{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}

Module      : Text.Pretty.Simple
Copyright   : (c) Dennis Gosnell, 2016
License     : BSD-style (see LICENSE file)
Maintainer  : cdep.illabout@gmail.com
Stability   : experimental
Portability : POSIX

This module contains the functions 'pPrint', 'pShow', and 'pString' for
pretty-printing any Haskell data type with a 'Show' instance.

'pPrint' is the main go-to function when debugging Haskell code.  'pShow' and
'pString' are slight variations on 'pPrint'.

'pPrint', 'pShow', and 'pString' will pretty-print in color using ANSI escape
codes.  They look good on a console with a dark (black) background. The
variations 'pPrintLightBg', 'pShowLightBg', and 'pStringLightBg' are for
printing in color to a console with a light (white) background.  The variations
'pPrintNoColor', 'pShowNoColor', and 'pStringNoColor' are for pretty-printing
without using color.

'pPrint' and 'pPrintLightBg' will intelligently decide whether or not to use
ANSI escape codes for coloring depending on whether or not the output is
a TTY.  This works in most cases.  If you want to force color output,
you can use the 'pPrintForceColor' or 'pPrintForceColorLightBg' functions.

The variations 'pPrintOpt', 'pShowOpt', and 'pStringOpt' are used when
specifying the 'OutputOptions'.  Most users can ignore these.

There are a few other functions available that are similar to 'pPrint'.

See the Examples section at the end of this module for examples of acutally
using 'pPrint'.  See the
<https://github.com/cdepillabout/pretty-simple#textprettysimple README.md>
for examples of printing in color.
module Text.Pretty.Simple
  -- * Output with color on dark background
  , pHPrint
  , pPrintString
  , pHPrintString
  , pPrintForceColor
  , pHPrintForceColor
  , pPrintStringForceColor
  , pHPrintStringForceColor
  , pShow
  , pString
  -- * Aliases for output with color on dark background
  , pPrintDarkBg
  , pHPrintDarkBg
  , pPrintStringDarkBg
  , pHPrintStringDarkBg
  , pPrintForceColorDarkBg
  , pHPrintForceColorDarkBg
  , pPrintStringForceColorDarkBg
  , pHPrintStringForceColorDarkBg
  , pShowDarkBg
  , pStringDarkBg
  -- * Output with color on light background
  , pPrintLightBg
  , pHPrintLightBg
  , pPrintStringLightBg
  , pHPrintStringLightBg
  , pPrintForceColorLightBg
  , pHPrintForceColorLightBg
  , pPrintStringForceColorLightBg
  , pHPrintStringForceColorLightBg
  , pShowLightBg
  , pStringLightBg
  -- * Output with NO color
  , pPrintNoColor
  , pHPrintNoColor
  , pPrintStringNoColor
  , pHPrintStringNoColor
  , pShowNoColor
  , pStringNoColor
  -- * Output With 'OutputOptions'
  , pPrintOpt
  , pHPrintOpt
  , pPrintStringOpt
  , pHPrintStringOpt
  , pShowOpt
  , pStringOpt
  -- * 'OutputOptions'
  , OutputOptions(..)
  , StringOutputStyle(..)
  , defaultOutputOptionsDarkBg
  , defaultOutputOptionsLightBg
  , defaultOutputOptionsNoColor
  , CheckColorTty(..)
  -- * 'ColorOptions'
  , defaultColorOptionsDarkBg
  , defaultColorOptionsLightBg
  , ColorOptions(..)
  , Style(..)
  , Color(..)
  , Intensity(..)
  , colorNull
  -- * Examples
  -- $examples
  ) where

#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 710
-- We don't need this import for GHC 7.10 as it exports all required functions
-- from Prelude
import Control.Applicative

import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO, liftIO)
import Data.Text.Lazy (Text)
import Prettyprinter (SimpleDocStream)
import Prettyprinter.Render.Terminal
      (Color (..), Intensity(Vivid,Dull), AnsiStyle,
       renderLazy, renderIO)
import System.IO (Handle, stdout)

import Text.Pretty.Simple.Internal
       (ColorOptions(..), Style(..), CheckColorTty(..),
        OutputOptions(..), StringOutputStyle(..),
        convertStyle, colorNull,
        defaultColorOptionsDarkBg, defaultColorOptionsLightBg,
        defaultOutputOptionsDarkBg, defaultOutputOptionsLightBg,
        defaultOutputOptionsNoColor, hCheckTTY, layoutString)

