primal- Primeval world of Haskell.
Copyright(c) Alexey Kuleshevich 2020
MaintainerAlexey Kuleshevich <>
Safe HaskellNone





Minimal interface, wrappers around primops

Indexing and Size type

As in the rest of the library majority of the functions are unsafe.

no fusion

Boxed vs unboxed concept

Mutable vs Immutable

Note more features in primal-memory and primal-mutable

newtype Size Source #





Instances details
Bounded Size Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Prim.Array

Enum Size Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Prim.Array


succ :: Size -> Size #

pred :: Size -> Size #

toEnum :: Int -> Size #

fromEnum :: Size -> Int #

enumFrom :: Size -> [Size] #

enumFromThen :: Size -> Size -> [Size] #

enumFromTo :: Size -> Size -> [Size] #

enumFromThenTo :: Size -> Size -> Size -> [Size] #

Eq Size Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Prim.Array


(==) :: Size -> Size -> Bool #

(/=) :: Size -> Size -> Bool #

Integral Size Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Prim.Array


quot :: Size -> Size -> Size #

rem :: Size -> Size -> Size #

div :: Size -> Size -> Size #

mod :: Size -> Size -> Size #

quotRem :: Size -> Size -> (Size, Size) #

divMod :: Size -> Size -> (Size, Size) #

toInteger :: Size -> Integer #

Num Size Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Prim.Array


(+) :: Size -> Size -> Size #

(-) :: Size -> Size -> Size #

(*) :: Size -> Size -> Size #

negate :: Size -> Size #

abs :: Size -> Size #

signum :: Size -> Size #

fromInteger :: Integer -> Size #

Ord Size Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Prim.Array


compare :: Size -> Size -> Ordering #

(<) :: Size -> Size -> Bool #

(<=) :: Size -> Size -> Bool #

(>) :: Size -> Size -> Bool #

(>=) :: Size -> Size -> Bool #

max :: Size -> Size -> Size #

min :: Size -> Size -> Size #

Real Size Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Prim.Array


toRational :: Size -> Rational #

Show Size Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Prim.Array


showsPrec :: Int -> Size -> ShowS #

show :: Size -> String #

showList :: [Size] -> ShowS #

Prim Size Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Prim.Array

Associated Types

type PrimBase Size Source #

type SizeOf Size :: Nat Source #

type Alignment Size :: Nat Source #

type PrimBase Size Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Prim.Array

type SizeOf Size Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Prim.Array

type Alignment Size Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Prim.Array

Boxed Array

A boxed array is essentially a contiguous chunk of memory that holds pointers to actual elements that are being stored somewhere else on the heap. Therefore it is more efficient to use UArray if the element being stored has a Prim instance or can have created for it, because this avoids an extra level of indirection. However this is not always possible and for this reason we have boxed arrays.


data BArray e Source #

Immutable array with boxed elements.

Since: 0.3.0


BArray (Array# e) 


Instances details
Functor BArray Source #

Since: 0.3.0

Instance details

Defined in Data.Prim.Array


fmap :: (a -> b) -> BArray a -> BArray b #

(<$) :: a -> BArray b -> BArray a #

Foldable BArray Source #

Since: 0.3.0

Instance details

Defined in Data.Prim.Array


fold :: Monoid m => BArray m -> m #

foldMap :: Monoid m => (a -> m) -> BArray a -> m #

foldMap' :: Monoid m => (a -> m) -> BArray a -> m #

foldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> BArray a -> b #

foldr' :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> BArray a -> b #

foldl :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> BArray a -> b #

foldl' :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> BArray a -> b #

foldr1 :: (a -> a -> a) -> BArray a -> a #

foldl1 :: (a -> a -> a) -> BArray a -> a #

toList :: BArray a -> [a] #

null :: BArray a -> Bool #

length :: BArray a -> Int #

elem :: Eq a => a -> BArray a -> Bool #

maximum :: Ord a => BArray a -> a #

minimum :: Ord a => BArray a -> a #

sum :: Num a => BArray a -> a #

product :: Num a => BArray a -> a #

Eq1 BArray Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Prim.Array


liftEq :: (a -> b -> Bool) -> BArray a -> BArray b -> Bool #

Ord1 BArray Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Prim.Array


liftCompare :: (a -> b -> Ordering) -> BArray a -> BArray b -> Ordering #

Show1 BArray Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Prim.Array


liftShowsPrec :: (Int -> a -> ShowS) -> ([a] -> ShowS) -> Int -> BArray a -> ShowS #

liftShowList :: (Int -> a -> ShowS) -> ([a] -> ShowS) -> [BArray a] -> ShowS #

IsList (BArray e) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Prim.Array

Associated Types

type Item (BArray e) #


fromList :: [Item (BArray e)] -> BArray e #

fromListN :: Int -> [Item (BArray e)] -> BArray e #

toList :: BArray e -> [Item (BArray e)] #

Eq e => Eq (BArray e) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Prim.Array


(==) :: BArray e -> BArray e -> Bool #

(/=) :: BArray e -> BArray e -> Bool #

Ord e => Ord (BArray e) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Prim.Array


compare :: BArray e -> BArray e -> Ordering #

(<) :: BArray e -> BArray e -> Bool #

(<=) :: BArray e -> BArray e -> Bool #

(>) :: BArray e -> BArray e -> Bool #

(>=) :: BArray e -> BArray e -> Bool #

max :: BArray e -> BArray e -> BArray e #

min :: BArray e -> BArray e -> BArray e #

Show e => Show (BArray e) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Prim.Array


showsPrec :: Int -> BArray e -> ShowS #

show :: BArray e -> String #

showList :: [BArray e] -> ShowS #

e ~ Char => IsString (BArray e) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Prim.Array


fromString :: String -> BArray e #

Semigroup (BArray e) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Prim.Array


(<>) :: BArray e -> BArray e -> BArray e #

sconcat :: NonEmpty (BArray e) -> BArray e #

stimes :: Integral b => b -> BArray e -> BArray e #

Monoid (BArray e) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Prim.Array


mempty :: BArray e #

mappend :: BArray e -> BArray e -> BArray e #

mconcat :: [BArray e] -> BArray e #

NFData e => NFData (BArray e) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Prim.Array


rnf :: BArray e -> () #

type Item (BArray e) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Prim.Array

type Item (BArray e) = e

isSameBArray :: BArray a -> BArray a -> Bool Source #

Compare pointers for two immutable arrays and see if they refer to the exact same one.

Since: 0.3.0

sizeOfBArray :: forall e. BArray e -> Size Source #

O(1) - Get the number of elements in an immutable array

Documentation for utilized primop: sizeofArray#.

Since: 0.3.0

indexBArray Source #


:: forall e. BArray e

array - Array where to lookup an element from

-> Int

ix - Position of the element within the array


0 <= ix
ix < unSize (sizeOfBArray array)
-> e 

O(1) - Index an element in the immutable boxed array.

Documentation for utilized primop: indexArray#.

Bounds are not checked. When a precondition for ix argument is violated the result is either unpredictable output or failure with a segfault.


>>> import Data.Prim.Array
>>> let a = fromListBArray [[0 .. i] | i <- [0 .. 10 :: Int]]
>>> indexBArray a 1
>>> indexBArray a 5

Since: 0.3.0

copyBArray Source #


:: forall e m s. MonadPrim s m 
=> BArray e

srcArray - Source immutable array


srcMutArray <- thawBArray srcArray
srcMutArray /= dstMutArray
-> Int

srcStartIx - Offset into the source immutable array where copy should start from


0 <= srcStartIx
srcStartIx < unSize (sizeOfBArray srcArray)
-> BMArray e s

dstMutArray - Destination mutable array

-> Int

dstStartIx - Offset into the destination mutable array where the copy should start at


0 <= dstStartIx
dstSize <- getSizeOfBMArray dstMutArray
dstStartIx < unSize dstSize
-> Size

sz - Number of elements to copy over


0 <= sz
srcStartIx + unSize sz < unSize (sizeOfBArray srcArray)
dstSize <- getSizeOfBMArray dstMutArray
dstStartIx + unSize sz < unSize dstSize
-> m () 

O(sz) - Copy a subsection of an immutable array into a subsection of a mutable array. Source and destination arrays must not be the same array in different states.

Documentation for utilized primop: copyArray#.

When any of the preconditions for srcStartIx, dstStartIx or sz is violated this function can result in a copy of some data that doesn't belong to srcArray or more likely a failure with a segfault.

Since: 0.3.0

cloneBArray Source #


:: forall e. BArray e

srcArray - Immutable source array

-> Int

startIx - Location within srcArray where the copy of elements should start from


0 <= startIx
startIx < unSize (sizeOfBArray srcArray)
-> Size

sz - Size of the returned immutable array. Also this is the number of elements that will be copied over into the destionation array starting at the beginning.


