persistent-0.0.0: Type-safe, non-relational, multi-backend persistence.




This defines the API for performing database actions. There are two levels to this API: dealing with fields, and dealing with entities. In SQL, a field corresponds to a column, and should be a single, non-composite value. An entity corresponds to a SQL table. In other words: An entity is a collection of fields.



data SqlType Source

A SQL data type. Naming attempts to reflect the underlying Haskell datatypes, eg SqlString instead of SqlVarchar. Different SQL databases may have different translations for these types.


class PersistEntity val whereSource

A single database entity. For example, if writing a blog application, a blog entry would be an entry, containing fields such as title and content.

Associated Types

type PersistMonad val :: (* -> *) -> * -> *Source

The monad transformer in which actions for this entity must occur. For example, entities declared to work with a sqlite backend would most likely use a ReaderT monad transformer holding onto a database connection.

By using a monad transformer here, users can allow arbitrary effects to exist in the underlying monad. For example, Yesod applications can embed a Handler monad here. The only restriction on that underlying monad is it must be an instance of MonadCatchIO.

data Key val Source

The unique identifier associated with this entity. In general, backends also define a type synonym for this, such that "type MyEntityId = Key MyEntity".

data Update val Source

Fields which can be updated using the update and updateWhere functions.

data Filter val Source

Filters which are available for select, updateWhere and deleteWhere. Each filter constructor specifies the field being filtered on, the type of comparison applied (equals, not equals, etc) and the argument for the comparison.

data Order val Source

How you can sort the results of a select.

data Unique val Source

Unique keys in existence on this entity.


initialize :: MonadCatchIO m => val -> PersistMonad val m ()Source

Prepare database for this entity, if necessary. In SQL, this creates values and indices if they don't exist. The first argument is not used, so you can used undefined.

insert :: MonadCatchIO m => val -> PersistMonad val m (Key val)Source

Create a new record in the database, returning the newly created identifier.

replace :: MonadCatchIO m => Key val -> val -> PersistMonad val m ()Source

Replace the record in the database with the given key. Result is undefined if such a record does not exist.

update :: MonadCatchIO m => Key val -> [Update val] -> PersistMonad val m ()Source

Update individual fields on a specific record.

updateWhere :: MonadCatchIO m => [Filter val] -> [Update val] -> PersistMonad val m ()Source

Update individual fields on any record matching the given criterion.

delete :: MonadCatchIO m => Key val -> PersistMonad val m ()Source

Delete a specific record by identifier. Does nothing if record does not exist.

deleteBy :: MonadCatchIO m => Unique val -> PersistMonad val m ()Source

Delete a specific record by unique key. Does nothing if no record matches.

deleteWhere :: MonadCatchIO m => [Filter val] -> PersistMonad val m ()Source

Delete all records matching the given criterion.

get :: MonadCatchIO m => Key val -> PersistMonad val m (Maybe val)Source

Get a record by identifier, if available.

getBy :: MonadCatchIO m => Unique val -> PersistMonad val m (Maybe (Key val, val))Source

Get a record by unique key, if available. Returns also the identifier.

select :: MonadCatchIO m => [Filter val] -> [Order val] -> PersistMonad val m [(Key val, val)]Source

Get all records matching the given criterion in the specified order. Returns also the identifiers.