-- $setup
-- >>> import Data.Text.Lazy (unpack)

-- functions for printing in color to a dark background --

-- | Pretty-print any data type that has a 'Show' instance.
-- If you've never seen 'MonadIO' before, you can think of this function as
-- having the following type signature:
-- @
--  pPrint :: Show a => a -> IO ()
-- @
-- This function will only use colors if it detects it's printing to a TTY.
-- This function is for printing to a dark background.  Use 'pPrintLightBg' for
-- printing to a terminal with a light background.  Different colors are used.
-- Prints to 'stdout'.  Use 'pHPrint' to print to a different 'Handle'.
-- >>> pPrint [Just (1, "hello")]
-- [ Just
--     ( 1
--     , "hello"
--     )
-- ]
pPrint :: (MonadIO m, Show a) => a -> m ()
pPrint :: a -> m ()
pPrint = CheckColorTty -> OutputOptions -> a -> m ()
forall (m :: * -> *) a.
(MonadIO m, Show a) =>
CheckColorTty -> OutputOptions -> a -> m ()
pPrintOpt CheckColorTty
CheckColorTty OutputOptions

-- | Similar to 'pPrint', but take a 'Handle' to print to.
-- >>> pHPrint stdout [Just (1, "hello")]
-- [ Just
--     ( 1
--     , "hello"
--     )
-- ]
pHPrint :: (MonadIO m, Show a) => Handle -> a -> m ()
pHPrint :: Handle -> a -> m ()
pHPrint = CheckColorTty -> OutputOptions -> Handle -> a -> m ()
forall (m :: * -> *) a.
(MonadIO m, Show a) =>
CheckColorTty -> OutputOptions -> Handle -> a -> m ()
pHPrintOpt CheckColorTty
CheckColorTty OutputOptions

-- | Similar to 'pPrint', but the first argument is a 'String' representing a
-- data type that has already been 'show'ed.
-- >>> pPrintString $ show [ Just (1, "hello"), Nothing ]
-- [ Just
--     ( 1
--     , "hello"
--     )
-- , Nothing
-- ]
pPrintString :: MonadIO m => String -> m ()
pPrintString :: String -> m ()
pPrintString = CheckColorTty -> OutputOptions -> String -> m ()
forall (m :: * -> *).
MonadIO m =>
CheckColorTty -> OutputOptions -> String -> m ()
pPrintStringOpt CheckColorTty
CheckColorTty OutputOptions

-- | Similar to 'pHPrintString', but take a 'Handle' to print to.
-- >>> pHPrintString stdout $ show [ Just (1, "hello"), Nothing ]
-- [ Just
--     ( 1
--     , "hello"
--     )
-- , Nothing
-- ]
pHPrintString :: MonadIO m => Handle -> String -> m ()
pHPrintString :: Handle -> String -> m ()
pHPrintString = CheckColorTty -> OutputOptions -> Handle -> String -> m ()
forall (m :: * -> *).
MonadIO m =>
CheckColorTty -> OutputOptions -> Handle -> String -> m ()
pHPrintStringOpt CheckColorTty
CheckColorTty OutputOptions

-- | Similar to 'pPrint', but print in color regardless of whether the output
-- goes to a TTY or not.
-- See 'pPrint' for an example of how to use this function.
pPrintForceColor :: (MonadIO m, Show a) => a -> m ()
pPrintForceColor :: a -> m ()
pPrintForceColor = CheckColorTty -> OutputOptions -> a -> m ()
forall (m :: * -> *) a.
(MonadIO m, Show a) =>
CheckColorTty -> OutputOptions -> a -> m ()
pPrintOpt CheckColorTty
NoCheckColorTty OutputOptions

-- | Similar to 'pPrintForceColor', but take a 'Handle' to print to.
-- See 'pHPrint' for an example of how to use this function.
pHPrintForceColor :: (MonadIO m, Show a) => Handle -> a -> m ()
pHPrintForceColor :: Handle -> a -> m ()
pHPrintForceColor = CheckColorTty -> OutputOptions -> Handle -> a -> m ()
forall (m :: * -> *) a.
(MonadIO m, Show a) =>
CheckColorTty -> OutputOptions -> Handle -> a -> m ()
pHPrintOpt CheckColorTty
NoCheckColorTty OutputOptions

