prairie- A first class record field library
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred



This module defines the type class Record which enables much of the functionality of the library. You can define instances of this record manually, or you may use the TemplateHaskell deriving function in Prairie.TH.

We'll use an example type User throughout the documentation in this module.

data User = User
 { name :: String
 , age :: Int




class Record rec where Source #

Instances of this class have a datatype Field which allow you to represent fields as a concrete datatype. This allows you to have significant flexibility in working with data.


Minimal complete definition

recordFieldLens, tabulateRecordA

Associated Types

data Field rec :: Type -> Type Source #

A datatype representing fields on the record.

This will be a GADT with one constructor for each record field. By convention, it's best to name the constructors as with the type name leading and the field name following. This convention prevents any possible conflicts from different instances of Field.

Using our example type User, we would define this as:

data Field User ty where
  UserName :: Field User String
  UserAge :: Field User Int

Now, we have a value UserName that corresponds with the name field on a User. The type of User and name are interesting to compare:

UserName :: Field User    String
name     ::       User -> String



recordFieldLens :: Field rec ty -> Lens' rec ty Source #

Given a Field on the record, this function acts as a Lens' into the record. This allows you to use a Field as a getter or setter.

An example implementation for our User type might look like this:

recordFieldLens field =
  case field of
    UserName ->
      lens name (\u n -> u { name = n })
    UserAge ->
     lens age (\u a -> u { age = a })

If you have derived lenses (either from Template Haskell or generic-lens, then you can provide those directly.


tabulateRecordA :: Applicative m => (forall ty. Field rec ty -> m ty) -> m rec Source #

Construct a Record by providing an Applicative action returning a value for each Field on the Record.


tabulateRecordA $ \field -> case field of
    UserName -> Just Matt
    UserAge -> Nothing

tabulateRecordA $ \field -> case field of
    UserName -> getLine
    UserAge -> do
        ageStr <- getLine
        case readMaybe ageStr of
            Nothing -> fail $ "Expected Int, got: " <> ageStr
            Just a -> pure a


recordFieldLabel :: Field rec ty -> Text Source #

Assign a Text label for a record Field.

This allows Fields to be converted to Text, which is useful for serialization concerns. For derserializing a Field, consider using fieldMap :: Map Text (SomeField rec).

Record field labels can be given a stock derived Show instance, which works for the default implementation of the class.


default recordFieldLabel :: Show (Field rec ty) => Field rec ty -> Text Source #

allFields :: Record rec => [SomeField rec] Source #

An enumeration of fields on the record.

This value builds the fields using tabulateRecordA and the Const type.

As of, this is an ordinary top-level function and not a class member.


tabulateRecord :: Record rec => (forall ty. Field rec ty -> ty) -> rec Source #

This function allows you to construct a Record by providing a value for each Field on the record.

As of, this is defined in terms of tabulateRecordA.


fieldMap :: Record rec => Map Text (SomeField rec) Source #

A mapping from Text record field labels to the corresponding SomeField for that record.


getRecordField :: Record rec => Field rec ty -> rec -> ty Source #

Use a Field to access the corresponding value in the record.


setRecordField :: Record rec => Field rec ty -> ty -> rec -> rec Source #

Use a Field to set the corresponding value in the record.


data SomeField rec where Source #

An existential wrapper on a Field. This hides the type of the value of the field. This wrapper allows you to have a collection of Fields for a record, or to have useful instances for classes like Eq where the type of the values being compared must be the same.



SomeField :: Field rec a -> SomeField rec 


Instances details
Record rec => FromJSON (SomeField rec) Source #

This instance delegates to the underlying instance of FromJSON for the given field.


Instance details

Defined in Prairie.Class

(forall a. ToJSON (Field rec a)) => ToJSON (SomeField rec) Source #

This instance delegates to the underlying instance of ToJSON for the given field.


Instance details

Defined in Prairie.Class

(forall a. Show (Field rec a)) => Show (SomeField rec) Source #

You can write a standalone deriving instance for Field:

deriving stock instance Show (Field User a)

This instance is derived, so it'll result in:

>>> show (SomeField UserAge)
SomeField UserAge


Instance details

Defined in Prairie.Class


showsPrec :: Int -> SomeField rec -> ShowS #

show :: SomeField rec -> String #

showList :: [SomeField rec] -> ShowS #

(forall a. Eq (Field rec a), FieldDict (Typeable :: Type -> Constraint) rec) => Eq (SomeField rec) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Prairie.Class


(==) :: SomeField rec -> SomeField rec -> Bool #

(/=) :: SomeField rec -> SomeField rec -> Bool #

class Record r => FieldDict (c :: Type -> Constraint) (r :: Type) where Source #

This class allows you to summon a type class instance based on a Field of the record. Use this type class when you need to assert that all the fields of a record satisfy some type class instance.

For example, suppose we want to write a generic logging utility for all records where all fields on the record is loggable.

class Loggable a where
  toLog :: a -> LogMessage

We can implement a function based on Record to log it:

logRecord :: (FieldDict Loggable rec) => rec -> LogMessage
logRecord record = foldMap go allFields
    go (SomeField field) =
      withFieldDict @Loggable $
      toLog (getRecordField field record)

The second parameter to withFieldDict will have the instance of 'Loggable a' in scope.

You can define instances polymorphic in the constraint with the ConstraintKinds language extension.



getFieldDict :: Field r a -> Dict (c a) Source #

Return the Dict for the given field.

An implementation of this for the User type would case on each field and return Dict in each branch.

getFieldDict userField =
  case userField of
   UserName -> Dict
   UserAge -> Dict


withFieldDict Source #


:: forall c rec a r. FieldDict c rec 
=> Field rec a

The record field we want to unpack. We need this value in order to know what type we want the constraint to apply to.

-> (c a => r)

A value that assumes the constraint c holds for the type a.

-> r 

Given a record field :: Field rec a, this function brings the type class instance c a into scope for the third argument.

This function is intended to be used with a TypeApplication for the constraint you want to instantiate. It is most useful for working with generic records in type class instances.


class Record rec => SymbolToField (sym :: Symbol) (rec :: Type) (a :: Type) | rec sym -> a where Source #

This type class enables you to map a Symbols to a record Field.

To use this, you'll define an instance

instance SymbolToField "age" User Int where
  symbolToField = UserAge

instance SymbolToField "name" User String where
  symbolToField = UserName

The main utility here is that you can then write OverloadedSymbols that correspond to record fields.

nameField :: (SymbolToField' "name" rec a) => Field rec a
nameField = #name

userNameField :: Field User String
userNameField = #name

Note that there's nothing forcing you to use a symbol that exactly matches the type. You can write multiple instances of this for each constructor. The following two instances are perfectly happy to live together.

instance SymbolToField "name" User String where
  symbolToField = UserName

instance SymbolToField "userName" User String where
  symbolToField = UserName



symbolToField :: Field rec a Source #

This function is designed to be used with a type application:

symbolToField @"age"