0 <= sz
startIx + unSize sz < unSize (sizeOfBArray srcArray)

Should be less then the actual available memory

-> BArray e 

O(sz) - Make an exact copy of a subsection of a pure immutable array.

When any of the preconditions for startIx or sz is violated this function can result in a copy of some data that doesn't belong to srcArray or more likely a failure with a segfault. Failure with out of memory is also possibility when the @sz is too large.

Documentation for utilized primop: cloneArray#.


>>> let a = fromListBArray ['a'..'z']
>>> a
BArray "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
>>> cloneBArray a 23 3
BArray "xyz"

Since: 0.3.0

thawBArray Source #


:: forall e m s. MonadPrim s m 
=> BArray e

array - Source immutable array that will be thawed

-> m (BMArray e s) 

O(1) - Convert a pure immutable boxed array into a mutable boxed array. Use freezeBMArray in order to go in the opposite direction.

Documentation for utilized primop: unsafeThawArray#.

This function makes it possible to break referential transparency, because any subsequent destructive operation to the mutable boxed array will also be reflected in the source immutable array as well. See thawCopyBArray that avoids this problem with a fresh allocation and data copy.


>>> ma <- thawBArray $ fromListBArray [1 .. 5 :: Integer]
>>> writeBMArray ma 1 10
>>> freezeBMArray ma
BArray [1,10,3,4,5]

Be careful not to retain a reference to the pure immutable source array after the thawed version gets mutated.

>>> let a = fromListBArray [1 .. 5 :: Integer]
>>> ma' <- thawBArray a
>>> writeBMArray ma' 0 100000
>>> a
BArray [100000,2,3,4,5]

Since: 0.3.0

thawCopyBArray Source #


:: forall e m s. MonadPrim s m 
=> BArray e

srcArray - Immutable source array

-> Int

startIx - Location within srcArray where the copy of elements should start from


0 <= startIx
startIx < unSize (sizeOfBArray srcArray)
-> Size

sz - Size of the returned mutable array. Also this is the number of elements that will be copied over into the destionation array starting at the beginning.


0 <= sz
startIx + unSize sz < unSize (sizeOfBArray srcArray)

Should be less then the actual available memory

-> m (BMArray e s)

dstMutArray - Newly created destination mutable boxed array

O(sz) - Create a new mutable array with size sz and copy that number of elements from source immutable srcArray starting at an offset startIx into the newly created dstMutArray. This function can help avoid an issue with referential transparency that is inherent to thawBArray.

When any of the preconditions for startIx or sz is violated this function can result in a copy of some data that doesn't belong to srcArray or more likely a failure with a segfault. Failure with out of memory is also a possibility when the @sz is too large.

Documentation for utilized primop: thawArray#.


>>> let a = fromListBArray [1 .. 5 :: Int]
>>> ma <- thawCopyBArray a 1 3
>>> writeBMArray ma 1 10
>>> freezeBMArray ma
BArray [2,10,4]
>>> a
BArray [1,2,3,4,5]

Since: 0.3.0

toListBArray :: forall e. BArray e -> [e] Source #

Convert a pure boxed array into a list. It should work fine with GHC built-in list fusion.

Since: 0.1.0

fromListBArray :: forall e. [e] -> BArray e Source #

O(length list) - Convert a list into an immutable boxed array. It is more efficient to use fromListBArrayN when the number of elements is known ahead of time. The reason for this is that it is necessary to iterate the whole list twice: once to count how many elements there is in order to create large enough array that can fit them; and the second time to load the actual elements. Naturally, infinite lists will grind the program to a halt.


>>> fromListBArray "Hello Haskell"
BArray "Hello Haskell"

Since: 0.3.0

fromListBArrayN Source #


:: forall e. HasCallStack 
=> Size

sz - Expected number of elements in the list

-> [e]

list - A list to bew loaded into the array

-> BArray e 

O(min(length list, sz)) - Same as fromListBArray, except that it will allocate an array exactly of n size, as such it will not convert any portion of the list that doesn't fit into the newly created array.

When length of supplied list is in fact smaller then the expected size sz, thunks with UndefinedElement exception throwing function will be placed in the tail portion of the array.
When a precondition sz is violated this function can result in critical failure with out of memory or HeapOverflow async exception.


>>> fromListBArrayN 3 [1 :: Int, 2, 3]
BArray [1,2,3]
>>> fromListBArrayN 3 [1 :: Int ..]
BArray [1,2,3]

Since: 0.1.0

fromBaseBArray :: Array ix e -> BArray e Source #

O(1) - cast a boxed immutable Array that is wired with GHC to BArray from primal.

>>> import Data.Array.IArray as IA
>>> let arr = IA.listArray (10, 15) [30 .. 35] :: IA.Array Int Integer
>>> arr
array (10,15) [(10,30),(11,31),(12,32),(13,33),(14,34),(15,35)]
>>> fromBaseBArray arr
BArray [30,31,32,33,34,35]

Since: 0.3.0

toBaseBArray :: BArray e -> Array Int e Source #

O(1) - cast a boxed BArray from primal into Array, which is wired with GHC. Resulting array range starts at 0, like any sane array would.

>>> let arr = fromListBArray [1, 2, 3 :: Integer]
>>> arr
BArray [1,2,3]
>>> toBaseBArray arr
array (0,2) [(0,1),(1,2),(2,3)]

Since: 0.3.0


data BMArray e s Source #

Mutable array with boxed elements.

Since: 0.3.0


BMArray (MutableArray# s e) 


Instances details
Eq (BMArray e s) Source #

Check if both of the arrays refer to the exact same one. None of the elements are evaluated.

Instance details

Defined in Data.Prim.Array


(==) :: BMArray e s -> BMArray e s -> Bool #

(/=) :: BMArray e s -> BMArray e s -> Bool #

getSizeOfBMArray :: forall e m s. MonadPrim s m => BMArray e s -> m Size Source #

O(1) - Get the size of a mutable boxed array

Documentation for utilized primop: sizeofMutableArray#.


>>> ma <- newBMArray 1024 "Element of each cell"
>>> getSizeOfBMArray ma
Size {unSize = 1024}

Since: 0.3.0

readBMArray Source #


:: forall e m s. MonadPrim s m 
=> BMArray e s

srcMutArray - Array to read an element from

-> Int

ix - Index that refers to an element we need within the the srcMutArray


0 <= ix
ix < unSize (sizeOfMBArray srcMutArray)
-> m e 

O(1) - Read an element from a mutable boxed array at the supplied index.

Documentation for utilized primop: readArray#.

Violation of ix preconditions can result in undefined behavior or a failure with a segfault


>>> ma <- makeBMArray 10 (pure . ("Element ix: " ++) . show)
>>> readBMArray ma 5
"Element ix: 5"

Since: 0.1.0

writeBMArray Source #


:: forall e m s. MonadPrim s m 
=> BMArray e s

dstMutArray - An array to have the element written to

-> Int

ix - Index within the the dstMutArray that a refernce to the supplied element elt will be written to.


0 <= ix
ix < unSize (sizeOfMBArray srcArray)
-> e

elt - Element to be written into dstMutArray

-> m () 

O(1) - Write an element elt into the mutable boxed array dstMutArray at the supplied index ix. The actual element will be evaluated to WHNF prior to mutation.

Violation of ix preconditions can result in heap corruption or a failure with a segfault


>>> ma <- newBMArray 4 (Nothing :: Maybe Integer)
>>> writeBMArray ma 2 (Just 2)
>>> freezeBMArray ma
BArray [Nothing,Nothing,Just 2,Nothing]

It is important to note that an element is evaluated prior to being written into a cell, so it will not overwrite the value of an array's cell if it evaluates to an exception:

>>> import Control.Prim.Exception
>>> writeBMArray ma 2 (impureThrow DivideByZero)
*** Exception: divide by zero
>>> freezeBMArray ma
BArray [Nothing,Nothing,Just 2,Nothing]

However, it is evaluated only to Weak Head Normal Form (WHNF), so it is still possible to write something that eventually evaluates to bottom.

>>> writeBMArray ma 3 (Just (7 `div` 0 ))
>>> freezeBMArray ma
BArray [Nothing,Nothing,Just 2,Just *** Exception: divide by zero
>>> readBMArray ma 3
Just *** Exception: divide by zero

Either deepseq or writeDeepBMArray can be used to alleviate that.

Since: 0.3.0

writeLazyBMArray :: forall e m s. MonadPrim s m => BMArray e s -> Int -> e -> m () Source #

O(1) - Same as writeBMArray but allows to write a thunk into an array instead of an evaluated element. Careful with memory leaks and thunks that evaluate to exceptions.

Documentation for utilized primop: writeArray#.

Same reasons as writeBMArray

Since: 0.3.0

writeDeepBMArray :: forall e m s. (MonadPrim s m, NFData e) => BMArray e s -> Int -> e -> m () Source #

O(1) - Same as writeBMArray, except it ensures that the value being written is fully evaluated, i.e. to Normal Form (NF).