-- | Similar to 'pPrintString', but print in color regardless of whether the
-- output goes to a TTY or not.
-- See 'pPrintString' for an example of how to use this function.
pPrintStringForceColor :: MonadIO m => String -> m ()
pPrintStringForceColor :: String -> m ()
pPrintStringForceColor = CheckColorTty -> OutputOptions -> String -> m ()
forall (m :: * -> *).
MonadIO m =>
CheckColorTty -> OutputOptions -> String -> m ()
pPrintStringOpt CheckColorTty
NoCheckColorTty OutputOptions

-- | Similar to 'pHPrintString', but print in color regardless of whether the
-- output goes to a TTY or not.
-- See 'pHPrintString' for an example of how to use this function.
pHPrintStringForceColor :: MonadIO m => Handle -> String -> m ()
pHPrintStringForceColor :: Handle -> String -> m ()
pHPrintStringForceColor = CheckColorTty -> OutputOptions -> Handle -> String -> m ()
forall (m :: * -> *).
MonadIO m =>
CheckColorTty -> OutputOptions -> Handle -> String -> m ()
pHPrintStringOpt CheckColorTty
NoCheckColorTty OutputOptions

-- | Similar to 'pPrintForceColor', but just return the resulting pretty-printed
-- data type as a 'Text' instead of printing it to the screen.
-- This function is for printing to a dark background.
-- See 'pShowNoColor' for an example of how to use this function.
pShow :: Show a => a -> Text
pShow :: a -> Text
pShow = OutputOptions -> a -> Text
forall a. Show a => OutputOptions -> a -> Text
pShowOpt OutputOptions

-- | Similar to 'pShow', but the first argument is a 'String' representing a
-- data type that has already been 'show'ed.
-- This will work on any 'String' that is similar to a Haskell data type.  The
-- only requirement is that the strings are quoted, and braces, parentheses, and
-- brackets are correctly used to represent indentation.  For example,
-- 'pString' will correctly pretty-print JSON.
-- This function is for printing to a dark background.
-- See 'pStringNoColor' for an example of how to use this function.
pString :: String -> Text
pString :: String -> Text
pString = OutputOptions -> String -> Text
pStringOpt OutputOptions

-- aliases for printing in color to a dark background --

-- | Alias for 'pPrint'.
pPrintDarkBg :: (MonadIO m, Show a) => a -> m ()
pPrintDarkBg :: a -> m ()
pPrintDarkBg = a -> m ()
forall (m :: * -> *) a. (MonadIO m, Show a) => a -> m ()

-- | Alias for 'pHPrint'.
pHPrintDarkBg :: (MonadIO m, Show a) => Handle -> a -> m ()
pHPrintDarkBg :: Handle -> a -> m ()
pHPrintDarkBg = Handle -> a -> m ()
forall (m :: * -> *) a. (MonadIO m, Show a) => Handle -> a -> m ()

-- | Alias for 'pPrintString'.
pPrintStringDarkBg :: MonadIO m => String -> m ()
pPrintStringDarkBg :: String -> m ()
pPrintStringDarkBg = String -> m ()
forall (m :: * -> *). MonadIO m => String -> m ()

-- | Alias for 'pHPrintString'.
pHPrintStringDarkBg :: MonadIO m => Handle -> String -> m ()
pHPrintStringDarkBg :: Handle -> String -> m ()
pHPrintStringDarkBg = Handle -> String -> m ()
forall (m :: * -> *). MonadIO m => Handle -> String -> m ()

-- | Alias for 'pPrintForceColor'.
pPrintForceColorDarkBg :: (MonadIO m, Show a) => a -> m ()
pPrintForceColorDarkBg :: a -> m ()
pPrintForceColorDarkBg = a -> m ()
forall (m :: * -> *) a. (MonadIO m, Show a) => a -> m ()

-- | Alias for 'pHPrintForceColor'.
pHPrintForceColorDarkBg :: (MonadIO m, Show a) => Handle -> a -> m ()
pHPrintForceColorDarkBg :: Handle -> a -> m ()
pHPrintForceColorDarkBg = Handle -> a -> m ()
forall (m :: * -> *) a. (MonadIO m, Show a) => Handle -> a -> m ()

-- | Alias for 'pPrintStringForceColor'.
pPrintStringForceColorDarkBg :: MonadIO m => String -> m ()
pPrintStringForceColorDarkBg :: String -> m ()
pPrintStringForceColorDarkBg = String -> m ()
forall (m :: * -> *). MonadIO m => String -> m ()

