module System.Path.Internal.Part where

import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.State as MS
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import Control.DeepSeq (NFData(rnf))

import Data.Tagged (Tagged(Tagged))
import Data.Ord.HT (comparing)
import Data.Eq.HT (equating)

import Test.QuickCheck (Gen)

newtype Abs = Abs GenComponent
data Rel = Rel
data AbsRel = AbsO GenComponent | RelO

absPC :: String -> Abs
absPC = Abs . PathComponent

emptyPC :: PathComponent os
emptyPC = PathComponent ""

newtype File = File GenComponent
data Dir = Dir
data FileDir = FileDir

instance NFData Abs where
    rnf (Abs drive) = rnf drive

instance NFData Rel where
    rnf Rel = ()

instance NFData File where
    rnf (File pc) = rnf pc

instance NFData Dir where
    rnf Dir = ()

instance NFData FileDir where
    rnf FileDir = ()

data Generic = Generic

{- |
We cannot have a PathComponent without phantom types plus a Tagged wrapper,
because we need specialised Eq and Ord instances.
type GenComponent = PathComponent Generic

newtype PathComponent os = PathComponent String

instance NFData (PathComponent os) where
    rnf (PathComponent pc) = rnf pc

instance (System os) => Eq (PathComponent os) where
    (==)  =  equating (applyComp canonicalize)

instance (System os) => Ord (PathComponent os) where
    compare  =  comparing (applyComp canonicalize)

applyComp :: Tagged os (String -> String) -> PathComponent os -> String
applyComp (Tagged canon) (PathComponent pc) = canon pc

retagPC :: GenComponent -> PathComponent os
retagPC (PathComponent pc) = PathComponent pc

untagPC :: PathComponent os -> GenComponent
untagPC (PathComponent pc) = PathComponent pc

fileMap :: (String -> String) -> File -> File
fileMap f (File pc) = File $ pcMap f pc

pcMap :: (String -> String) -> PathComponent os -> PathComponent os
pcMap f (PathComponent s) = PathComponent $ f s

pcMapF ::
    (Functor f) =>
    (String -> f String) -> PathComponent os -> f (PathComponent os)
pcMapF f (PathComponent s) = PathComponent <$> f s

class System os where
    -- | The character that separates directories. In the case where more than
    --   one character is possible, 'pathSeparator' is the \'ideal\' one.
    -- >> Posix.isPathSeparator Posix.pathSeparator
    pathSeparator :: Tagged os Char

    -- | The list of all possible separators.
    -- >> Posix.pathSeparator `elem` Posix.pathSeparators
    pathSeparators :: Tagged os [Char]
    pathSeparators = (:[]) <$> pathSeparator

    -- | Rather than using @(== 'pathSeparator')@, use this. Test if something
    --   is a path separator.
    -- >> Posix.isPathSeparator a == (a `elem` Posix.pathSeparators)
    isPathSeparator :: Tagged os (Char -> Bool)
    isPathSeparator = flip elem <$> pathSeparators

    splitAbsolute :: Tagged os (MS.State String String)

    canonicalize :: Tagged os (String -> String)

    splitDrive :: Tagged os (MS.State String String)
    genDrive :: Tagged os (Gen String)