-- |
-- Module:      Data.Poly.Internal.Sparse
-- Copyright:   (c) 2019 Andrew Lelechenko
-- Licence:     BSD3
-- Maintainer:  Andrew Lelechenko <andrew.lelechenko@gmail.com>
-- Sparse polynomials of one variable.

{-# LANGUAGE CPP                        #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts           #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms            #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables        #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving         #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies               #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances       #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns               #-}

module Data.Poly.Internal.Sparse
  ( Poly(..)
  , VPoly
  , UPoly
  , leading
  -- * Num interface
  , toPoly
  , monomial
  , scale
  , pattern X
  , eval
  , deriv
  , integral
  -- * Semiring interface
  , toPoly'
  , monomial'
  , scale'
  , pattern X'
  , eval'
  , deriv'
#if MIN_VERSION_semirings(0,5,0)
  , integral'
  ) where

import Prelude hiding (quot)
import Control.DeepSeq (NFData)
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Primitive
import Control.Monad.ST
import Data.Bits
import Data.List (intersperse)
import Data.Ord
import Data.Semiring (Semiring(..), Ring())
import qualified Data.Semiring as Semiring
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import qualified Data.Vector.Generic as G
import qualified Data.Vector.Generic.Mutable as MG
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as U
import qualified Data.Vector.Algorithms.Tim as Tim
import GHC.Exts
#if !MIN_VERSION_semirings(0,4,0)
import Data.Semigroup
import Numeric.Natural
#if MIN_VERSION_semirings(0,5,0)
import Data.Euclidean (Field, quot)

-- | Polynomials of one variable with coefficients from @a@,
-- backed by a 'G.Vector' @v@ (boxed, unboxed, storable, etc.).
-- Use pattern 'X' for construction:
-- >>> (X + 1) + (X - 1) :: VPoly Integer
-- 2 * X
-- >>> (X + 1) * (X - 1) :: UPoly Int
-- 1 * X^2 + (-1)
-- Polynomials are stored normalized, without
-- zero coefficients, so 0 * 'X' + 1 equals to 1.
-- 'Ord' instance does not make much sense mathematically,
-- it is defined only for the sake of 'Data.Set.Set', 'Data.Map.Map', etc.
newtype Poly v a = Poly
  { unPoly :: v (Word, a)
  -- ^ Convert 'Poly' to a vector of coefficients
  -- (first element corresponds to a constant term).

deriving instance Eq     (v (Word, a)) => Eq     (Poly v a)
deriving instance Ord    (v (Word, a)) => Ord    (Poly v a)
deriving instance NFData (v (Word, a)) => NFData (Poly v a)

instance (Eq a, Semiring a, G.Vector v (Word, a)) => IsList (Poly v a) where
  type Item (Poly v a) = (Word, a)
  fromList = toPoly' . G.fromList
  fromListN = (toPoly' .) . G.fromListN
  toList = G.toList . unPoly

instance (Show a, G.Vector v (Word, a)) => Show (Poly v a) where
  showsPrec d (Poly xs)
    | G.null xs
      = showString "0"
    | otherwise
      = showParen (d > 0)
      $ foldl (.) id
      $ intersperse (showString " + ")
      $ G.foldl (\acc (i, c) -> showCoeff i c : acc) [] xs
      showCoeff 0 c = showsPrec 7 c
      showCoeff 1 c = showsPrec 7 c . showString " * X"
      showCoeff i c = showsPrec 7 c . showString " * X^" . showsPrec 7 i

-- | Polynomials backed by boxed vectors.
type VPoly = Poly V.Vector

-- | Polynomials backed by unboxed vectors.
type UPoly = Poly U.Vector

-- | Make 'Poly' from a list of (power, coefficient) pairs.
-- (first element corresponds to a constant term).
-- >>> :set -XOverloadedLists
-- >>> toPoly [(0,1),(1,2),(2,3)] :: VPoly Integer
-- 3 * X^2 + 2 * X + 1
-- >>> S.toPoly [(0,0),(1,0),(2,0)] :: UPoly Int
-- 0
toPoly :: (Eq a, Num a, G.Vector v (Word, a)) => v (Word, a) -> Poly v a
toPoly = Poly . normalize (/= 0) (+)

toPoly' :: (Eq a, Semiring a, G.Vector v (Word, a)) => v (Word, a) -> Poly v a
toPoly' = Poly . normalize (/= zero) plus