-- | Alias for 'pHPrintStringForceColor'.
pHPrintStringForceColorDarkBg :: MonadIO m => Handle -> String -> m ()
pHPrintStringForceColorDarkBg :: Handle -> String -> m ()
pHPrintStringForceColorDarkBg = Handle -> String -> m ()
forall (m :: * -> *). MonadIO m => Handle -> String -> m ()

-- | Alias for 'pShow'.
pShowDarkBg :: Show a => a -> Text
pShowDarkBg :: a -> Text
pShowDarkBg = a -> Text
forall a. Show a => a -> Text

-- | Alias for 'pString'.
pStringDarkBg :: String -> Text
pStringDarkBg :: String -> Text
pStringDarkBg = String -> Text

-- functions for printing in color to a light background --

-- | Just like 'pPrintDarkBg', but for printing to a light background.
pPrintLightBg :: (MonadIO m, Show a) => a -> m ()
pPrintLightBg :: a -> m ()
pPrintLightBg = CheckColorTty -> OutputOptions -> a -> m ()
forall (m :: * -> *) a.
(MonadIO m, Show a) =>
CheckColorTty -> OutputOptions -> a -> m ()
pPrintOpt CheckColorTty
CheckColorTty OutputOptions

-- | Just like 'pHPrintDarkBg', but for printing to a light background.
pHPrintLightBg :: (MonadIO m, Show a) => Handle -> a -> m ()
pHPrintLightBg :: Handle -> a -> m ()
pHPrintLightBg = CheckColorTty -> OutputOptions -> Handle -> a -> m ()
forall (m :: * -> *) a.
(MonadIO m, Show a) =>
CheckColorTty -> OutputOptions -> Handle -> a -> m ()
pHPrintOpt CheckColorTty
CheckColorTty OutputOptions

-- | Just like 'pPrintStringDarkBg', but for printing to a light background.
pPrintStringLightBg :: MonadIO m => String -> m ()
pPrintStringLightBg :: String -> m ()
pPrintStringLightBg = CheckColorTty -> OutputOptions -> String -> m ()
forall (m :: * -> *).
MonadIO m =>
CheckColorTty -> OutputOptions -> String -> m ()
pPrintStringOpt CheckColorTty
CheckColorTty OutputOptions

-- | Just like 'pHPrintStringDarkBg', but for printing to a light background.
pHPrintStringLightBg :: MonadIO m => Handle -> String -> m ()
pHPrintStringLightBg :: Handle -> String -> m ()
pHPrintStringLightBg = CheckColorTty -> OutputOptions -> Handle -> String -> m ()
forall (m :: * -> *).
MonadIO m =>
CheckColorTty -> OutputOptions -> Handle -> String -> m ()
pHPrintStringOpt CheckColorTty
CheckColorTty OutputOptions

-- | Just like 'pPrintForceColorDarkBg', but for printing to a light
-- background.
pPrintForceColorLightBg :: (MonadIO m, Show a) => a -> m ()
pPrintForceColorLightBg :: a -> m ()
pPrintForceColorLightBg = CheckColorTty -> OutputOptions -> a -> m ()
forall (m :: * -> *) a.
(MonadIO m, Show a) =>
CheckColorTty -> OutputOptions -> a -> m ()
pPrintOpt CheckColorTty
NoCheckColorTty OutputOptions

-- | Just like 'pHPrintForceColorDarkBg', but for printing to a light
-- background.
pHPrintForceColorLightBg :: (MonadIO m, Show a) => Handle -> a -> m ()
pHPrintForceColorLightBg :: Handle -> a -> m ()
pHPrintForceColorLightBg = CheckColorTty -> OutputOptions -> Handle -> a -> m ()
forall (m :: * -> *) a.
(MonadIO m, Show a) =>
CheckColorTty -> OutputOptions -> Handle -> a -> m ()
pHPrintOpt CheckColorTty
NoCheckColorTty OutputOptions

-- | Just like 'pPrintStringForceColorDarkBg', but for printing to a light
-- background.
pPrintStringForceColorLightBg :: MonadIO m => String -> m ()
pPrintStringForceColorLightBg :: String -> m ()
pPrintStringForceColorLightBg = CheckColorTty -> OutputOptions -> String -> m ()
forall (m :: * -> *).
MonadIO m =>
CheckColorTty -> OutputOptions -> String -> m ()
pPrintStringOpt CheckColorTty
NoCheckColorTty OutputOptions

