{-# LANGUAGE MagicHash #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UnboxedTuples #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveTraversable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}

-- |
-- Module : Data.Primitive.SmallArray
-- Copyright: (c) 2015 Dan Doel
-- License: BSD3
-- Maintainer: libraries@haskell.org
-- Portability: non-portable
-- Small arrays are boxed (im)mutable arrays.
-- The underlying structure of the 'Array' type contains a card table, allowing
-- segments of the array to be marked as having been mutated. This allows the
-- garbage collector to only re-traverse segments of the array that have been
-- marked during certain phases, rather than having to traverse the entire
-- array.
-- 'SmallArray' lacks this table. This means that it takes up less memory and
-- has slightly faster writes. It is also more efficient during garbage
-- collection so long as the card table would have a single entry covering the
-- entire array. These advantages make them suitable for use as arrays that are
-- known to be small.
-- The card size is 128, so for uses much larger than that, 'Array' would likely
-- be superior.
-- The underlying type, 'SmallArray#', was introduced in GHC 7.10, so prior to
-- that version, this module simply implements small arrays as 'Array'.

module Data.Primitive.SmallArray
  ( SmallArray(..)
  , SmallMutableArray(..)
  , newSmallArray
  , readSmallArray
  , writeSmallArray
  , copySmallArray
  , copySmallMutableArray
  , indexSmallArray
  , indexSmallArrayM
  , indexSmallArray##
  , cloneSmallArray
  , cloneSmallMutableArray
  , freezeSmallArray
  , unsafeFreezeSmallArray
  , thawSmallArray
  , runSmallArray
  , unsafeThawSmallArray
  , sizeofSmallArray
  , sizeofSmallMutableArray
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,14,0)
  , shrinkSmallMutableArray
  , smallArrayFromList
  , smallArrayFromListN
  , mapSmallArray'
  , traverseSmallArrayP
  ) where

#if (__GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 710)

#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,7,0)
import GHC.Exts hiding (toList)
import qualified GHC.Exts

import Control.Applicative
import Control.DeepSeq
import Control.Monad
import qualified Control.Monad.Fail as Fail
import Control.Monad.Fix
import Control.Monad.Primitive
import Control.Monad.ST
import Control.Monad.Zip
import Data.Data
import Data.Foldable as Foldable
import Data.Functor.Identity
#if !(MIN_VERSION_base(4,10,0))
import Data.Monoid
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,9,0)
import qualified GHC.ST as GHCST
import qualified Data.Semigroup as Sem
import Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,10,0)
import GHC.Exts (runRW#)
#elif MIN_VERSION_base(4,9,0)
import GHC.Base (runRW#)

import Data.Primitive.Array
import Data.Traversable
import qualified Data.Primitive.Array as Array

#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,9,0) || MIN_VERSION_transformers(0,4,0)
import Data.Functor.Classes (Eq1(..),Ord1(..),Show1(..),Read1(..))

data SmallArray a = SmallArray (SmallArray# a)
  deriving Typeable
newtype SmallArray a = SmallArray (Array a) deriving
  ( Eq
  , Ord
  , Show
  , Read
  , Foldable
  , Traversable
  , Functor
  , Applicative
  , Alternative
  , Monad
  , MonadPlus
  , MonadZip
  , MonadFix
  , Monoid
  , NFData
#if MIN_VERSION_deepseq(1,4,3)
  , NFData1
  , Typeable
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,9,0) || MIN_VERSION_transformers(0,4,0)
  , Eq1
  , Ord1
  , Show1
  , Read1

#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,7,0)
instance IsList (SmallArray a) where
  type Item (SmallArray a) = a
  fromListN n l = SmallArray (fromListN n l)
  fromList l = SmallArray (fromList l)
  toList a = Foldable.toList a

#if MIN_VERSION_deepseq(1,4,3)
instance NFData1 SmallArray where
  liftRnf r = foldl' (\_ -> r) ()

instance NFData a => NFData (SmallArray a) where
  rnf = foldl' (\_ -> rnf) ()

data SmallMutableArray s a = SmallMutableArray (SmallMutableArray# s a)
  deriving Typeable
newtype SmallMutableArray s a = SmallMutableArray (MutableArray s a)
  deriving (Eq, Typeable)

