{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MagicHash #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UnboxedTuples #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
-- |
-- Module      : Data.Prim.Bytes.ForeignPtr
-- Copyright   : (c) Alexey Kuleshevich 2020
-- License     : BSD3
-- Maintainer  : Alexey Kuleshevich <alexey@kuleshevi.ch>
-- Stability   : experimental
-- Portability : non-portable
module Data.Prim.Memory.ForeignPtr
  ( PtrAccess(..)
    -- * ForeignPtr
  , ForeignPtr(..)
  , castForeignPtr
  , unsafeForeignPtrToPtr
  , ForeignPtrContents(..)
  -- * Pointer arithmetic
  , plusOffForeignPtr
  , plusByteOffForeignPtr
  , minusOffForeignPtr
  , minusOffRemForeignPtr
  , minusByteOffForeignPtr
  , withForeignPtr
  , withNoHaltForeignPtr
  -- ** PlainPtr
  , mallocPlainForeignPtr
  , mallocCountPlainForeignPtr
  , mallocCountPlainForeignPtrAligned
  , mallocByteCountPlainForeignPtr
  , mallocByteCountPlainForeignPtrAligned
  -- ** With Finalizers
  , finalizeForeignPtr
  -- *** Foreign finalizer
  , FinalizerPtr
  , newForeignPtr
  , newForeignPtr_
  , touchForeignPtr
  , mallocForeignPtr
  , mallocCountForeignPtr
  , mallocCountForeignPtrAligned
  , mallocByteCountForeignPtr
  , mallocByteCountForeignPtrAligned
  , addForeignPtrFinalizer
  -- *** With environment
  , FinalizerEnvPtr
  , newForeignPtrEnv
  , addForeignPtrFinalizerEnv
  -- *** Haskell finalizer
  , newConcForeignPtr
  , addForeignPtrConcFinalizer
  -- * Conversion
  -- ** Bytes
  , toForeignPtrBytes
  , toForeignPtrMBytes
  ) where

import           Control.Prim.Monad
import           Data.Prim
import           Data.Prim.Class
import           Data.Prim.Memory.ByteString
import           Data.Prim.Memory.Bytes.Internal
  ( Bytes
  , MBytes(..)
  , Pinned(..)
  , toForeignPtrBytes
  , toForeignPtrMBytes
  , withNoHaltPtrBytes
  , withNoHaltPtrMBytes
  , withPtrBytes
  , withPtrMBytes
import           Foreign.Prim
import           GHC.ForeignPtr
  ( FinalizerEnvPtr
  , FinalizerPtr
  , ForeignPtr(..)
  , ForeignPtrContents(..)
  , castForeignPtr
  , unsafeForeignPtrToPtr
import qualified Foreign.ForeignPtr as GHC
import qualified GHC.ForeignPtr as GHC

-- | For memory allocated as pinned it is possible to operate on it with a `Ptr`. Any data
-- type that is backed by such memory can have a `PtrAccess` instance. The simplest way is
-- to convert it to a `ForeignPtr` and other functions will come for free.
class PtrAccess s p where
  -- | Convert to `ForeignPtr`.
  toForeignPtr :: MonadPrim s m => p -> m (ForeignPtr a)

  -- | Apply an action to the raw memory `Ptr` to which the data type point to. Type of data
  -- stored in memory is left ambiguous intentionaly, so that the user can choose how to
  -- treat the memory content.
  withPtrAccess :: MonadPrim s m => p -> (Ptr a -> m b) -> m b
  withPtrAccess p action = toForeignPtr p >>= (`withForeignPtr` action)
  {-# INLINE withPtrAccess #-}

  -- | See this GHC <https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/issues/18061 issue #18061> and
  -- related to get more insight why this is needed.
  withNoHaltPtrAccess :: (MonadUnliftPrim s m) => p -> (Ptr a -> m b) -> m b
  withNoHaltPtrAccess p f = do
    ForeignPtr addr# ptrContents <- toForeignPtr p
    withAliveUnliftPrim ptrContents $ f (Ptr addr#)
  {-# INLINE withNoHaltPtrAccess #-}

instance PtrAccess s (ForeignPtr a) where
  toForeignPtr = pure . coerce
  {-# INLINE toForeignPtr #-}