-- | Just like 'pHPrintStringForceColorDarkBg', but for printing to a light
-- background.
pHPrintStringForceColorLightBg :: MonadIO m => Handle -> String -> m ()
pHPrintStringForceColorLightBg :: Handle -> String -> m ()
pHPrintStringForceColorLightBg = CheckColorTty -> OutputOptions -> Handle -> String -> m ()
forall (m :: * -> *).
MonadIO m =>
CheckColorTty -> OutputOptions -> Handle -> String -> m ()
pHPrintStringOpt CheckColorTty
NoCheckColorTty OutputOptions

-- | Just like 'pShowDarkBg', but for printing to a light background.
pShowLightBg :: Show a => a -> Text
pShowLightBg :: a -> Text
pShowLightBg = OutputOptions -> a -> Text
forall a. Show a => OutputOptions -> a -> Text
pShowOpt OutputOptions

-- | Just like 'pStringDarkBg', but for printing to a light background.
pStringLightBg :: String -> Text
pStringLightBg :: String -> Text
pStringLightBg = OutputOptions -> String -> Text
pStringOpt OutputOptions

-- functions for printing without color --

-- | Similar to 'pPrint', but doesn't print in color.  However, data types
-- will still be indented nicely.
-- >>> pPrintNoColor $ Just ["hello", "bye"]
-- Just
--     [ "hello"
--     , "bye"
--     ]
pPrintNoColor :: (MonadIO m, Show a) => a -> m ()
pPrintNoColor :: a -> m ()
pPrintNoColor = CheckColorTty -> OutputOptions -> a -> m ()
forall (m :: * -> *) a.
(MonadIO m, Show a) =>
CheckColorTty -> OutputOptions -> a -> m ()
pPrintOpt CheckColorTty
NoCheckColorTty OutputOptions

-- | Like 'pPrintNoColor', but take a 'Handle' to determine where to print to.
-- >>> pHPrintNoColor stdout $ Just ["hello", "bye"]
-- Just
--     [ "hello"
--     , "bye"
--     ]
pHPrintNoColor :: (MonadIO m, Show a) => Handle -> a -> m ()
pHPrintNoColor :: Handle -> a -> m ()
pHPrintNoColor = CheckColorTty -> OutputOptions -> Handle -> a -> m ()
forall (m :: * -> *) a.
(MonadIO m, Show a) =>
CheckColorTty -> OutputOptions -> Handle -> a -> m ()
pHPrintOpt CheckColorTty
NoCheckColorTty OutputOptions

-- | Similar to 'pPrintString', but doesn't print in color.  However, data types
-- will still be indented nicely.
-- >>> pPrintStringNoColor $ show $ Just ["hello", "bye"]
-- Just
--     [ "hello"
--     , "bye"
--     ]
pPrintStringNoColor :: MonadIO m => String -> m ()
pPrintStringNoColor :: String -> m ()
pPrintStringNoColor = CheckColorTty -> OutputOptions -> String -> m ()
forall (m :: * -> *).
MonadIO m =>
CheckColorTty -> OutputOptions -> String -> m ()
pPrintStringOpt CheckColorTty
NoCheckColorTty OutputOptions

-- | Like 'pPrintStringNoColor', but take a 'Handle' to determine where to print to.
-- >>> pHPrintStringNoColor stdout $ show $ Just ["hello", "bye"]
-- Just
--     [ "hello"
--     , "bye"
--     ]
pHPrintStringNoColor :: MonadIO m => Handle -> String -> m ()
pHPrintStringNoColor :: Handle -> String -> m ()
pHPrintStringNoColor = CheckColorTty -> OutputOptions -> Handle -> String -> m ()
forall (m :: * -> *).
MonadIO m =>
CheckColorTty -> OutputOptions -> Handle -> String -> m ()
pHPrintStringOpt CheckColorTty
NoCheckColorTty OutputOptions

-- | Like 'pShow', but without color.
-- >>> pShowNoColor [ Nothing, Just (1, "hello") ]
-- "[ Nothing\n, Just\n    ( 1\n    , \"hello\"\n    )\n]"
pShowNoColor :: Show a => a -> Text
pShowNoColor :: a -> Text
pShowNoColor = OutputOptions -> a -> Text
forall a. Show a => OutputOptions -> a -> Text
pShowOpt OutputOptions