-- | Create a new small mutable array.
-- /Note:/ this function does not check if the input is non-negative.
  :: PrimMonad m
  => Int -- ^ size
  -> a   -- ^ initial contents
  -> m (SmallMutableArray (PrimState m) a)
newSmallArray (I# i#) x = primitive $ \s ->
  case newSmallArray# i# x s of
    (# s', sma# #) -> (# s', SmallMutableArray sma# #)
newSmallArray n e = SmallMutableArray `liftM` newArray n e
{-# INLINE newSmallArray #-}

-- | Read the element at a given index in a mutable array.
-- /Note:/ this function does not do bounds checking.
  :: PrimMonad m
  => SmallMutableArray (PrimState m) a -- ^ array
  -> Int                               -- ^ index
  -> m a
readSmallArray (SmallMutableArray sma#) (I# i#) =
  primitive $ readSmallArray# sma# i#
readSmallArray (SmallMutableArray a) = readArray a
{-# INLINE readSmallArray #-}

-- | Write an element at the given idex in a mutable array.
-- /Note:/ this function does not do bounds checking.
  :: PrimMonad m
  => SmallMutableArray (PrimState m) a -- ^ array
  -> Int                               -- ^ index
  -> a                                 -- ^ new element
  -> m ()
writeSmallArray (SmallMutableArray sma#) (I# i#) x =
  primitive_ $ writeSmallArray# sma# i# x
writeSmallArray (SmallMutableArray a) = writeArray a
{-# INLINE writeSmallArray #-}

-- | Look up an element in an immutable array.
-- The purpose of returning a result using a monad is to allow the caller to
-- avoid retaining references to the array. Evaluating the return value will
-- cause the array lookup to be performed, even though it may not require the
-- element of the array to be evaluated (which could throw an exception). For
-- instance:
-- > data Box a = Box a
-- > ...
-- >
-- > f sa = case indexSmallArrayM sa 0 of
-- >   Box x -> ...
-- 'x' is not a closure that references 'sa' as it would be if we instead
-- wrote:
-- > let x = indexSmallArray sa 0
-- And does not prevent 'sa' from being garbage collected.
-- Note that 'Identity' is not adequate for this use, as it is a newtype, and
-- cannot be evaluated without evaluating the element.
-- /Note:/ this function does not do bounds checking.
  :: Monad m
  => SmallArray a -- ^ array
  -> Int          -- ^ index
  -> m a
indexSmallArrayM (SmallArray sa#) (I# i#) =
  case indexSmallArray# sa# i# of
    (# x #) -> pure x
indexSmallArrayM (SmallArray a) = indexArrayM a
{-# INLINE indexSmallArrayM #-}

-- | Look up an element in an immutable array.
-- /Note:/ this function does not do bounds checking.
  :: SmallArray a -- ^ array
  -> Int          -- ^ index
  -> a
indexSmallArray sa i = runIdentity $ indexSmallArrayM sa i
indexSmallArray (SmallArray a) = indexArray a
{-# INLINE indexSmallArray #-}

-- | Read a value from the immutable array at the given index, returning
-- the result in an unboxed unary tuple. This is currently used to implement
-- folds.
indexSmallArray## :: SmallArray a -> Int -> (# a #)
indexSmallArray## (SmallArray ary) (I# i) = indexSmallArray# ary i
indexSmallArray## (SmallArray a) = indexArray## a
{-# INLINE indexSmallArray## #-}

-- | Create a copy of a slice of an immutable array.
-- /Note:/ The provided Array should contain the full subrange
-- specified by the two Ints, but this is not checked.
  :: SmallArray a -- ^ source
  -> Int          -- ^ offset
  -> Int          -- ^ length
  -> SmallArray a
cloneSmallArray (SmallArray sa#) (I# i#) (I# j#) =
  SmallArray (cloneSmallArray# sa# i# j#)
cloneSmallArray (SmallArray a) i j = SmallArray $ cloneArray a i j
{-# INLINE cloneSmallArray #-}

-- | Create a copy of a slice of a mutable array.
-- /Note:/ The provided Array should contain the full subrange
-- specified by the two Ints, but this is not checked.
  :: PrimMonad m
  => SmallMutableArray (PrimState m) a -- ^ source
  -> Int                               -- ^ offset
  -> Int                               -- ^ length
  -> m (SmallMutableArray (PrimState m) a)
cloneSmallMutableArray (SmallMutableArray sma#) (I# o#) (I# l#) =
  primitive $ \s -> case cloneSmallMutableArray# sma# o# l# s of
    (# s', smb# #) -> (# s', SmallMutableArray smb# #)
cloneSmallMutableArray (SmallMutableArray ma) i j =
  SmallMutableArray `liftM` cloneMutableArray ma i j
{-# INLINE cloneSmallMutableArray #-}

