{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric         #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE QuantifiedConstraints #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes            #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections         #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators         #-}
module Data.Profunctor.Optic.Iso (
    -- * Types
  , Equality'
  , Iso
  , Iso'
  , iso
  , isoVl
  , fmapping
  , contramapping
  , dimapping
  , toYoneda
  , toCoyoneda
  , cloneIso
    -- * Optics
  , equaled
  , coerced
  , wrapped
  , rewrapped
  , rewrapped'
  , generic
  , generic1
  , adjuncted
  , tabulated
  , transposed
  , flipped
  , curried
  , unzipped
  , cozipped
  , swapped
  , coswapped
  , associated
  , coassociated
  , involuted
  , anon
  , non
    -- * Primitive operators
  , withIso
    -- * Operators
  , invert
  , reover
  , op
  , au
  , aup
  , ala
    -- * Auxilliary Types
  , Re(..)
) where

import Control.Newtype.Generics (Newtype(..), op)
import Data.Coerce
import Data.Functor.Adjunction hiding (adjuncted)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Profunctor.Optic.Carrier
import Data.Profunctor.Optic.Import
import Data.Profunctor.Optic.Combinator
import Data.Profunctor.Optic.Types
import Data.Profunctor.Yoneda (Coyoneda(..), Yoneda(..))

import qualified Data.Functor.Rep as F
import qualified Control.Monad as M (join)
import qualified GHC.Generics as G

-- $setup
-- >>> :set -XNoOverloadedStrings
-- >>> :set -XTypeApplications
-- >>> :set -XAllowAmbiguousTypes
-- >>> import Data.Monoid
-- >>> import Data.List.Index
-- >>> import Data.Semiring
-- >>> import Data.Functor.Identity
-- >>> import Data.Functor.Const
-- >>> import Data.Profunctor.Types
-- >>> :load Data.Profunctor.Optic

-- 'Iso' 

-- | Obtain an 'Iso' from two inverses.
-- @
-- o . 're' o ≡ 'id'
-- 're' o . o ≡ 'id'
-- 'Data.Profunctor.Optic.View.view' o ('Data.Profunctor.Optic.View.review' o b) ≡ b
-- 'Data.Profunctor.Optic.View.review' o ('Data.Profunctor.Optic.View.view' o s) ≡ s
-- @
-- /Caution/: In order for the generated optic to be well-defined,
-- you must ensure that the input functions satisfy the following
-- properties:
-- * @sa . bt ≡ id@
-- * @bt . sa ≡ id@
-- More generally, a profunctor optic must be monoidal as a natural 
-- transformation:
-- * @o id ≡ id@
-- * @o ('Data.Profunctor.Composition.Procompose' p q) ≡ 'Data.Profunctor.Composition.Procompose' (o p) (o q)@
-- See 'Data.Profunctor.Optic.Property'.
iso :: (s -> a) -> (b -> t) -> Iso s t a b
iso = dimap
{-# INLINE iso #-}

-- | Transform a Van Laarhoven 'Iso' into a profunctor 'Iso'.
isoVl :: (forall f g. Functor f => Functor g => (g a -> f b) -> g s -> f t) -> Iso s t a b
isoVl abst = iso f g
  where f = getConst . (abst (Const . runIdentity)) . Identity
        g = runIdentity . (abst (Identity . getConst)) . Const
{-# INLINE isoVl #-}

-- | Lift an 'Iso' into a pair of functors.
fmapping :: Functor f => Functor g => AIso s t a b -> Iso (f s) (g t) (f a) (g b)
fmapping l = withIso l $ \sa bt -> iso (fmap sa) (fmap bt)
{-# INLINE fmapping #-}

-- | Lift an 'Iso' into a pair of 'Contravariant' functors.
-- @
-- contramapping :: 'Contravariant' f => 'Iso' s t a b -> 'Iso' (f a) (f b) (f s) (f t)
-- @
contramapping :: Contravariant f => Contravariant g => AIso s t a b -> Iso (f a) (g b) (f s) (g t)
contramapping f = withIso f $ \sa bt -> iso (contramap sa) (contramap bt)
{-# INLINE contramapping #-}

-- | Lift a pair of 'Iso's into a pair of profunctors. 
dimapping :: Profunctor p => Profunctor q => AIso s1 t1 a1 b1 -> AIso s2 t2 a2 b2 -> Iso (p a1 s2) (q b1 t2) (p s1 a2) (q t1 b2)
dimapping f g = withIso f $ \sa1 bt1 -> withIso g $ \sa2 bt2 -> iso (dimap sa1 sa2) (dimap bt1 bt2)
{-# INLINE dimapping #-}

-- | Lift an 'Iso' into a 'Yoneda'.
toYoneda :: Profunctor p => Iso s t a b -> p a b -> Yoneda p s t
toYoneda o p = withIso o $ \sa bt -> Yoneda $ \f g -> dimap (sa . f) (g . bt) p
{-# INLINE toYoneda #-}

