-- | This is a small pretty-printing library.
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFoldable             #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor              #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveTraversable          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards            #-}
module Patat.PrettyPrint
    ( Doc
    , toString
    , dimensions
    , null

    , hPutDoc
    , putDoc

    , string
    , text
    , space
    , spaces
    , softline
    , hardline

    , wrapAt

    , Trimmable (..)
    , indent

    , ansi

    , (<+>)
    , (<$$>)
    , vcat

    -- * Exotic combinators
    , Alignment (..)
    , align
    , paste
    ) where

import           Control.Monad.Reader (asks, local)
import           Control.Monad.RWS    (RWS, runRWS)
import           Control.Monad.State  (get, gets, modify)
import           Control.Monad.Writer (tell)
import           Data.Foldable        (Foldable)
import qualified Data.List            as L
import           Data.Monoid          (Monoid, mconcat, mempty)
import           Data.Semigroup       (Semigroup (..))
import           Data.String          (IsString (..))
import qualified Data.Text            as T
import           Data.Traversable     (Traversable, traverse)
import           Prelude              hiding (null)
import qualified System.Console.ANSI  as Ansi
import qualified System.IO            as IO

-- | A simple chunk of text.  All ANSI codes are "reset" after printing.
data Chunk
    = StringChunk [Ansi.SGR] String
    | NewlineChunk
    deriving (Eq)

type Chunks = [Chunk]

hPutChunk :: IO.Handle -> Chunk -> IO ()
hPutChunk h NewlineChunk            = IO.hPutStrLn h ""
hPutChunk h (StringChunk codes str) = do
    Ansi.hSetSGR h (reverse codes)
    IO.hPutStr h str
    Ansi.hSetSGR h [Ansi.Reset]

chunkToString :: Chunk -> String
chunkToString NewlineChunk        = "\n"
chunkToString (StringChunk _ str) = str

-- | If two neighboring chunks have the same set of ANSI codes, we can group
-- them together.
optimizeChunks :: Chunks -> Chunks
optimizeChunks (StringChunk c1 s1 : StringChunk c2 s2 : chunks)
    | c1 == c2  = optimizeChunks (StringChunk c1 (s1 <> s2) : chunks)
    | otherwise =
        StringChunk c1 s1 : optimizeChunks (StringChunk c2 s2 : chunks)
optimizeChunks (x : chunks) = x : optimizeChunks chunks
optimizeChunks [] = []

chunkLines :: Chunks -> [Chunks]
chunkLines chunks = case break (== NewlineChunk) chunks of
    (xs, _newline : ys) -> xs : chunkLines ys
    (xs, [])            -> [xs]

data DocE
    = String String
    | Softspace
    | Hardspace
    | Softline
    | Hardline
    | WrapAt
        { wrapAtCol :: Maybe Int
        , wrapDoc   :: Doc
    | Ansi
        { ansiCode :: [Ansi.SGR] -> [Ansi.SGR]  -- ^ Modifies current codes.
        , ansiDoc  :: Doc
    | Indent
        { indentFirstLine  :: LineBuffer
        , indentOtherLines :: LineBuffer
        , indentDoc        :: Doc

chunkToDocE :: Chunk -> DocE
chunkToDocE NewlineChunk            = Hardline
chunkToDocE (StringChunk codes str) = Ansi (\_ -> codes) (Doc [String str])

newtype Doc = Doc {unDoc :: [DocE]}
    deriving (Monoid, Semigroup)

instance IsString Doc where
    fromString = string

instance Show Doc where
    show = toString

data DocEnv = DocEnv
    { deCodes  :: [Ansi.SGR]  -- ^ Most recent ones first in the list
    , deIndent :: LineBuffer  -- ^ Don't need to store first-line indent
    , deWrap   :: Maybe Int   -- ^ Wrap at columns

type DocM = RWS DocEnv Chunks LineBuffer

data Trimmable a
    = NotTrimmable !a
    | Trimmable    !a
    deriving (Foldable, Functor, Traversable)

-- | Note that this is reversed so we have fast append
type LineBuffer = [Trimmable Chunk]

bufferToChunks :: LineBuffer -> Chunks
bufferToChunks = map trimmableToChunk . reverse . dropWhile isTrimmable
    isTrimmable (NotTrimmable _) = False
    isTrimmable (Trimmable    _) = True

    trimmableToChunk (NotTrimmable c) = c
    trimmableToChunk (Trimmable    c) = c

docToChunks :: Doc -> Chunks
docToChunks doc0 =
    let env0        = DocEnv [] [] Nothing
        ((), b, cs) = runRWS (go $ unDoc doc0) env0 mempty in
    optimizeChunks (cs <> bufferToChunks b)
    go :: [DocE] -> DocM ()

    go [] = return ()

    go (String str : docs) = do
        chunk <- makeChunk str
        modify (NotTrimmable chunk :)
        go docs

    go (Softspace : docs) = do
        hard <- softConversion Softspace docs
        go (hard : docs)

    go (Hardspace : docs) = do
        chunk <- makeChunk " "
        modify (NotTrimmable chunk :)
        go docs

    go (Softline : docs) = do
        hard <- softConversion Softline docs
        go (hard : docs)

    go (Hardline : docs) = do
        buffer <- get
        tell $ bufferToChunks buffer <> [NewlineChunk]
        indentation <- asks deIndent
        modify $ \_ -> if L.null docs then [] else indentation
        go docs

    go (WrapAt {..} : docs) = do
        local (\env -> env {deWrap = wrapAtCol}) $ go (unDoc wrapDoc)
        go docs

    go (Ansi {..} : docs) = do
        local (\env -> env {deCodes = ansiCode (deCodes env)}) $
            go (unDoc ansiDoc)
        go docs

    go (Indent {..} : docs) = do
        local (\env -> env {deIndent = indentOtherLines ++ deIndent env}) $ do
            modify (indentFirstLine ++)
            go (unDoc indentDoc)
        go docs

    makeChunk :: String -> DocM Chunk
    makeChunk str = do
        codes <- asks deCodes
        return $ StringChunk codes str