-- | Create an immutable array corresponding to a slice of a mutable array.
-- This operation copies the portion of the array to be frozen.
  :: PrimMonad m
  => SmallMutableArray (PrimState m) a -- ^ source
  -> Int                               -- ^ offset
  -> Int                               -- ^ length
  -> m (SmallArray a)
freezeSmallArray (SmallMutableArray sma#) (I# i#) (I# j#) =
  primitive $ \s -> case freezeSmallArray# sma# i# j# s of
    (# s', sa# #) -> (# s', SmallArray sa# #)
freezeSmallArray (SmallMutableArray ma) i j =
  SmallArray `liftM` freezeArray ma i j
{-# INLINE freezeSmallArray #-}

-- | Render a mutable array immutable.
-- This operation performs no copying, so care must be taken not to modify the
-- input array after freezing.
  :: PrimMonad m => SmallMutableArray (PrimState m) a -> m (SmallArray a)
unsafeFreezeSmallArray (SmallMutableArray sma#) =
  primitive $ \s -> case unsafeFreezeSmallArray# sma# s of
    (# s', sa# #) -> (# s', SmallArray sa# #)
unsafeFreezeSmallArray (SmallMutableArray ma) =
  SmallArray `liftM` unsafeFreezeArray ma
{-# INLINE unsafeFreezeSmallArray #-}

-- | Create a mutable array corresponding to a slice of an immutable array.
-- This operation copies the portion of the array to be thawed.
  :: PrimMonad m
  => SmallArray a -- ^ source
  -> Int          -- ^ offset
  -> Int          -- ^ length
  -> m (SmallMutableArray (PrimState m) a)
thawSmallArray (SmallArray sa#) (I# o#) (I# l#) =
  primitive $ \s -> case thawSmallArray# sa# o# l# s of
    (# s', sma# #) -> (# s', SmallMutableArray sma# #)
thawSmallArray (SmallArray a) off len =
  SmallMutableArray `liftM` thawArray a off len
{-# INLINE thawSmallArray #-}

-- | Render an immutable array mutable.
-- This operation performs no copying, so care must be taken with its use.
  :: PrimMonad m => SmallArray a -> m (SmallMutableArray (PrimState m) a)
unsafeThawSmallArray (SmallArray sa#) =
  primitive $ \s -> case unsafeThawSmallArray# sa# s of
    (# s', sma# #) -> (# s', SmallMutableArray sma# #)
unsafeThawSmallArray (SmallArray a) = SmallMutableArray `liftM` unsafeThawArray a
{-# INLINE unsafeThawSmallArray #-}

-- | Copy a slice of an immutable array into a mutable array.
-- /Note:/ this function does not do bounds or overlap checking.
  :: PrimMonad m
  => SmallMutableArray (PrimState m) a -- ^ destination
  -> Int                               -- ^ destination offset
  -> SmallArray a                      -- ^ source
  -> Int                               -- ^ source offset
  -> Int                               -- ^ length
  -> m ()
  (SmallMutableArray dst#) (I# do#) (SmallArray src#) (I# so#) (I# l#) =
    primitive_ $ copySmallArray# src# so# dst# do# l#
copySmallArray (SmallMutableArray dst) i (SmallArray src) = copyArray dst i src
{-# INLINE copySmallArray #-}

-- | Copy a slice of one mutable array into another.
-- /Note:/ this function does not do bounds or overlap checking.
  :: PrimMonad m
  => SmallMutableArray (PrimState m) a -- ^ destination
  -> Int                               -- ^ destination offset
  -> SmallMutableArray (PrimState m) a -- ^ source
  -> Int                               -- ^ source offset
  -> Int                               -- ^ length
  -> m ()
  (SmallMutableArray dst#) (I# do#)
  (SmallMutableArray src#) (I# so#)
  (I# l#) =
    primitive_ $ copySmallMutableArray# src# so# dst# do# l#
copySmallMutableArray (SmallMutableArray dst) i (SmallMutableArray src) =
  copyMutableArray dst i src
{-# INLINE copySmallMutableArray #-}

sizeofSmallArray :: SmallArray a -> Int
sizeofSmallArray (SmallArray sa#) = I# (sizeofSmallArray# sa#)
sizeofSmallArray (SmallArray a) = sizeofArray a
{-# INLINE sizeofSmallArray #-}

sizeofSmallMutableArray :: SmallMutableArray s a -> Int
sizeofSmallMutableArray (SmallMutableArray sa#) =
  I# (sizeofSmallMutableArray# sa#)
sizeofSmallMutableArray (SmallMutableArray ma) = sizeofMutableArray ma
{-# INLINE sizeofSmallMutableArray #-}

