persistable-record- Binding between SQL database values and haskell records.

Copyright2013-2017 Kei Hibino
Safe HaskellNone




This module defines templates for Haskell record type and type class instances to map between list of untyped SQL type and Haskell record type.


Generate all templates about record

defineRecord Source #


:: TypeQ

SQL value type

-> ConName

Record type name

-> [(VarName, TypeQ)]

Column schema

-> [Name]

Record derivings

-> Q [Dec]

Result declarations

All templates for record type.

defineRecordWithConfig Source #


:: TypeQ

SQL value type

-> NameConfig

name rule config

-> String

Schema name

-> String

Table name

-> [(String, TypeQ)]

Column names and types

-> [Name]

Record derivings

-> Q [Dec]

Result declarations

All templates for record type with configured names.

Table constraint specified by key

defineHasColumnConstraintInstance Source #


:: TypeQ

Type which represent constraint type

-> TypeQ

Type constructor of record

-> Int

Key index which specifies this constraint

-> Q [Dec]

Result declaration template

Template of HasColumnConstraint instance.

defineHasPrimaryConstraintInstanceDerived Source #


:: TypeQ

Type constructor of record

-> Q [Dec]

Result declaration template

Template of HasKeyConstraint instance.

defineHasPrimaryKeyInstance Source #


:: TypeQ

Type constructor of record

-> [Int]

Key index which specifies this constraint

-> Q [Dec]

Declaration of primary key constraint instance

Template of HasColumnConstraint Primary instance.

defineHasNotNullKeyInstance Source #


:: TypeQ

Type constructor of record

-> Int

Key index which specifies this constraint

-> Q [Dec]

Declaration of not null key constraint instance

Template of HasColumnConstraint NotNull instance.

Record type

defineRecordType Source #


:: ConName

Name of the data type of table record type.

-> [(VarName, TypeQ)]

List of columns in the table. Must be legal, properly cased record columns.

-> [Name]

Deriving type class names.

-> Q [Dec]

The data type record declaration.

Record type declaration template.

defineRecordTypeWithConfig :: NameConfig -> String -> String -> [(String, TypeQ)] -> [Name] -> Q [Dec] Source #

Record type declaration template with configured names.

Function declarations against defined record types

defineColumnOffsets Source #


:: ConName

Record type constructor.

-> [TypeQ]

Types of record columns.

-> Q [Dec]

Declaration of PersistableWidth instance.

Column offset array and PersistableWidth instance declaration.

recordWidthTemplate Source #


:: TypeQ

Record type constructor.

-> ExpQ

Expression to get record width.

Record type width expression template.


reifyRecordType :: Name -> Q ((TypeQ, ExpQ), (Maybe [Name], [TypeQ])) Source #

Low-level reify interface for record type name.

Templates about record name

data NameConfig Source #

NameConfig type to customize names of expanded record templates.


Show NameConfig Source #

Dummy show instance. Handy to define show instance recursively.

defaultNameConfig :: NameConfig Source #

Default implementation of NameConfig type. To customize this, use record update syntax.

recordTypeName :: NameConfig -> String -> String -> ConName Source #

Make record type symbol name from schema name and table name in SQL

columnName :: NameConfig -> String -> String -> VarName Source #

Make column variable symbol name from table name and column name in SQL

recordTemplate Source #


:: NameConfig

name rule config

-> String

Schema name string in SQL

-> String

Table name string in SQL

-> (TypeQ, ExpQ)

Record type and data constructor

Record constructor templates from SQL table name String.

columnOffsetsVarNameDefault Source #


:: Name

Table type name

-> VarName

Result expression variable name

Variable expression of record column offset array.

Not nullable single column type

deriveNotNullType :: TypeQ -> Q [Dec] Source #

Templates for single column value type.

Template for tuple types

defineTupleInstances :: Int -> Q [Dec] Source #

Template to define tuple instances of persistable-record classes.