-- | LIke 'pString', but without color.
-- >>> pStringNoColor $ show [1, 2, 3]
-- "[ 1\n, 2\n, 3\n]"
pStringNoColor :: String -> Text
pStringNoColor :: String -> Text
pStringNoColor = OutputOptions -> String -> Text
pStringOpt OutputOptions

-- functions that take options --

-- | Similar to 'pPrint' but takes 'OutputOptions' to change how the
-- pretty-printing is done.
-- For example, 'pPrintOpt' can be used to make the indentation much smaller
-- than normal.
-- This is what the normal indentation looks like:
-- >>> pPrintOpt NoCheckColorTty defaultOutputOptionsNoColor $ Just ("hello", "bye")
-- Just
--     ( "hello"
--     , "bye"
--     )
-- This is what smaller indentation looks like:
-- >>> let smallIndent = defaultOutputOptionsNoColor {outputOptionsIndentAmount = 1}
-- >>> pPrintOpt CheckColorTty smallIndent $ Just ("hello", "bye")
-- Just
--  ( "hello"
--  , "bye"
--  )
-- Lines in strings get indented
-- >>> pPrintOpt NoCheckColorTty defaultOutputOptionsNoColor (1, (2, "foo\nbar\nbaz", 3))
-- ( 1
-- ,
--     ( 2
--     , "foo
--       bar
--       baz"
--     , 3
--     )
-- )
-- Lines get indented even in custom show instances
-- >>> data Foo = Foo
-- >>> instance Show Foo where show _ = "foo\nbar\nbaz"
-- >>> pPrintOpt CheckColorTty defaultOutputOptionsNoColor (1, (2, Foo, 3))
-- ( 1
-- ,
--     ( 2
--     , foo
--       bar
--       baz
--     , 3
--     )
-- )
-- 'CheckColorTty' determines whether to test 'stdout' for whether or not it is
-- connected to a TTY.
-- If set to 'NoCheckColorTty', then 'pPrintOpt' won't
-- check if 'stdout' is a TTY.  It will print in color depending on the value
-- of 'outputOptionsColorOptions'.
-- If set to 'CheckColorTty', then 'pPrintOpt' will check if 'stdout' is
-- conneted to a TTY.  If 'stdout' is determined to be connected to a TTY, then
-- it will print in color depending on the value of
-- 'outputOptionsColorOptions'.  If 'stdout' is determined to NOT be connected
-- to a TTY, then it will NOT print in color, regardless of the value of
-- 'outputOptionsColorOptions'.
pPrintOpt :: (MonadIO m, Show a) => CheckColorTty -> OutputOptions -> a -> m ()
pPrintOpt :: CheckColorTty -> OutputOptions -> a -> m ()
pPrintOpt CheckColorTty
checkColorTty OutputOptions
outputOptions =
  CheckColorTty -> OutputOptions -> Handle -> a -> m ()
forall (m :: * -> *) a.
(MonadIO m, Show a) =>
CheckColorTty -> OutputOptions -> Handle -> a -> m ()
pHPrintOpt CheckColorTty
checkColorTty OutputOptions
outputOptions Handle

-- | Similar to 'pPrintOpt', but take a 'Handle' to determine where to print
-- to.
pHPrintOpt ::
     (MonadIO m, Show a)
  => CheckColorTty
  -> OutputOptions
  -> Handle
  -> a
  -> m ()
pHPrintOpt :: CheckColorTty -> OutputOptions -> Handle -> a -> m ()
pHPrintOpt CheckColorTty
checkColorTty OutputOptions
outputOptions Handle
handle a
a =
  CheckColorTty -> OutputOptions -> Handle -> String -> m ()
forall (m :: * -> *).
MonadIO m =>
CheckColorTty -> OutputOptions -> Handle -> String -> m ()
pHPrintStringOpt CheckColorTty
checkColorTty OutputOptions
outputOptions Handle
handle (String -> m ()) -> String -> m ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ a -> String
forall a. Show a => a -> String
show a