    -- Convert 'Softspace' or 'Softline' to 'Hardspace' or 'Hardline'
    softConversion :: DocE -> [DocE] -> DocM DocE
    softConversion soft docs = do
        mbWrapCol <- asks deWrap
        case mbWrapCol of
            Nothing     -> return hard
            Just maxCol -> do
                -- Slow.
                currentLine <- gets (concatMap chunkToString . bufferToChunks)
                let currentCol = length currentLine
                case nextWordLength docs of
                    Nothing                            -> return hard
                    Just l
                        | currentCol + 1 + l <= maxCol -> return Hardspace
                        | otherwise                    -> return Hardline
        hard = case soft of
            Softspace -> Hardspace
            Softline  -> Hardline
            _         -> soft

    nextWordLength :: [DocE] -> Maybe Int
    nextWordLength []                 = Nothing
    nextWordLength (String x : xs)
        | L.null x                    = nextWordLength xs
        | otherwise                   = Just (length x)
    nextWordLength (Softspace : xs)   = nextWordLength xs
    nextWordLength (Hardspace : xs)   = nextWordLength xs
    nextWordLength (Softline : xs)    = nextWordLength xs
    nextWordLength (Hardline : _)     = Nothing
    nextWordLength (WrapAt {..} : xs) = nextWordLength (unDoc wrapDoc   ++ xs)
    nextWordLength (Ansi   {..} : xs) = nextWordLength (unDoc ansiDoc   ++ xs)
    nextWordLength (Indent {..} : xs) = nextWordLength (unDoc indentDoc ++ xs)

toString :: Doc -> String
toString = concat . map chunkToString . docToChunks

-- | Returns the rows and columns necessary to render this document
dimensions :: Doc -> (Int, Int)
dimensions doc =
    let ls = lines (toString doc) in
    (length ls, foldr max 0 (map length ls))

null :: Doc -> Bool
null doc = case unDoc doc of [] -> True; _ -> False

hPutDoc :: IO.Handle -> Doc -> IO ()
hPutDoc h = mapM_ (hPutChunk h) . docToChunks

putDoc :: Doc -> IO ()
putDoc = hPutDoc IO.stdout

mkDoc :: DocE -> Doc
mkDoc e = Doc [e]

string :: String -> Doc
string = mkDoc . String  -- TODO (jaspervdj): Newline conversion

text :: T.Text -> Doc
text = string . T.unpack

space :: Doc
space = mkDoc Softspace

spaces :: Int -> Doc
spaces n = mconcat $ replicate n space

softline :: Doc
softline = mkDoc Softline

hardline :: Doc
hardline = mkDoc Hardline

wrapAt :: Maybe Int -> Doc -> Doc
wrapAt wrapAtCol wrapDoc = mkDoc WrapAt {..}

indent :: Trimmable Doc -> Trimmable Doc -> Doc -> Doc
indent firstLineDoc otherLinesDoc doc = mkDoc $ Indent
    { indentFirstLine  = traverse docToChunks firstLineDoc
    , indentOtherLines = traverse docToChunks otherLinesDoc
    , indentDoc        = doc

ansi :: [Ansi.SGR] -> Doc -> Doc
ansi codes =  mkDoc . Ansi (codes ++)

(<+>) :: Doc -> Doc -> Doc
x <+> y = x <> space <> y
infixr 6 <+>

(<$$>) :: Doc -> Doc -> Doc
x <$$> y = x <> hardline <> y
infixr 5 <$$>

vcat :: [Doc] -> Doc
vcat = mconcat . L.intersperse hardline

data Alignment = AlignLeft | AlignCenter | AlignRight deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

align :: Int -> Alignment -> Doc -> Doc
align width alignment doc0 =
    let chunks0 = docToChunks doc0
        lines_  = chunkLines chunks0 in
        [ Doc (map chunkToDocE (alignLine line))
        | line <- lines_
    lineWidth :: [Chunk] -> Int
    lineWidth = sum . map (length . chunkToString)

    alignLine :: [Chunk] -> [Chunk]
    alignLine line =
        let actual        = lineWidth line
            chunkSpaces n = [StringChunk [] (replicate n ' ')] in
        case alignment of
            AlignLeft   -> line <> chunkSpaces (width - actual)
            AlignRight  -> chunkSpaces (width - actual) <> line
            AlignCenter ->
                let r = (width - actual) `div` 2
                    l = (width - actual) - r in
                chunkSpaces l <> line <> chunkSpaces r

-- | Like the unix program 'paste'.
paste :: [Doc] -> Doc
paste docs0 =
    let chunkss = map docToChunks docs0                   :: [Chunks]
        cols    = map chunkLines chunkss                  :: [[Chunks]]
        rows0   = L.transpose cols                        :: [[Chunks]]
        rows1   = map (map (Doc . map chunkToDocE)) rows0 :: [[Doc]] in
    vcat $ map mconcat rows1