module Polysemy.Check.Arbitrary.AnyEff where

import Data.Kind (Type, Constraint)
import GHC.Exts (type (~~))
import Generics.Kind
import Polysemy
import Polysemy.Internal
import {-# SOURCE #-} Polysemy.Check.Arbitrary.Generic
import Test.QuickCheck

-- | Helper function for implementing 'GTypesOf'
type family GTypesOf (f :: LoT Effect -> Type) :: [Type] where
  GTypesOf (M1 _1 _2 f) = GTypesOf f
  GTypesOf (f :+: g) = Append (GTypesOf f) (GTypesOf g)
  GTypesOf (('Kon (~~) ':@: Var1 ':@: 'Kon a) :=>: f) = '[a]
  GTypesOf (('Kon ((~~) a) ':@: Var1) :=>: f) = '[a]
  -- Otherwise, we don't have any constraints on @a@, so we can instantiate it
  -- how we please. Just assume ().
  GTypesOf _1 = '[()]

-- | @'TypesOf' e@ is a list of every type that can be bound via @e@'s actions.
-- For example, given:
-- @
-- data MyEffect m a where
--   Foo :: MyEffect m Int
--   Blah :: Bool -> MyEffect m String
-- @
-- the result of @'TypesOf' MyEffect@ is @'[Int, String]@.
type TypesOf (e :: Effect) = GTypesOf (RepK e)

-- | A type family that expands to a 'GArbitraryK' constaint for every type in
-- the first list.
type family ArbitraryForAll (as :: [Type]) (m :: Type -> Type) :: Constraint where
  ArbitraryForAll '[] f = ()
  ArbitraryForAll (a ': as) f = (Eq a, Show a, GArbitraryK a (RepK (f a)), ArbitraryForAll as f)

-- | @'SomeAction' e r@ is some action for effect @e@ in effect row @r@.
data SomeAction e (r :: EffectRow) where
      :: (Member e r, Eq a, Show a, CoArbitrary a, Show (e (Sem r) a))
      => e (Sem r) a
         -- ^
      -> SomeAction e r
         -- ^

instance Show (SomeAction e r) where
  show :: SomeAction e r -> String
show (SomeAction ema :: e (Sem r) a
ema) = e (Sem r) a -> String
forall a. Show a => a -> String
show e (Sem r) a

instance Show (SomeEff r) where
  show :: SomeEff r -> String
show (SomeEff sse :: e (Sem r) a
sse) = e (Sem r) a -> String
forall a. Show a => a -> String
show e (Sem r) a

-- | @'SomeEff' r@ is some action for some effect in the effect row @r@.
data SomeEff (r :: EffectRow) where
      :: (Member e r, Eq a, Show a, CoArbitrary a, Show (e (Sem r) a))
      => e (Sem r) a
         -- ^
      -> SomeEff r
         -- ^

-- | @'SomeEff' r@ is some action for some effect in the effect row @r@.
data SomeEffOfType (r :: EffectRow) a where
      :: (Member e r, Eq a, Show a, CoArbitrary a, Show (e (Sem r) a))
      => e (Sem r) a
         -- ^
      -> SomeEffOfType r a
         -- ^

-- | @'ArbitraryEff' es r@ lets you randomly generate an action in any of
-- the effects @es@.
class ArbitraryEff (es :: EffectRow) (r :: EffectRow) where
  genSomeEff :: [Gen (SomeEff r)]

instance ArbitraryEff '[] r where
  genSomeEff :: [Gen (SomeEff r)]
genSomeEff = []

    (ArbitraryEff es r, ArbitraryAction (TypesOf e) e r)
    => ArbitraryEff (e ': es) r
  genSomeEff :: [Gen (SomeEff r)]
genSomeEff = (Gen (SomeAction e r) -> Gen (SomeEff r))
-> [Gen (SomeAction e r)] -> [Gen (SomeEff r)]
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap ((SomeAction e r -> SomeEff r)
-> Gen (SomeAction e r) -> Gen (SomeEff r)
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap (\(SomeAction e :: e (Sem r) a
e) -> e (Sem r) a -> SomeEff r
forall (e :: (* -> *) -> * -> *) (r :: EffectRow) a.
(Member e r, Eq a, Show a, CoArbitrary a, Show (e (Sem r) a)) =>
e (Sem r) a -> SomeEff r
SomeEff e (Sem r) a
e)) (ArbitraryAction (TypesOf e) e r => [Gen (SomeAction e r)]
forall (as :: [*]) (e :: (* -> *) -> * -> *) (r :: EffectRow).
ArbitraryAction as e r =>
[Gen (SomeAction e r)]
genSomeAction @(TypesOf e) @e @r)
             [Gen (SomeEff r)] -> [Gen (SomeEff r)] -> [Gen (SomeEff r)]
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> ArbitraryEff es r => [Gen (SomeEff r)]
forall (es :: EffectRow) (r :: EffectRow).
ArbitraryEff es r =>
[Gen (SomeEff r)]
genSomeEff @es @r