-- | Similar to 'pPrintOpt', but the last argument is a string representing a
-- data structure that has already been 'show'ed.
-- >>> let foo = show (1, (2, "hello", 3))
-- >>> pPrintStringOpt CheckColorTty defaultOutputOptionsNoColor foo
-- ( 1
-- ,
--     ( 2
--     , "hello"
--     , 3
--     )
-- )
pPrintStringOpt :: MonadIO m => CheckColorTty -> OutputOptions -> String -> m ()
pPrintStringOpt :: CheckColorTty -> OutputOptions -> String -> m ()
pPrintStringOpt CheckColorTty
checkColorTty OutputOptions
outputOptions =
  CheckColorTty -> OutputOptions -> Handle -> String -> m ()
forall (m :: * -> *).
MonadIO m =>
CheckColorTty -> OutputOptions -> Handle -> String -> m ()
pHPrintStringOpt CheckColorTty
checkColorTty OutputOptions
outputOptions Handle

-- | Similar to 'pPrintStringOpt', but take a 'Handle' to determine where to
-- print to.
-- >>> let foo = show (1, (2, "hello", 3))
-- >>> pHPrintStringOpt CheckColorTty defaultOutputOptionsNoColor stdout foo
-- ( 1
-- ,
--     ( 2
--     , "hello"
--     , 3
--     )
-- )
pHPrintStringOpt ::
     MonadIO m
  => CheckColorTty
  -> OutputOptions
  -> Handle
  -> String
  -> m ()
pHPrintStringOpt :: CheckColorTty -> OutputOptions -> Handle -> String -> m ()
pHPrintStringOpt CheckColorTty
checkColorTty OutputOptions
outputOptions Handle
handle String
str = do
realOutputOpts <-
    case CheckColorTty
checkColorTty of
CheckColorTty -> Handle -> OutputOptions -> m OutputOptions
forall (m :: * -> *).
MonadIO m =>
Handle -> OutputOptions -> m OutputOptions
hCheckTTY Handle
handle OutputOptions
NoCheckColorTty -> OutputOptions -> m OutputOptions
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure OutputOptions
  IO () -> m ()
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO () -> m ()) -> IO () -> m ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
    Handle -> SimpleDocStream AnsiStyle -> IO ()
renderIO Handle
handle (SimpleDocStream AnsiStyle -> IO ())
-> SimpleDocStream AnsiStyle -> IO ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ OutputOptions -> String -> SimpleDocStream AnsiStyle
layoutStringAnsi OutputOptions
realOutputOpts String
    String -> IO ()
putStrLn String

-- | Like 'pShow' but takes 'OutputOptions' to change how the
-- pretty-printing is done.
pShowOpt :: Show a => OutputOptions -> a -> Text
pShowOpt :: OutputOptions -> a -> Text
pShowOpt OutputOptions
outputOptions = OutputOptions -> String -> Text
pStringOpt OutputOptions
outputOptions (String -> Text) -> (a -> String) -> a -> Text
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. a -> String
forall a. Show a => a -> String

-- | Like 'pString' but takes 'OutputOptions' to change how the
-- pretty-printing is done.
pStringOpt :: OutputOptions -> String -> Text
pStringOpt :: OutputOptions -> String -> Text
pStringOpt OutputOptions
outputOptions = SimpleDocStream AnsiStyle -> Text
renderLazy (SimpleDocStream AnsiStyle -> Text)
-> (String -> SimpleDocStream AnsiStyle) -> String -> Text
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. OutputOptions -> String -> SimpleDocStream AnsiStyle
layoutStringAnsi OutputOptions

layoutStringAnsi :: OutputOptions -> String -> SimpleDocStream AnsiStyle
layoutStringAnsi :: OutputOptions -> String -> SimpleDocStream AnsiStyle
layoutStringAnsi OutputOptions
opts = (Style -> AnsiStyle)
-> SimpleDocStream Style -> SimpleDocStream AnsiStyle
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap Style -> AnsiStyle
convertStyle (SimpleDocStream Style -> SimpleDocStream AnsiStyle)
-> (String -> SimpleDocStream Style)
-> String
-> SimpleDocStream AnsiStyle
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. OutputOptions -> String -> SimpleDocStream Style
layoutString OutputOptions

