-- |
-- Module      : Text.PercentFormat
-- Copyright   : (c) 2016-2018 Rudy Matela
-- License     : 3-Clause BSD  (see the file LICENSE)
-- Maintainer  : Rudy Matela <rudy@matela.com.br>
-- This file is part of PercentFormat a library for printf-style string
-- formatting.
-- This module provides miscellaneous utility functions.
module Text.PercentFormat.Utils
  ( maybeRead
  , align
  , rightAlign
  , leftAlign
  , showWithBase
  , applyWhen
  , intsToDigits
  , theLast
  , loop
  , none
  , integerToDigits

-- TODO: document this module more thoroughly

import Data.Maybe (listToMaybe)
import Data.List (unfoldr)
import Data.Char (intToDigit)

-- | Reads a value encoded as a string,
--   return 'Just' the value or 'Nothing' on error.
maybeRead :: Read a => String -> Maybe a
-- TODO: Use readsPrec to implement this.
maybeRead = listToMaybe . map fst . reads

align :: Bool -> Char -> Int -> String -> String
align left = if left
               then leftAlign
               else rightAlign

-- | @rightAlign c w s@ aligns 'String' @s@ to the right
--   in a field of width @w@ using 'Char' @c@ as padding.
-- > right ' ' 5 "123"
-- "  123"
rightAlign :: Char -> Int -> String -> String
rightAlign c width s | width <= len = s
                     | otherwise    = replicate (width - len) c ++ s
  len = length s

-- | @left c w s@ aligns 'String' @s@ to the left
--   in a field of width @w@ using 'Char' @c@ as padding.
-- > left ' ' 5 "123"
-- "123  "
leftAlign :: Char -> Int -> String -> String
leftAlign c width s | width <= len = s
                    | otherwise    = s ++ replicate (width - len) c
  len = length s

-- | @showWithBase b n@ returns a string representation of @n@ in base @b@.
-- > showWithBase 2 10
-- "1010"
-- > showWithBase 16 49406
-- "c0f3"
-- > showWithBase 10 (-1234)
-- "-1234"
showWithBase :: Integral a => Int -> a -> String
showWithBase b 0 = "0"
showWithBase b n | n < 0     = '-':showWithBase b (abs n)
                 | otherwise = map intToDigit $ integerToDigits b n

-- | Given an integer, returns a list of digits.  Signal is ignored.
integerToDigits :: Integral a => Int -> a -> [Int]
integerToDigits b =
    map fromIntegral
  . reverse
  . unfoldr (\n -> listToMaybe [swap $ n `divMod` fromIntegral b | n /= 0])
  . abs
  swap (x,y) = (y,x)  -- not available on Hugs

applyWhen :: Bool -> (a -> a) -> a -> a
applyWhen True  f x = f x
applyWhen False f x = x

intsToDigits :: [Int] -> String
intsToDigits = map intToDigit

theLast :: Int -> [a] -> [a]
theLast n xs = drop (length xs - n) xs

-- | Like cycle, but return an empty list when the source list is empty.
loop :: [a] -> [a]
loop [] = []
loop xs = cycle xs

none :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> Bool
none p = not . or . map p