{-# options_haddock prune #-}

-- | Description: Sync effect, Internal.
module Polysemy.Conc.Effect.Sync where

import Polysemy.Time (TimeUnit)
import Prelude hiding (empty, try)

-- | Abstracts an 'Control.Concurrent.MVar'.
-- For documentation on the constructors, see the module "Polysemy.Conc.Effect.Sync".
-- @
-- import Polysemy.Conc (Sync)
-- import qualified Polysemy.Conc.Effect.Sync as Sync
-- prog :: Member (Sync Int) r => Sem r Int
-- prog = do
--   Sync.putTry 5
--   Sync.takeBlock
-- @
data Sync d :: Effect where
  -- | Read the variable, waiting until a value is available.
  Block :: Sync d m d
  -- | Read the variable, waiting until a value is available or the timeout has expired.
  Wait :: TimeUnit u => u -> Sync d m (Maybe d)
  -- | Read the variable, returning 'Nothing' immmediately if no value was available.
  Try :: Sync d m (Maybe d)
  -- | Take the variable, waiting until a value is available.
  TakeBlock :: Sync d m d
  -- | Take the variable, waiting until a value is available or the timeout has expired.
  TakeWait :: TimeUnit u => u -> Sync d m (Maybe d)
  -- | Take the variable, returning 'Nothing' immmediately if no value was available.
  TakeTry :: Sync d m (Maybe d)
  -- | Write the variable, waiting until it is writable.
  PutBlock :: d -> Sync d m ()
  -- | Write the variable, waiting until it is writable or the timeout has expired.
  PutWait :: TimeUnit u => u -> d -> Sync d m Bool
  -- | Write the variable, returning 'False' immmediately if a value was available.
  PutTry :: d -> Sync d m Bool
  -- | Indicate whether the variable is empty.
  Empty :: Sync d m Bool

makeSem ''Sync

-- | Convenience alias.
type ScopedSync a =
  Scoped_ (Sync a)