-- | Read-only access, but it is not enforced.
instance PtrAccess s ByteString where
  toForeignPtr (PS ps s _) = pure (coerce ps `plusByteOffForeignPtr` Off s)
  {-# INLINE toForeignPtr #-}
  withPtrAccess = withPtrByteString
  {-# INLINE withPtrAccess #-}
  withNoHaltPtrAccess = withNoHaltPtrByteString
  {-# INLINE withNoHaltPtrAccess #-}

instance PtrAccess s (MByteString s) where
  toForeignPtr mbs = toForeignPtr (coerce mbs :: ByteString)
  {-# INLINE toForeignPtr #-}
  withPtrAccess mbs = withPtrByteString (coerce mbs)
  {-# INLINE withPtrAccess #-}
  withNoHaltPtrAccess mbs = withNoHaltPtrByteString (coerce mbs)
  {-# INLINE withNoHaltPtrAccess #-}

-- | Read-only access, but it is not enforced.
instance PtrAccess s (Bytes 'Pin) where
  toForeignPtr = pure . toForeignPtrBytes
  {-# INLINE toForeignPtr #-}
  withPtrAccess = withPtrBytes
  {-# INLINE withPtrAccess #-}
  withNoHaltPtrAccess = withNoHaltPtrBytes
  {-# INLINE withNoHaltPtrAccess #-}

instance PtrAccess s (MBytes 'Pin s) where
  toForeignPtr = pure . toForeignPtrMBytes
  {-# INLINE toForeignPtr #-}
  withPtrAccess = withPtrMBytes
  {-# INLINE withPtrAccess #-}
  withNoHaltPtrAccess = withNoHaltPtrMBytes
  {-# INLINE withNoHaltPtrAccess #-}

-- | Apply an action to the raw pointer. It is unsafe to return the actual pointer back from
-- the action because memory itself might get garbage collected or cleaned up by
-- finalizers.
-- It is also important not to run non-terminating actions, because GHC can optimize away
-- the logic that runs after the action and GC will happen before the action get's a chance
-- to finish resulting in corrupt memory. Whenever you have an action that runs an infinite
-- loop or ends in an exception throwing, make sure to use `withNoHaltForeignPtr` instead.
withForeignPtr :: MonadPrim s m => ForeignPtr e -> (Ptr e -> m b) -> m b
withForeignPtr (ForeignPtr addr# ptrContents) f = do
  r <- f (Ptr addr#)
  r <$ touch ptrContents
{-# INLINE withForeignPtr #-}

-- | Same thing as `withForeignPtr` except it should be used for never ending actions. See
-- `withNoHaltPtrAccess` for more information on how this differes from `withForeignPtr`.
-- @since 0.1.0
withNoHaltForeignPtr ::
     MonadUnliftPrim s m => ForeignPtr e -> (Ptr e -> m b) -> m b
withNoHaltForeignPtr (ForeignPtr addr# ptrContents) f =
  withAliveUnliftPrim ptrContents $ f (Ptr addr#)
{-# INLINE withNoHaltForeignPtr #-}

-- | Lifted version of `GHC.touchForeignPtr`.
touchForeignPtr :: MonadPrim s m => ForeignPtr e -> m ()
touchForeignPtr (ForeignPtr _ contents) = touch contents

-- | Lifted version of `GHC.newForeignPtr`.
newForeignPtr :: MonadPrim RW m => FinalizerPtr e -> Ptr e -> m (ForeignPtr e)
newForeignPtr fin = liftPrimBase . GHC.newForeignPtr fin

-- | Lifted version of `GHC.newForeignPtrEnv`.
newForeignPtrEnv :: MonadPrim RW m => FinalizerEnvPtr env e -> Ptr env -> Ptr e -> m (ForeignPtr e)
newForeignPtrEnv finEnv envPtr = liftPrimBase . GHC.newForeignPtrEnv finEnv envPtr

-- | Lifted version of `GHC.newForeignPtr_`.
newForeignPtr_ :: MonadPrim RW m => Ptr e -> m (ForeignPtr e)
newForeignPtr_ = liftPrimBase . GHC.newForeignPtr_

-- | Simila to `GHC.mallocForeignPtr`, except it operates on `Prim`, instead of `Storable`.
mallocForeignPtr :: forall e m . (MonadPrim RW m, Prim e) => m (ForeignPtr e)
mallocForeignPtr = mallocCountForeignPtrAligned (1 :: Count e)

