pipes-4.1.1: Compositional pipelines

Safe HaskellTrustworthy




General purpose utilities

The names in this module clash heavily with the Haskell Prelude, so I recommend the following import scheme:

 import Pipes
 import qualified Pipes.Prelude as P  -- or use any other qualifier you prefer

Note that String-based IO is inefficient. The String-based utilities in this module exist only for simple demonstrations without incurring a dependency on the text package.

Also, stdinLn and stdoutLn remove and add newlines, respectively. This behavior is intended to simplify examples. The corresponding stdin and stdout utilities from pipes-bytestring and pipes-text preserve newlines.



Use for loops to iterate over Producers whenever you want to perform the same action for every element:

 -- Echo all lines from standard input to standard output
 runEffect $ for P.stdinLn $ \str -> do
     lift $ putStrLn str

... or more concisely:

>>> runEffect $ for P.stdinLn (lift . putStrLn)

stdinLn :: MonadIO m => Producer' String m ()Source

Read Strings from stdin using getLine

Terminates on end of input

readLn :: (MonadIO m, Read a) => Producer' a m ()Source

read values from stdin, ignoring failed parses

fromHandle :: MonadIO m => Handle -> Producer' String m ()Source

Read Strings from a Handle using hGetLine

Terminates on end of input

repeatM :: Monad m => m a -> Producer' a m rSource

Repeat a monadic action indefinitely, yielding each result

replicateM :: Monad m => Int -> m a -> Producer' a m ()Source

Repeat a monadic action a fixed number of times, yielding each result

 replicateM  0      x = return ()

 replicateM (m + n) x = replicateM m x >> replicateM n x  -- 0 <= {m,n}
 replicateM  1      = lift

 replicateM (m * n) = replicateM m >|> replicate n        -- 0 <= {m,n}


Feed a Consumer the same value repeatedly using (>~):

>>> runEffect $ lift getLine >~ P.stdoutLn

stdoutLn :: MonadIO m => Consumer' String m ()Source

Write Strings to stdout using putStrLn

Unlike toHandle, stdoutLn gracefully terminates on a broken output pipe

print :: (MonadIO m, Show a) => Consumer' a m rSource

print values to stdout

drain :: Monad m => Consumer' a m rSource

discard all incoming values


Use (>->) to connect Producers, Pipes, and Consumers:

>>> runEffect $ P.stdinLn >-> P.takeWhile (/= "quit") >-> P.stdoutLn

map :: Monad m => (a -> b) -> Pipe a b m rSource

Apply a function to all values flowing downstream

 map id = cat

 map (g . f) = map f >-> map g

mapM :: Monad m => (a -> m b) -> Pipe a b m rSource

Apply a monadic function to all values flowing downstream

 mapM return = cat

 mapM (f >=> g) = mapM f >-> mapM g

sequence :: Monad m => Pipe (m a) a m rSource

Convert a stream of actions to a stream of values

mapFoldable :: (Monad m, Foldable t) => (a -> t b) -> Pipe a b m rSource

Apply a function to all values flowing downstream, and forward each element of the result.

filter :: Monad m => (a -> Bool) -> Pipe a a m rSource

(filter predicate) only forwards values that satisfy the predicate.

 filter (pure True) = cat

 filter (liftA2 (&&) p1 p2) = filter p1 >-> filter p2

filterM :: Monad m => (a -> m Bool) -> Pipe a a m rSource

(filterM predicate) only forwards values that satisfy the monadic predicate

 filterM (pure (pure True)) = cat

 filterM (liftA2 (liftA2 (&&)) p1 p2) = filterM p1 >-> filterM p2

take :: Monad m => Int -> Pipe a a m ()Source

(take n) only allows n values to pass through

 take 0 = return ()

 take (m + n) = take m >> take n
 take <infinity> = cat

 take (min m n) = take m >-> take n

takeWhile :: Monad m => (a -> Bool) -> Pipe a a m ()Source

(takeWhile p) allows values to pass downstream so long as they satisfy the predicate p.

 takeWhile (pure True) = cat

 takeWhile (liftA2 (&&) p1 p2) = takeWhile p1 >-> takeWhile p2

drop :: Monad m => Int -> Pipe a a m rSource

(drop n) discards n values going downstream

 drop 0 = cat

 drop (m + n) = drop m >-> drop n

dropWhile :: Monad m => (a -> Bool) -> Pipe a a m rSource

(dropWhile p) discards values going downstream until one violates the predicate p.

