paseto- Platform-Agnostic Security Tokens
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred



Implementation of PASETO version 4 (modern Sodium cryptography).

Note that we're not actually using libsodium itself in this module but, instead, the equivalent algorithm implementations that are available in crypton.


Local purpose

encrypt Source #


:: SymmetricKey V4

Symmetric key.

-> Claims

Claims to be encrypted.

-> Maybe Footer

Optional footer to authenticate and encode within the resulting token.

-> Maybe ImplicitAssertion

Optional implicit assertion to authenticate.

-> IO (Token V4 Local) 

PASETO version 4 encryption.

This is an authenticated encryption with associated data (AEAD) algorithm which combines the XChaCha20 stream cipher with the Blake2b message authentication code.

Note that this function essentially just calls encryptPure with a random 32-byte nonce generated from the operating system's CSPRNG.

encryptPure Source #


:: ByteString

Random 32-byte nonce.

It is recommended to generate this from the operating system's CSPRNG.

-> SymmetricKey V4

Symmetric key.

-> Claims

Claims to be encrypted.

-> Maybe Footer

Optional footer to authenticate and encode within the resulting token.

-> Maybe ImplicitAssertion

Optional implicit assertion to authenticate.

-> Token V4 Local 

Pure variant of encrypt.

For typical usage, please use encrypt.

data DecryptionError Source #

PASETO version 4 decryption error.



Invalid token footer.


DecryptionInvalidNonceSizeError !Int

Invalid nonce size.

DecryptionInvalidMacSizeError !Int

Invalid Blake2b message authentication code size.


Invalid Blake2b message authenticartion code.


DecryptionClaimsDeserializationError !String

Error deserializing a decrypted collection of claims as JSON.

decrypt Source #


:: SymmetricKey V4

Symmetric key.

-> Token V4 Local

Token to decrypt.

-> Maybe Footer

Optional footer to authenticate.

-> Maybe ImplicitAssertion

Optional implicit assertion to authenticate.

-> Either DecryptionError Claims 

Public purpose

sign Source #


:: SigningKey V4

Signing key.

-> Claims

Claims to be signed.

-> Maybe Footer

Optional footer to authenticate and encode within the resulting token.

-> Maybe ImplicitAssertion

Optional implicit assertion to authenticate.

-> Token V4 Public 

PASETO version 4 cryptographic signing.

This implementation produces a token which is signed using Ed25519.

data VerificationError Source #

PASETO version 4 signature verification error.



Invalid token footer.


VerificationCryptoError !CryptoError

CryptoError that occurred during verification.


Signature verification failed.

VerificationClaimsDeserializationError !String

Error deserializing a verified collection of claims as JSON.

verify Source #


:: VerificationKey V4

Verification key.

-> Token V4 Public

Token to verify.

-> Maybe Footer

Optional footer to authenticate.

-> Maybe ImplicitAssertion

Optional implicit assertion to authenticate.

-> Either VerificationError Claims