-- | This is the fastest, most straightforward way to traverse
-- an array, but it only works correctly with a sufficiently
-- "affine" 'PrimMonad' instance. In particular, it must only produce
-- *one* result array. 'Control.Monad.Trans.List.ListT'-transformed
-- monads, for example, will not work right at all.
  :: PrimMonad m
  => (a -> m b)
  -> SmallArray a
  -> m (SmallArray b)
traverseSmallArrayP f = \ !ary ->
    !sz = sizeofSmallArray ary
    go !i !mary
      | i == sz
      = unsafeFreezeSmallArray mary
      | otherwise
      = do
          a <- indexSmallArrayM ary i
          b <- f a
          writeSmallArray mary i b
          go (i + 1) mary
  in do
    mary <- newSmallArray sz badTraverseValue
    go 0 mary
traverseSmallArrayP f (SmallArray ar) = SmallArray `liftM` traverseArrayP f ar
{-# INLINE traverseSmallArrayP #-}

-- | Strict map over the elements of the array.
mapSmallArray' :: (a -> b) -> SmallArray a -> SmallArray b
mapSmallArray' f sa = createSmallArray (length sa) (die "mapSmallArray'" "impossible") $ \smb ->
  fix ? 0 $ \go i ->
    when (i < length sa) $ do
      x <- indexSmallArrayM sa i
      let !y = f x
      writeSmallArray smb i y *> go (i+1)
mapSmallArray' f (SmallArray ar) = SmallArray (mapArray' f ar)
{-# INLINE mapSmallArray' #-}

  :: (forall s. ST s (SmallMutableArray s a))
  -> SmallArray a
runSmallArray m = SmallArray $ runArray $
  m >>= \(SmallMutableArray mary) -> return mary

#elif !MIN_VERSION_base(4,9,0)
  :: (forall s. ST s (SmallMutableArray s a))
  -> SmallArray a
runSmallArray m = runST $ m >>= unsafeFreezeSmallArray

-- This low-level business is designed to work with GHC's worker-wrapper
-- transformation. A lot of the time, we don't actually need an Array
-- constructor. By putting it on the outside, and being careful about
-- how we special-case the empty array, we can make GHC smarter about this.
-- The only downside is that separately created 0-length arrays won't share
-- their Array constructors, although they'll share their underlying
-- Array#s.
  :: (forall s. ST s (SmallMutableArray s a))
  -> SmallArray a
runSmallArray m = SmallArray (runSmallArray# m)

  :: (forall s. ST s (SmallMutableArray s a))
  -> SmallArray# a
runSmallArray# m = case runRW# $ \s ->
  case unST m s of { (# s', SmallMutableArray mary# #) ->
  unsafeFreezeSmallArray# mary# s'} of (# _, ary# #) -> ary#

unST :: ST s a -> State# s -> (# State# s, a #)
unST (GHCST.ST f) = f


-- See the comment on runSmallArray for why we use emptySmallArray#.
  :: Int
  -> a
  -> (forall s. SmallMutableArray s a -> ST s ())
  -> SmallArray a
createSmallArray 0 _ _ = SmallArray (emptySmallArray# (# #))
createSmallArray n x f = runSmallArray $ do
  mary <- newSmallArray n x
  f mary
  pure mary

emptySmallArray# :: (# #) -> SmallArray# a
emptySmallArray# _ = case emptySmallArray of SmallArray ar -> ar
{-# NOINLINE emptySmallArray# #-}

die :: String -> String -> a
die fun problem = error $ "Data.Primitive.SmallArray." ++ fun ++ ": " ++ problem

emptySmallArray :: SmallArray a
emptySmallArray =
  runST $ newSmallArray 0 (die "emptySmallArray" "impossible")
            >>= unsafeFreezeSmallArray
{-# NOINLINE emptySmallArray #-}

infixl 1 ?
(?) :: (a -> b -> c) -> (b -> a -> c)
(?) = flip
{-# INLINE (?) #-}

noOp :: a -> ST s ()
noOp = const $ pure ()

smallArrayLiftEq :: (a -> b -> Bool) -> SmallArray a -> SmallArray b -> Bool
smallArrayLiftEq p sa1 sa2 = length sa1 == length sa2 && loop (length sa1 - 1)
  loop i
    | i < 0
    = True
    | (# x #) <- indexSmallArray## sa1 i
    , (# y #) <- indexSmallArray## sa2 i
    = p x y && loop (i-1)