 dropWhile (pure False) = cat

 dropWhile (liftA2 (||) p1 p2) = dropWhile p1 >-> dropWhile p2

concat :: (Monad m, Foldable f) => Pipe (f a) a m rSource

Flatten all Foldable elements flowing downstream

elemIndices :: (Monad m, Eq a) => a -> Pipe a Int m rSource

Outputs the indices of all elements that match the given element

findIndices :: Monad m => (a -> Bool) -> Pipe a Int m rSource

Outputs the indices of all elements that satisfied the predicate

scan :: Monad m => (x -> a -> x) -> x -> (x -> b) -> Pipe a b m rSource

Strict left scan

 Control.Foldl.purely scan :: Monad m => Fold a b -> Pipe a b m r

scanM :: Monad m => (x -> a -> m x) -> m x -> (x -> m b) -> Pipe a b m rSource

Strict, monadic left scan

 Control.Foldl.impurely scan :: Monad m => FoldM a m b -> Pipe a b m r

chain :: Monad m => (a -> m ()) -> Pipe a a m rSource

Apply an action to all values flowing downstream

 chain (pure (return ())) = cat

 chain (liftA2 (>>) m1 m2) = chain m1 >-> chain m2

read :: (Monad m, Read a) => Pipe String a m rSource

Parse Readable values, only forwarding the value if the parse succeeds

show :: (Monad m, Show a) => Pipe a String m rSource

Convert Showable values to Strings


Use these to fold the output of a Producer. Many of these folds will stop drawing elements if they can compute their result early, like any:

>>> P.any null P.stdinLn

fold :: Monad m => (x -> a -> x) -> x -> (x -> b) -> Producer a m () -> m bSource

Strict fold of the elements of a Producer

 Control.Foldl.purely fold :: Monad m => Fold a b -> Producer a m () -> m b

foldM :: Monad m => (x -> a -> m x) -> m x -> (x -> m b) -> Producer a m () -> m bSource

Strict, monadic fold of the elements of a Producer

 Control.Foldl.impurely foldM :: Monad m => FoldM a b -> Producer a m () -> m b

all :: Monad m => (a -> Bool) -> Producer a m () -> m BoolSource

(all predicate p) determines whether all the elements of p satisfy the predicate.

any :: Monad m => (a -> Bool) -> Producer a m () -> m BoolSource

(any predicate p) determines whether any element of p satisfies the predicate.

and :: Monad m => Producer Bool m () -> m BoolSource

Determines whether all elements are True

or :: Monad m => Producer Bool m () -> m BoolSource

Determines whether any element is True

elem :: (Monad m, Eq a) => a -> Producer a m () -> m BoolSource

(elem a p) returns True if p has an element equal to a, False otherwise

notElem :: (Monad m, Eq a) => a -> Producer a m () -> m BoolSource

(notElem a) returns False if p has an element equal to a, True otherwise

find :: Monad m => (a -> Bool) -> Producer a m () -> m (Maybe a)Source

Find the first element of a Producer that satisfies the predicate

findIndex :: Monad m => (a -> Bool) -> Producer a m () -> m (Maybe Int)Source

Find the index of the first element of a Producer that satisfies the predicate

head :: Monad m => Producer a m () -> m (Maybe a)Source

Retrieve the first element from a Producer

index :: Monad m => Int -> Producer a m () -> m (Maybe a)Source

Index into a Producer

last :: Monad m => Producer a m () -> m (Maybe a)Source

Retrieve the last element from a Producer

length :: Monad m => Producer a m () -> m IntSource

Count the number of elements in a Producer

maximum :: (Monad m, Ord a) => Producer a m () -> m (Maybe a)Source

Find the maximum element of a Producer

minimum :: (Monad m, Ord a) => Producer a m () -> m (Maybe a)Source

Find the minimum element of a Producer

null :: Monad m => Producer a m () -> m BoolSource

Determine if a Producer is empty

sum :: (Monad m, Num a) => Producer a m () -> m aSource

Compute the sum of the elements of a Producer

product :: (Monad m, Num a) => Producer a m () -> m aSource

Compute the product of the elements of a Producer

toList :: Producer a Identity () -> [a]Source

Convert a pure Producer into a list

toListM :: Monad m => Producer a m () -> m [a]Source

Convert an effectful Producer into a list

Note: toListM is not an idiomatic use of pipes, but I provide it for simple testing purposes. Idiomatic pipes style consumes the elements immediately as they are generated instead of loading all elements into memory.


zip :: Monad m => Producer a m r -> Producer b m r -> Producer' (a, b) m rSource

Zip two Producers

zipWith :: Monad m => (a -> b -> c) -> Producer a m r -> Producer b m r -> Producer' c m rSource

Zip two Producers using the provided combining function


tee :: Monad m => Consumer a m r -> Pipe a a m rSource

Transform a Consumer to a Pipe that reforwards all values further downstream

generalize :: Monad m => Pipe a b m r -> x -> Proxy x a x b m rSource

Transform a unidirectional Pipe to a bidirectional Proxy

 generalize (f >-> g) = generalize f >+> generalize g

 generalize cat = pull