Portability | portable |
Stability | provisional |
Maintainer | lemmih@gmail.com |
Safe Haskell | None |
- handValue :: CardSet -> HandValue
- handValue_n :: Int -> CardSet -> HandValue
- numericalHandValue :: CardSet -> NumericalHandValue
- numericalHandValue_n :: Int -> CardSet -> NumericalHandValue
- enumerateFiveCards :: Monad m => CardSet -> (CardSet -> m ()) -> m ()
- data HandValue
- data NumericalHandValue
- data ConsecutiveHandValue
- data Card
- data Rank
- data Suit
- type Kicker = Rank
- mkCard :: Rank -> Suit -> Card
- cardRank :: Card -> Rank
- cardSuit :: Card -> Suit
- data CardSet
- toList :: CardSet -> [Card]
- fromList :: [Card] -> CardSet
- singleton :: Card -> CardSet
- size :: CardSet -> Int
- empty :: CardSet
- isEmpty :: CardSet -> Bool
- union :: CardSet -> CardSet -> CardSet
- intersection :: CardSet -> CardSet -> CardSet
- inverse :: CardSet -> CardSet
- member :: CardSet -> Card -> Bool
- countRank :: CardSet -> Rank -> Int
- countSuit :: CardSet -> Suit -> Int
- isNoPair :: HandValue -> Bool
- isOnePair :: HandValue -> Bool
- isTwoPair :: HandValue -> Bool
- isThreeOfAKind :: HandValue -> Bool
- isStraight :: HandValue -> Bool
- isFlush :: HandValue -> Bool
- isFullHouse :: HandValue -> Bool
- isFourOfAKind :: HandValue -> Bool
- isStraightFlush :: HandValue -> Bool
Find the strongest possible hand using the given cards.
Find the strongest possible hand using the given cards. This function is
significantly faster than handValue
if the size of the card set
is constant.
:: CardSet | Available cards. |
-> NumericalHandValue |
Find the strongest possible hand using the given cards.
It is significantly faster to compute a NumericalHandValue
than a
. Use then whenever possible.
:: Int | Size of card set. |
-> CardSet | Available cards. |
-> NumericalHandValue |
Find the strongest possible hand using the given cards. This function is
significantly faster than numericalHandValue
if the size of the card set
is constant.
It is significantly faster to compute a NumericalHandValue
than a
. Use then whenever possible.
enumerateFiveCards :: Monad m => CardSet -> (CardSet -> m ()) -> m ()Source
Given a set of dead cards, enumerate over all possible selections of five cards. The generated card sets do not contain the dead cards.
This structure represents the value of a poker hand as a high-level ADT.
The following must be true for a HandValue to be valid:
- All kickers must be in decending order.
- No
may not occur twice. - The kickers may not construct higher-value hands.
For example,
is not a valid HandValue.
data NumericalHandValue Source
Isomorphic to HandValue
but computed much more efficiently.
If possible, this is the structure to use.
data ConsecutiveHandValue Source
Isomorphic to HandValue
but stored more efficiently.
This structure has the special property of being bounded and an enum. It is especially useful as an Array index.
Card sets
O(n). The number of cards in the set.
Performance note: Try to avoid using this function in an inner loop.
intersection :: CardSet -> CardSet -> CardSetSource
O(1). The intersection of two sets.
inverse :: CardSet -> CardSetSource
O(1). Find the inverse set such that set
inverse = emptyset
inverse set = fromList [minBound ..]
countRank :: CardSet -> Rank -> IntSource
O(n). Count the number of cards with a specific Rank
in a set.
countSuit :: CardSet -> Suit -> IntSource
O(n). Count the number of cards with a specific Suit
in a set.
Auxiliary functions
isThreeOfAKind :: HandValue -> BoolSource
True for all ThreeOfAKind hands.
isStraight :: HandValue -> BoolSource
True for all Straight hands.
isFullHouse :: HandValue -> BoolSource
True for all FullHouse hands.
isFourOfAKind :: HandValue -> BoolSource
True for all FourOfAKind hands.
isStraightFlush :: HandValue -> BoolSource
True for all StraightFlush hands.