Same reasons as writeBMArray

Since: 0.3.0

isSameBMArray :: forall a s. BMArray a s -> BMArray a s -> Bool Source #

Compare pointers for two mutable arrays and see if they refer to the exact same one.

Documentation for utilized primop: sameMutableArray#.

Since: 0.3.0

newBMArray Source #


:: forall e m s. MonadPrim s m 
=> Size

sz - Size of the array


0 <= sz

Should be below some upper limit that is dictated by the operating system and the total amount of available memory

-> e

elt - Value to use for all array cells

-> m (BMArray e s) 

Create a mutable boxed array where each element is set to the supplied initial value elt, which is evaluated before array allocation happens. See newLazyBMArray for an ability to initialize with a thunk.

Unsafe size
Violation of precondition for the sz argument can result in the current thread being killed with HeapOverflow asynchronous exception or death of the whole process with some unchecked exception from RTS.


>>> newBMArray 10 'A' >>= freezeBMArray

Since: 0.3.0

newLazyBMArray :: forall e m s. MonadPrim s m => Size -> e -> m (BMArray e s) Source #

Same as newBMArray, except initial element is allowed to be a thunk.

Documentation for utilized primop: newArray#.

Same reasons as newBMArray

Since: 0.3.0

newRawBMArray :: forall e m s. (HasCallStack, MonadPrim s m) => Size -> m (BMArray e s) Source #

Create new mutable array, where each element is initilized to a thunk that throws an error when evaluated. This is useful when there is a plan to later iterate over the whole array and write values into each cell in some index aware fashion. Consider makeBMArray as an alternative.

All array cells are initialized with thunks that throw UndefinedElement exception when evaluated
Same reasons as newBMArray


>>> import Data.Prim
>>> let xs = "Hello Haskell"
>>> ma <- newRawBMArray (Size (length xs)) :: IO (BMArray Char RW)
>>> mapM_ (\(i, x) -> writeBMArray ma i x) (zip [0..] xs)
>>> freezeBMArray ma
BArray "Hello Haskell"

Since: 0.3.0

makeBMArray :: forall e m s. MonadPrim s m => Size -> (Int -> m e) -> m (BMArray e s) Source #

Create new mutable boxed array of the supplied size and fill it with a monadic action that is applied to indices of each array cell.

Same reasons as newBMArray


>>> ma <- makeBMArray 5 $ \i -> (toEnum (i + 97) :: Char) <$ putStrLn ("Handling index: " ++ show i)
Handling index: 0
Handling index: 1
Handling index: 2
Handling index: 3
Handling index: 4
>>> freezeBMArray ma
BArray "abcde"

Since: 0.3.0

moveBMArray Source #


:: forall e m s. MonadPrim s m 
=> BMArray e s

srcMutArray - Source mutable array

-> Int

srcStartIx - Offset into the source mutable array where copy should start from


0 <= srcStartIx
srcSize <- getSizeOfBMArray srcMutArray
srcStartIx < unSize srcSize
-> BMArray e s

dstMutArray - Destination mutable array

-> Int

dstStartIx - Offset into the destination mutable array where copy should start to


0 <= dstStartIx
dstSize <- getSizeOfBMArray dstMutArray
dstStartIx < unSize dstSize
-> Size

sz - Number of elements to copy over


0 <= sz
srcSize <- getSizeOfBMArray srcMutArray
srcStartIx + unSize sz < unSize srcSize
dstSize <- getSizeOfBMArray dstMutArray
dstStartIx + unSize sz < unSize dstSize
-> m () 

O(sz) - Copy a subsection of a mutable array into a subsection of another or the same mutable array. Therefore, unlike copyBArray, memory ia allowed to overlap between source and destination.

Documentation for utilized primop: copyMutableArray#.

When any of the preconditions for srcStartIx, dstStartIx or sz is violated this function can result in a copy of some data that doesn't belong to srcArray or more likely a failure with a segfault.

Since: 0.3.0

cloneBMArray Source #


:: forall e m s. MonadPrim s m 
=> BMArray e s

srcArray - Source mutable array

-> Int

startIx - Location within srcArray where the copy of elements should start from


0 <= startIx
startIx < unSize (sizeOfBArray srcArray)
-> Size

sz - Size of the returned mutable array. Also this is the number of elements that will be copied over into the destionation array starting at the beginning.


0 <= sz
startIx + unSize sz < unSize (sizeOfBArray srcArray)

Should be less then actual available memory

-> m (BMArray e s) 

O(sz) - Allocate a new mutable array of size sz and copy that number of the elements over from the srcArray starting at index ix. Similar to cloneBArray, except it works on mutable arrays.

Documentation for utilized primop: cloneMutableArray#.

When any of the preconditions for startIx or sz is violated this function can result in a copy of some data that doesn't belong to srcArray or more likely a failure with a segfault. Failure with out of memory is also a possibility when the @sz is too large.

Since: 0.3.0

shrinkBMArray Source #


:: forall e m s. MonadPrim s m 
=> BMArray e s

mutArray - Mutable unboxed array to be shrunk

-> Size

sz - New size for the array in number of elements


0 <= sz
curSize <- getSizeOfBMArray mutArray
sz <= curSize
-> m () 

O(1) - Reduce the size of a mutable boxed array.

Documentation for utilized primop: shrinkMutableArray#.

- Violation of preconditions for sz leads to undefined behavior
  1. 3.0

resizeBMArray Source #


:: forall e m s. MonadPrim s m 
=> BMArray e s

srcMutArray - Mutable boxed array to be shrunk

-> Size

sz - New size for the array in number of elements


0 <= sz

Should be below some upper limit that is dictated by the operating system and the total amount of available memory

-> e

elt - Element to write into extra space at the end when growing the array.

-> m (BMArray e s)

dstMutArray - produces a resized version of srcMutArray.

O(1) - Either grow or shrink the size of a mutable unboxed array. Shrinking happens in-place without new array creation and data copy, while growing the array is implemented with creating new array and copy of the data over from the source array srcMutArray. This has a consequence that produced array dstMutArray might refer to the same srcMutArray or to a totally new array, which can be checked with isSameBMArray.

Documentation on the utilized primop: resizeMutableArray#.

- Same reasons as in newRawBMArray.
  1. 3.0

resizeRawBMArray Source #


:: forall e m s. MonadPrim s m 
=> BMArray e s

srcMutArray - Mutable boxed array to be shrunk

-> Size

sz - New size for the array in number of elements


0 <= sz

Should be below some upper limit that is dictated by the operating system and the total amount of available memory

-> m (BMArray e s)

dstMutArray - produces a resized version of srcMutArray.

O(1) - Same as resizeBMArray, except when growing the array empty space at the end is filled with bottom.

- When size sz is larger then the size of srcMutArray then dstMutArray will have cells at the end initialized with thunks that throw UndefinedElement exception.
- Same reasons as in newBMArray.
  1. 3.0

freezeBMArray :: forall e m s. MonadPrim s m => BMArray e s -> m (BArray e) Source #

O(1) - Convert a mutable boxed array into an immutable one. Use thawBArray in order to go in the opposite direction.

Documentation for utilized primop: unsafeFreezeArray#.

This function makes it possible to break referential transparency, because any subsequent destructive operation to the source mutable boxed array will also be reflected in the resulting immutable array. See freezeCopyBMArray that avoids this problem with fresh allocation.

Since: 0.3.0

freezeCopyBMArray Source #


:: forall e m s. MonadPrim s m 
=> BMArray e s

srcArray - Source mutable array

-> Int

startIx - Location within srcArray where the copy of elements should start from


0 <= startIx
startIx < unSize (sizeOfBArray srcArray)
-> Size

sz - Size of the returned immutable array. Also this is the number of elements that will be copied over into the destionation array starting at the beginning.


0 <= sz
startIx + unSize sz < unSize (sizeOfBArray srcArray)

Should be less then actual available memory

-> m (BArray e) 

O(sz) - Similar to freezeBMArray, except it creates a new array with the copy of a subsection of a mutable array before converting it into an immutable.

Documentation for utilized primop: freezeArray#.

When any of the preconditions for startIx or sz is violated this function can result in a copy of some data that doesn't belong to srcArray or more likely a failure with a segfault or out of memory exception.