-- | Similar to `Foreign.ForeignPtr.mallocForeignPtrArray`, except instead of `Storable` we
-- use `Prim`.
mallocCountForeignPtr :: (MonadPrim RW m, Prim e) => Count e -> m (ForeignPtr e)
mallocCountForeignPtr = liftPrimBase . GHC.mallocForeignPtrBytes . fromCount

-- | Just like `mallocCountForeignPtr`, but memory is also aligned according to `Prim` instance
mallocCountForeignPtrAligned :: (MonadPrim RW m, Prim e) => Count e -> m (ForeignPtr e)
mallocCountForeignPtrAligned count =
  liftPrimBase $ GHC.mallocForeignPtrAlignedBytes (coerce count) (alignmentProxy count)

-- | Lifted version of `GHC.mallocForeignPtrBytes`.
mallocByteCountForeignPtr :: MonadPrim RW m => Count Word8 -> m (ForeignPtr e)
mallocByteCountForeignPtr = liftPrimBase . GHC.mallocForeignPtrBytes . coerce

-- | Lifted version of `GHC.mallocForeignPtrAlignedBytes`.
mallocByteCountForeignPtrAligned ::
     MonadPrim RW m
  => Count Word8 -- ^ Number of bytes to allocate
  -> Int -- ^ Alignment in bytes
  -> m (ForeignPtr e)
mallocByteCountForeignPtrAligned count =
  liftPrimBase . GHC.mallocForeignPtrAlignedBytes (coerce count)

-- | Lifted version of `GHC.addForeignPtrFinalizer`
addForeignPtrFinalizer :: MonadPrim RW m => FinalizerPtr e -> ForeignPtr e -> m ()
addForeignPtrFinalizer fin = liftPrimBase . GHC.addForeignPtrFinalizer fin

-- | Lifted version of `GHC.addForeignPtrFinalizerEnv`
addForeignPtrFinalizerEnv ::
     MonadPrim RW m => FinalizerEnvPtr env e -> Ptr env -> ForeignPtr e -> m ()
addForeignPtrFinalizerEnv fin envPtr = liftPrimBase . GHC.addForeignPtrFinalizerEnv fin envPtr

-- | Similar to `GHC.mallocPlainForeignPtr`, except instead of `Storable` we use `Prim` and
-- we are not restricted to `IO`, since finalizers are not possible with `PlaintPtr`
mallocPlainForeignPtr ::
     forall e m s. (MonadPrim s m, Prim e)
  => m (ForeignPtr e)
mallocPlainForeignPtr = mallocCountPlainForeignPtr (1 :: Count e)
{-# INLINE mallocPlainForeignPtr #-}

-- | Similar to `Foreign.ForeignPtr.mallocPlainForeignPtrArray`, except instead of `Storable` we
-- use `Prim`.
mallocCountPlainForeignPtr :: (MonadPrim s m, Prim e) => Count e -> m (ForeignPtr e)
mallocCountPlainForeignPtr = mallocByteCountPlainForeignPtr . toByteCount
{-# INLINE mallocCountPlainForeignPtr #-}

-- | Just like `mallocCountForeignPtr`, but memory is also aligned according to `Prim` instance
mallocCountPlainForeignPtrAligned ::
     forall e m s. (MonadPrim s m, Prim e)
  => Count e
  -> m (ForeignPtr e)
mallocCountPlainForeignPtrAligned c =
  prim $ \s ->
    let a# = alignment# (proxy# :: Proxy# e)
     in case newAlignedPinnedByteArray# (fromCount# c) a# s of
          (# s', mba# #) ->
            let addr# = mutableByteArrayContents# mba#
             in (# s', ForeignPtr addr# (PlainPtr (unsafeCoerce# mba#)) #)
{-# INLINE mallocCountPlainForeignPtrAligned #-}

-- | Lifted version of `GHC.mallocForeignPtrBytes`.
mallocByteCountPlainForeignPtr :: MonadPrim s m => Count Word8 -> m (ForeignPtr e)
mallocByteCountPlainForeignPtr (Count (I# c#)) =
  prim $ \s ->
    case newPinnedByteArray# c# s of
      (# s', mba# #) ->
        (# s', ForeignPtr (mutableByteArrayContents# mba#) (PlainPtr (unsafeCoerce# mba#)) #)
{-# INLINE mallocByteCountPlainForeignPtr #-}

