Safe Haskell | None |
Language | Haskell2010 |
- pgQuery :: (HasPostgres m, MonadLogger m, ToSqlBuilder q, FromRow r) => q -> m [r]
- pgQueryWithMasker :: (HasPostgres m, MonadLogger m, ToSqlBuilder q, FromRow r) => LogMasker -> q -> m [r]
- pgExecute :: (HasPostgres m, MonadLogger m, ToSqlBuilder q) => q -> m Int64
- pgExecuteWithMasker :: (HasPostgres m, MonadLogger m, ToSqlBuilder q) => LogMasker -> q -> m Int64
- pgWithTransaction :: (HasPostgres m, MonadBaseControl IO m, TransactionSafe m) => m a -> m a
- pgWithSavepoint :: (HasPostgres m, MonadBaseControl IO m, TransactionSafe m) => m a -> m a
- pgWithTransactionMode :: (HasPostgres m, MonadBaseControl IO m, TransactionSafe m) => TransactionMode -> m a -> m a
- pgWithTransactionModeRetry :: (HasPostgres m, MonadBaseControl IO m, TransactionSafe m) => TransactionMode -> (SqlError -> Bool) -> m a -> m a
- pgWithTransactionSerializable :: (HasPostgres m, MonadBaseControl IO m, TransactionSafe m) => m a -> m a
- pgRepsertRow :: (MonadPostgres m, MonadLogger m, ToMarkedRow wrow, ToMarkedRow urow) => FN -> wrow -> urow -> m ()
Raw query execution
pgQuery :: (HasPostgres m, MonadLogger m, ToSqlBuilder q, FromRow r) => q -> m [r] Source #
Execute query generated by SqlBuilder
. Typical use case:
let userName = "Vovka Erohin" :: Text pgQuery [sqlExp| SELECT id, name FROM users WHERE name = #{userName}|]
let userName = "Vovka Erohin" :: Text pgQuery $ Qp "SELECT id, name FROM users WHERE name = ?" [userName]
Which is almost the same. In both cases proper value escaping is performed so you stay protected from sql injections.
pgQueryWithMasker :: (HasPostgres m, MonadLogger m, ToSqlBuilder q, FromRow r) => LogMasker -> q -> m [r] Source #
pgExecute :: (HasPostgres m, MonadLogger m, ToSqlBuilder q) => q -> m Int64 Source #
Execute arbitrary query and return count of affected rows
pgExecuteWithMasker :: (HasPostgres m, MonadLogger m, ToSqlBuilder q) => LogMasker -> q -> m Int64 Source #
pgWithTransaction :: (HasPostgres m, MonadBaseControl IO m, TransactionSafe m) => m a -> m a Source #
Execute all queries inside one transaction. Rollback transaction on exceptions
pgWithSavepoint :: (HasPostgres m, MonadBaseControl IO m, TransactionSafe m) => m a -> m a Source #
Same as pgWithTransaction
but executes queries inside savepoint
pgWithTransactionMode :: (HasPostgres m, MonadBaseControl IO m, TransactionSafe m) => TransactionMode -> m a -> m a Source #
Wrapper for withTransactionMode
: Execute an action inside a SQL
transaction with a given transaction mode.
pgWithTransactionModeRetry :: (HasPostgres m, MonadBaseControl IO m, TransactionSafe m) => TransactionMode -> (SqlError -> Bool) -> m a -> m a Source #
Wrapper for withTransactionModeRetry
: Like pgWithTransactionMode
but also takes a custom callback to determine if a transaction
should be retried if an SqlError occurs. If the callback returns
True, then the transaction will be retried. If the callback returns
False, or an exception other than an SqlError occurs then the
transaction will be rolled back and the exception rethrown.
pgWithTransactionSerializable :: (HasPostgres m, MonadBaseControl IO m, TransactionSafe m) => m a -> m a Source #
Wrapper for withTransactionSerializable
: Execute an action
inside of a Serializable
transaction. If a serialization failure
occurs, roll back the transaction and try again. Be warned that
this may execute the IO action multiple times.
A Serializable transaction creates the illusion that your program has exclusive access to the database. This means that, even in a concurrent setting, you can perform queries in sequence without having to worry about what might happen between one statement and the next.
:: (MonadPostgres m, MonadLogger m, ToMarkedRow wrow, ToMarkedRow urow) | |
=> FN | Table name |
-> wrow | where condition |
-> urow | update row |
-> m () |
Perform repsert of the same row, first trying "update where" then "insert" with concatenated fields. Which means that if you run
pgRepsertRow "emails" (MR [("user_id", mkValue uid)]) (MR [("email", mkValue email)])
Then firstly will be performed
UPDATE "emails" SET email = '' WHERE "user_id" = 1234
And if no one row is affected (which is returned by pgExecute
), then
INSERT INTO "emails" ("user_id", "email") VALUES (1234, '')
will be performed