Since: 0.3.0

Small Boxed Array


data SBArray e Source #

Small boxed immutable array


SBArray (SmallArray# e) 


Instances details
Functor SBArray Source #

Since: 0.3.0

Instance details

Defined in Data.Prim.Array


fmap :: (a -> b) -> SBArray a -> SBArray b #

(<$) :: a -> SBArray b -> SBArray a #

Foldable SBArray Source #

Since: 0.3.0

Instance details

Defined in Data.Prim.Array


fold :: Monoid m => SBArray m -> m #

foldMap :: Monoid m => (a -> m) -> SBArray a -> m #

foldMap' :: Monoid m => (a -> m) -> SBArray a -> m #

foldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> SBArray a -> b #

foldr' :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> SBArray a -> b #

foldl :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> SBArray a -> b #

foldl' :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> SBArray a -> b #

foldr1 :: (a -> a -> a) -> SBArray a -> a #

foldl1 :: (a -> a -> a) -> SBArray a -> a #

toList :: SBArray a -> [a] #

null :: SBArray a -> Bool #

length :: SBArray a -> Int #

elem :: Eq a => a -> SBArray a -> Bool #

maximum :: Ord a => SBArray a -> a #

minimum :: Ord a => SBArray a -> a #

sum :: Num a => SBArray a -> a #

product :: Num a => SBArray a -> a #

Eq1 SBArray Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Prim.Array


liftEq :: (a -> b -> Bool) -> SBArray a -> SBArray b -> Bool #

Ord1 SBArray Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Prim.Array


liftCompare :: (a -> b -> Ordering) -> SBArray a -> SBArray b -> Ordering #

Show1 SBArray Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Prim.Array


liftShowsPrec :: (Int -> a -> ShowS) -> ([a] -> ShowS) -> Int -> SBArray a -> ShowS #

liftShowList :: (Int -> a -> ShowS) -> ([a] -> ShowS) -> [SBArray a] -> ShowS #

IsList (SBArray e) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Prim.Array

Associated Types

type Item (SBArray e) #


fromList :: [Item (SBArray e)] -> SBArray e #

fromListN :: Int -> [Item (SBArray e)] -> SBArray e #

toList :: SBArray e -> [Item (SBArray e)] #

Eq e => Eq (SBArray e) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Prim.Array


(==) :: SBArray e -> SBArray e -> Bool #

(/=) :: SBArray e -> SBArray e -> Bool #

Ord e => Ord (SBArray e) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Prim.Array


compare :: SBArray e -> SBArray e -> Ordering #

(<) :: SBArray e -> SBArray e -> Bool #

(<=) :: SBArray e -> SBArray e -> Bool #

(>) :: SBArray e -> SBArray e -> Bool #

(>=) :: SBArray e -> SBArray e -> Bool #

max :: SBArray e -> SBArray e -> SBArray e #

min :: SBArray e -> SBArray e -> SBArray e #

Show e => Show (SBArray e) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Prim.Array


showsPrec :: Int -> SBArray e -> ShowS #

show :: SBArray e -> String #

showList :: [SBArray e] -> ShowS #

e ~ Char => IsString (SBArray e) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Prim.Array


fromString :: String -> SBArray e #

Semigroup (SBArray e) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Prim.Array


(<>) :: SBArray e -> SBArray e -> SBArray e #

sconcat :: NonEmpty (SBArray e) -> SBArray e #

stimes :: Integral b => b -> SBArray e -> SBArray e #

Monoid (SBArray e) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Prim.Array


mempty :: SBArray e #

mappend :: SBArray e -> SBArray e -> SBArray e #

mconcat :: [SBArray e] -> SBArray e #

NFData e => NFData (SBArray e) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Prim.Array


rnf :: SBArray e -> () #

type Item (SBArray e) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Prim.Array

type Item (SBArray e) = e

isSameSBArray :: SBArray a -> SBArray a -> Bool Source #

Compare pointers for two immutable arrays and see if they refer to the exact same one.

Since: 0.3.0

sizeOfSBArray :: forall e. SBArray e -> Size Source #

O(1) - Get the number of elements in an immutable array

Documentation for utilized primop: sizeofSmallArray#.

Since: 0.3.0

indexSBArray Source #


:: forall e. SBArray e

array - Array where to lookup an element from

-> Int

ix - Position of the element within the array


0 <= ix
ix < unSize (sizeOfSBArray array)
-> e 

O(1) - Index an element in the immutable small boxed array.

Documentation for utilized primop: indexSmallArray#.

Bounds are not checked. When a precondition for ix argument is violated the result is either unpredictable output or failure with a segfault.


>>> import Data.Prim.Array
>>> let a = fromListSBArray [[0 .. i] | i <- [0 .. 10 :: Int]]
>>> indexSBArray a 1
>>> indexSBArray a 5

Since: 0.3.0

copySBArray Source #


:: forall e m s. MonadPrim s m 
=> SBArray e

srcArray - Source immutable array


srcMutArray <- thawSBArray srcArray
srcMutArray /= dstMutArray
-> Int

srcStartIx - Offset into the source immutable array where copy should start from


0 <= srcStartIx
srcStartIx < unSize (sizeOfSBArray srcArray)
-> SBMArray e s

dstMutArray - Destination mutable array

-> Int

dstStartIx - Offset into the destination mutable array where the copy should start at


0 <= dstStartIx
dstSize <- getSizeOfSBMArray dstMutArray
dstStartIx < unSize dstSize
-> Size

sz - Number of elements to copy over


0 <= sz
srcStartIx + unSize sz < unSize (sizeOfSBArray srcArray)
dstSize <- getSizeOfSBMArray dstMutArray
dstStartIx + unSize sz < unSize dstSize
-> m () 

O(sz) - Copy a subsection of an immutable array into a subsection of a mutable array. Source and destination arrays must not be the same array in different states.

Documentation for utilized primop: copySmallArray#.

When any of the preconditions for srcStartIx, dstStartIx or sz is violated this function can result in a copy of some data that doesn't belong to srcArray or more likely a failure with a segfault.

Since: 0.3.0

cloneSBArray Source #


:: forall e. SBArray e

srcArray - Immutable source array

-> Int

startIx - Location within srcArray where the copy of elements should start from


0 <= startIx
startIx < unSize (sizeOfSBArray srcArray)
-> Size

sz - Size of the returned immutable array. Also this is the number of elements that will be copied over into the destionation array starting at the beginning.


0 <= sz
startIx + unSize sz < unSize (sizeOfSBArray srcArray)

Should be less then the actual available memory

-> SBArray e 

O(sz) - Make an exact copy of a subsection of a pure immutable array.

When any of the preconditions for startIx or sz is violated this function can result in a copy of some data that doesn't belong to srcArray or more likely a failure with a segfault. Failure with out of memory is also a possibility when the @sz is too large.

Documentation for utilized primop: cloneSmallArray#.


>>> let a = fromListSBArray ['a'..'z']
>>> a
SBArray "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
>>> cloneSBArray a 23 3
SBArray "xyz"

Since: 0.3.0

thawSBArray Source #


:: forall e m s. MonadPrim s m 
=> SBArray e

array - Source immutable array that will be thawed

-> m (SBMArray e s) 

O(1) - Convert a pure immutable boxed array into a mutable boxed array. Use freezeSBMArray in order to go in the opposite direction.

Documentation for utilized primop: unsafeThawSmallArray#.

This function makes it possible to break referential transparency, because any subsequent destructive operation to the mutable boxed array will also be reflected in the source immutable array as well. See thawCopySBArray that avoids this problem with a fresh allocation and data copy.


>>> ma <- thawSBArray $ fromListSBArray [1 .. 5 :: Integer]
>>> writeSBMArray ma 1 10
>>> freezeSBMArray ma
SBArray [1,10,3,4,5]

Be careful not to retain a reference to the pure immutable source array after the thawed version gets mutated.

>>> let a = fromListSBArray [1 .. 5 :: Integer]
>>> ma' <- thawSBArray a
>>> writeSBMArray ma' 0 100000
>>> a
SBArray [100000,2,3,4,5]

Since: 0.3.0

thawCopySBArray Source #


:: forall e m s. MonadPrim s m 
=> SBArray e

srcArray - Immutable source array

-> Int

startIx - Location within srcArray where the copy of elements should start from


0 <= startIx
startIx < unSize (sizeOfSBArray srcArray)
-> Size

sz - Size of the returned mutable array. Also this is the number of elements that will be copied over into the destionation array starting at the beginning.


0 <= sz
startIx + unSize sz < unSize (sizeOfSBArray srcArray)

Should be less then the actual available memory

-> m (SBMArray e s)

dstMutArray - Newly created destination mutable boxed array

O(sz) - Create a new mutable array with size sz and copy that number of elements from source immutable srcArray starting at an offset startIx into the newly created dstMutArray. This function can help avoid an issue with referential transparency that is inherent to thawSBArray.

When any of the preconditions for startIx or sz is violated this function can result in a copy of some data that doesn't belong to srcArray or more likely a failure with a segfault. Failure with out of memory is also a possibility when the @sz is too large.

Documentation for utilized primop: thawSmallArray#.


>>> let a = fromListSBArray [1 .. 5 :: Int]
>>> ma <- thawCopySBArray a 1 3
>>> writeSBMArray ma 1 10
>>> freezeSBMArray ma
SBArray [2,10,4]
>>> a
SBArray [1,2,3,4,5]

Since: 0.3.0

toListSBArray :: forall e. SBArray e -> [e] Source #

Convert a pure boxed array into a list. It should work fine with GHC built-in list fusion.