-- | Lifted version of `GHC.mallocForeignPtrAlignedBytes`.
mallocByteCountPlainForeignPtrAligned ::
     MonadPrim s m
  => Count Word8 -- ^ Number of bytes to allocate
  -> Int -- ^ Alignment in bytes
  -> m (ForeignPtr e)
mallocByteCountPlainForeignPtrAligned (Count (I# c#)) (I# a#) =
  prim $ \s ->
    case newAlignedPinnedByteArray# c# a# s of
      (# s', mba# #) ->
        (# s', ForeignPtr (mutableByteArrayContents# mba#) (PlainPtr (unsafeCoerce# mba#)) #)
{-# INLINE mallocByteCountPlainForeignPtrAligned #-}

-- | Unlifted version of `GHC.newConcForeignPtr`
newConcForeignPtr :: MonadUnliftPrim RW m => Ptr e -> m () -> m (ForeignPtr e)
newConcForeignPtr ptr fin =
  withRunInPrimBase $ \run -> liftPrimBase (GHC.newConcForeignPtr ptr (run fin))

-- | Unlifted version of `GHC.addForeignPtrConcFinalizer`
addForeignPtrConcFinalizer :: MonadUnliftPrim RW m => ForeignPtr a -> m () -> m ()
addForeignPtrConcFinalizer fp fin =
  withRunInPrimBase $ \run -> liftPrimBase (GHC.addForeignPtrConcFinalizer fp (run fin))

-- | Lifted version of `GHC.finalizeForeignPtr`.
finalizeForeignPtr :: MonadPrim RW m => ForeignPtr e -> m ()
finalizeForeignPtr = liftPrimBase . GHC.finalizeForeignPtr

-- | Advances the given address by the given offset in number of elemeents. This operation
-- does not affect associated finalizers in any way.
-- @since 0.1.0
plusOffForeignPtr :: Prim e => ForeignPtr e -> Off e -> ForeignPtr e
plusOffForeignPtr (ForeignPtr addr# content) off =
  ForeignPtr (addr# `plusAddr#` fromOff# off) content
{-# INLINE plusOffForeignPtr #-}

-- | Advances the given address by the given offset in bytes. This operation does not
-- affect associated finalizers in any way.
-- @since 0.1.0
plusByteOffForeignPtr :: ForeignPtr e -> Off Word8 -> ForeignPtr e
plusByteOffForeignPtr (ForeignPtr addr# content) (Off (I# c#)) =
  ForeignPtr (addr# `plusAddr#` c#) content
{-# INLINE plusByteOffForeignPtr #-}

-- | Find the offset in bytes that is between the two pointers by subtracting one address
-- from another.
-- @since 0.1.0
minusByteOffForeignPtr :: ForeignPtr e -> ForeignPtr e -> Off Word8
minusByteOffForeignPtr (ForeignPtr xaddr# _) (ForeignPtr yaddr# _) =
  Off (I# (xaddr# `minusAddr#` yaddr#))
{-# INLINE minusByteOffForeignPtr #-}

-- | Find the offset in number of elements that is between the two pointers by subtracting
-- one address from another and dividing the result by the size of an element.
-- @since 0.1.0
minusOffForeignPtr :: Prim e => ForeignPtr e -> ForeignPtr e -> Off e
minusOffForeignPtr (ForeignPtr xaddr# _) (ForeignPtr yaddr# _) =
  fromByteOff (Off (I# (xaddr# `minusAddr#` yaddr#)))
{-# INLINE minusOffForeignPtr #-}

-- | Same as `minusOffForeignPtr`, but will also return the remainder in bytes that is
-- left over.
-- @since 0.1.0
minusOffRemForeignPtr :: Prim e => ForeignPtr e -> ForeignPtr e -> (Off e, Off Word8)
minusOffRemForeignPtr (ForeignPtr xaddr# _) (ForeignPtr yaddr# _) =
  fromByteOffRem (Off (I# (xaddr# `minusAddr#` yaddr#)))
{-# INLINE minusOffRemForeignPtr #-}