-- | Lift an 'Iso' into a 'Coyoneda'.
toCoyoneda :: Iso s t a b -> p a b -> Coyoneda p s t
toCoyoneda o p = withIso o $ \sa bt -> Coyoneda sa bt p
{-# INLINE toCoyoneda #-}

-- | Convert from 'AIso' back to any 'Iso'.
cloneIso :: AIso s t a b -> Iso s t a b
cloneIso k = withIso k iso
{-# INLINE cloneIso #-}

-- Optics

-- | Obtain an 'Iso'' directly from type equality constraints.
-- >>> :t (^. equaled)
-- (^. equaled) :: b -> b
equaled :: s ~ a => t ~ b => Iso s t a b
equaled = id
{-# INLINE equaled #-}

-- | Obtain an 'Iso' from data types that are representationally equal.
-- >>> view coerced 'x' :: Identity Char
-- Identity 'x'
coerced :: Coercible s a => Coercible t b => Iso s t a b
coerced = dimap coerce coerce
{-# INLINE coerced #-}

-- | Obtain an 'Iso' from a newtype.
-- @
-- 'Data.Profunctor.Optic.View.view' 'wrapped' f '.' f ≡ 'id'
-- f '.' 'Data.Profunctor.Optic.View.view' 'wrapped' f ≡ 'id'
-- @
-- >>> view wrapped $ Identity 'x'
-- 'x'
-- >>> view wrapped (Const "hello")
-- "hello"
wrapped :: Newtype s => Iso' s (O s)
wrapped = dimap unpack pack
{-# INLINE wrapped #-}

-- | Work between newtype wrappers.
-- >>> Const "hello" & rewrapped ..~ Prelude.length & getConst
-- 5
rewrapped :: Newtype s => Newtype t => Iso s t (O s) (O t)
rewrapped = withIso wrapped $ \ sa _ -> withIso wrapped $ \ _ bt -> iso sa bt
{-# INLINE rewrapped #-}

-- | Variant of 'rewrapped' that ignores its argument.
rewrapped' :: Newtype s => Newtype t => (O s -> s) -> Iso s t (O s) (O t)
rewrapped' _ = rewrapped
{-# INLINE rewrapped' #-}

-- | Obtain an 'Iso' from a 'Generic' representation.
-- >>> view (generic . re generic) "hello" :: String
-- "hello"
generic :: G.Generic a => G.Generic b => Iso a b (G.Rep a c) (G.Rep b c)
generic = iso G.from G.to
{-# INLINE generic #-}

-- | Obtain an 'Iso' from a 'Generic1' representation.
generic1 :: G.Generic1 f => G.Generic1 g => Iso (f a) (g b) (G.Rep1 f a) (G.Rep1 g b)
generic1 = iso G.from1 G.to1
{-# INLINE generic1 #-}

-- | Obtain an 'Iso' from a functor and its adjoint.
-- Useful for converting between lens-like optics and grate-like optics:
-- @
-- 'Data.Profunctor.Optic.Setter.over' 'adjuncted' :: 'Adjunction' f u => ((a -> u b) -> s -> u t) -> (f a -> b) -> f s -> t
-- @
adjuncted :: Adjunction f u => Iso (f a -> b) (f s -> t) (a -> u b) (s -> u t)
adjuncted = iso leftAdjunct rightAdjunct
{-# INLINE adjuncted #-}

-- | Obtain an 'Iso' from a functor and its function representation.
tabulated :: F.Representable f => F.Representable g => Iso (f a) (g b) (F.Rep f -> a) (F.Rep g -> b)
tabulated = iso F.index F.tabulate
{-# INLINE tabulated #-}

-- | TODO: Document
transposed :: Functor f => Distributive g => Iso (f (g a)) (g (f a)) (g (f a)) (f (g a))
transposed = involuted distribute
{-# INLINE transposed #-}

-- | Flip two arguments of a function.
-- >>> (view flipped (,)) 1 2
-- (2,1)
flipped :: Iso (a -> b -> c) (d -> e -> f) (b -> a -> c) (e -> d -> f)
flipped = iso flip flip
{-# INLINE flipped #-}

-- | Curry a function.
-- >>> (fst ^. invert curried) 3 4
-- 3
curried :: Iso (a -> b -> c) (d -> e -> f) ((a , b) -> c) ((d , e) -> f)
curried = iso uncurry curry
{-# INLINE curried #-}

-- | A right adjoint admits an intrinsic notion of zipping.
unzipped :: Adjunction f u => Iso (u a , u b) (u c , u d) (u (a , b)) (u (c , d))
unzipped = iso zipR unzipR
{-# INLINE unzipped #-}

