{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes         #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds             #-}

module Polysemy.ConstraintAbsorber
  ( -- * Absorb builder

    -- * Re-exports
  , Reifies
  , (:-) (Sub)
  , Dict (Dict)
  , reflect
  , Proxy (Proxy)
  ) where

import           Data.Constraint (Dict(Dict), (:-)(Sub), (\\))
import qualified Data.Constraint as C
import qualified Data.Constraint.Unsafe as C
import           Data.Kind (Type, Constraint)
import           Data.Proxy (Proxy (..))
import           Data.Reflection (Reifies, reflect)
import qualified Data.Reflection as R
import           Polysemy

-- | This function can be used to locally introduce typeclass instances for
-- 'Sem'. See 'Polysemy.ConstraintAbsorber.MonadState' for an example of how to
-- use it.
-- @since
    :: forall -- Constraint to be absorbed
              (p :: (Type -> Type) -> Constraint)
              -- Wrapper to avoid orphan instances
              (x :: (Type -> Type) -> Type -> Type -> Type)
              d r a
     . d  -- ^ Reified dictionary
    -> (forall s. R.Reifies s d :- p (x (Sem r) s))  -- ^ This parameter should always be @'Sub' 'Dict'@
    -> (p (Sem r) => Sem r a)
    -> Sem r a
absorbWithSem d i m =  R.reify d $ \(_ :: Proxy (s :: Type)) -> m \\ C.trans
  (C.unsafeCoerceConstraint :: ((p (x m s) :- p m))) i
{-# INLINEABLE absorbWithSem #-}