-- | @'ArbitraryEffOfType' a es r@ lets you randomly generate an action in any of
-- the effects @es@ that produces type @a@.
class ArbitraryEffOfType (a :: Type) (es :: EffectRow) (r :: EffectRow) where
  genSomeEffOfType :: [Gen (SomeEffOfType r a)]

instance ArbitraryEffOfType a '[] r where
  genSomeEffOfType :: [Gen (SomeEffOfType r a)]
genSomeEffOfType = []

    ( Eq a
    , Show a
    , Show (e (Sem r) a)
    , ArbitraryEffOfType a es r
    , GenericK (e (Sem r) a)
    , GArbitraryK a (RepK (e (Sem r) a))
    , CoArbitrary a
    , Member e r
    => ArbitraryEffOfType a (e ': es) r
  genSomeEffOfType :: [Gen (SomeEffOfType r a)]
    = (e (Sem r) a -> SomeEffOfType r a)
-> Gen (e (Sem r) a) -> Gen (SomeEffOfType r a)
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap e (Sem r) a -> SomeEffOfType r a
forall (e :: (* -> *) -> * -> *) (r :: EffectRow) a.
(Member e r, Eq a, Show a, CoArbitrary a, Show (e (Sem r) a)) =>
e (Sem r) a -> SomeEffOfType r a
SomeEffOfType ((GArbitraryK a (RepK (e (Sem r) a)), GenericK (e (Sem r) a)) =>
Gen (e (Sem r) a)
forall k (e :: k -> * -> *) a (m :: k).
(GArbitraryK a (RepK (e m a)), GenericK (e m a)) =>
Gen (e m a)
genEff @e @a @(Sem r))
    Gen (SomeEffOfType r a)
-> [Gen (SomeEffOfType r a)] -> [Gen (SomeEffOfType r a)]
forall a. a -> [a] -> [a]
: ArbitraryEffOfType a es r => [Gen (SomeEffOfType r a)]
forall a (es :: EffectRow) (r :: EffectRow).
ArbitraryEffOfType a es r =>
[Gen (SomeEffOfType r a)]
genSomeEffOfType @a @es @r

-- | @'ArbitraryAction' as e r@ lets you randomly generate an action
-- producing any type in @as@ from the effect @e@.
class ArbitraryAction (as :: [Type]) (e :: Effect) (r :: EffectRow) where
  genSomeAction :: [Gen (SomeAction e r)]

instance ArbitraryAction '[] e r where
  genSomeAction :: [Gen (SomeAction e r)]
genSomeAction = []

    ( ArbitraryAction as e r
    , Eq a
    , Show a
    , Member e r
    , Show (e (Sem r) a)
    , GenericK (e (Sem r) a)
    , CoArbitrary a
    , GArbitraryK a (RepK (e (Sem r) a))
    => ArbitraryAction (a : as) e r
  genSomeAction :: [Gen (SomeAction e r)]
genSomeAction = ((e (Sem r) a -> SomeAction e r)
-> Gen (e (Sem r) a) -> Gen (SomeAction e r)
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap e (Sem r) a -> SomeAction e r
forall (e :: (* -> *) -> * -> *) (r :: EffectRow) a.
(Member e r, Eq a, Show a, CoArbitrary a, Show (e (Sem r) a)) =>
e (Sem r) a -> SomeAction e r
SomeAction (Gen (e (Sem r) a) -> Gen (SomeAction e r))
-> Gen (e (Sem r) a) -> Gen (SomeAction e r)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ (GArbitraryK a (RepK (e (Sem r) a)), GenericK (e (Sem r) a)) =>
Gen (e (Sem r) a)
forall k (e :: k -> * -> *) a (m :: k).
(GArbitraryK a (RepK (e m a)), GenericK (e m a)) =>
Gen (e m a)
genEff @e @a @(Sem r)) Gen (SomeAction e r)
-> [Gen (SomeAction e r)] -> [Gen (SomeAction e r)]
forall a. a -> [a] -> [a]
: ArbitraryAction as e r => [Gen (SomeAction e r)]
forall (as :: [*]) (e :: (* -> *) -> * -> *) (r :: EffectRow).
ArbitraryAction as e r =>
[Gen (SomeAction e r)]
genSomeAction @as @e @r