#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,9,0) || MIN_VERSION_transformers(0,4,0)
-- | @since
instance Eq1 SmallArray where
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,9,0) || MIN_VERSION_transformers(0,5,0)
  liftEq = smallArrayLiftEq
  eq1 = smallArrayLiftEq (==)

instance Eq a => Eq (SmallArray a) where
  sa1 == sa2 = smallArrayLiftEq (==) sa1 sa2

instance Eq (SmallMutableArray s a) where
  SmallMutableArray sma1# == SmallMutableArray sma2# =
    isTrue# (sameSmallMutableArray# sma1# sma2#)

smallArrayLiftCompare :: (a -> b -> Ordering) -> SmallArray a -> SmallArray b -> Ordering
smallArrayLiftCompare elemCompare a1 a2 = loop 0
  mn = length a1 `min` length a2
  loop i
    | i < mn
    , (# x1 #) <- indexSmallArray## a1 i
    , (# x2 #) <- indexSmallArray## a2 i
    = elemCompare x1 x2 `mappend` loop (i+1)
    | otherwise = compare (length a1) (length a2)

#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,9,0) || MIN_VERSION_transformers(0,4,0)
-- | @since
instance Ord1 SmallArray where
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,9,0) || MIN_VERSION_transformers(0,5,0)
  liftCompare = smallArrayLiftCompare
  compare1 = smallArrayLiftCompare compare

-- | Lexicographic ordering. Subject to change between major versions.
instance Ord a => Ord (SmallArray a) where
  compare sa1 sa2 = smallArrayLiftCompare compare sa1 sa2

instance Foldable SmallArray where
  -- Note: we perform the array lookups eagerly so we won't
  -- create thunks to perform lookups even if GHC can't see
  -- that the folding function is strict.
  foldr f = \z !ary ->
      !sz = sizeofSmallArray ary
      go i
        | i == sz = z
        | (# x #) <- indexSmallArray## ary i
        = f x (go (i+1))
    in go 0
  {-# INLINE foldr #-}
  foldl f = \z !ary ->
      go i
        | i < 0 = z
        | (# x #) <- indexSmallArray## ary i
        = f (go (i-1)) x
    in go (sizeofSmallArray ary - 1)
  {-# INLINE foldl #-}
  foldr1 f = \ !ary ->
      !sz = sizeofSmallArray ary - 1
      go i =
        case indexSmallArray## ary i of
          (# x #) | i == sz -> x
                  | otherwise -> f x (go (i+1))
    in if sz < 0
       then die "foldr1" "Empty SmallArray"
       else go 0
  {-# INLINE foldr1 #-}
  foldl1 f = \ !ary ->
      !sz = sizeofSmallArray ary - 1
      go i =
        case indexSmallArray## ary i of
          (# x #) | i == 0 -> x
                  | otherwise -> f (go (i - 1)) x
    in if sz < 0
       then die "foldl1" "Empty SmallArray"
       else go sz
  {-# INLINE foldl1 #-}
  foldr' f = \z !ary ->
      go i !acc
        | i == -1 = acc
        | (# x #) <- indexSmallArray## ary i
        = go (i-1) (f x acc)
    in go (sizeofSmallArray ary - 1) z
  {-# INLINE foldr' #-}
  foldl' f = \z !ary ->
      !sz = sizeofSmallArray ary
      go i !acc
        | i == sz = acc
        | (# x #) <- indexSmallArray## ary i
        = go (i+1) (f acc x)
    in go 0 z
  {-# INLINE foldl' #-}
  null a = sizeofSmallArray a == 0
  {-# INLINE null #-}
  length = sizeofSmallArray
  {-# INLINE length #-}
  maximum ary | sz == 0   = die "maximum" "Empty SmallArray"
              | (# frst #) <- indexSmallArray## ary 0
              = go 1 frst
     sz = sizeofSmallArray ary
     go i !e
       | i == sz = e
       | (# x #) <- indexSmallArray## ary i
       = go (i+1) (max e x)
  {-# INLINE maximum #-}
  minimum ary | sz == 0   = die "minimum" "Empty SmallArray"
              | (# frst #) <- indexSmallArray## ary 0
              = go 1 frst
   where sz = sizeofSmallArray ary
         go i !e
           | i == sz = e
           | (# x #) <- indexSmallArray## ary i
           = go (i+1) (min e x)
  {-# INLINE minimum #-}
  sum = foldl' (+) 0
  {-# INLINE sum #-}
  product = foldl' (*) 1
  {-# INLINE product #-}

