phonetic-languages-simplified-generalized-examples-array- Helps to create texts with the given phonetic properties (e. g. poetic).
Copyright(c) OleksandrZhabenko 2020-2021
Safe HaskellNone



Prints the rearrangements with the "property" information for the phonetic language text. Is used for the Phonetic.Languages.General.Simple module functionality.



argsToSimplePrepare Source #


:: (Double -> String -> [[[PRS]]] -> [[Double]])

The function that is needed in the procRhythmicity23F function. Specifies a way how the syllables represented in the phonetic language approach transforms into their durations and depends on two parameters. Is specific for every phonetic language and every representation, so must be provided by the user in every case. The example of the function can be found in the package phonetic-languages-simplified-properties-array.

-> [[[[PRS]]] -> [[Double]]]

A list of 4 different functions that specifies the syllables durations, analogues of the syllableDurationsD functions from the ukrainian-phonetics-basics-array package. The last one must be probably the most exact one and, therefore, the default one.

-> IO () 

Prints the rearrangements with the "property" information for the phonetic language text. Most of the arguments are obtained from the getArgs function. While used, it distinguishes between two groups of command line arguments: the first four ones and the others afterwards. The first 4 arguments are the file names with the specifications. 1) with the GWritingSystemPRPLX specifications only (see the gwrsysExample.txt file in the phonetic-languages-phonetics-basics package as a schema);

2) with the 5 meaningful lines that are delimited with the '~' line one from another with the specifications for the possible allophones (if any), CharPhoneticClassification, white spaces information (two Strings) and the String of all the possible PLL Chars;

3) with the SegmentRulesG specifications only;

4) with the Concatenations specifications only (see the data in the EnglishConcatenated.txt file in the phonetic-languages-phonetics-basics package as a list of English equivalents of the needed Strings).

Afterwards, the meaning of the command line arguments are as follows (from the left to the right).

The first next command line argument must be a positive Int number and is a number of printed variants for the line (if they are present, otherwise just all possible variants are printed). The second one is the number of the intervals into which the all range of possible metrics values are divided. The next numeric arguments that must be sequenced without interruptions further are treated as the numbers of the intervals (counting is started from 1) which values are moved to the maximum values of the metrics interval using the unsafeSwapVecIWithMaxI function. The first textual command line argument should be in the form either "y0", or "0y", or "yy", or "y", or "02y", or "y2", or "03y", or "yy2", or "y3", or some other variant and specifies, which property or properties is or are evaluated. The rest of the command line arguments is the phonetic text. Besides, you can use multiple metrices (no more than 5 different ones) together by using "+M" ... "-M" command line arguments.

You can specify constraints according to the decodeLConstraints function between +A and -A next command line arguments. If so, the program will ask you additional question before proceeding. The "+M" ... "-M" and "+A" ... "-A" groups must not mutually intersect one another.

argsToSimplePrepare4Files Source #


:: FilePath

With the GWritingSystemPRPLX specifications only (see the gwrsysExample.txt file in the phonetic-languages-phonetics-basics package as a schema);

-> FilePath

With the 5 meaningful lines that are delimited with the '~' line one from another with the specifications for the possible allophones (if any), CharPhoneticClassification, white spaces information (two Strings) and the String of all the possible PLL Chars;

-> FilePath

With the SegmentRulesG specifications only;

-> FilePath

With the Concatenations specifications only (see the data in the EnglishConcatenated.txt file in the phonetic-languages-phonetics-basics package as a list of English equivalents of the needed Strings).

-> (Double -> String -> [[[PRS]]] -> [[Double]])

The function that is needed in the procRhythmicity23F function. Specifies a way how the syllables represented in the phonetic language approach transforms into their durations and depends on two parameters. Is specific for every phonetic language and every representation, so must be provided by the user in every case. The example of the function can be found in the package phonetic-languages-simplified-properties-array.

-> [[[[PRS]]] -> [[Double]]]

A list of 4 different functions that specifies the syllables durations, analogues of the syllableDurationsD functions from the ukrainian-phonetics-basics-array package. The last one must be probably the most exact one and, therefore, the default one.

-> String

A String of data that are the further command line arguments for the function argsToSimplePrepare.

-> IO () 

Similar to the argsToSimplePrepare function, but takes explicitly the four FilePaths for the files respectively and the last argument the String with all the other specifications. If it is not proper, the functions returns an error.

innerProcessmentSimple Source #


:: String

Must be a valid GWritingSystemPRPLX specifications String representation only (see the gwrsysExample.txt file in the phonetic-languages-phonetics-basics package as a schema);

-> String

Must be a String with the 5 meaningful lines that are delimited with the '~' line one from another with the specifications for the possible allophones (if any), CharPhoneticClassification, white spaces information (two Strings) and the String of all the possible PLL Chars;

-> String

Must be a String with the SegmentRulesG specifications only;

-> String

Must be a String with the Concatenations specifications only (see the data in the EnglishConcatenated.txt file in the phonetic-languages-phonetics-basics package as a list of English equivalents of the needed Strings).

-> (GWritingSystemPRPLX, [(Char, Char)], CharPhoneticClassification, SegmentRulesG, String, String, Concatenations, String) 

argsProcessment Source #


:: FilePath

With the GWritingSystemPRPLX specifications only (see the gwrsysExample.txt file in the phonetic-languages-phonetics-basics package as a schema);

-> FilePath

With the 5 meaningful lines that are delimited with the '~' line one from another with the specifications for the possible allophones (if any), CharPhoneticClassification, white spaces information (two Strings) and the String of all the possible PLL Chars;

-> FilePath

With the SegmentRulesG specifications only;

-> FilePath

With the Concatenations specifications only (see the data in the EnglishConcatenated.txt file in the phonetic-languages-phonetics-basics package as a list of English equivalents of the needed Strings).

-> [String]

List of other args afterwards.

-> IO (String, String, String, String, String, Bool, Bool, [String], Coeffs2, Coeffs2, [String], Bool) 

@ since The function also can process "w" and "x" lines so returns two Coeffs2 values.