Safe Haskell | None |
Functions that return a boolean based upon some criterion that matches something, often a PostFam. Useful when filtering Postings.
- type LPdct = Pdct PostFam
- type MakePdct = Matcher -> LPdct
- payee :: MakePdct
- number :: MakePdct
- flag :: MakePdct
- postingMemo :: MakePdct
- transactionMemo :: MakePdct
- data Comp
- descComp :: Ord a => Comp -> (Text, a -> a -> Bool)
- date :: Comp -> UTCTime -> LPdct
- qty :: Comp -> Qty -> LPdct
- drCr :: DrCr -> LPdct
- debit :: LPdct
- credit :: LPdct
- commodity :: Matcher -> LPdct
- account :: Matcher -> LPdct
- accountLevel :: Int -> Matcher -> LPdct
- accountAny :: Matcher -> LPdct
- tag :: Matcher -> LPdct
- reconciled :: LPdct
- clonedTransactions :: Transaction -> Transaction -> Bool
- clonedTopLines :: TopLine -> TopLine -> Bool
- clonedPostings :: Posting -> Posting -> Bool
descComp :: Ord a => Comp -> (Text, a -> a -> Bool)Source
Describes a Comp, and returns a function to actually perform comparisons.
accountLevel :: Int -> Matcher -> LPdctSource
accountAny :: Matcher -> LPdctSource
True if a posting is reconciled; that is, its flag is exactly
clonedTransactions :: Transaction -> Transaction -> BoolSource
Returns True if these two transactions are clones; that is, if they are identical in all respects except some aspects of their metadata. The metadata that is disregarded when testing for clones pertains to the location of the transaction. (Resembles cloned sheep, which are identical but cannot be in exactly the same place.)
clonedTopLines :: TopLine -> TopLine -> BoolSource
Returns True if two TopLines are clones. Considers only the non-metadata aspects of the TopLine; the metadata all pertains only to the location of the TopLine. The DateTimes are compared based on both the local time and the time zone; that is, two times that refer to the same instant will not compare as identical if they have different time zones.
clonedPostings :: Posting -> Posting -> BoolSource
Returns True if two Postings are clones. Considers only the non-location-related aspects of the posting metadata.