priority-queue-0.2.1: Simple implementation of a priority queue.




class Monad m => Enqueue q m a | q -> a where


enqueue :: q -> a -> m ()

Put an item into a queue. May block while trying to do so. No constraint is placed on the behavior of the queue except that every item put in really ought to come out sometime before dequeue returns a Nothing.

enqueueBatch :: q -> [a] -> m ()


Monad m => Enqueue (PriorityQueue m a) m a 

class Monad m => Dequeue q m a | q -> a where


dequeue :: q -> m (Maybe a)

Pull an item out of a queue. Should not block. No ordering constraints are implied other than that any item that went into the queue really ought to come out before dequeue returns Nothing.

dequeueBatch :: q -> m [a]


Monad m => Dequeue (PriorityQueue m a) m a 

class Monad m => DequeueWhere q m a | q -> a where


dequeueWhere :: q -> (a -> Bool) -> m (Maybe a)

Pull an item matching the given predicate out of a queue.


class Monad m => PeekQueue q m a | q -> a where


peekQueue :: q -> m [a]

return the whole contents of the queue (if possible) without altering the queue's contents. Obviously in cases where this can't be done lazily this can be a very expensive operation.

peekQueueTaking :: Int -> q -> m [a]

peek a specified number of items off the queue. The default implementation is hideously wasteful in cases where peekQueue is not able to get the contents lazily.


Monad m => PeekQueue (PriorityQueue m a) m a 

class Monad m => QueueSize q m where


queueSize :: q -> m Int

return the number of elements in the queue


data PQ a Source

The pure type at the chewy center.

emptyPQ :: Ord p => (a -> p) -> PQ aSource

A new empty PQ

mkPriorityQueue :: ModifyRef sr m (PQ a) => sr -> PriorityQueue m aSource

Build a priority queue from a modifiable reference containing a PQ

mkDefaultPriorityQueue :: Ref m (PQ a) -> PriorityQueue m aSource

Build a priority queue using an instance of the default modifiable reference for the requested monad and value type

data PriorityQueue m a Source

A priority queue usable in the monad m with values of type a


Monad m => QueueSize (PriorityQueue m a) m 
Monad m => Enqueue (PriorityQueue m a) m a 
Monad m => Dequeue (PriorityQueue m a) m a 
Monad m => DequeueWhere (PriorityQueue m a) m a 
Monad m => PeekQueue (PriorityQueue m a) m a 

newPriorityQueue :: (Monad m, HasRef m1, NewRef (Ref m1 (PQ a)) m (PQ a), Ord p) => (a -> p) -> m (PriorityQueue m1 a)Source

Construct a new priority queue using the specified indexing function

newPriorityQueueBy :: (Monad m, HasRef m1, NewRef (Ref m1 (PQ a)) m (PQ a)) => (a -> a -> Ordering) -> m (PriorityQueue m1 a)Source

Construct a new priority queue using a comparator function. It is the user's responsibility to ensure that this function provides a sensible order.