Since: 0.1.0

fromListSBArray :: forall e. [e] -> SBArray e Source #

O(length list) - Convert a list into an immutable boxed array. It is more efficient to use fromListSBArrayN when the number of elements is known ahead of time. The reason for this is that it is necessary to iterate the whole list twice: once to count how many elements there is in order to create large enough array that can fit them; and the second time to load the actual elements. Naturally, infinite lists will grind the program to a halt.


>>> fromListSBArray "Hello Haskell"
SBArray "Hello Haskell"

Since: 0.3.0

fromListSBArrayN Source #


:: forall e. HasCallStack 
=> Size

sz - Expected number of elements in the list

-> [e]

list - A list to bew loaded into the array

-> SBArray e 

O(min(length list, sz)) - Same as fromListSBArray, except that it will allocate an array exactly of n size, as such it will not convert any portion of the list that doesn't fit into the newly created array.

When length of supplied list is in fact smaller then the expected size sz, thunks with UndefinedElement exception throwing function will be placed in the tail portion of the array.
When a precondition sz is violated this function can result in critical failure with out of memory or HeapOverflow async exception.


>>> fromListSBArrayN 3 [1 :: Int, 2, 3]
SBArray [1,2,3]
>>> fromListSBArrayN 3 [1 :: Int ..]
SBArray [1,2,3]

Since: 0.1.0


data SBMArray e s Source #

Small boxed mutable array


SBMArray (SmallMutableArray# s e) 


Instances details
Eq (SBMArray e s) Source #

Check if both of the arrays refer to the exact same one. None of the elements are evaluated.

Instance details

Defined in Data.Prim.Array


(==) :: SBMArray e s -> SBMArray e s -> Bool #

(/=) :: SBMArray e s -> SBMArray e s -> Bool #

isSameSBMArray :: forall a s. SBMArray a s -> SBMArray a s -> Bool Source #

Compare pointers for two mutable arrays and see if they refer to the exact same one.

Documentation for utilized primop: sameSmallMutableArray#.

Since: 0.3.0

getSizeOfSBMArray :: forall e m s. MonadPrim s m => SBMArray e s -> m Size Source #

O(1) - Get the size of a mutable boxed array

Documentation for utilized primop: getSizeofSmallMutableArray# for ghc-8.10 and newer and fallback to sizeofMutableArray# for older versions.


>>> ma <- newSBMArray 1024 "Element of each cell"
>>> getSizeOfSBMArray ma
Size {unSize = 1024}

Since: 0.3.0

readSBMArray Source #


:: forall e m s. MonadPrim s m 
=> SBMArray e s

srcMutArray - Array to read an element from

-> Int

ix - Index that refers to an element we need within the the srcMutArray


0 <= ix
ix < unSize (sizeOfMSBArray srcMutArray)
-> m e 

O(1) - Read an element from a mutable small boxed array at the supplied index.

Documentation for utilized primop: readSmallArray#.

Violation of ix preconditions can result in undefined behavior or a failure with a segfault


>>> ma <- makeSBMArray 10 (pure . ("Element ix: " ++) . show)
>>> readSBMArray ma 5
"Element ix: 5"

Since: 0.1.0

writeSBMArray Source #


:: forall e m s. MonadPrim s m 
=> SBMArray e s

dstMutArray - An array to have the element written to

-> Int

ix - Index within the the dstMutArray that a refernce to the supplied element elt will be written to.


0 <= ix
ix < unSize (sizeOfMSBArray srcArray)
-> e

elt - Element to be written into dstMutArray

-> m () 

O(1) - Write an element elt into the mutable small boxed array dstMutArray at the supplied index ix. The actual element will be evaluated to WHNF prior to mutation.

Violation of ix preconditions can result in heap corruption or a failure with a segfault


>>> ma <- newSBMArray 4 (Nothing :: Maybe Integer)
>>> writeSBMArray ma 2 (Just 2)
>>> freezeSBMArray ma
SBArray [Nothing,Nothing,Just 2,Nothing]

It is important to note that an element is evaluated prior to being written into a cell, so it will not overwrite the value of an array's cell if it evaluates to an exception:

>>> import Control.Prim.Exception
>>> writeSBMArray ma 2 (impureThrow DivideByZero)
*** Exception: divide by zero
>>> freezeSBMArray ma
SBArray [Nothing,Nothing,Just 2,Nothing]

However, it is evaluated only to Weak Head Normal Form (WHNF), so it is still possible to write something that eventually evaluates to bottom.

>>> writeSBMArray ma 3 (Just (7 `div` 0 ))
>>> freezeSBMArray ma
SBArray [Nothing,Nothing,Just 2,Just *** Exception: divide by zero

Either deepseq or writeDeepSBMArray can be used to alleviate that.

Since: 0.3.0

writeLazySBMArray :: forall e m s. MonadPrim s m => SBMArray e s -> Int -> e -> m () Source #

O(1) - Same as writeSBMArray but allows to write a thunk into an array instead of an evaluated element. Careful with memory leaks and thunks that evaluate to exceptions.

Documentation for utilized primop: writeSmallArray#.

Same reasons as writeSBMArray

Since: 0.3.0

writeDeepSBMArray :: forall e m s. (MonadPrim s m, NFData e) => SBMArray e s -> Int -> e -> m () Source #

O(1) - Same as writeSBMArray, except it ensures that the value being written is fully evaluated, i.e. to Normal Form (NF).

Same reasons as writeSBMArray

Since: 0.3.0

newSBMArray Source #


:: forall e m s. MonadPrim s m 
=> Size

sz - Size of the array


0 <= sz

Should be below some upper limit that is dictated by the operating system and the total amount of available memory

-> e

elt - Value to use for all array cells

-> m (SBMArray e s) 

Create a mutable boxed array where each element is set to the supplied initial value elt, which is evaluated before array allocation happens. See newLazySBMArray for an ability to initialize with a thunk.

Unsafe size
Violation of precondition for the sz argument can result in the current thread being killed with HeapOverflow asynchronous exception or death of the whole process with some unchecked exception from RTS.


>>> newSBMArray 10 'A' >>= freezeSBMArray

Since: 0.3.0

newLazySBMArray :: forall e m s. MonadPrim s m => Size -> e -> m (SBMArray e s) Source #

Same as newSBMArray, except initial element is allowed to be a thunk.

Documentation for utilized primop: newSmallArray#.

Same reasons as newSBMArray

Since: 0.3.0

newRawSBMArray :: forall e m s. (HasCallStack, MonadPrim s m) => Size -> m (SBMArray e s) Source #

Create new mutable array, where each element is initilized to a thunk that throws an error when evaluated. This is useful when there is a plan to later iterate over the whole array and write values into each cell in some index aware fashion. Consider makeSBMArray as an alternative.

All array cells are initialized with thunks that throw UndefinedElement exception.
Same reasons as newSBMArray


>>> import Data.Prim
>>> let xs = "Hello Haskell"
>>> ma <- newRawSBMArray (Size (length xs)) :: IO (SBMArray Char RW)
>>> mapM_ (\(i, x) -> writeSBMArray ma i x) (zip [0..] xs)
>>> freezeSBMArray ma
SBArray "Hello Haskell"

Since: 0.3.0

makeSBMArray :: forall e m s. MonadPrim s m => Size -> (Int -> m e) -> m (SBMArray e s) Source #

Create new mutable boxed array of the supplied size and fill it with a monadic action that is applied to indices of each array cell.

Same reasons as newSBMArray


>>> ma <- makeSBMArray 5 $ \i -> (toEnum (i + 97) :: Char) <$ putStrLn ("Handling index: " ++ show i)
Handling index: 0
Handling index: 1
Handling index: 2
Handling index: 3
Handling index: 4
>>> freezeSBMArray ma
SBArray "abcde"

Since: 0.3.0

moveSBMArray Source #


:: forall e m s. MonadPrim s m 
=> SBMArray e s

srcMutArray - Source mutable array

-> Int

srcStartIx - Offset into the source mutable array where copy should start from


0 <= srcStartIx
srcSize <- getSizeOfSBMArray srcMutArray
srcStartIx < unSize srcSize
-> SBMArray e s

dstMutArray - Destination mutable array

-> Int

dstStartIx - Offset into the destination mutable array where copy should start to


0 <= dstStartIx
dstSize <- getSizeOfSBMArray dstMutArray
dstStartIx < unSize dstSize
-> Size

sz - Number of elements to copy over


0 <= sz
srcSize <- getSizeOfSBMArray srcMutArray
srcStartIx + unSize sz < unSize srcSize
dstSize <- getSizeOfSBMArray dstMutArray
dstStartIx + unSize sz < unSize dstSize
-> m () 

O(sz) - Copy a subsection of a mutable array into a subsection of another or the same mutable array. Therefore, unlike copySBArray, memory ia allowed to overlap between source and destination.

