
Mutually Independent Commitments Protocol (MICP)

- 1, 2(a): send pedersen bases to each other
- 2(b): Send bobGK1Map to alice
- 2(c): Send bobCommit to alice using alice params
- 3(a): Send aliceGK1Map to bob
- 3(b): Send aliceCommit to bob
- 3(c): Send aliceC to bob
- 4(a): Send bobC to alice
- 4(b): Send bobReveal to alice
- 4(c): Send bobDMap to alice
- 5(a): alice checks bob's commit
- 5(b): Send aliceReveal to bob
- 5(c): Send aliceDMap to bob
- 5(d): send alice's 'a' to bob
- 6(a): bob checks alice's commit
- 6(b): bob checks that alice's ga^a == ha
- 6(c): bob sends k'map and bob's 'a' to alice
- 7(a): alice checks that bob's ga^a == ha
- 7(b): alice checks k'map from bob matches gk'map received earlier
- 8(a): bob checks k'map from alice matches gk'map recieved earlier
- Reveal: Alice & Bob reveal KMaps

module MICP.Internal (
) where

import Protolude
import GHC.Base (until)
import Data.List (unzip)

import Crypto.Hash
import Crypto.Random.Types (MonadRandom(..))

import qualified Data.ByteArray as BA
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)

import qualified Pedersen as P
import PrimeField as PF

-- Blum Micali PRNG

data Bit = Zero | One
  deriving (Eq, Ord, Enum, Show)

bitsToInteger :: [Bit] -> Integer
bitsToInteger = snd . foldr accum (0,0)
    accum :: Bit -> (Int,Integer) -> (Int,Integer)
    accum b (n,total) = (n+1, total + bitToInt n b)

    bitToInt :: Int -> Bit -> Integer
    bitToInt n bit
      | n < 0 = 0
      | otherwise = 2^n * toInteger (fromEnum bit)

data PRNGState = PRNGState
  { i    :: Int
  , bits :: [Bit]
  , seed :: Integer

initPRNGState :: Integer -> PRNGState
initPRNGState seed =
  PRNGState { i = 0
            , bits = []
            , seed = seed

genPRNGSeed :: MonadRandom m => SPF -> m Integer
genPRNGSeed spf = liftM (gexpSafeSPF spf) $ randomInZp spf

-- | Generates a hardcore bit sequence using the result from the paper:
-- "How to generate cryptographically strong sequences of pseudo random bits"
-- - M. Blum and S. Micali, 1984
-- Reference: https://crypto.stanford.edu/pbc/notes/crypto/blummicali.html
  :: MonadRandom m
  => Int       -- ^ Number of bits to generate
  -> Integer   -- ^ Initial seed (must be in Zp)
  -> SPF       -- ^ Safe prime field to compute within
  -> m Integer -- ^ n-bit, pseudo-random result
blumMicaliPRNG nbits seed spf = do
    let randNBits = bits $ nStepsPRNG nbits $ initPRNGState seed
    return $ bitsToInteger randNBits
    nStepsPRNG :: Int -> PRNGState -> PRNGState
    nStepsPRNG n = until (\bm -> i bm == n) blumMicaliStep

    blumMicaliStep :: PRNGState -> PRNGState
    blumMicaliStep (PRNGState i prevBits prevSeed) =
        PRNGState { i    = i + 1
                  , bits = newBit : prevBits
                  , seed = newSeed
        newSeed = blumMicaliF spf prevSeed

          | blumMicaliH spf newSeed = One
          | otherwise = Zero

-- | Strong one way function, discrete log problem:
--     f(x) = g^x mod p in some prime field Zp
blumMicaliF :: SPF -> Integer -> Integer
blumMicaliF = gexpSafeSPF

-- | Hardcore predicate H (Blum-Micali):
--     given p from LocalParams:
--       let H(x) = if x < (p - 1)/2 then 1 else 0
--   resource: https://crypto.stanford.edu/pbc/notes/crypto/hardcore.html
blumMicaliH :: SPF -> Integer -> Bool
blumMicaliH spf r = r < (unP (spfP spf) - 1) `div` 2

-- Mutually Independent Commitments Protocol (MICP)

-- | Commitment parameters
data MICParams = MICParams
  { secParam    :: Int     -- ^ Security parameter, # bits of large prime
  , secretBytes :: [Word8] -- ^ Secret to commit to, as bytes
  , micpSPF     :: SPF     -- ^ Safe Prime field (shared)

mkMICParams :: Int -> ByteString -> SPF -> MICParams
mkMICParams k secret spf =
  MICParams { secParam    = k
            , secretBytes = BA.unpack secret
            , micpSPF     = spf

-- | Force random nums to be generated with (p,g) from shared env
-- and returns a single byte (8 random bits) as output
micpBlumMicaliPRNG :: MonadRandom m => Integer -> SPFM m Word8
micpBlumMicaliPRNG seed = fromIntegral <$> (lift . blumMicaliPRNG 8 seed =<< ask)

-- | Force random seed to be generated with (p,g) from shared env
micpBlumMicaliSeed :: MonadRandom m => SPFM m Integer
micpBlumMicaliSeed = lift . genPRNGSeed =<< ask

