module PrimitiveExtras.FoldMs

import PrimitiveExtras.Prelude hiding (fold, foldM)
import PrimitiveExtras.Types
import Control.Foldl
import qualified PrimitiveExtras.UnliftedArray as UA

Given a size of the array,
construct a fold, which produces an array of elements.
primArray :: Prim a => Int {-^ Array size -} -> FoldM IO a (PrimArray a)
primArray size = FoldM step init extract where
  init = Product2 0 <$> newPrimArray size
  step (Product2 index mutable) a = do
    writePrimArray mutable index a
    return (Product2 (succ index) mutable)
  extract (Product2 _ mutable) = unsafeFreezePrimArray mutable