Documentation for utilized primop: copySmallMutableArray#.

When any of the preconditions for srcStartIx, dstStartIx or sz is violated this function can result in a copy of some data that doesn't belong to srcArray or more likely a failure with a segfault.

Since: 0.3.0

cloneSBMArray Source #


:: forall e m s. MonadPrim s m 
=> SBMArray e s

srcArray - Source mutable array

-> Int

startIx - Location within srcArray where the copy of elements should start from


0 <= startIx
startIx < unSize (sizeOfSBArray srcArray)
-> Size

sz - Size of the returned mutable array. Also this is the number of elements that will be copied over into the destionation array starting at the beginning.


0 <= sz
startIx + unSize sz < unSize (sizeOfSBArray srcArray)

Should be less then actual available memory

-> m (SBMArray e s) 

O(sz) - Allocate a new small boxed mutable array of size sz and copy that number of the elements over from the srcArray starting at index ix. Similar to cloneSBArray, except that it works on mutable arrays.

Documentation for utilized primop: cloneSmallMutableArray#.

When any of the preconditions for startIx or sz is violated this function can result in a copy of some data that doesn't belong to srcArray or more likely a failure with a segfault. Failure with out of memory is also a possibility when the @sz is too large.

Since: 0.3.0

shrinkSBMArray Source #


:: forall e m s. MonadPrim s m 
=> SBMArray e s

mutArray - Mutable unboxed array to be shrunk

-> Size

sz - New size for the array in number of elements


0 <= sz
curSize <- getSizeOfSBMArray mutArray
sz <= curSize
-> m () 

O(1) - Reduce the size of a mutable small boxed array.

Documentation for utilized primop: shrinkSmallMutableArray#.

- Violation of preconditions for sz leads to undefined behavior
  1. 3.0

resizeSBMArray Source #


:: forall e m s. MonadPrim s m 
=> SBMArray e s

srcMutArray - Mutable boxed array to be shrunk

-> Size

sz - New size for the array in number of elements


0 <= sz

Should be below some upper limit that is dictated by the operating system and the total amount of available memory

-> e

elt - Element to write into extra space at the end when growing the array.

-> m (SBMArray e s)

dstMutArray - produces a resized version of srcMutArray.

O(1) - Either grow or shrink the size of a mutable unboxed array. Shrinking happens in-place without new array creation and data copy, while growing the array is implemented with creating new array and copy of the data over from the source array srcMutArray. This has a consequence that produced array dstMutArray might refer to the same srcMutArray or to a totally new array, which can be checked with isSameSBMArray.

Documentation on the utilized primop: resizeSmallMutableArray#.

- Same reasons as in newRawSBMArray.
  1. 3.0

resizeRawSBMArray Source #


:: forall e m s. MonadPrim s m 
=> SBMArray e s

srcMutArray - Mutable boxed array to be shrunk

-> Size

sz - New size for the array in number of elements


0 <= sz

Should be below some upper limit that is dictated by the operating system and the total amount of available memory

-> m (SBMArray e s)

dstMutArray - produces a resized version of srcMutArray.

O(1) - Same as resizeSBMArray, except when growing the array empty space at the end is filled with bottom.

- When size sz is larger then the size of srcMutArray then dstMutArray will have cells at the end initialized with thunks that throw UndefinedElement exception.
- Same reasons as in newSBMArray.
  1. 3.0

freezeSBMArray :: forall e m s. MonadPrim s m => SBMArray e s -> m (SBArray e) Source #

O(1) - Convert a mutable boxed array into an immutable one. Use thawSBArray in order to go in the opposite direction.

Documentation for utilized primop: unsafeFreezeSmallArray#.

This function makes it possible to break referential transparency, because any subsequent destructive operation to the source mutable boxed array will also be reflected in the resulting immutable array. See freezeCopySBMArray that avoids this problem with fresh allocation.

Since: 0.3.0

freezeCopySBMArray Source #


:: forall e m s. MonadPrim s m 
=> SBMArray e s

srcArray - Source mutable array

-> Int

startIx - Location within srcArray where the copy of elements should start from


0 <= startIx
startIx < unSize (sizeOfSBArray srcArray)
-> Size

sz - Size of the returned immutable array. Also this is the number of elements that will be copied over into the destionation array starting at the beginning.


0 <= sz
startIx + unSize sz < unSize (sizeOfSBArray srcArray)

Should be less then actual available memory

-> m (SBArray e) 

O(sz) - Similar to freezeSBMArray, except it creates a new array with the copy of a subsection of a mutable array before converting it into an immutable.

Documentation for utilized primop: freezeSmallArray#.

When any of the preconditions for startIx or sz is violated this function can result in a copy of some data that doesn't belong to srcArray or more likely a failure with a segfault or out of memory exception.

Since: 0.3.0

Unboxed Array


data UArray e Source #


UArray ByteArray# 


Instances details
Prim e => IsList (UArray e) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Prim.Array

Associated Types

type Item (UArray e) #


fromList :: [Item (UArray e)] -> UArray e #

fromListN :: Int -> [Item (UArray e)] -> UArray e #

toList :: UArray e -> [Item (UArray e)] #

(Prim e, Eq e) => Eq (UArray e) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Prim.Array


(==) :: UArray e -> UArray e -> Bool #

(/=) :: UArray e -> UArray e -> Bool #

(Prim e, Ord e) => Ord (UArray e) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Prim.Array


compare :: UArray e -> UArray e -> Ordering #

(<) :: UArray e -> UArray e -> Bool #

(<=) :: UArray e -> UArray e -> Bool #

(>) :: UArray e -> UArray e -> Bool #

(>=) :: UArray e -> UArray e -> Bool #

max :: UArray e -> UArray e -> UArray e #

min :: UArray e -> UArray e -> UArray e #

(Prim e, Show e) => Show (UArray e) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Prim.Array


showsPrec :: Int -> UArray e -> ShowS #

show :: UArray e -> String #

showList :: [UArray e] -> ShowS #

e ~ Char => IsString (UArray e) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Prim.Array


fromString :: String -> UArray e #

Prim e => Semigroup (UArray e) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Prim.Array


(<>) :: UArray e -> UArray e -> UArray e #

sconcat :: NonEmpty (UArray e) -> UArray e #

stimes :: Integral b => b -> UArray e -> UArray e #

Prim e => Monoid (UArray e) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Prim.Array


mempty :: UArray e #

mappend :: UArray e -> UArray e -> UArray e #

mconcat :: [UArray e] -> UArray e #

NFData (UArray e) Source #

O(1) - UArray is always in NF

Instance details

Defined in Data.Prim.Array


rnf :: UArray e -> () #

type Item (UArray e) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Prim.Array

type Item (UArray e) = e

isSameUArray :: forall a b. UArray a -> UArray b -> Bool Source #

O(1) - Compare pointers for two immutable arrays and see if they refer to the exact same one.

Documentation for utilized primop: isSameByteArray#.

Since: 0.3.0

isPinnedUArray :: forall e. UArray e -> Bool Source #

O(1) - Check if memory for immutable unboxed array was allocated as pinned.

Documentation for utilized primop: isByteArrayPinned#.

Since: 0.3.0

sizeOfUArray :: forall e. Prim e => UArray e -> Size Source #

O(1) - Get the size of an immutable array in number of elements.

Documentation for utilized primop: sizeofByteArray#.

Since: 0.3.0

indexUArray Source #


:: forall e. Prim e 
=> UArray e

array - Array where to lookup an element from

-> Int

ix - Position of the element within the array


0 <= ix
ix < unSize (sizeOfUArray array)
-> e 

O(1) - Index an element of a pure unboxed array.

Documentation for utilized primop: indexByteArray#.

Bounds are not checked. When a precondition for ix argument is violated the result is either unpredictable output or failure with a segfault.


>>> let a = fromListUArray ([Left pi, Right 123] :: [Either Double Int])
>>> indexUArray a 0
Left 3.141592653589793
>>> indexUArray a 1
Right 123

Since: 0.3.0

copyUArray Source #


:: forall e m s. (Prim e, MonadPrim s m) 
=> UArray e

srcArray - Source immutable array


srcMutArray <- thawUArray srcArray
srcMutArray /= dstMutArray
-> Int

srcStartIx - Offset into the source immutable array where copy should start from


0 <= srcStartIx
srcStartIx < unSize (sizeOfUArray srcArray)
-> UMArray e s

dstMutArray - Destination mutable array

-> Int

dstStartIx - Offset into the destination mutable array where the copy should start at


0 <= dstStartIx
dstSize <- getSizeOfMUArray dstMutArray
dstStartIx < unSize dstSize
-> Size

sz - Number of elements to copy over


0 <= sz
srcStartIx + unSize sz < unSize (sizeOfUArray srcArray)
dstSize <- getSizeOfMUArray dstMutArray
dstStartIx + unSize sz < unSize dstSize
-> m () 

O(sz) - Copy a subsection of an immutable array into a subsection of another mutable array. Source and destination arrays must not be the same array in different states.