-- | Return a leading power and coefficient of a non-zero polynomial.
-- >>> leading ((2 * X + 1) * (2 * X^2 - 1) :: UPoly Int)
-- Just (3,4)
-- >>> leading (0 :: UPoly Int)
-- Nothing
leading :: G.Vector v (Word, a) => Poly v a -> Maybe (Word, a)
leading (Poly v)
  | G.null v  = Nothing
  | otherwise = Just (G.last v)

  :: G.Vector v (Word, a)
  => (a -> Bool)
  -> (a -> a -> a)
  -> v (Word, a)
  -> v (Word, a)
normalize p add vs
  | G.null vs = vs
  | otherwise = runST $ do
    ws <- G.thaw vs
    l' <- normalizeM p add ws
    G.unsafeFreeze $ MG.unsafeSlice 0 l' ws

  :: (PrimMonad m, G.Vector v (Word, a))
  => (a -> Bool)
  -> (a -> a -> a)
  -> G.Mutable v (PrimState m) (Word, a)
  -> m Int
normalizeM p add ws = do
    let l = MG.length ws
    let go i j acc@(accP, accC)
          | j >= l =
            if p accC
              then do
                MG.write ws i acc
                pure $ i + 1
              else pure i
          | otherwise = do
            v@(vp, vc) <- MG.unsafeRead ws j
            if vp == accP
              then go i (j + 1) (accP, accC `add` vc)
              else if p accC
                then do
                  MG.write ws i acc
                  go (i + 1) (j + 1) v
                else go i (j + 1) v
    Tim.sortBy (comparing fst) ws
    wsHead <- MG.unsafeRead ws 0
    go 0 1 wsHead

-- | Note that 'abs' = 'id' and 'signum' = 'const' 1.
instance (Eq a, Num a, G.Vector v (Word, a)) => Num (Poly v a) where
  Poly xs + Poly ys = Poly $ plusPoly (/= 0) (+) xs ys
  Poly xs - Poly ys = Poly $ minusPoly (/= 0) negate (-) xs ys
  negate (Poly xs) = Poly $ G.map (fmap negate) xs
  abs = id
  signum = const 1
  fromInteger n = case fromInteger n of
    0 -> Poly G.empty
    m -> Poly $ G.singleton (0, m)
  Poly xs * Poly ys = Poly $ convolution (/= 0) (+) (*) xs ys
  {-# INLINE (+) #-}
  {-# INLINE (-) #-}
  {-# INLINE negate #-}
  {-# INLINE fromInteger #-}
  {-# INLINE (*) #-}

instance (Eq a, Semiring a, G.Vector v (Word, a)) => Semiring (Poly v a) where
  zero = Poly G.empty
    | (one :: a) == zero = zero
    | otherwise = Poly $ G.singleton (0, one)
  plus (Poly xs) (Poly ys) = Poly $ plusPoly (/= zero) plus xs ys
  times (Poly xs) (Poly ys) = Poly $ convolution (/= zero) plus times xs ys
  {-# INLINE zero #-}
  {-# INLINE one #-}
  {-# INLINE plus #-}
  {-# INLINE times #-}

#if MIN_VERSION_semirings(0,4,0)
  fromNatural n = if n' == zero then zero else Poly $ G.singleton (0, n')
      n' :: a
      n' = fromNatural n
  {-# INLINE fromNatural #-}

instance (Eq a, Ring a, G.Vector v (Word, a)) => Ring (Poly v a) where
  negate (Poly xs) = Poly $ G.map (fmap Semiring.negate) xs

  :: G.Vector v (Word, a)
  => (a -> Bool)
  -> (a -> a -> a)
  -> v (Word, a)
  -> v (Word, a)
  -> v (Word, a)
plusPoly p add xs ys = runST $ do
  zs <- MG.unsafeNew (G.length xs + G.length ys)
  lenZs <- plusPolyM p add xs ys zs
  G.unsafeFreeze $ MG.unsafeSlice 0 lenZs zs
{-# INLINE plusPoly #-}

