy"))

>>> B "x" <>? B "y"
Just (B "xy")

For values that do /not/ have the same structure, '<>?' produces 'Nothing'.

>>> A "s" (Left "x") <>? A "t" (Right "y")

>>> A "x" (Left "y") <>? B "z"


module Data.PartialSemigroup.Generics
  -- * The generic PartialSemigroup operator

  -- * Implementation details
  , PartialSemigroupRep (..)

  -- * Re-exports
  , Generic
  , PartialSemigroup (..)

  ) where

import Data.PartialSemigroup

-- base
import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<*>))
import Data.Maybe          (Maybe (..))
import GHC.Generics        ((:*:) (..), (:+:) (..), Generic, K1 (..), M1 (..),
                            Rep, from, to)

{- $setup

>>> :set -XDeriveGeneric

>>> import Data.Either (Either (..))
>>> import Data.String (String)
>>> import Text.Show (Show)


genericPartialSemigroupOp :: (Generic a, PartialSemigroupRep (Rep a))
  => a -> a -> Maybe a
genericPartialSemigroupOp x y =
  to <$> repPartialSemigroupOp (from x) (from y)

{- |

The class of generic type 'Rep's for which we can automatically derive

  * 'K1' - a single value
  * 'M1' - a value with some additional metadata (which we simply discard)
  * ':+:' - sum types
  * ':*:' - product types


class PartialSemigroupRep rep
    repPartialSemigroupOp :: rep a -> rep a -> Maybe (rep a)

instance PartialSemigroup a => PartialSemigroupRep (K1 i a)
    repPartialSemigroupOp (K1 x) (K1 y) = K1 <$> (x <>? y)

instance PartialSemigroupRep rep => PartialSemigroupRep (M1 i meta rep)
    repPartialSemigroupOp (M1 x) (M1 y) = M1 <$> repPartialSemigroupOp x y

instance (PartialSemigroupRep rep1, PartialSemigroupRep rep2) =>
  PartialSemigroupRep (rep1 :*: rep2)
    repPartialSemigroupOp (x1 :*: x2) (y1 :*: y2) =
      (:*:) <$> repPartialSemigroupOp x1 y1
            <*> repPartialSemigroupOp x2 y2

instance (PartialSemigroupRep rep1, PartialSemigroupRep rep2) =>
  PartialSemigroupRep (rep1 :+: rep2)
    repPartialSemigroupOp (L1 x) (L1 y) = L1 <$> repPartialSemigroupOp x y
    repPartialSemigroupOp (R1 x) (R1 y) = R1 <$> repPartialSemigroupOp x y
    repPartialSemigroupOp _ _ = Nothing