Documentation for utilized primop: copyByteArray#.

When any of the preconditions for srcStartIx, dstStartIx or sz is violated this function can result in a copy of some data that doesn't belong to srcArray or failure with a segfault.

Since: 0.3.0

thawUArray :: forall e m s. MonadPrim s m => UArray e -> m (UMArray e s) Source #

O(1) - Convert a pure immutable unboxed array into a mutable unboxed array. Use freezeUMArray in order to go in the opposite direction.

Documentation for utilized primop: unsafeThawByteArray#.

This function makes it possible to break referential transparency, because any subsequent destructive operation to the mutable unboxed array will also be reflected in the source immutable array as well.


>>> ma <- thawUArray $ fromListUArray [1 .. 5 :: Int]
>>> writeUMArray ma 1 10
>>> freezeUMArray ma
UArray [1,10,3,4,5]

Be careful not to retain a reference to the pure immutable source array after the thawed version gets mutated.

>>> let a = fromListUArray [1 .. 5 :: Int]
>>> ma' <- thawUArray a
>>> writeUMArray ma' 0 100000
>>> a
UArray [100000,2,3,4,5]

Since: 0.3.0

toListUArray :: forall e. Prim e => UArray e -> [e] Source #

O(n) - Convert a pure boxed array into a list. It should work fine with GHC built-in list fusion.

Since: 0.1.0

fromListUArray :: forall e. Prim e => [e] -> UArray e Source #

O(length list) - Convert a list into an immutable boxed array. It is more efficient to use fromListUArrayN when the number of elements is known ahead of time. The reason for this is that it is necessary to iterate the whole list twice: once to count how many elements there is in order to create large enough array that can fit them; and the second time to load the actual elements. Naturally, infinite lists will grind the program to a halt.


>>> fromListUArray "Hello Haskell"
UArray "Hello Haskell"

Since: 0.3.0

fromListUArrayN Source #


:: forall e. Prim e 
=> Size

sz - Expected number of elements in the list

-> [e]

list - A list to bew loaded into the array

-> UArray e 

O(min(length list, sz)) - Same as fromListUArray, except it will allocate an array exactly of n size, as such it will not convert any portion of the list that doesn't fit into the newly created array.

When length of supplied list is in fact smaller then the expected size sz, thunks with UndefinedElement exception throwing function will be placed in the tail portion of the array.
When a precondition sz is violated this function can result in critical failure with out of memory or HeapOverflow async exception.


>>> fromListUArrayN 3 [1 :: Int, 2, 3]
UArray [1,2,3]
>>> fromListUArrayN 3 [1 :: Int ..]
UArray [1,2,3]

Since: 0.1.0

fromBaseUArray :: (Prim e, IArray UArray e) => UArray ix e -> UArray e Source #

O(1) - cast an unboxed UArray that is wired with GHC to UArray from primal.

>>> import Data.Array.IArray as IA
>>> import Data.Array.Unboxed as UA
>>> let uarr = IA.listArray (10, 15) [30 .. 35] :: UA.UArray Int Word
>>> uarr
array (10,15) [(10,30),(11,31),(12,32),(13,33),(14,34),(15,35)]
>>> fromBaseUArray uarr
UArray [30,31,32,33,34,35]

Since: 0.3.0

toBaseUArray :: (Prim e, IArray UArray e) => UArray e -> UArray Int e Source #

O(1) - cast an unboxed UArray from primal into UArray, which is wired with GHC. Resulting array range starts at 0, like any sane array would.

>>> let uarr = fromListUArray [1, 2, 3 :: Int]
>>> uarr
UArray [1,2,3]
>>> toBaseUArray uarr
array (0,2) [(0,1),(1,2),(2,3)]

Since: 0.3.0


data UMArray e s Source #


UMArray (MutableByteArray# s) 


Instances details
Eq (UMArray e s) Source #

Check if both of the arrays refer to the exact same one through poiner equality. None of the elements are evaluated.

Instance details

Defined in Data.Prim.Array


(==) :: UMArray e s -> UMArray e s -> Bool #

(/=) :: UMArray e s -> UMArray e s -> Bool #

NFData (UMArray e s) Source #

O(1) - UMArray is always in NF

Instance details

Defined in Data.Prim.Array


rnf :: UMArray e s -> () #

isSameUMArray :: forall a b s. UMArray a s -> UMArray b s -> Bool Source #

O(1) - Compare pointers for two mutable arrays and see if they refer to the exact same one.

Documentation for utilized primop: sameMutableByteArray#.

Since: 0.3.0

isPinnedUMArray :: forall e s. UMArray e s -> Bool Source #

O(1) - Check if memory for mutable unboxed array was allocated as pinned.

Documentation for utilized primop: isMutableByteArrayPinned#.

Since: 0.3.0

getSizeOfUMArray :: forall e m s. (Prim e, MonadPrim s m) => UMArray e s -> m Size Source #

O(1) - Get the size of a mutable unboxed array

Documentation for utilized primop: getSizeofMutableByteArray#.


>>> ma <- thawUArray $ fromListUArray ['a' .. 'z']
>>> getSizeOfUMArray ma
Size {unSize = 26}

Since: 0.3.0

readUMArray Source #


:: forall e m s. (Prim e, MonadPrim s m) 
=> UMArray e s

srcMutArray - Array to read an element from

-> Int

ix - Index for the element we need within the the srcMutArray


0 <= ix
srcSize <- getSizeOfMUArray srcMutArray
ix < unSize srcSize
-> m e 

O(1) - Read an element from a mutable unboxed array at the supplied index.

Documentation for utilized primop: readMutableByteArray#.

Violation of ix preconditions can result in value that doesn't belong to srcMutArray or a failure with a segfault


>>> ma <- thawUArray $ fromListUArray "Hi!"
>>> readUMArray ma 2

Since: 0.3.0

writeUMArray :: forall e m s. (Prim e, MonadPrim s m) => UMArray e s -> Int -> e -> m () Source #

O(1) - Write an element into an unboxed mutable array at a supplied index.

Documentation for utilized primop: writeMutableByteArray#.

Violation of ix preconditions can result in heap corruption or a failure with a segfault


>>> import Data.Prim
>>> ma <- newRawUMArray 4 :: IO (UMArray (Maybe Int) RW)
>>> mapM_ (\i -> writeUMArray ma i Nothing) [0, 1, 3]
>>> writeUMArray ma 2 (Just 2)
>>> freezeUMArray ma
UArray [Nothing,Nothing,Just 2,Nothing]

Since: 0.3.0

newUMArray Source #


:: forall e m s. (Prim e, MonadPrim s m) 
=> Size

sz - Size of the array in number of elements.


0 <= sz

Susceptible to integer overflow:

0 <= toByteCount (Count (unSize n) :: Count e)

Should be below some upper limit that is dictated by the operating system and the total amount of available memory

-> e 
-> m (UMArray e s) 

O(sz) - Allocate new mutable unboxed array. Similar to newRawUMArray, except all elements are initialized to the supplied initial value. This is equivalent to makeUMArray sz (const (pure a)) but often will be more efficient.

When any of preconditions for sz argument is violated the outcome is unpredictable. One possible outcome is termination with HeapOverflow async exception.


>>> import Data.Prim
>>> let xs = "Hello"
>>> ma <- newUMArray (Size (length xs) + 8) '!' :: IO (UMArray Char RW)
>>> mapM_ (\(i, x) -> writeUMArray ma i x) (zip [0..] xs)
>>> freezeUMArray ma
UArray "Hello!!!!!!!!"

Since: 0.3.0

newRawUMArray Source #


:: forall e m s. (Prim e, MonadPrim s m) 
=> Size

sz - Size of the array in number of elements.


0 <= sz

Susceptible to integer overflow:

0 <= toByteCount (Count (unSize n) :: Count e)

Should be below some upper limit that is dictated by the operating system and the total amount of available memory

-> m (UMArray e s) 

O(1) - Allocate new mutable unboxed array. None of the elements are initialized so expect it to contain some random garbage.

Documentation for utilized primop: newByteArray#.

When any of preconditions for sz argument is violated the outcome is unpredictable. One possible outcome is termination with HeapOverflow async exception. In a pure setting, such as when executed within runST, if each cell in new array is not overwritten it can lead to violation of referential transparency, because contents of newly allocated unboxed array is non-determinstic.


>>> import Data.Prim
>>> let xs = "Hello Haskell"
>>> ma <- newRawUMArray (Size (length xs)) :: IO (UMArray Char RW)
>>> mapM_ (\(i, x) -> writeUMArray ma i x) (zip [0..] xs)
>>> freezeUMArray ma
UArray "Hello Haskell"

Since: 0.3.0

makeUMArray :: forall e m s. (Prim e, MonadPrim s m) => Size -> (Int -> m e) -> m (UMArray e s) Source #

Create new mutable unboxed array of the supplied size and fill it with a monadic action that is applied to indices of each array cell.

