posix-paths- POSIX filepath/directory functionality

Safe HaskellSafe



The equivalent of System.FilePath on raw (byte string) file paths.

Not all functions of System.FilePath are implemented yet. Feel free to contribute!



pathSeparator :: Word8 Source #

Path separator character

isPathSeparator :: Word8 -> Bool Source #

Check if a character is the path separator

\n ->  (_chr n == '/') == isPathSeparator n

searchPathSeparator :: Word8 Source #

Search path separator

isSearchPathSeparator :: Word8 -> Bool Source #

Check if a character is the search path separator

\n -> (_chr n == ':') == isSearchPathSeparator n

extSeparator :: Word8 Source #

File extension separator

isExtSeparator :: Word8 -> Bool Source #

Check if a character is the file extension separator

\n -> (_chr n == '.') == isExtSeparator n

splitExtension :: RawFilePath -> (RawFilePath, ByteString) Source #

Split a RawFilePath into a path+filename and extension

>>> splitExtension "file.exe"
>>> splitExtension "file"
>>> splitExtension "/path/file.tar.gz"
\path -> uncurry (BS.append) (splitExtension path) == path

takeExtension :: RawFilePath -> ByteString Source #

Get the final extension from a RawFilePath

>>> takeExtension "file.exe"
>>> takeExtension "file"
>>> takeExtension "/path/file.tar.gz"

replaceExtension :: RawFilePath -> ByteString -> RawFilePath Source #

Change a file's extension

\path -> let ext = takeExtension path in replaceExtension path ext == path

dropExtension :: RawFilePath -> RawFilePath Source #

Drop the final extension from a RawFilePath

>>> dropExtension "file.exe"
>>> dropExtension "file"
>>> dropExtension "/path/file.tar.gz"

addExtension :: RawFilePath -> ByteString -> RawFilePath Source #

Add an extension to a RawFilePath

>>> addExtension "file" ".exe"
>>> addExtension "file.tar" ".gz"
>>> addExtension "/path/" ".ext"

hasExtension :: RawFilePath -> Bool Source #

Check if a RawFilePath has an extension

>>> hasExtension "file"
>>> hasExtension "file.tar"
>>> hasExtension "/path.part1/"

splitExtensions :: RawFilePath -> (RawFilePath, ByteString) Source #

Split a RawFilePath on the first extension

>>> splitExtensions "/path/file.tar.gz"
\path -> uncurry addExtension (splitExtensions path) == path

dropExtensions :: RawFilePath -> RawFilePath Source #

Remove all extensions from a RawFilePath

>>> dropExtensions "/path/file.tar.gz"

takeExtensions :: RawFilePath -> ByteString Source #

Take all extensions from a RawFilePath

>>> takeExtensions "/path/file.tar.gz"

splitFileName :: RawFilePath -> (RawFilePath, RawFilePath) Source #

Split a RawFilePath into (path,file). combine is the inverse

>>> splitFileName "path/file.txt"
>>> splitFileName "path/"
>>> splitFileName "file.txt"
\path -> uncurry combine (splitFileName path) == path || fst (splitFileName path) == "./"

takeFileName :: RawFilePath -> RawFilePath Source #

Get the file name

>>> takeFileName "path/file.txt"
>>> takeFileName "path/"

replaceFileName :: RawFilePath -> ByteString -> RawFilePath Source #

Change the file name

\path -> replaceFileName path (takeFileName path) == path

dropFileName :: RawFilePath -> RawFilePath Source #

Drop the file name

>>> dropFileName "path/file.txt"
>>> dropFileName "file.txt"

takeBaseName :: RawFilePath -> ByteString Source #

Get the file name, without a trailing extension

>>> takeBaseName "path/file.tar.gz"
>>> takeBaseName ""

replaceBaseName :: RawFilePath -> ByteString -> RawFilePath Source #

Change the base name

>>> replaceBaseName "path/file.tar.gz" "bob"
\path -> replaceBaseName path (takeBaseName path) == path

takeDirectory :: RawFilePath -> RawFilePath Source #

Get the directory, moving up one level if it's already a directory

>>> takeDirectory "path/file.txt"
>>> takeDirectory "file"
>>> takeDirectory "/path/to/"
>>> takeDirectory "/path/to"

replaceDirectory :: RawFilePath -> ByteString -> RawFilePath Source #

Change the directory component of a RawFilePath

\path -> replaceDirectory path (takeDirectory path) `_equalFilePath` path || takeDirectory path == "."

combine :: RawFilePath -> RawFilePath -> RawFilePath Source #

Join two paths together

>>> combine "/" "file"
>>> combine "/path/to" "file"
>>> combine "file" "/absolute/path"

(</>) :: RawFilePath -> RawFilePath -> RawFilePath Source #

Operator version of combine

splitPath :: RawFilePath -> [RawFilePath] Source #

Split a path into a list of components:

>>> splitPath "/path/to/file.txt"
\path -> BS.concat (splitPath path) == path

joinPath :: [RawFilePath] -> RawFilePath Source #

Join a split path back together

\path -> joinPath (splitPath path) == path
>>> joinPath ["path","to","file.txt"]

splitDirectories :: RawFilePath -> [RawFilePath] Source #

Like splitPath, but without trailing slashes

>>> splitDirectories "/path/to/file.txt"
>>> splitDirectories ""

hasTrailingPathSeparator :: RawFilePath -> Bool Source #

Check if the last character of a RawFilePath is /, unless it's the root.

>>> hasTrailingPathSeparator "/path/"
>>> hasTrailingPathSeparator "/"

addTrailingPathSeparator :: RawFilePath -> RawFilePath Source #

Add a trailing path separator.

>>> addTrailingPathSeparator "/path"
>>> addTrailingPathSeparator "/path/"

dropTrailingPathSeparator :: RawFilePath -> RawFilePath Source #

Remove a trailing path separator

>>> dropTrailingPathSeparator "/path/"
>>> dropTrailingPathSeparator "/"

isRelative :: RawFilePath -> Bool Source #

Check if a path is relative

\path -> isRelative path /= isAbsolute path

isAbsolute :: RawFilePath -> Bool Source #

Check if a path is absolute

>>> isAbsolute "/path"
>>> isAbsolute "path"
>>> isAbsolute ""