proctest- An IO library for testing interactive command line programs

Safe HaskellSafe-Infered




An IO library for testing interactive command line programs.

Read this first:


Let's say you want to test an interactive command line program like cat, and integrate your test into a test framework like Test.HSpec, using Test.HSpec.HUnit for the IO parts (remember that Proctest is stateful IO).

 main = hspec $ describe "cat" $ do

   it "prints out what we put in" $ do

     -- Start up the program to test
     (hIn, hOut, hErr, p) <- run "cat" []

     -- Make sure buffering doesn't prevent us from reading what we expect
     -- ('run' sets LineBuffering by default)
     setBuffering NoBuffering [hIn, hOut]

     -- Communicate with the program
     hPutStrLn hIn "hello world"

     -- Define a convenient wrapper around 'waitOutput'.
     -- It specifies how long we have to wait
     -- (malfunctioning programs shall not block automated testing for too long)
     -- and how many bytes we are sure the expected response fits into
     -- (malfunctioning programs shall not flood us with garbage either).
     let catWait h = asUtf8Str <$> waitOutput (seconds 0.01) 1000 h -- Wait max 10 ms, 1000 bytes

     -- Wait a little to allow `cat` processing the input
     sleep (seconds 0.00001)

     -- Read the response
     response <- catWait hOut

     -- Test if it is what we want (here using HUnit's 'expectEqual')
     response @?= "hello world\n"


String conversion

asUtf8 :: ByteString -> TextSource

Treats a ByteString as UTF-8 decoded Text.

asUtf8Str :: ByteString -> StringSource

Treats a ByteString as UTF-8 decoded String.

Running and stopping programs

run :: FilePath -> [String] -> IO (Handle, Handle, Handle, ProcessHandle)Source

Runs a program with the given arguemtns.

Returns (stdout, stderr, stdin, process). See runInteractiveProcess.

Directly runs the process, does not use a shell.

Sets the 'BufferMode to LineBuffering.

terminateProcesses :: [ProcessHandle] -> IO ()Source

Terminates all processes in the list.

closeHandles :: [Handle] -> IO ()Source

Closes all handles in the list.


data Timeout Source

A microsecnd timeout, or NoTimeout.



data InvalidTimeoutError Source

An error to be thrown if something is to be converted into timeout that does not fit into Int.

mkTimeoutUs :: Integer -> TimeoutSource

Turns the given number of microsecnds into a Timeout.

Throws an exception on Int overflow.

mkTimeoutMs :: Integral a => a -> TimeoutSource

Turns the given number of milliseconds into a Timeout.

Throws an exception on Int overflow.

mkTimeoutS :: Integral a => a -> TimeoutSource

Turns the given number of seconds into a Timeout.

Throws an exception on Int overflow.

seconds :: Float -> TimeoutSource

Turns floating seconds into a Timeout.

Throws an exception on Int overflow.

Example: (seconds 0.2) are roughly Micros 200000.

Communicating with programs

data TimeoutException Source

Exception to be thrown when a program did not terminate within the expected time.



:: Timeout

Timeout after which reading output will be aborted.

-> Int

Maximum number of bytes after which reading output will be aborted.

-> Handle

The handle to read from.

-> IO ByteString

What was read from the handle.

Blocking wait for output on the given handle.

Throws a TimeoutException if the timeout is exceeded.

Based on waitOutputNoEx.



:: Timeout

Timeout after which reading output will be aborted.

-> Int

Maximum number of bytes after which reading output will be aborted.

-> Handle

The handle to read from.

-> IO (Maybe ByteString)

What was read from the handle.

Blocking wait for output on the given handle.

Returns Nothing timeout is exceeded.

setBuffering :: BufferMode -> [Handle] -> IO ()Source

Sets the buffering of the all given handles to the given BufferMode.

sleep :: Timeout -> IO ()Source

Suspends execution for the given timeout; uses threadDelay internally. For NoTimeout, threadDelay will not be called.

Convenience module exports

module System.IO