{-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables      #-}

module Data.Memory.Debug.FFI where

import           Control.Monad
import           Foreign
import           Foreign.C
import           System.Posix.Types

import           Data.Memory.Debug.IOVec

type SSize_T = CULong

--                              process_vm_readv                              --

foreign import ccall unsafe "sys/uio.h process_vm_readv"
      :: CPid
      -> Ptr IOVec -- Local IO Vector
      -> CULong    -- Local IO Vector count
      -> Ptr IOVec -- Remote IO Vector
      -> CULong    -- Remote IO Vector count
      -> CULong    -- Flags
      -> IO SSize_T

-- | Wrapper function for process_vm_readv. No flags, only single io vectors are
-- read
  :: CPid      -- Process to read the virtual memory from
  -> Ptr Word8 -- Pointer to a on the remote side
  -> Int       -- Length from the pointer to read
  -> IO [Word8]
processVMReadV pid addr len =
  allocaBytes len $ \buf            ->
  alloca          $ \iov_local_ptr  ->
  alloca          $ \iov_remote_ptr ->
      -- Set up the local and remote IO vectors
      poke iov_local_ptr  $ IOVec buf  (fromIntegral len)
      poke iov_remote_ptr $ IOVec addr (fromIntegral len)
      print $ IOVec addr (fromIntegral len)

      -- Perform the read
      readBytes <- processVMReadV_ pid iov_local_ptr 1 iov_remote_ptr 1 0
      print readBytes

      -- Return the result
      iov_local <- peek iov_local_ptr
      result    <- peekArray (iov_len iov_local) (iov_base iov_local)

      return result

--                              process_vm_writev                             --

foreign import ccall unsafe "sys/uio.h process_vm_writev"
      :: CPid
      -> Ptr IOVec -- Local IO Vector
      -> CULong    -- Local IO Vector count
      -> Ptr IOVec -- Remote IO Vector
      -> CULong    -- Remote IO Vector count
      -> CULong    -- Flags
      -> IO SSize_T

-- | Wrapper function for process_vm_writev. No flags, only single io vectors
-- are written
  :: CPid
  -> Ptr Word8
  -> Int
  -> [Word8]
  -> IO ()
processVMWriteV pid addr len xs =
  allocaBytes len $ \buf            ->
  alloca          $ \iov_local_ptr  ->
  alloca          $ \iov_remote_ptr ->
      pokeArray buf xs

       -- Set up the local and remote IO vectors
      poke iov_local_ptr  $ IOVec buf  (fromIntegral len)
      poke iov_remote_ptr $ IOVec addr (fromIntegral len)
      print $ IOVec addr (fromIntegral len)

      -- Perform the write
      writtenBytes <- processVMWriteV_ pid iov_local_ptr 1 iov_remote_ptr 1 0

      return ()