module PostgREST.QueryBuilder.WriteStatement where

import           Data.Maybe
import           Data.Text                      (intercalate, unwords)
import qualified Hasql.Encoders                 as HE
import qualified Hasql.Statement                as H
import           PostgREST.ApiRequest           (PreferRepresentation (..))
import           PostgREST.QueryBuilder.Private
import           PostgREST.Types
import           Protolude                      hiding (cast,
                                                 intercalate, replace)
import           Text.InterpolatedString.Perl6  (qc)

createWriteStatement :: SqlQuery -> SqlQuery -> Bool -> Bool -> Bool ->
                        PreferRepresentation -> [Text] ->
                        H.Statement ByteString (Maybe ResultsWithCount)
createWriteStatement selectQuery mutateQuery wantSingle isInsert asCsv rep pKeys =
  unicodeStatement sql (param HE.unknown) decodeStandardMay True

  sql = case rep of
    None -> [qc|
      WITH {sourceCTEName} AS ({mutateQuery})
      SELECT '', 0, {noLocationF}, '' |]
    HeadersOnly -> [qc|
      WITH {sourceCTEName} AS ({mutateQuery})
      SELECT {cols}
      FROM (SELECT 1 FROM {sourceCTEName}) _postgrest_t |]
    Full -> [qc|
      WITH {sourceCTEName} AS ({mutateQuery})
      SELECT {cols}
      FROM ({selectQuery}) _postgrest_t |]

  cols = intercalate ", " [
      "'' AS total_result_set", -- when updateing it does not make sense
      "pg_catalog.count(_postgrest_t) AS page_total",
      if isInsert
        then unwords [
            "WHEN pg_catalog.count(_postgrest_t) = 1 THEN",
              "coalesce(" <> locationF pKeys <> ", " <> noLocationF <> ")",
            "ELSE " <> noLocationF,
          "END AS header"]
        else noLocationF <> "AS header",
      if rep == Full
         then bodyF <> " AS body"
         else "''"

    | asCsv = asCsvF
    | wantSingle = asJsonSingleF
    | otherwise = asJsonF