newtype STA a = STA {_runSTA :: forall s. SmallMutableArray# s a -> ST s (SmallArray a)}

runSTA :: Int -> STA a -> SmallArray a
runSTA !sz = \ (STA m) -> runST $ newSmallArray_ sz >>=
                        \ (SmallMutableArray ar#) -> m ar#
{-# INLINE runSTA #-}

newSmallArray_ :: Int -> ST s (SmallMutableArray s a)
newSmallArray_ !n = newSmallArray n badTraverseValue

badTraverseValue :: a
badTraverseValue = die "traverse" "bad indexing"
{-# NOINLINE badTraverseValue #-}

instance Traversable SmallArray where
  traverse f = traverseSmallArray f
  {-# INLINE traverse #-}

  :: Applicative f
  => (a -> f b) -> SmallArray a -> f (SmallArray b)
traverseSmallArray f = \ !ary ->
    !len = sizeofSmallArray ary
    go !i
      | i == len
      = pure $ STA $ \mary -> unsafeFreezeSmallArray (SmallMutableArray mary)
      | (# x #) <- indexSmallArray## ary i
      = liftA2 (\b (STA m) -> STA $ \mary ->
                  writeSmallArray (SmallMutableArray mary) i b >> m mary)
               (f x) (go (i + 1))
  in if len == 0
     then pure emptySmallArray
     else runSTA len <$> go 0
{-# INLINE [1] traverseSmallArray #-}

"traverse/ST" forall (f :: a -> ST s b). traverseSmallArray f = traverseSmallArrayP f
"traverse/IO" forall (f :: a -> IO b). traverseSmallArray f = traverseSmallArrayP f
"traverse/Id" forall (f :: a -> Identity b). traverseSmallArray f =
   (coerce :: (SmallArray a -> SmallArray (Identity b))
           -> SmallArray a -> Identity (SmallArray b)) (fmap f)

instance Functor SmallArray where
  fmap f sa = createSmallArray (length sa) (die "fmap" "impossible") $ \smb ->
    fix ? 0 $ \go i ->
      when (i < length sa) $ do
        x <- indexSmallArrayM sa i
        writeSmallArray smb i (f x) *> go (i+1)
  {-# INLINE fmap #-}

  x <$ sa = createSmallArray (length sa) x noOp

instance Applicative SmallArray where
  pure x = createSmallArray 1 x noOp

  sa *> sb = createSmallArray (la*lb) (die "*>" "impossible") $ \smb ->
    fix ? 0 $ \go i ->
      when (i < la) $
        copySmallArray smb 0 sb 0 lb *> go (i+1)
   la = length sa ; lb = length sb

  a <* b = createSmallArray (sza*szb) (die "<*" "impossible") $ \ma ->
    let fill off i e = when (i < szb) $
                         writeSmallArray ma (off+i) e >> fill off (i+1) e
        go i = when (i < sza) $ do
                 x <- indexSmallArrayM a i
                 fill (i*szb) 0 x
                 go (i+1)
     in go 0
   where sza = sizeofSmallArray a ; szb = sizeofSmallArray b

  ab <*> a = createSmallArray (szab*sza) (die "<*>" "impossible") $ \mb ->
    let go1 i = when (i < szab) $
              f <- indexSmallArrayM ab i
              go2 (i*sza) f 0
              go1 (i+1)
        go2 off f j = when (j < sza) $
              x <- indexSmallArrayM a j
              writeSmallArray mb (off + j) (f x)
              go2 off f (j + 1)
    in go1 0
   where szab = sizeofSmallArray ab ; sza = sizeofSmallArray a