-- | A left adjoint must be inhabited by exactly one element.
cozipped :: Adjunction f u => Iso ((f a) + (f b)) ((f c) + (f d)) (f (a + b)) (f (c + d))
cozipped = iso uncozipL cozipL
{-# INLINE cozipped #-}

-- | Swap sides of a product.
swapped :: Iso (a , b) (c , d) (b , a) (d , c)
swapped = iso swap swap
{-# INLINE swapped #-}

-- | Swap sides of a sum.
coswapped :: Iso (a + b) (c + d) (b + a) (d + c)
coswapped = iso eswap eswap
{-# INLINE coswapped #-}

-- | 'Iso' defined by left-association of nested tuples.
associated :: Iso (a , (b , c)) (d , (e , f)) ((a , b) , c) ((d , e) , f)
associated = iso assocl assocr
{-# INLINE associated #-}

-- | 'Iso' defined by left-association of nested tuples.
coassociated :: Iso (a + (b + c)) (d + (e + f)) ((a + b) + c) ((d + e) + f)
coassociated = iso eassocl eassocr
{-# INLINE coassociated #-}

-- | Obtain an 'Iso' from a function that is its own inverse.
-- @
-- 'involuted' ≡ 'Control.Monad.join' 'iso'
-- @
-- >>> "live" ^. involuted reverse
-- "evil"
-- >>> involuted reverse ..~ ('d':) $ "live"
-- "lived"
involuted :: (s -> a) -> Iso s a a s
involuted = M.join iso
{-# INLINE involuted #-}

-- | Generalize @'non' a@ to take any value and a predicate.
-- Assumes that @p a@ holds @'True'@ and generates an isomorphism between @'Maybe' (a | 'not' (p a))@ and @a@.
anon :: a -> (a -> Bool) -> Iso' (Maybe a) a
anon a p = iso (fromMaybe a) go where
  go b | p b       = Nothing
       | otherwise = Just b
{-# INLINE anon #-}

-- | Remove a single value from a type.
-- >>> review (non "foo") "foo"
-- Nothing
-- >>> review (non "foo") "foobar"
-- Just "foobar"
non :: Eq a => a -> Iso' (Maybe a) a
non def = iso (fromMaybe def) g
  where g a | a == def  = Nothing
            | otherwise = Just a
{-# INLINE non #-}

-- Operators

-- | Invert an isomorphism.
-- @
-- 'invert' ('invert' o) ≡ o
-- @
invert :: AIso s t a b -> Iso b a t s
invert o = withIso o $ \sa bt -> iso bt sa
{-# INLINE invert #-}

-- | Given a conversion on one side of an 'Iso', recover the other.
-- @
-- 'reover' ≡ 'over' '.' 're'
-- @
-- Compare 'Data.Profunctor.Optic.Setter.over'.
reover :: AIso s t a b -> (t -> s) -> b -> a
reover o = withIso o $ \sa bt ts -> sa . ts . bt
{-# INLINE reover #-}

-- | Based on /ala/ from Conor McBride's work on Epigram.
-- This version is generalized to accept any 'Iso', not just a @newtype@.
-- >>> au (rewrapped' Sum) foldMap [1,2,3,4]
-- 10
-- You may want to think of this combinator as having the following, simpler type:
-- @
-- 'au' :: 'AIso' s t a b -> ((b -> t) -> e -> s) -> e -> a
-- @
au :: Functor f => AIso s t a b -> ((b -> t) -> f s) -> f a
au k = withIso k $ \ sa bt f -> fmap sa (f bt)
{-# INLINE au #-}

-- | Variant of 'au' for profunctors. 
-- @
-- 'flip' 'aup' 'runStar' :: Functor f => AIso s t a (f a) -> Star f c s -> c -> t
-- @
aup :: Profunctor p => Functor f => AIso s t a b -> (p c a -> f b) -> p c s -> f t
aup o = withIso o $ \sa bt f g -> fmap bt (f (rmap sa g))
{-# INLINE aup #-}

-- | This combinator is based on @ala@ from Conor McBride's work on Epigram.
-- As with 'rewrapped'', the user supplied function for the newtype is /ignored/.
-- >>> ala Sum foldMap [1,2,3,4]
-- 10
-- >>> ala All foldMap [True,True]
-- True
-- >>> ala All foldMap [True,False]
-- False
-- >>> ala Any foldMap [False,False]
-- False
-- >>> ala Any foldMap [True,False]
-- True
-- >>> ala Product foldMap [1,2,3,4]
-- 24
-- @
-- 'ala' :: 'Newtype' s => 'Newtype' t => ('O' s -> s) -> (('O' t -> t) -> e -> s) -> e -> O s
-- @
ala :: Newtype s => Newtype t => Functor f => (O s -> s) -> ((O t -> t) -> f s) -> f (O s)
ala = au . rewrapped'
{-# INLINE ala #-}