Same reasons as newUMArray


>>> ma <- makeUMArray 5 $ \i -> (toEnum (i + 97) :: Char) <$ putStrLn ("Handling index: " ++ show i)
Handling index: 0
Handling index: 1
Handling index: 2
Handling index: 3
Handling index: 4
>>> freezeUMArray ma
UArray "abcde"

Since: 0.3.0

newPinnedUMArray :: forall e m s. (Prim e, MonadPrim s m) => Size -> e -> m (UMArray e s) Source #

Same newUMArray, but allocate memory as pinned. See newRawPinnedUMArray for more info.

- Same reasons as newUMArray.

Since: 0.3.0

newRawPinnedUMArray :: forall e m s. (Prim e, MonadPrim s m) => Size -> m (UMArray e s) Source #

O(1) - Same as newRawUMArray except allocate new mutable unboxed array as pinned

Documentation for utilized primop: newPinnedByteArray#.

Same reasons as in newRawUMArray.

Since: 0.3.0

makePinnedUMArray :: forall e m s. (Prim e, MonadPrim s m) => Size -> (Int -> m e) -> m (UMArray e s) Source #

Same as makeUMArray, but allocate memory as pinned.

Same reasons as newUMArray

Since: 0.3.0

newAlignedPinnedUMArray :: forall e m s. (Prim e, MonadPrim s m) => Size -> e -> m (UMArray e s) Source #

Same newUMArray, but allocate memory as pinned and aligned. See newRawAlignedPinnedUMArray for more info.

- Same reasons as newUMArray.

Since: 0.3.0

newRawAlignedPinnedUMArray :: forall e m s. (Prim e, MonadPrim s m) => Size -> m (UMArray e s) Source #

O(1) - Same as newRawPinnedUMArray except allocate new mutable unboxed array as pinned and aligned according to the Prim instance for the type of element e

Documentation for utilized primop: newAlignedPinnedByteArray#.

Same reasons as in newRawUMArray.

Since: 0.3.0

makeAlignedPinnedUMArray :: forall e m s. (Prim e, MonadPrim s m) => Size -> (Int -> m e) -> m (UMArray e s) Source #

Same as makeUMArray, but allocate memory as pinned and aligned.

Same reasons as newUMArray

Since: 0.3.0

moveUMArray Source #


:: forall e m s. (Prim e, MonadPrim s m) 
=> UMArray e s

srcMutArray - Source mutable array

-> Int

srcStartIx - Offset into the source mutable array where copy should start from


0 <= srcStartIx
srcSize <- getSizeOfMUArray srcMutArray
srcStartIx < unSize srcSize
-> UMArray e s

dstMutArray - Destination mutable array

-> Int

dstStartIx - Offset into the destination mutable array where copy should start to


0 <= dstStartIx
dstSize <- getSizeOfMUArray dstMutArray
dstStartIx < unSize dstSize
-> Size

sz - Number of elements to copy over


0 <= sz
srcSize <- getSizeOfMUArray srcMutArray
srcStartIx + unSize sz < unSize srcSize
dstSize <- getSizeOfMUArray dstMutArray
dstStartIx + unSize sz < unSize dstSize
-> m () 

O(sz) - Copy a subsection of a mutable array into a subsection of another or the same mutable array. Therefore, unlike copyBArray, memory ia allowed to overlap between source and destination.

Documentation for utilized primop: copyMutableByteArray#.

When any of the preconditions for srcStartIx, dstStartIx or sz is violated this function can result in a copy of some data that doesn't belong to srcArray or failure with a segfault.

Since: 0.3.0

setUMArray Source #


:: forall e m s. (Prim e, MonadPrim s m) 
=> UMArray e s

dstMutArray - Mutable array

-> Int

dstStartIx - Offset into the mutable array


0 <= dstStartIx
dstSize <- getSizeOfMUArray dstMutArray
dstStartIx < unSize dstSize
-> Size

n - Number of elements to overwrite


0 <= n
dstSize <- getSizeOfMUArray dstMutArray
dstStartIx + unSize n < unSize dstSize
-> e

elt - Value to overwrite the cells with in the specified block

-> m () 

O(n) - Write the same element into the dstMutArray mutable array n times starting at dstStartIx offset.


Since: 0.3.0

shrinkUMArray Source #


:: forall e m s. (MonadPrim s m, Prim e) 
=> UMArray e s

mutArray - Mutable unboxed array to be shrunk

-> Size

sz - New size for the array in number of elements


0 <= sz
curSize <- getSizeOfUMArray mutArray
sz <= curSize
-> m () 

O(1) - Reduce the size of a mutable unboxed array.

Documentation for utilized primop: shrinkMutableByteArray#.

- Violation of preconditions for sz leads to undefined behavior
  1. 3.0

resizeUMArray Source #


:: forall e m s. (MonadPrim s m, Prim e) 
=> UMArray e s

srcMutArray - Mutable unboxed array to be shrunk

-> Size

sz - New size for the array in number of elements


0 <= sz

Susceptible to integer overflow:

0 <= toByteCount (Count (unSize n) :: Count e)

Should be below some upper limit that is dictated by the operating system and the total amount of available memory

-> m (UMArray e s)

dstMutArray - produces a resized version of srcMutArray.

O(1) - Either grow or shrink the size of a mutable unboxed array. Shrinking happens without new allocation and data copy, while growing the array is implemented with allocation of new unpinned array and copy of the data over from the source array srcMutArray. This has a consequence that produced array dstMutArray might refer to the same srcMutArray or to a totally new array, which can be checked with isSameUMArray.

Documentation on the utilized primop: resizeMutableByteArray#.

- Same reasons as in newRawUMArray. When size sz is larger then the size of srcMutArray then dstMutArray will contain uninitialized memory at its end, hence a potential problem for referential transparency.
  1. 3.0

freezeUMArray :: forall e m s. MonadPrim s m => UMArray e s -> m (UArray e) Source #

O(1) - Convert a mutable unboxed array into an immutable one. Use thawUArray in order to go in the opposite direction.

Documentation on the utilized primop: unsafeFreezeByteArray#.

This function makes it possible to break referential transparency, because any subsequent destructive operation to the source mutable boxed array will also be reflected in the resulting immutable array. See freezeCopyBMArray that avoids this problem with fresh allocation.

Since: 0.3.0

Helper functions

uninitialized Source #


:: HasCallStack 
=> String

Module name

-> String

Function name

-> a 

Default "raw" element for boxed arrays.

makeMutWith Source #


:: Monad m 
=> (Size -> m b)

Function for array creation

-> (b -> Int -> a -> m ())

Function for writing elements

-> Size

Size for the created array

-> (Int -> m a)

Function for generating elements from array index

-> m b 

Helper for generating mutable arrays

Since: 0.3.0

fromListMutWith Source #


:: Monad m 
=> (Size -> m b)

Function for array creation

-> (b -> Int -> a -> m ())

Function for writing elements

-> Size

Size for the created array

-> [a]

Function for generating elements from array index

-> m b 

Convert a list to a mutable array

foldrWithFB Source #


:: (a e -> Size)

Function that produces the size of an array

-> (a e -> Int -> e)

Indexing function

-> (e -> b -> b)

Folding functions

-> b

Initial accumulator

-> a e

Array to fold over

-> b 

Right fold that is strict on the element. The key feature of this function is that it can be used to convert an array to a list by integrating with list fusion using build.

Since: 0.3.0

eqWith Source #


:: Eq e 
=> (a e -> a e -> Bool)

Pointer equality

-> (a e -> Size)

Get the size of array

-> (a e -> Int -> e)

Index an element of an array

-> a e

First array

-> a e

Second array

-> Bool 

Check for equality of two arrays

Since: 0.3.0

compareWith Source #


:: Ord e 
=> (a e -> a e -> Bool)

Pointer equality

-> (a e -> Size)

Get the size of array

-> (a e -> Int -> e)

Index an element of an array

-> a e

First array

-> a e

Second array

-> Ordering 

Compare two arrays using supplied functions

Since: 0.3.0

appendWith :: (forall s. Size -> ST s (ma e s)) -> (forall s. a e -> Int -> ma e s -> Int -> Size -> ST s ()) -> (forall s. ma e s -> ST s (a e)) -> (a e -> Size) -> a e -> a e -> a e Source #

Append two arrays together using supplied functions

Since: 0.3.0

concatWith :: (forall s. Size -> ST s (ma e s)) -> (forall s. a e -> Int -> ma e s -> Int -> Size -> ST s ()) -> (forall s. ma e s -> ST s (a e)) -> (a e -> Size) -> [a e] -> a e Source #

Concat many arrays together using supplied functions

Since: 0.3.0