  :: (PrimMonad m, G.Vector v (Word, a))
  => (a -> Bool)
  -> (a -> a -> a)
  -> v (Word, a)
  -> v (Word, a)
  -> G.Mutable v (PrimState m) (Word, a)
  -> m Int
plusPolyM p add xs ys zs = go 0 0 0
    lenXs = G.length xs
    lenYs = G.length ys

    go ix iy iz
      | ix == lenXs, iy == lenYs = pure iz
      | ix == lenXs = do
          (MG.unsafeSlice iz (lenYs - iy) zs)
          (G.unsafeSlice iy (lenYs - iy) ys)
        pure $ iz + lenYs - iy
      | iy == lenYs = do
          (MG.unsafeSlice iz (lenXs - ix) zs)
          (G.unsafeSlice ix (lenXs - ix) xs)
        pure $ iz + lenXs - ix
      | (xp, xc) <- G.unsafeIndex xs ix
      , (yp, yc) <- G.unsafeIndex ys iy
      = case xp `compare` yp of
        LT -> do
          MG.unsafeWrite zs iz (xp, xc)
          go (ix + 1) iy (iz + 1)
        EQ -> do
          let zc = xc `add` yc
          if p zc then do
            MG.unsafeWrite zs iz (xp, zc)
            go (ix + 1) (iy + 1) (iz + 1)
            go (ix + 1) (iy + 1) iz
        GT -> do
          MG.unsafeWrite zs iz (yp, yc)
          go ix (iy + 1) (iz + 1)
{-# INLINE plusPolyM #-}

  :: G.Vector v (Word, a)
  => (a -> Bool)
  -> (a -> a)
  -> (a -> a -> a)
  -> v (Word, a)
  -> v (Word, a)
  -> v (Word, a)
minusPoly p neg sub xs ys = runST $ do
  zs <- MG.unsafeNew (lenXs + lenYs)
  let go ix iy iz
        | ix == lenXs, iy == lenYs = pure iz
        | ix == lenXs = do
          forM_ [iy .. lenYs - 1] $ \i ->
            MG.unsafeWrite zs (iz + i - iy)
              (fmap neg (G.unsafeIndex ys i))
          pure $ iz + lenYs - iy
        | iy == lenYs = do
            (MG.unsafeSlice iz (lenXs - ix) zs)
            (G.unsafeSlice ix (lenXs - ix) xs)
          pure $ iz + lenXs - ix
        | (xp, xc) <- G.unsafeIndex xs ix
        , (yp, yc) <- G.unsafeIndex ys iy
        = case xp `compare` yp of
          LT -> do
            MG.unsafeWrite zs iz (xp, xc)
            go (ix + 1) iy (iz + 1)
          EQ -> do
            let zc = xc `sub` yc
            if p zc then do
              MG.unsafeWrite zs iz (xp, zc)
              go (ix + 1) (iy + 1) (iz + 1)
              go (ix + 1) (iy + 1) iz
          GT -> do
            MG.unsafeWrite zs iz (yp, neg yc)
            go ix (iy + 1) (iz + 1)
  lenZs <- go 0 0 0
  G.unsafeFreeze $ MG.unsafeSlice 0 lenZs zs
    lenXs = G.length xs
    lenYs = G.length ys
{-# INLINE minusPoly #-}

  :: (PrimMonad m, G.Vector v (Word, a))
  => (a -> Bool)
  -> (a -> a -> a)
  -> v (Word, a)
  -> (Word, a)
  -> G.Mutable v (PrimState m) (Word, a)
  -> m Int
scaleM p mul xs (yp, yc) zs = go 0 0
    lenXs = G.length xs

    go ix iz
      | ix == lenXs = pure iz
      | (xp, xc) <- G.unsafeIndex xs ix
      = do
        let zc = xc `mul` yc
        if p zc then do
          MG.unsafeWrite zs iz (xp + yp, zc)
          go (ix + 1) (iz + 1)
          go (ix + 1) iz
{-# INLINE scaleM #-}

  :: G.Vector v (Word, a)
  => (a -> Bool)
  -> (a -> a -> a)
  -> Word
  -> a
  -> Poly v a
  -> Poly v a
scaleInternal p mul yp yc (Poly xs) = runST $ do
  zs <- MG.unsafeNew (G.length xs)
  len <- scaleM p (flip mul) xs (yp, yc) zs
  fmap Poly $ G.unsafeFreeze $ MG.unsafeSlice 0 len zs
{-# INLINE scaleInternal #-}

