process-streaming- Streaming interface to system processes.

Safe HaskellNone




data Piping e a Source

A Piping determines what standard streams will be piped and what to do with them.

The user doesn't need to manually set the std_in, std_out and std_err fields of the CreateProcess record to CreatePipe, this is done automatically.

A Piping is parametrized by the type e of errors that can abort the processing of the streams.


Bifunctor Piping

first is useful to massage errors.

Functor (Piping e) 

newtype Piap e a Source

An alternative to Piping for defining what to do with the standard streams. Piap is an instance of Applicative, unlike Piping.

With Piap, the standard streams are always piped. The values of std_in, std_out and std_err in the CreateProcess record are ignored.




Bifunctor Piap 
Functor (Piap e) 
Applicative (Piap e)

pure creates a Piap that writes nothing to stdin and drains stdout and stderr, discarding the data.

<*> schedules the writes to stdin sequentially, and the reads from stdout and stderr concurrently.

newtype Pump b e a Source




runPump :: Consumer b IO () -> IO (Either e a)


Bifunctor (Pump b)

first is useful to massage errors.

Functor (Pump b e) 
Applicative (Pump b e) 
Monoid a => Monoid (Pump b e a) 

newtype Siphon b e a Source

A Siphon represents a computation that completely drains a producer, but may fail early with an error of type e.


Siphon (Lift (Siphon_ b e) a) 


Bifunctor (Siphon b)

first is useful to massage errors.

Functor (Siphon b e) 
Applicative (Siphon b e)

pure creates a Siphon that does nothing besides draining the Producer.

<*> executes its arguments concurrently. The Producer is forked so that each argument receives its own copy of the data.

Monoid a => Monoid (Siphon b e a) 

runSiphon :: Siphon b e a -> Producer b IO r -> IO (Either e (a, r)) Source

runSiphonDumb :: Siphon b e a -> Producer b IO () -> IO (Either e a) Source

data Siphon_ b e a Source


Exhaustive (forall r. Producer b IO r -> IO (Either e (a, r))) 
Nonexhaustive (Producer b IO () -> IO (Either e a)) 


exhaustive :: Siphon_ b e a -> Producer b IO r -> IO (Either e (a, r)) Source

data Lines e Source

A configuration parameter used in functions that combine lines of text from multiple streams.




teardown :: (forall r. Producer Text IO r -> Producer Text IO r) -> (FreeT (Producer Text IO) IO (Producer ByteString IO ()) -> IO (Producer ByteString IO ())) -> Producer ByteString IO () -> IO (Either e ())
lineTweaker :: forall r. Producer Text IO r -> Producer Text IO r


Functor Lines

fmap maps over the encoding error.

combined :: Lines e -> Lines e -> (Producer Text IO () -> IO (Either e a)) -> Producer ByteString IO () -> Producer ByteString IO () -> IO (Either e a) Source

manyCombined :: [(FreeT (Producer Text IO) IO (Producer ByteString IO ()) -> IO (Producer ByteString IO ())) -> IO (Either e ())] -> (Producer Text IO () -> IO (Either e a)) -> IO (Either e a) Source

data Stage e Source

An individual stage in a process pipeline.