instance Alternative SmallArray where
  empty = emptySmallArray

  sl <|> sr =
    createSmallArray (length sl + length sr) (die "<|>" "impossible") $ \sma ->
      copySmallArray sma 0 sl 0 (length sl)
        *> copySmallArray sma (length sl) sr 0 (length sr)

  many sa | null sa   = pure []
          | otherwise = die "many" "infinite arrays are not well defined"

  some sa | null sa   = emptySmallArray
          | otherwise = die "some" "infinite arrays are not well defined"

data ArrayStack a
  = PushArray !(SmallArray a) !(ArrayStack a)
  | EmptyStack
-- TODO: This isn't terribly efficient. It would be better to wrap
-- ArrayStack with a type like
-- data NES s a = NES !Int !(SmallMutableArray s a) !(ArrayStack a)
-- We'd copy incoming arrays into the mutable array until we would
-- overflow it. Then we'd freeze it, push it on the stack, and continue.
-- Any sufficiently large incoming arrays would go straight on the stack.
-- Such a scheme would make the stack much more compact in the case
-- of many small arrays.

instance Monad SmallArray where
  return = pure
  (>>) = (*>)

  sa >>= f = collect 0 EmptyStack (la-1)
   la = length sa
   collect sz stk i
     | i < 0 = createSmallArray sz (die ">>=" "impossible") $ fill 0 stk
     | (# x #) <- indexSmallArray## sa i
     , let sb = f x
           lsb = length sb
       -- If we don't perform this check, we could end up allocating
       -- a stack full of empty arrays if someone is filtering most
       -- things out. So we refrain from pushing empty arrays.
     = if lsb == 0
       then collect sz stk (i-1)
       else collect (sz + lsb) (PushArray sb stk) (i-1)

   fill _ EmptyStack _ = return ()
   fill off (PushArray sb sbs) smb =
     copySmallArray smb off sb 0 (length sb)
       *> fill (off + length sb) sbs smb

#if !(MIN_VERSION_base(4,13,0))
  fail = Fail.fail

instance Fail.MonadFail SmallArray where
  fail _ = emptySmallArray

instance MonadPlus SmallArray where
  mzero = empty
  mplus = (<|>)

zipW :: String -> (a -> b -> c) -> SmallArray a -> SmallArray b -> SmallArray c
zipW nm = \f sa sb -> let mn = length sa `min` length sb in
  createSmallArray mn (die nm "impossible") $ \mc ->
    fix ? 0 $ \go i -> when (i < mn) $ do
      x <- indexSmallArrayM sa i
      y <- indexSmallArrayM sb i
      writeSmallArray mc i (f x y)
      go (i+1)
{-# INLINE zipW #-}

instance MonadZip SmallArray where
  mzip = zipW "mzip" (,)
  mzipWith = zipW "mzipWith"
  {-# INLINE mzipWith #-}
  munzip sab = runST $ do
    let sz = length sab
    sma <- newSmallArray sz $ die "munzip" "impossible"
    smb <- newSmallArray sz $ die "munzip" "impossible"
    fix ? 0 $ \go i ->
      when (i < sz) $ case indexSmallArray sab i of
        (x, y) -> do writeSmallArray sma i x
                     writeSmallArray smb i y
                     go $ i+1
    (,) <$> unsafeFreezeSmallArray sma
        <*> unsafeFreezeSmallArray smb

instance MonadFix SmallArray where
  mfix f = createSmallArray (sizeofSmallArray (f err))
                            (die "mfix" "impossible") $ flip fix 0 $
    \r !i !mary -> when (i < sz) $ do
                      writeSmallArray mary i (fix (\xi -> f xi `indexSmallArray` i))
                      r (i + 1) mary
      sz = sizeofSmallArray (f err)
      err = error "mfix for Data.Primitive.SmallArray applied to strict function."

#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,9,0)
-- | @since
instance Sem.Semigroup (SmallArray a) where
  (<>) = (<|>)
  sconcat = mconcat . toList

instance Monoid (SmallArray a) where
  mempty = empty
#if !(MIN_VERSION_base(4,11,0))
  mappend = (<|>)
  mconcat l = createSmallArray n (die "mconcat" "impossible") $ \ma ->
    let go !_  [    ] = return ()
        go off (a:as) =
          copySmallArray ma off a 0 (sizeofSmallArray a) >> go (off + sizeofSmallArray a) as
     in go 0 l
   where n = sum . fmap length $ l

instance IsList (SmallArray a) where
  type Item (SmallArray a) = a
  fromListN = smallArrayFromListN
  fromList = smallArrayFromList
  toList = Foldable.toList

smallArrayLiftShowsPrec :: (Int -> a -> ShowS) -> ([a] -> ShowS) -> Int -> SmallArray a -> ShowS
smallArrayLiftShowsPrec elemShowsPrec elemListShowsPrec p sa = showParen (p > 10) $
  showString "fromListN " . shows (length sa) . showString " "
    . listLiftShowsPrec elemShowsPrec elemListShowsPrec 11 (toList sa)