-- | Multiply a polynomial by a monomial, expressed as a power and a coefficient.
-- >>> scale 2 3 (X^2 + 1) :: UPoly Int
-- 3 * X^4 + 3 * X^2
scale :: (Eq a, Num a, G.Vector v (Word, a)) => Word -> a -> Poly v a -> Poly v a
scale = scaleInternal (/= 0) (*)

scale' :: (Eq a, Semiring a, G.Vector v (Word, a)) => Word -> a -> Poly v a -> Poly v a
scale' = scaleInternal (/= zero) times

  :: forall v a.
     G.Vector v (Word, a)
  => (a -> Bool)
  -> (a -> a -> a)
  -> (a -> a -> a)
  -> v (Word, a)
  -> v (Word, a)
  -> v (Word, a)
convolution p add mult xs ys
  | G.length xs >= G.length ys
  = go mult xs ys
  | otherwise
  = go (flip mult) ys xs
    go :: (a -> a -> a) -> v (Word, a) -> v (Word, a) -> v (Word, a)
    go mul long short = runST $ do
      let lenLong   = G.length long
          lenShort  = G.length short
          lenBuffer = lenLong * lenShort
      slices <- MG.unsafeNew lenShort
      buffer <- MG.unsafeNew lenBuffer

      forM_ [0 .. lenShort - 1] $ \iShort -> do
        let (pShort, cShort) = G.unsafeIndex short iShort
            from = iShort * lenLong
            bufferSlice = MG.unsafeSlice from lenLong buffer
        len <- scaleM p mul long (pShort, cShort) bufferSlice
        MG.unsafeWrite slices iShort (from, len)

      slices' <- G.unsafeFreeze slices
      buffer' <- G.unsafeFreeze buffer
      bufferNew <- MG.unsafeNew lenBuffer
      gogo slices' buffer' bufferNew

      :: PrimMonad m
      => U.Vector (Int, Int)
      -> v (Word, a)
      -> G.Mutable v (PrimState m) (Word, a)
      -> m (v (Word, a))
    gogo slices buffer bufferNew
      | G.length slices == 0
      = pure G.empty
      | G.length slices == 1
      , (from, len) <- G.unsafeIndex slices 0
      = pure $ G.unsafeSlice from len buffer
      | otherwise = do
        let nSlices = G.length slices
        slicesNew <- MG.unsafeNew ((nSlices + 1) `shiftR` 1)
        forM_ [0 .. (nSlices - 2) `shiftR` 1] $ \i -> do
          let (from1, len1) = G.unsafeIndex slices (2 * i)
              (from2, len2) = G.unsafeIndex slices (2 * i + 1)
              slice1 = G.unsafeSlice from1 len1 buffer
              slice2 = G.unsafeSlice from2 len2 buffer
              slice3 = MG.unsafeSlice from1 (len1 + len2) bufferNew
          len3 <- plusPolyM p add slice1 slice2 slice3
          MG.unsafeWrite slicesNew i (from1, len3)

        when (odd nSlices) $ do
          let (from, len) = G.unsafeIndex slices (nSlices - 1)
              slice1 = G.unsafeSlice from len buffer
              slice3 = MG.unsafeSlice from len bufferNew
          G.unsafeCopy slice3 slice1
          MG.unsafeWrite slicesNew (nSlices `shiftR` 1) (from, len)

        slicesNew' <- G.unsafeFreeze slicesNew
        buffer'    <- G.unsafeThaw   buffer
        bufferNew' <- G.unsafeFreeze bufferNew
        gogo slicesNew' bufferNew' buffer'
{-# INLINE convolution #-}

-- | Create a monomial from a power and a coefficient.
monomial :: (Eq a, Num a, G.Vector v (Word, a)) => Word -> a -> Poly v a
monomial _ 0 = Poly G.empty
monomial p c = Poly $ G.singleton (p, c)

monomial' :: (Eq a, Semiring a, G.Vector v (Word, a)) => Word -> a -> Poly v a
monomial' p c
  | c == zero = Poly G.empty
  | otherwise = Poly $ G.singleton (p, c)

data Strict3 a b c = Strict3 !a !b !c

fst3 :: Strict3 a b c -> a
fst3 (Strict3 a _ _) = a

-- | Evaluate at a given point.
-- >>> eval (X^2 + 1 :: UPoly Int) 3
-- 10
-- >>> eval (X^2 + 1 :: VPoly (UPoly Int)) (X + 1)
-- 1 * X^2 + 2 * X + 2
eval :: (Num a, G.Vector v (Word, a)) => Poly v a -> a -> a
eval (Poly cs) x = fst3 $ G.foldl' go (Strict3 0 0 1) cs
    go (Strict3 acc q xq) (p, c) =
      let xp = xq * x ^ (p - q) in
        Strict3 (acc + c * xp) p xp
{-# INLINE eval #-}

