product-profunctors- product-profunctors
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred




genericAdaptor :: GAdaptable p a b c => a -> p b c Source #

Generic adaptor.

genericAdaptor :: ProductProfunctor p =>
                  Adaptor p (Foo (p a a') (p b b') (p c c'))
genericAdaptor :: ProductProfunctor p =>
                  Foo (p a a') (p b b') (p c c') -> p (Foo a b c) (Foo a' b' c')

type Adaptor p a = a -> p (Unzip 'Fst a) (Unzip 'Snd a) Source #

A type synonym to shorten the signature of an adaptor.

Adaptor p (Foo (p a a') (p b b') (p c c'))
Foo (p a a') (p b b') (p c c') -> p (Foo a b c) (Foo a' b' c')


type GAdaptable p a b c = (Generic a, Generic b, Generic c, GUnzip 'Fst (Rep a) ~ Rep b, GUnzip 'Snd (Rep a) ~ Rep c, GAdaptor p (Rep a)) Source #

A constraint synonym on generic types for which an adaptor can be defined generically.

data Select Source #

A flag denoting a type-level field accessor.



class Unzippable (a :: k) Source #

A type like

T = Foo (p a a') (p b b') (p c c')

can be unzipped to

Unzip 'Fst T = Foo a  b  c
Unzip 'Snd T = Foo a' b' c'

This defines the type family Unzip with versions of GHC older than 8.0.1. For 8.0.1 and newer versions, Unzip is an independent type family and Unzippable is just an empty class for backwards compatibility.

type family Unzip (z :: Select) (a :: k) :: k where ... Source #


Unzip z (f a) = Unzip' z f (Project z a) 
Unzip z a = a 

type family Unzip' (z :: Select) (a :: k) :: k where ... Source #

A hack to enable kind-polymorphic recursion.


Unzip' z a = Unzip z a 

class TypePair a Source #

A type p a b can be seen as a type-level pair '(a, b).

Associated Types

type Project (z :: Select) a Source #

This type synonym extracts a component, a or b, of that pair p a b.


Instances details
TypePair (p a b :: Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Profunctor.Product.Internal.Adaptor

Associated Types

type Project z (p a b) Source #

type family GUnzip (z :: Select) (f :: * -> *) :: * -> * Source #

Unzips the types of fields of a record.

            T = (M1 _ _ (K1 _ (p c1 c2))) :*: (M1 _ _ (K1 _ (p d1 d2)))
GUnzip 'Fst T = (M1 _ _ (K1 _    c1    )) :*: (M1 _ _ (K1 _    d1    ))
GUnzip 'Snd T = (M1 _ _ (K1 _       c2 )) :*: (M1 _ _ (K1 _       d2 ))


Instances details
type GUnzip z (f :*: g) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Profunctor.Product.Internal.Adaptor

type GUnzip z (f :*: g) = GUnzip z f :*: GUnzip z g
type GUnzip z (K1 i c :: Type -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Profunctor.Product.Internal.Adaptor

type GUnzip z (K1 i c :: Type -> Type) = K1 i (Project z c) :: Type -> Type
type GUnzip z (M1 i c f) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Profunctor.Product.Internal.Adaptor

type GUnzip z (M1 i c f) = M1 i c (GUnzip z f)

class Profunctor p => GAdaptor p f | f -> p where Source #

Adaptors over generic representations of types.


gAdaptor :: f a -> p (GUnzip 'Fst f a) (GUnzip 'Snd f a) Source #


Instances details
(ProductProfunctor p, GAdaptor p f, GAdaptor p g) => GAdaptor p (f :*: g) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Profunctor.Product.Internal.Adaptor


gAdaptor :: (f :*: g) a -> p (GUnzip 'Fst (f :*: g) a) (GUnzip 'Snd (f :*: g) a) Source #

Profunctor p => GAdaptor p (K1 i (p a b) :: Type -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Profunctor.Product.Internal.Adaptor


gAdaptor :: K1 i (p a b) a0 -> p (GUnzip 'Fst (K1 i (p a b)) a0) (GUnzip 'Snd (K1 i (p a b)) a0) Source #

GAdaptor p f => GAdaptor p (M1 i c f) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Profunctor.Product.Internal.Adaptor


gAdaptor :: M1 i c f a -> p (GUnzip 'Fst (M1 i c f) a) (GUnzip 'Snd (M1 i c f) a) Source #