-- Generate (k,k') pairs such that H(k) XOR H(k') == secret:

type K1Map = Map Int Integer
type K2Map = Map Int Integer

type GtoK1Map = Map Int Integer
type GtoK2Map = Map Int Integer

-- | 2(b), 3(a): Generate two integer maps where the ith entry in
-- each map corresponds to the ith k1 and k2 values respectively such that
-- `Hn(k1_i) xor Hn(k2_i) == byte_i`. Two maps are generated map because
-- the values k and k' are to be exposed at different stages of the protocol.
genKMaps :: MonadRandom m => [Word8] -> SPFM m (K1Map,K2Map)
genKMaps bytes = do
  (k1s,k2s) <- unzip <$> mapM genKPair bytes
  let k1Map = Map.fromList $ zip [0..] k1s
  let k2Map = Map.fromList $ zip [0..] k2s
  return (k1Map,k2Map)

-- | Generate a pair of values such that `Hn(k1) xor Hn(k2) = byte`
genKPair :: MonadRandom m => Word8 -> SPFM m (Integer,Integer)
genKPair byte = do
    k1  <- micpBlumMicaliSeed
    hk1 <- micpBlumMicaliPRNG k1
    k2  <- findK2 hk1
    return (k1,k2)
    checkHKPair :: Bits a => a -> (a,a) -> Bool
    checkHKPair byte (hk1,hk2) = byte == (hk1 `xor` hk2)

    findK2 :: MonadRandom m => Word8 -> SPFM m Integer
    findK2 hk1 = do
      k2  <- micpBlumMicaliSeed
      hk2 <- micpBlumMicaliPRNG k2
      if checkHKPair byte (hk1,hk2) then
        return k2
      else findK2 hk1

-- | Takes a Map k v and returns Map k (g^v mod p)
kmapToGKMap :: Monad m => Map Int Integer -> SPFM m (Map Int Integer)
kmapToGKMap kmap = liftM (flip map kmap . gexpSafeSPF) ask


-- | 2(c), 3(b): Generate random r in Z_q and commit using Pedersen Commitment
  :: MonadRandom m
  => P.CommitParams
  -> SPFM m (Integer, P.Pedersen)
genAndCommitR cparams = do
  r <- randomInZqM
  gr <- gexpSafeSPFM r
  c <- lift $ P.commit gr cparams
  return (r,c)

-- | 3(c), 4(a): Generate random c in Z_q
genC :: MonadRandom m => SPFM m Integer
genC = randomInZqM


type DMap = Map Int Integer

-- | 4(c),5(c): computes d_i = c*k_i + r
  :: Integer -- ^ Counterparty's 'c'
  -> K1Map   -- ^ Current party's K1Map
  -> Integer -- ^ Current party's 'r'
  -> DMap
computeDMap c kmap r = map computeD kmap
    -- This function does not use modular arithmetic because the
    -- exponent laws would not hold otherwise, and this is needed for
    -- verification later in the protocol. For example:
    --   ((x^7)^8 * (x^9) % p) /= (x^((7 * 8 + 9) % p)) % p
    computeD ki = c * ki + r

-- | 5(a), 6(a): Verifies that the counterparty has not lied about their
-- original commitment and has not tampered with the k values they used to
-- encrypt their original message: `g^d_i == (g^k_i)^c * g^r`
  :: Monad m
  => DMap   -- ^ Counterparty's DMap
  -> GtoK1Map -- ^ Counterparty's (g^k, g^k') map
  -> Integer -- ^ Current party's 'c'
  -> Integer -- ^ Counterparty's 'g^r'
  -> SPFM m Bool
verifyDMap dmap gkmap c gr =
    and <$> zipWithM (verifyDi c gr) ds gks
    ds = Map.elems dmap
    gks = Map.elems gkmap

-- | Verifies the ith `d_i` value for the ith byte of the secret
  :: Monad m
  => Integer -- ^ Current party's 'c'
  -> Integer -- ^ Counterparty's 'g^r'
  -> Integer -- ^ Counterparty's 'di'
  -> Integer -- ^ Counterparty's 'g^ki'
  -> SPFM m Bool
verifyDi c gr di gki = do
  gdi <- gexpSafeSPFM di
  let gkiToC = expSafeSPFM gki c
  gdi' <- gkiToC |*| pure gr
  return $ gdi == gdi'

-- Reveal Stage

-- | Computes the original bytestring that was commited by a counterparty once
-- they have supplied the neccessary parameters k_i and k_i'.
micpReveal :: MonadRandom m => K1Map -> K2Map -> SPFM m ByteString
micpReveal k1Map k2Map =
    BA.pack <$> zipWithM (curry kpairToByte) k1s k2s
    k1s = Map.elems k1Map
    k2s = Map.elems k2Map

-- | Generate the byte correspoding to `Hn(k) xor Hn(k')` where
-- Hn(k) is the blum-micali PRNG hardcore nbit output
kpairToByte :: MonadRandom m => (Integer,Integer) -> SPFM m Word8
kpairToByte (k,k') = do
  hk <- micpBlumMicaliPRNG k
  hk' <- micpBlumMicaliPRNG k'
  return $ hk `xor` hk'