product-profunctors-0.6: product-profunctors

Safe HaskellNone



If you have a data declaration which is a polymorphic product, for example

data Foo a b c = Foo a b c


data Foo a b c = Foo { foo :: a, bar :: b, baz :: c }

then you can use Template Haskell to automatically derive the product-profunctor Default instances and product-profunctor "adaptor" with the following import and splice:

import Data.Profunctor.Product (p<n>)

$(makeAdaptorAndInstance "pFoo" ''Foo)
  • <n> is the number of fields in your record, so for Foo <n> would be 3.
  • The adaptor for a type Foo is by convention called pFoo, but in practice you can call it anything.

Notice that currently the Template Haskell requires you import pn manually. This is because it is badly written and this restriction will go away in a future release.

The instance generated will be

instance (ProductProfunctor p, Default p a a', Default p b b', Default p c c')
      => Default p (Foo a b c) (Foo a' b' c')

and pFoo will have the type

pFoo :: ProductProfunctor p =>
        Foo (p a a') (p b b') (p c c') -> p (Foo a b c) (Foo a' b' c')


xTuple :: ([Pat] -> Pat) -> ([Exp] -> Exp) -> (Name, Int) -> Dec Source

o :: Exp -> Exp -> Exp Source

appEAll :: Exp -> [Exp] -> Exp Source