-- $examples
-- Here are some examples of using 'pPrint' on different data types.  You can
-- look at these examples to get an idea of what 'pPrint' will output.
-- __Simple Haskell data type__
-- >>> data Foo a = Foo a String Char deriving Show
-- >>> pPrint $ Foo 3 "hello" 'a'
-- Foo 3 "hello" 'a'
-- __List__
-- >>> pPrint $ [1,2,3]
-- [ 1
-- , 2
-- , 3
-- ]
-- __Slightly more complicated list__
-- >>> pPrint $ [ Foo [ (), () ] "hello" 'b' ]
-- [ Foo
--     [ ()
--     , ()
--     ] "hello" 'b'
-- ]
-- >>> pPrint $ [ Foo [ "bar", "baz" ] "hello" 'a', Foo [] "bye" 'b' ]
-- [ Foo
--     [ "bar"
--     , "baz"
--     ] "hello" 'a'
-- , Foo [] "bye" 'b'
-- ]
-- __Record__
-- >>> :{
-- data Bar b = Bar
--   { barInt :: Int
--   , barA :: b
--   , barList :: [Foo Double]
--   } deriving Show
-- :}
-- >>> pPrint $ Bar 1 [10, 11] [Foo 1.1 "" 'a', Foo 2.2 "hello" 'b']
-- Bar
--     { barInt = 1
--     , barA =
--         [ 10
--         , 11
--         ]
--     , barList =
--         [ Foo 1.1 "" 'a'
--         , Foo 2.2 "hello" 'b'
--         ]
--     }
-- __Newtype__
-- >>> newtype Baz = Baz { unBaz :: [String] } deriving Show
-- >>> pPrint $ Baz ["hello", "bye"]
-- Baz
--     { unBaz =
--         [ "hello"
--         , "bye"
--         ]
--     }
-- __Newline Rules__
-- >>> data Foo = A | B Foo | C [Foo] [Foo] deriving Show
-- >>> pPrint $ B ( B A )
-- B ( B A )
-- >>> pPrint $ B ( B ( B A ) )
-- B
--     ( B ( B A ) )
-- >>> pPrint $ B ( B ( B ( B A ) ) )
-- B
--     ( B
--         ( B ( B A ) )
--     )
-- >>> pPrint $ B ( C [A, A] [B A, B (B (B A))] )
-- B
--     ( C
--         [ A
--         , A
--         ]
--         [ B A
--         , B
--             ( B ( B A ) )
--         ]
--     )
-- __Laziness__
-- >>> take 100 . unpack . pShowNoColor $ [1..]
-- "[ 1\n, 2\n, 3\n, 4\n, 5\n, 6\n, 7\n, 8\n, 9\n, 10\n, 11\n, 12\n, 13\n, 14\n, 15\n, 16\n, 17\n, 18\n, 19\n, 20\n, 21\n, 22"
-- __Unicode__
-- >>> pPrint $ Baz ["猫", "犬", "ヤギ"]
-- Baz
--     { unBaz =
--         [ "猫"
--         , "犬"
--         , "ヤギ"
--         ]
--     }
-- __Compactness options__
-- >>> pPrintStringOpt CheckColorTty defaultOutputOptionsDarkBg {outputOptionsCompact = True} "AST [] [Def ((3,1),(5,30)) (Id \"fact'\" \"fact'\") [] (Forall ((3,9),(3,26)) [((Id \"n\" \"n_0\"),KPromote (TyCon (Id \"Nat\" \"Nat\")))])]"
-- AST []
--     [ Def
--         ( ( 3, 1 ), ( 5, 30 ) )
--         ( Id "fact'" "fact'" ) []
--         ( Forall
--             ( ( 3, 9 ), ( 3, 26 ) )
--             [ ( ( Id "n" "n_0" ), KPromote ( TyCon ( Id "Nat" "Nat" ) ) ) ]
--         )
--     ]
-- >>> pPrintOpt CheckColorTty defaultOutputOptionsDarkBg {outputOptionsCompactParens = True} $ B ( C [A, A] [B A, B (B (B A))] )
-- B
--     ( C
--         [ A
--         , A ]
--         [ B A
--         , B
--             ( B ( B A ) ) ] )
-- __Initial indent__
-- >>> pPrintOpt CheckColorTty defaultOutputOptionsDarkBg {outputOptionsInitialIndent = 3} $ B ( B ( B ( B A ) ) )
--    B
--        ( B
--            ( B ( B A ) )
--        )
-- __Other__
-- Making sure the spacing after a string is correct.
-- >>> data Foo = Foo String Int deriving Show
-- >>> pPrint $ Foo "bar" 0
-- Foo "bar" 0
-- Non-printable characters will get escaped.
-- >>> pPrint "this string has non-printable characters: \x8 and \x9"
-- "this string has non-printable characters: \x8 and \x9"
-- If you don't want non-printable characters to be escaped, take a look at
-- 'outputOptionsStringStyle' and 'StringOutputStyle'.