eval' :: (Semiring a, G.Vector v (Word, a)) => Poly v a -> a -> a
eval' (Poly cs) x = fst3 $ G.foldl' go (Strict3 zero 0 one) cs
    go (Strict3 acc q xq) (p, c) =
      let xp = xq `times` (if p == q then one else x Semiring.^ (p - q)) in
        Strict3 (acc `plus` c `times` xp) p xp
{-# INLINE eval' #-}

-- | Take a derivative.
-- >>> deriv (X^3 + 3 * X) :: UPoly Int
-- 3 * X^2 + 3
deriv :: (Eq a, Num a, G.Vector v (Word, a)) => Poly v a -> Poly v a
deriv (Poly xs) = Poly $ derivPoly
  (/= 0)
  (\p c -> fromIntegral p * c)
{-# INLINE deriv #-}

deriv' :: (Eq a, Semiring a, G.Vector v (Word, a)) => Poly v a -> Poly v a
deriv' (Poly xs) = Poly $ derivPoly
  (/= zero)
  (\p c -> fromNatural (fromIntegral p) `times` c)
{-# INLINE deriv' #-}

#if !MIN_VERSION_semirings(0,4,0)
fromNatural :: Semiring a => Natural -> a
fromNatural 0 = zero
fromNatural n = getAdd' (stimes n (Add' one))

newtype Add' a = Add' { getAdd' :: a }

instance Semiring a => Semigroup (Add' a) where
  Add' a <> Add' b = Add' (a `plus` b)

  :: G.Vector v (Word, a)
  => (a -> Bool)
  -> (Word -> a -> a)
  -> v (Word, a)
  -> v (Word, a)
derivPoly p mul xs
  | G.null xs = G.empty
  | otherwise = runST $ do
    let lenXs = G.length xs
    zs <- MG.unsafeNew lenXs
    let go ix iz
          | ix == lenXs = pure iz
          | (xp, xc) <- G.unsafeIndex xs ix
          = do
            let zc = xp `mul` xc
            if xp > 0 && p zc then do
              MG.unsafeWrite zs iz (xp - 1, zc)
              go (ix + 1) (iz + 1)
              go (ix + 1) iz
    lenZs <- go 0 0
    G.unsafeFreeze $ MG.unsafeSlice 0 lenZs zs
{-# INLINE derivPoly #-}

-- | Compute an indefinite integral of a polynomial,
-- setting constant term to zero.
-- >>> integral (3 * X^2 + 3) :: UPoly Double
-- 1.0 * X^3 + 3.0 * X
integral :: (Eq a, Fractional a, G.Vector v (Word, a)) => Poly v a -> Poly v a
integral (Poly xs)
  = Poly
  $ G.map (\(p, c) -> (p + 1, c / (fromIntegral p + 1))) xs
{-# INLINE integral #-}

#if MIN_VERSION_semirings(0,5,0)
integral' :: (Eq a, Field a, G.Vector v (Word, a)) => Poly v a -> Poly v a
integral' (Poly xs)
  = Poly
  $ G.map (\(p, c) -> (p + 1, c `quot` Semiring.fromIntegral (p + 1))) xs
{-# INLINE integral' #-}

-- | Create an identity polynomial.
pattern X :: (Eq a, Num a, G.Vector v (Word, a), Eq (v (Word, a))) => Poly v a
pattern X <- ((==) var -> True)
  where X = var

var :: forall a v. (Eq a, Num a, G.Vector v (Word, a), Eq (v (Word, a))) => Poly v a
  | (1 :: a) == 0 = Poly G.empty
  | otherwise     = Poly $ G.singleton (1, 1)
{-# INLINE var #-}

-- | Create an identity polynomial.
pattern X' :: (Eq a, Semiring a, G.Vector v (Word, a), Eq (v (Word, a))) => Poly v a
pattern X' <- ((==) var' -> True)
  where X' = var'

var' :: forall a v. (Eq a, Semiring a, G.Vector v (Word, a), Eq (v (Word, a))) => Poly v a
  | (one :: a) == zero = Poly G.empty
  | otherwise          = Poly $ G.singleton (1, one)
{-# INLINE var' #-}