-- this need to be included for older ghcs
listLiftShowsPrec :: (Int -> a -> ShowS) -> ([a] -> ShowS) -> Int -> [a] -> ShowS
listLiftShowsPrec _ sl _ = sl

instance Show a => Show (SmallArray a) where
  showsPrec p sa = smallArrayLiftShowsPrec showsPrec showList p sa

#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,9,0) || MIN_VERSION_transformers(0,4,0)
-- | @since
instance Show1 SmallArray where
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,9,0) || MIN_VERSION_transformers(0,5,0)
  liftShowsPrec = smallArrayLiftShowsPrec
  showsPrec1 = smallArrayLiftShowsPrec showsPrec showList

smallArrayLiftReadsPrec :: (Int -> ReadS a) -> ReadS [a] -> Int -> ReadS (SmallArray a)
smallArrayLiftReadsPrec _ listReadsPrec p = readParen (p > 10) . readP_to_S $ do
  () <$ string "fromListN"
  n <- readS_to_P reads
  l <- readS_to_P listReadsPrec
  return $ smallArrayFromListN n l

instance Read a => Read (SmallArray a) where
  readsPrec = smallArrayLiftReadsPrec readsPrec readList

#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,9,0) || MIN_VERSION_transformers(0,4,0)
-- | @since
instance Read1 SmallArray where
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,9,0) || MIN_VERSION_transformers(0,5,0)
  liftReadsPrec = smallArrayLiftReadsPrec
  readsPrec1 = smallArrayLiftReadsPrec readsPrec readList

smallArrayDataType :: DataType
smallArrayDataType =
  mkDataType "Data.Primitive.SmallArray.SmallArray" [fromListConstr]

fromListConstr :: Constr
fromListConstr = mkConstr smallArrayDataType "fromList" [] Prefix

instance Data a => Data (SmallArray a) where
  toConstr _ = fromListConstr
  dataTypeOf _ = smallArrayDataType
  gunfold k z c = case constrIndex c of
    1 -> k (z fromList)
    _ -> die "gunfold" "SmallArray"
  gfoldl f z m = z fromList `f` toList m

instance (Typeable s, Typeable a) => Data (SmallMutableArray s a) where
  toConstr _ = die "toConstr" "SmallMutableArray"
  gunfold _ _ = die "gunfold" "SmallMutableArray"
  dataTypeOf _ = mkNoRepType "Data.Primitive.SmallArray.SmallMutableArray"

-- | Create a 'SmallArray' from a list of a known length. If the length
--   of the list does not match the given length, this throws an exception.
smallArrayFromListN :: Int -> [a] -> SmallArray a
smallArrayFromListN n l =
  createSmallArray n
      (die "smallArrayFromListN" "uninitialized element") $ \sma ->
  let go !ix [] = if ix == n
        then return ()
        else die "smallArrayFromListN" "list length less than specified size"
      go !ix (x : xs) = if ix < n
        then do
          writeSmallArray sma ix x
          go (ix+1) xs
        else die "smallArrayFromListN" "list length greater than specified size"
  in go 0 l
smallArrayFromListN n l = SmallArray (Array.fromListN n l)

-- | Create a 'SmallArray' from a list.
smallArrayFromList :: [a] -> SmallArray a
smallArrayFromList l = smallArrayFromListN (length l) l

#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,14,0)
-- | Shrink the mutable array in place. The size given must be equal to
-- or less than the current size of the array. This is not checked.
shrinkSmallMutableArray :: PrimMonad m
  => SmallMutableArray (PrimState m) a
  -> Int
  -> m ()
{-# inline shrinkSmallMutableArray #-}
shrinkSmallMutableArray (SmallMutableArray x) (I# n) = primitive
  (\s0 -> case GHC.Exts.shrinkSmallMutableArray# x n s0 of
    s1 -> (# s1, () #)